blob: 63c92ee5f42c5cead0ecec4ce61b88948656a0b6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Schema for project-level configuration in luci-notify.
// luci-notify users can define custom email templates,
// see
// [](
syntax = "proto3";
package notify;
import "";
import "";
import "";
import "";
option go_package = "config";
option (luci.file_metadata) = {
doc_url: ""
// ProjectConfig is a luci-notify configuration for a particular project.
message ProjectConfig {
// Notifiers is a list of Notifiers which watch builders and send
// notifications for this project.
repeated Notifier notifiers = 1;
// If false, then LUCI-Notify won't actually close trees, only log what
// actions it would have taken.
bool tree_closing_enabled = 2;
// Notifier contains a set of notification configurations (which specify
// triggers to send notifications on) and a set of builders that will be
// watched for these triggers.
message Notifier {
// Name is an identifier for the notifier which must be unique within a
// project.
// Name must additionally match ^[a-z\-]+$, meaning it must only
// use an alphabet of lowercase characters and hyphens.
// Required.
string name = 1;
// Notifications is a list of notification configurations.
repeated Notification notifications = 2;
// Builders is a list of buildbucket builders this Notifier should watch.
repeated Builder builders = 3;
// A list of tree closing rules to execute for this notifier.
repeated TreeCloser tree_closers = 4;
// Notification specifies the triggers to watch for and send
// notifications on. It also specifies email recipients.
// Next ID: 13.
message Notification {
reserved 8;
// Email is a message representing a set of mail recipients.
message Email {
// Recipients is a list of email addresses to notify.
repeated string recipients = 1;
// A list of rotations, for each of which we should notify the currently
// active member.
repeated string rotation_urls = 3;
reserved 2;
// Blamelist is a message representing configuration for notifying the
// blamelist.
message Blamelist {
// A list of repositories which we are allowed to be included as part of the
// blamelist. If unset, a blamelist will be computed based on a Builder's
// repository field. If set, however luci-notify computes the blamelist for
// all commits related to a build (which may span multiple repositories)
// which are part of repository in this repository whitelist.
// Repositories should be valid Gerrit/Gitiles repository URLs, such as
// Optional.
repeated string repository_whitelist = 1;
// Deprecated. Notify on each build success.
bool on_success = 1;
// Deprecated. Notify on each build failure.
bool on_failure = 2;
// Deprecated. Notify on each build status different than the previous one.
bool on_change = 3;
// Deprecated. Notify on each build failure unless the previous build was a
// failure.
bool on_new_failure = 7;
// Notify on each build with a specified status.
repeated buildbucket.v2.Status on_occurrence = 9;
// Notify on each build with a specified status different than the previous
// one.
repeated buildbucket.v2.Status on_new_status = 10;
// Notify only on builds which had a failing step matching this regular
// expression. Mutually exclusive with "on_new_status".
string failed_step_regexp = 11;
// Notify only on builds which don't have a failing step matching this regular
// expression. May be combined with "failed_step_regexp", in which case it
// must also have a failed step matching that regular expression. Mutually
// exclusive with "on_new_status".
string failed_step_regexp_exclude = 12;
// Email is the set of email addresses to notify.
// Optional.
Email email = 4;
// Refers to which project template name to use to format this email.
// If not present, "default" will be used.
// Optional.
string template = 5;
// NotifyBlamelist specifies whether to notify the computed blamelist for a
// given build.
// If set, this notification will be sent to the blamelist of a build. Note
// that if this is set in multiple notifications pertaining to the same
// builder, the blamelist may receive multiple emails.
// Optional.
Blamelist notify_blamelist = 6;
// TreeCloser represents an action which closes a tree, by interfacing with an
// instance of the tree-status app.
message TreeCloser {
// The hostname of the tree-status instance which this rule opens and closes.
string tree_status_host = 1;
// Close the tree only on builds which had a failing step matching this
// regular expression.
string failed_step_regexp = 2;
// Close the tree only on builds which don't have a failing step matching this
// regular expression. May be combined with "failed_step_regexp", in which
// case it must also have a failed step matching that regular expression.
string failed_step_regexp_exclude = 3;
// Refers to which project template name to use to format this email.
// If not present, "default_tree_status" will be used.
string template = 4;
// Builder references a buildbucket builder in the current project.
message Builder {
// Bucket is the buildbucket bucket that the builder is a part of.
// Required.
string bucket = 1;
// Name is the name of the buildbucket builder.
// Required.
string name = 2;
// Repository is the git repository associated with this particular builder.
// The repository should look like a URL, e.g.
// Currently, luci-notify only supports Gerrit-like URLs since it checks
// against gitiles commits, so the URL's path (e.g. "src" in the above
// example) should map directly to a Gerrit project.
// Builds attached to the history of this repository will use this
// repository's git history to determine the order between two builds for the
// OnChange notification.
// Optional.
// If not set, OnChange notifications will derive their notion of
// "previous" build solely from build creation time, which is potentially
// less reliable.
string repository = 3;
// Notifications encapsulates a list of notifications as a proto so code for
// storing it in the datastore may be generated.
message Notifications {
// Notifications is a list of notification configurations.
repeated Notification notifications = 1;
// A collection of landed Git commits hosted on Gitiles.
message GitilesCommits {
// The Gitiles commits in this collection.
repeated buildbucket.v2.GitilesCommit commits = 1;
// Input to an email template.
message TemplateInput {
// Buildbucket hostname, e.g. "".
string buildbucket_hostname = 1;
// The completed build.
buildbucket.v2.Build build = 2;
// State of the previous build in this builder.
buildbucket.v2.Status old_status = 3;
// The failed steps that passed the given regexes (see the fields
// "failed_step_regexp" and "failed_step_regexp_exclude" above). If that field
// wasn't supplied, this will be empty.
repeated buildbucket.v2.Step matching_failed_steps = 4;