blob: 0867b8c705e3cfc0a6ab8ef2f57314b00204c27e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cipd
import (
api ""
// Helper structs and functions for working with package ACLs.
// PackageACLChangeAction defines a flavor of PackageACLChange.
// Used by ModifyACL.
type PackageACLChangeAction string
const (
// GrantRole is used in PackageACLChange to request a role to be granted.
GrantRole PackageACLChangeAction = "GRANT"
// RevokeRole is used in PackageACLChange to request a role to be revoked.
RevokeRole PackageACLChangeAction = "REVOKE"
// PackageACL is per package path per role access control list that is a part of
// larger overall ACL: ACL for package "a/b/c" is a union of PackageACLs for "a"
// "a/b" and "a/b/c".
type PackageACL struct {
// PackagePath is a package subpath this ACL is defined for.
PackagePath string `json:"package_path"`
// Role is a role that listed users have, e.g. 'READER', 'WRITER', ...
Role string `json:"role"`
// Principals list users and groups granted the role.
Principals []string `json:"principals"`
// ModifiedBy specifies who modified the list the last time.
ModifiedBy string `json:"modified_by"`
// ModifiedTs is a timestamp when the list was modified the last time.
ModifiedTs UnixTime `json:"modified_ts"`
// PackageACLChange is a mutation to some package ACL.
type PackageACLChange struct {
// Action defines what action to perform: GrantRole or RevokeRole.
Action PackageACLChangeAction
// Role to grant or revoke to a user or group, see Role enum repo.proto.
Role string
// Principal is a user or a group to grant or revoke a role for.
Principal string
// prefixMetadataToACLs extracts ACLs for a prefix and all its parent prefixes
// from the prefix's metadata.
func prefixMetadataToACLs(m *api.InheritedPrefixMetadata) (out []PackageACL) {
for _, p := range m.PerPrefixMetadata {
var acls []PackageACL
for _, acl := range p.Acls {
role := acl.Role.String()
found := false
for i, existing := range acls {
if existing.Role == role {
acls[i].Principals = append(acls[i].Principals, acl.Principals...)
found = true
if !found {
acls = append(acls, PackageACL{
PackagePath: p.Prefix,
Role: role,
Principals: acl.Principals,
ModifiedBy: p.UpdateUser,
ModifiedTs: UnixTime(google.TimeFromProto(p.UpdateTime)),
out = append(out, acls...)
// mutateACLs applies changes to ACLs in the prefix metadata.
// Returns true if made some changes (even if ultimately failed), false if not.
func mutateACLs(meta *api.PrefixMetadata, changes []PackageACLChange) (dirty bool, err error) {
for _, ch := range changes {
role := api.Role(api.Role_value[ch.Role])
if role == 0 {
return dirty, fmt.Errorf("unrecognized role %q, not in the API definition", ch.Role)
changed := false
switch ch.Action {
case GrantRole:
changed = grantRole(meta, role, ch.Principal)
case RevokeRole:
changed = revokeRole(meta, role, ch.Principal)
return dirty, fmt.Errorf("unrecognized PackageACLChangeAction %q", ch.Action)
dirty = dirty || changed
func grantRole(m *api.PrefixMetadata, role api.Role, principal string) bool {
var roleACL *api.PrefixMetadata_ACL
for _, acl := range m.Acls {
if acl.Role != role {
for _, p := range acl.Principals {
if p == principal {
return false // already have it
roleACL = acl
if roleACL != nil {
// Append to the existing ACL.
roleACL.Principals = append(roleACL.Principals, principal)
} else {
// Add new ACL for this role, this is the first one.
m.Acls = append(m.Acls, &api.PrefixMetadata_ACL{
Role: role,
Principals: []string{principal},
return true
func revokeRole(m *api.PrefixMetadata, role api.Role, principal string) bool {
dirty := false
for _, acl := range m.Acls {
if acl.Role != role {
filtered := acl.Principals[:0]
for _, p := range acl.Principals {
if p != principal {
filtered = append(filtered, p)
if len(filtered) != len(acl.Principals) {
acl.Principals = filtered
dirty = true
if !dirty {
return false
// Kick out empty ACL entries.
acls := m.Acls[:0]
for _, acl := range m.Acls {
if len(acl.Principals) != 0 {
acls = append(acls, acl)
if len(acls) == 0 {
m.Acls = nil
} else {
m.Acls = acls
return true