blob: 5f7525ea9704ca07d2d50abd225443cbdbdd54f7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package cv.v0;
option go_package = ";cvpb";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "";
// Run includes the high-level information about a CV Run.
// WARNING: this message is EXPERIMENTAL
// - The field definitions can change w/o notice.
// - No backward compatibility guaranteed.
// - Please contact CV maintainers at luci-eng@ before using this message.
message Run {
// Next tag: 16.
// ID of the Run.
// The format of an ID is "projects/$luci-project/runs/$id", where
// - luci-project is the name of the LUCI project the Run belongs to
// - id is an opaque key unique in the LUCI project.
string id = 1;
// Status describes the status of a CV Run.
enum Status {
// Unspecified status.
// Run is pending to start.
// It is either because Run Manager hasn't processed the StartEvent yet or
// the Run creator has exhausted all the quota and waiting for new quota to
// be available.
// Run is running.
// Run is waiting for submission.
// Run is in this status if one of the following scenario is true:
// 1. Tree is closed at the time Run attempts to submit.
// 2. There is another Run in the same LUCI Project that is currently
// submitting.
// 3. The submission is rate limited according to the submit option in
// Project Config.
// This status is cancellable.
// Run is submitting.
// A Run can't be cancelled while submitting. A Run may transition from
// this status to either `WAITING_FOR_SUBMISSION` status or a non-cancelled
// terminal status.
// End of non-terminal status; MUST have value less than `ENDED_MASK`.
// Terminal Status
// ENDED_MASK can be used as a bitmask to check if a Run has ended.
// This MUST NOT be used as the status of a Run.
// Run ends successfully.
// Run ends unsuccessfully.
FAILED = 66;
// Run is cancelled.
// Status of the Run.
Status status = 2;
// eversion is the entity version, which is monotonically increasing.
int64 eversion = 3;
// Mode dictates the behavior of the Run.
// The possible values include
// - DRY_RUN
// - Any additional run mode defined in the config
// If the mode is FULL_RUN, the Run triggers TryJobs and then submits the CL
// if they succeeded.
// If the mode is DRY_RUN, the Run trigger TryJobs w/o submission.
string mode = 4;
// Time when the Run was created.
// This is the timestamp of the vote, on a Gerrit CL, that triggered the Run.
google.protobuf.Timestamp create_time = 5;
// The time when the Run was started.
google.protobuf.Timestamp start_time = 6;
// The time when the Run was last updated.
google.protobuf.Timestamp update_time = 7;
// The time when the Run was ended.
google.protobuf.Timestamp end_time = 8;
// Owner of the Run.
// For a single-CL Run, this is the identity string of the owner of
// the Gerrit CL (whoever authenticated to Gerrit to upload the first
// patchset of the CL). Note that Gerrit CL owner may differ from author and
// committer encoded in the Git commit. Also, depending on Gerrit
// configuration, later patchsets could be uploaded by different accounts to
// that of the CL owner.
// For a multi-CL Run, this is the owner of the Gerrit CL which has the latest
// triggering timestamp (e.g. latest CQ+2 vote).
string owner = 9;
// Creator of the Run.
// This is the identity string of the user that triggers the run (i.e. first
// user who votes CQ+1 or CQ+2). For multi-CL Run, the will be the triggerer
// of the Gerrit CL which has the latest triggering timestamp (e.g. latest
// CQ+2 vote).
string created_by = 13;
// This is the identity string of the user whose run quota is consumed for the
// run start.
string billed_to = 15;
// The Gerrit changes involved in this Run.
repeated GerritChange cls = 10;
// The tryjobs of the Run.
// Note that this data is a snapshot at the time Run has ended. Therefore,
// some tryjobs may not have ended yet. If you need fresh data, query the
// corresponding backend system using the returned ID.
// It may also contain tryjobs that are no longer required.
// TODO(yiwzhang): Re-evaluate whether the statement above is true after
// tryjobs are handled by LUCI CV instead of CQDaemon.
repeated Tryjob tryjobs = 11 [deprecated=true];
// TryjobInvocations record all attempts to invoke a tryjob defined in config.
// Note that this data is a snapshot at the time run has ended. It's possible
// that the latest attempt in the TryjobInvocation may not be in terminal
// status even though the run has ended. For example, the run has failed
// because tryjob A has failed. However, tryjob B is still in RUNNING status
// at the time run ends and tryjob B will be returned as RUNNING status
// in this field. If you need fresh data, query the corresponding backend
// system (i.e. buildbucket) using the returned ID.
repeated TryjobInvocation tryjob_invocations = 14;
// Submission represents the state of a Run Submission.
message Submission {
// Indexes of CLs in Run.CL IDs that have been submitted successfully.
repeated int32 submitted_cl_indexes = 2;
// Indexes of CLs in Run.CL IDs that failed to be submitted.
// CLs that are neither in this list nor in the `submitted_cl_indexes`
// should be treated as if CV has never attempted to submit them.
repeated int32 failed_cl_indexes = 3;
// The state of Run Submission.
// Unset if Submission hasn't started.
Submission submission = 12;
// A Gerrit patchset.
message GerritChange {
// Gerrit hostname, e.g. "".
string host = 1;
// Change number, e.g. 12345.
int64 change = 2;
// Patch set number, e.g. 1.
int32 patchset = 3;