blob: 79c01a079d840239dd4d20b00eb9fbae350849fe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package starlarkproto
import (
// Message is a Starlark value that implements a struct-like type structured
// like a protobuf message.
// Implements starlark.Value, starlark.HasAttrs, starlark.HasSetField and
// starlark.Comparable interfaces.
// Can be instantiated through Loader as loader.MessageType(...).Message() or
// loader.MessageType(...).MessageFromProto(p).
// TODO(vadimsh): Currently not safe for a cross-goroutine use without external
// locking, even when frozen, due to lazy initialization of default fields on
// first access.
type Message struct {
typ *MessageType // type information
fields starlark.StringDict // populated fields, keyed by proto field name
frozen bool // true after Freeze()
var (
_ starlark.Value = (*Message)(nil)
_ starlark.HasAttrs = (*Message)(nil)
_ starlark.HasSetField = (*Message)(nil)
_ starlark.Comparable = (*Message)(nil)
// Public API used by the hosting environment.
// MessageType returns type information about this message.
func (m *Message) MessageType() *MessageType {
return m.typ
// ToProto returns a new populated proto message of an appropriate type.
func (m *Message) ToProto() proto.Message {
msg := dynamicpb.NewMessage(m.typ.desc)
for k, v := range m.fields {
assign(msg, m.typ.fields[k], v)
return msg
// FromDict populates fields of this message based on values in an iterable
// mapping (usually a starlark.Dict).
// Doesn't reset the message. Basically does this:
// for k in d:
// setattr(msg, k, d[k])
// Returns an error on type mismatch.
func (m *Message) FromDict(d starlark.IterableMapping) error {
iter := d.Iterate()
defer iter.Done()
var k starlark.Value
for iter.Next(&k) {
key, ok := k.(starlark.String)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("got %s dict key, want string", k.Type())
v, _, _ := d.Get(k)
if err := m.SetField(key.GoString(), v); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// HasProtoField returns true if the message has the given field initialized.
func (m *Message) HasProtoField(name string) bool {
// If the field was set through Starlark already, it exists. This also covers
// "selected" oneof alternatives.
if _, ok := m.fields[name]; ok {
return true
// Check we have this field defined in the schema at all.
fd, err := m.fieldDesc(name)
if err != nil {
return false
// If this is a part of some oneof set, the field is assumed set only if it
// was explicitly initialized in Starlark (already checked above). So if we
// are here, then this particular oneof alternative wasn't used.
if fd.ContainingOneof() != nil {
return false
// Repeated and map fields are assumed to be always preset. They just may be
// empty.
if fd.IsList() || fd.IsMap() {
return true
// Singular message-typed fields are set only if they were explicitly
// initialized (and if we are here, they were not).
if kind := fd.Kind(); kind == protoreflect.MessageKind || kind == protoreflect.GroupKind {
return false
// Singular fields of primitive types are always set, since there's no way to
// distinguish fields initialized with a default value from unset fields.
return true
// Basic starlark.Value interface.
// String returns compact text serialization of this message.
func (m *Message) String() string {
raw := m.ToProto().(interface{ String() string }).String()
formatted, err := parser.FormatWithConfig([]byte(raw), parser.Config{
SkipAllColons: true,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("<bad proto: %q>", err)
return strings.TrimSpace(string(formatted))
// Type returns full proto message name.
func (m *Message) Type() string {
// The receiver is nil when doing type checks with starlark.UnpackArgs. It
// asks the nil message for its type for the error message.
if m == nil {
return "proto.Message"
return fmt.Sprintf("proto.Message<%s>", m.typ.desc.FullName())
// Freeze makes this message immutable.
func (m *Message) Freeze() {
if !m.frozen {
m.frozen = true
// Truth always returns True.
func (m *Message) Truth() starlark.Bool { return starlark.True }
// Hash returns an error, indicating proto messages are not hashable.
func (m *Message) Hash() (uint32, error) {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("proto messages (and %s in particular) are not hashable", m.Type())
// HasAttrs and HasSetField interfaces that make the message look like a struct.
// Attr is called when a field is read from Starlark code.
func (m *Message) Attr(name string) (starlark.Value, error) {
return m.attrImpl(name, true)
// attrImpl is the actual implementation of Attr.
// 'mut' controls how attrImpl behaves if 'name' field is not set.
// If 'mut' is true, the field will be set to its default value and this value
// is returned. This updates 'm' as a side effect.
// If 'mut' is false, and the field is not message-valued, its default value
// is returned (but 'm' itself is not updated). This applies to repeated fields
// and maps as well. But if the field is message-valued, None is returned.
func (m *Message) attrImpl(name string, mut bool) (starlark.Value, error) {
// If the field was set through Starlark already, return its value right away.
val, ok := m.fields[name]
if ok {
return val, nil
// Check we have this field at all.
fd, err := m.fieldDesc(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If this is one alternative of some oneof field, do NOT instantiate it.
// This is needed to make sure callers are explicitly picking a oneof
// alternative by assigning a value to it, rather than have it be picked
// implicitly be reading an attribute (which is weird).
if fd.ContainingOneof() != nil {
return starlark.None, nil
// Don't auto-initialize message-valued fields if 'mut' is false. This case is
// special because 'm.msg = Msg{}' and 'm.msg = None' lead to observably
// different outcomes and we should account for that in 'messagesEqual'.
if !mut && !fd.IsList() && !fd.IsMap() &&
(fd.Kind() == protoreflect.MessageKind || fd.Kind() == protoreflect.GroupKind) {
return starlark.None, nil
// If this is not a oneof field, auto-initialize it to its default value. In
// particular this is important when chaining through fields `a.b.c.d`. We
// want intermediates to be silently auto-initialized.
// Note that lazy initialization of fields is an implementation detail. This
// is significant when considering frozen messages. From the caller's point of
// view, all fields had had their default values even before the object was
// frozen. So we lazy-initialize the field, even if the message is frozen, but
// make sure the new field is frozen itself too.
// TODO(vadimsh): This is not thread safe and should be improved if a frozen
// *Message is shared between goroutines. Generally frozen values are
// assumed to be safe for cross-goroutine use, which is not the case here.
// If this becomes important, we can force-initialize and freeze all default
// fields in Freeze(), but this is generally expensive.
def := toStarlark(m.typ.loader, fd, fd.Default())
if mut {
if m.frozen {
m.fields[name] = def
return def, nil
// AttrNames lists available attributes.
func (m *Message) AttrNames() []string {
return m.typ.keys
// SetField is called when a field is assigned to from Starlark code.
func (m *Message) SetField(name string, val starlark.Value) error {
// Check we have this field defined in the message.
fd, err := m.fieldDesc(name)
if err != nil {
return err
// Setting a field to None removes it completely.
if val == starlark.None {
if err := m.checkMutable(); err != nil {
return err
delete(m.fields, name)
return nil
// Check the type, do implicit type casts.
rhs, err := prepareRHS(m.typ.loader, fd, val)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't assign %s to field %q in %s: %s", val.Type(), name, m.Type(), err)
if err := m.checkMutable(); err != nil {
return err
m.fields[name] = rhs
// When assigning to a oneof alternative, clear its all other alternatives.
if oneof := fd.ContainingOneof(); oneof != nil {
alts := oneof.Fields()
for i := 0; i < alts.Len(); i++ {
if altfd := alts.Get(i); altfd != fd {
delete(m.fields, string(altfd.Name()))
return nil
// Comparable interface to implement '==' and '!='.
// CompareSameType does 'm <op> y' comparison.
func (m *Message) CompareSameType(op syntax.Token, y starlark.Value, depth int) (bool, error) {
switch op {
case syntax.EQL:
return messagesEqual(m, y.(*Message), depth)
case syntax.NEQ:
eq, err := messagesEqual(m, y.(*Message), depth)
return !eq, err
return false, fmt.Errorf("%q is not implemented for %s", op, m.Type())
// messagesEqual compares two messages by value, recursively.
func messagesEqual(l, r *Message, depth int) (bool, error) {
switch {
case l == r:
return true, nil // equal by identity
case l.typ != r.typ:
return false, nil // messages of different types are never equal
// We go through attrImpl(...) to correctly handle default values and oneof's.
// We don't want to mutate messages though.
for _, key := range l.typ.keys {
lv, err := l.attrImpl(key, false)
if err != nil {
return false, err
rv, err := r.attrImpl(key, false)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if eq, err := starlark.EqualDepth(lv, rv, depth-1); !eq || err != nil {
return false, err
return true, nil
// fieldDesc returns FieldDescriptor of the corresponding field or an error
// message if there's no such field defined in the proto schema.
func (m *Message) fieldDesc(name string) (protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, error) {
switch fd := m.typ.fields[name]; {
case fd != nil:
return fd, nil
case m.typ.desc.IsPlaceholder():
// This happens if 'm' lacks type information because its descriptor wasn't
// in any of the sets passed to loader.AddDescriptorSet(...). This should
// not really be happening since AddDescriptorSet(...) checks that all
// references are resolved. But handle this case anyway for a clearer error
// message if some unnoticed edge case pops up.
return nil, fmt.Errorf("internal error: descriptor of %s is not available, can't use this type", m.Type())
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s has no field %q", m.Type(), name)
// checkMutable returns an error if the message is frozen.
func (m *Message) checkMutable() error {
if m.frozen {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot modify frozen %s", m.Type())
return nil