blob: e2a103ac6b40b456fd32748ef42764c2d38dedf1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package footer
import (
. ""
func TestNormalizeKey(t *testing.T) {
Convey("NormalizeKey", t, func() {
Convey("Remove surrounding whitespace", func() {
So(NormalizeKey(" R "), ShouldEqual, "R")
Convey("Convert key to title case", func() {
So(NormalizeKey("BUG"), ShouldEqual, "Bug")
So(NormalizeKey("GIT-FOOTER"), ShouldEqual, "Git-Footer")
So(NormalizeKey("GiT-fOoTeR"), ShouldEqual, "Git-Footer")
So(NormalizeKey("123-_ABC"), ShouldEqual, "123-_abc")
func TestParseLine(t *testing.T) {
parse := func(line, expectedKey, expectedValue string) {
actualKey, actualValue := ParseLine(line)
So(actualKey, ShouldEqual, expectedKey)
So(actualValue, ShouldEqual, expectedValue)
Convey("ParseLine", t, func() {
Convey("Parse valid footer line", func() {
parse("GIT-FOOTER: 12345", "Git-Footer", "12345")
parse("GIT-FOOTER: here could be anything",
"Git-Footer", "here could be anything")
parse(" GIT-FOOTER: whitespace ", "Git-Footer", "whitespace")
Convey("Parse invalid footer line", func() {
parseInvalid := func(line string) {
parse(line, "", "")
parseInvalid("NOT VALID")
parseInvalid("GIT-FOOTER : 12345") // additional whitespace
parseInvalid("GIT|FOOTER: 12345") // invalid key
parseInvalid("") // in ignore list
parseInvalid("") // in ignore list
func TestParseLines(t *testing.T) {
Convey("ParseLines", t, func() {
Convey("Simple", func() {
actual := ParseLines([]string{
"Git-Foo: foo",
"Git-Bar: bar",
So(actual, ShouldResemble, strpair.ParseMap([]string{
Convey("Omit malformed lines", func() {
actual := ParseLines([]string{
"Git-Foo: foo",
"Random string in the middle",
"Git-Bar: bar",
"Random string at the end",
So(actual, ShouldResemble, strpair.ParseMap([]string{
Convey("Honer footer ordering", func() {
actual := ParseLines([]string{
So(actual["Git-Footer"], ShouldResemble, []string{"baz", "bar", "foo"})
func TestSplitLines(t *testing.T) {
assertSplitAt := func(message string, splitLineNum int) {
nonFooterLines, footerLines := SplitLines(message)
messageLines := strings.Split(message, "\n")
So(nonFooterLines, ShouldResemble, messageLines[:splitLineNum])
So(footerLines, ShouldResemble, messageLines[splitLineNum:])
Convey("SplitLines", t, func() {
Convey("Simple", func() {
message := `commit message
commit details...
Git-Footer: 12345
Git-Footer: 23456`
assertSplitAt(message, 4)
Convey("Include malformed lines in last paragraph", func() {
message := `commit message
commit details...
Git-Footer: 12345
Random String in between
Git-Footer: 23456
Random Stuff at the end`
assertSplitAt(message, 4)
Convey("Does not split when whole message is footer", func() {
message := `Git-Footer: 12345
Git-Footer: 23456`
nonFooterLines, footerLines := SplitLines(message)
So(footerLines, ShouldBeNil)
So(nonFooterLines, ShouldResemble, strings.Split(message, "\n"))
Convey("Splits last paragraph when it starts with text", func() {
message := `commit message
commit details...
This line should be non-footer line
Git-Footer: 12345
Git-Footer: 23456`
nonFooterLines, footerLines := SplitLines(message)
messageLines := strings.Split(message, "\n")
So(footerLines, ShouldResemble, messageLines[len(messageLines)-2:])
expectedNonFooterLines := append([]string(nil), messageLines[:len(messageLines)-2]...)
expectedNonFooterLines = append(expectedNonFooterLines, "")
So(nonFooterLines, ShouldResemble, expectedNonFooterLines)
Convey("Trims leading and trailing new lines", func() {
message := `
commit message
Git-Footer: 12345
nonFooterLines, footerLines := SplitLines(message)
So(nonFooterLines, ShouldResemble, []string{"commit message", ""})
So(footerLines, ShouldResemble, []string{"Git-Footer: 12345"})