blob: d016d7a1f2f0993e3f17c745f920e13f15b9ecbc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package invoke implements the process of invoking a 'luciexe' compatible
// subprocess, but without setting up any of the 'host' requirements (like
// a Logdog Butler or LUCI Auth).
// See for details on the protocol.
package invoke
import (
bbpb ""
// Options represents settings to use when Start'ing a luciexe.
// All values here have defaults, so Start can accept `nil`.
type Options struct {
// This should be in Build.Step.Name format, i.e. "parent|parent|leaf".
// Namespace is used as:
// * The Step name of the enclosing Build Step.
// * Generating the new LOGDOG_NAMESPACE in the environment for the
// subprocess. Non-StreamName characters are replaced with '_',
// and if the first character of a segment is not a character, "s_" is
// prpended. i.e. if the current LOGDOG_NAMESPACE is "u", and this
// namespace is "x|!!cool!!|z", then LOGDOG_NAMESPACE for the
// subprocess will be "u/x/s___cool__/z".
// * The LUCI Executable host process will assert that all logdog stream
// names mentioned in the subprocess's Build are relative to this.
// * The basis for the stdout/stderr Logdog streams for the subprocess.
// * The LUCI Executable host process will adjust the subprocess's step
// names to be relative to this. i.e. if the subprocess emits a step "a|b"
// and the Namespace is "x|y|z", then the step will show up as "x|y|z|a|b"
// on the overall Build.
// TODO(iannucci): Logdog stream names are restricted because they show up in
// URLs on the logdog service. If the logdog service instead uses URL encoding
// of the stream name, then StreamName could be expanded to allow all
// characters except for "/". At some later point we could potentially change
// the separator from "/" to "|" to match Buildbucket semantics.
// TODO(iannucci): Find a way to have logdog stream name namespacing be more
// transparent (i.e. without needing explicit cooperation from the logdog
// client library via LOGDOG_NAMESPACE envvar).
// Default: The Namespace is empty. This is ONLY useful when writing
// a transparent wrapper for a luciexe which doesn't, itself, implement the
// luciexe protocol. If Namespace is empty, then Subprocess.Step will be
// `nil`.
Namespace string
// The base dir where all sub-directories (i.e. workdir, tempdir, etc.)
// will be created under (i.e. the `cwd` for invoked luciexe will be
// `$BaseDir/w`). If specified, this must exist and be a directory.
// If empty, a random directory under os.TempDir will be used.
BaseDir string
// Absolute path to the cache base directory. This must exist and be
// a directory.
// Default: If LUCI_CONFIG['lucictx']['cache_dir'] is set, it will be passed
// through unchanged. Otherwise a new empty directory is allocated which will
// be destroyed on the subprocess's completion.
CacheDir string
// If set, the subprocess's final Build message will be collected and returned
// from Wait.
// If CollectOutput is specified, but CollectOutputPath is not, a temporary
// path will be seleceted and destroyed on the subprocess's completion.
CollectOutput bool
// If set, will be used as the path to output the subprocess's final Build
// state. Must end with one of {'.pb', '.json', '.textpb'}. This must be
// a path to a non-existent file (i.e. parent must be a directory).
// If CollectOutputPath is specified, but CollectOutput is not, the subprocess
// will be instructed to dump the result to this path, but we won't attempt to
// parse or validate it in any way, and Wait will return a nil `output`.
CollectOutputPath string
// A replacement environment for the Options.
// If this is not specified, the current process's environment is inherited.
// The following environment variables will be ignored from this `Env`:
Env environ.Env
// launchOptions is a 'digested' form of Options, used for starting
// a subprocess.
type launchOptions struct {
// lctx is the exported LUCI_CONTEXT object must be Close()'d by the caller of
// Options.rationalize. It's already been set in `env`.
lctx lucictx.Exported
// step is the constructed Step object for the user of the invoke library. It
// may be nil if Namespace was omitted.
step *bbpb.Step
// workDir is the working directory for the invoked luciexe.
workDir string
// args are the CLI arguments to the luciexe.
args []string
// These are the open streams ready to attach to the subprocess.
stdout io.WriteCloser
stderr io.WriteCloser
// collectPath, if set, is the build file to read after the completion of the
// subprocess.
collectPath string
// env is an environment suitable to run the luciexe in.
env environ.Env
func (o *Options) prepNamespace(ctx context.Context, lo *launchOptions) error {
if o.Namespace == "" {
return nil
var bits []string
bits = append(bits, strings.Split(o.Namespace, "|")...)
relNS, _ := types.MakeStreamName("s_", bits...)
// The $LOGDOG_NAMESPACE envvar is currently cumulative, even though the
// Log.Url field is relative.
fullNS := string(relNS)
if curNS := lo.env.GetEmpty(luciexe.LogdogNamespaceEnv); curNS != "" {
fullNS = strings.Join([]string{curNS, fullNS}, "/")
lo.env.Set(luciexe.LogdogNamespaceEnv, fullNS)
startTime, err := ptypes.TimestampProto(clock.Now(ctx))
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "invalid StartTime").Err()
lo.step = &bbpb.Step{
Name: o.Namespace,
StartTime: startTime,
Status: bbpb.Status_STARTED,
Logs: []*bbpb.Log{
Name: luciexe.BuildProtoLogName,
Url: string(relNS.Concat(luciexe.BuildProtoStreamSuffix)),
Name: "stdout",
Url: string(relNS.Concat("stdout")),
Name: "stderr",
Url: string(relNS.Concat("stderr")),
return nil
func (o *Options) prepCacheDir(ctx context.Context, cdir string, lo *launchOptions) (newCtx context.Context, err error) {
newCtx = ctx // so we don't trip up our caller
newDir := o.CacheDir
if newDir == "" {
if curval := lucictx.GetLUCIExe(ctx); curval != nil && curval.CacheDir == "" {
err = errors.New(
`$LUCI_CONTEXT["luciexe"] is set, but "cache_dir" is empty`)
newDir = cdir
} else {
if newDir, err = filepath.Abs(newDir); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "resolving CacheDir").Err()
if err = checkDirExists(newDir); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "checking CacheDir").Err()
newCtx = lucictx.SetLUCIExe(ctx, &lucictx.LUCIExe{CacheDir: newDir})
lo.lctx, err = lucictx.Export(newCtx)
func (o *Options) prepCollection(outDir string, lo *launchOptions) error {
if !o.CollectOutput && o.CollectOutputPath == "" {
return nil
collect := o.CollectOutputPath
if collect == "" {
collect = filepath.Join(outDir, "out"+luciexe.BuildFileCodecBinary.FileExtension())
} else {
if err := checkDirExists(filepath.Dir(collect)); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "checking CollectOutputPath's parent").Err()
if _, err := os.Stat(collect); !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return errors.Reason("CollectOutputPath points to an existing file: %q", collect).Err()
if _, err := luciexe.BuildFileCodecForPath(collect); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "CollectOutputPath").Err()
lo.args = []string{luciexe.OutputCLIArg, collect}
lo.collectPath = collect
return nil
type dirs struct {
// May or may not be used; for simplicity we always create them under dirs,
// but rationalize may override them if the user specified a specific location
// for them in Options.
cacheDir string
collectOutputDir string
// always used
tempDir string
workDir string
func (o *Options) mkdirs() (ret dirs, err error) {
base := o.BaseDir
if base == "" {
if base, err = ioutil.TempDir("", ""); err != nil {
if err = checkDirExists(base); err != nil {
return ret, errors.Annotate(err, "checking BaseDir").Err()
// maybeMkdir attempts to make the dir named `dirname` under `base`,
// annotating the error with `friendlyName` as long as `err` is nil.
// Updates `err` with the result of the mkdir call as a side effect.
maybeMkdir := func(out *string, dirname, friendlyName string) {
if err == nil {
*out = filepath.Join(base, dirname)
err = errors.Annotate(os.Mkdir(*out, 0777), "preparing %q", friendlyName).Err()
maybeMkdir(&ret.cacheDir, "c", "cache-dir")
maybeMkdir(&ret.collectOutputDir, "o", "output-dir")
maybeMkdir(&ret.tempDir, "t", "temp-dir")
maybeMkdir(&ret.workDir, "w", "work-dir")
func (lo *launchOptions) prepStdio(ctx context.Context) error {
// NOTE: bootstrapping doesn't do any 'write' actions to the logdog state and
// is a fancy way of reading a couple of envvars and building a struct (i.e.
// this is quite cheap).
bs, err := bootstrap.GetFromEnv(lo.env) // picks up Namespace
switch err {
case nil:
case bootstrap.ErrNotBootstrapped:
return errors.New("Logdog Butler environment required")
return errors.Annotate(err, "bootstrapping logdog client").Err()
openStream := func(name string) (ret io.WriteCloser, err error) {
ret, err = bs.Client.NewTextStream(
ctx, types.StreamName(name), streamclient.ForProcess())
err = errors.Annotate(err, "opening %q", name).Err()
if lo.stdout, err = openStream("stdout"); err != nil {
return err
if lo.stderr, err = openStream("stderr"); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// rationalize converts from a set of requested Options to a usable
// launchOptions object.
func (o *Options) rationalize(ctx context.Context) (ret launchOptions, newCtx context.Context, err error) {
if o == nil {
o = &Options{}
if o.Env != nil {
ret.env = o.Env.Clone()
} else {
ret.env = environ.System()
var d dirs
if d, err = o.mkdirs(); err != nil {
ret.workDir = d.workDir
for _, key := range luciexe.TempDirEnvVars {
ret.env.Set(key, d.tempDir)
if newCtx, err = o.prepCacheDir(ctx, d.cacheDir, &ret); err != nil {
err = errors.Annotate(err, "preparing cachedir").Err()
if err = o.prepNamespace(newCtx, &ret); err != nil {
err = errors.Annotate(err, "preparing namespace").Err()
if err = o.prepCollection(d.collectOutputDir, &ret); err != nil {
err = errors.Annotate(err, "preparing collection").Err()
if err = ret.prepStdio(newCtx); err != nil {
err = errors.Annotate(err, "preparing outputs").Err()
// checkDirExists returns error if the given path is not an
// existing directory.
func checkDirExists(path string) error {
fInfo, err := os.Stat(path)
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return errors.Reason("dir does not exist: %q", path).Err()
return errors.Annotate(err, "statting path: %q", path).Err()
if !fInfo.IsDir() {
return errors.Reason("path is not a directory: %q", path).Err()
return nil