blob: 8e63843212efb656efc656b42676c17201fd18e5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package acls
import (
gerritpb ""
cfgpb ""
const (
okButDueToOthers = "CV cannot start a Run due to errors in the following CL(s)."
ownerNotCommitter = "CV cannot start a Run for `%s` because the user is not a committer."
ownerNotDryRunner = "CV cannot start a Run for `%s` because the user is not a dry-runner."
notOwnerNotCommitter = "CV cannot start a Run for `%s` because the user is neither the CL owner nor a committer."
notOwnerNotCommitterNotDryRunner = "CV cannot start a Run for `%s` because the user is neither the CL owner nor a committer nor a dry-runner."
notSubmittable = "CV cannot start a Run because this CL is not submittable. " + submitReqHint
notSubmittableWithReqs = "CV cannot start a Run because this CL is %s. " + submitReqHint
notSubmittableSuspicious = notSubmittable + " " +
"However, all submit requirements appear to be satisfied. " +
"It's likely caused by an issue in Gerrit or Gerrit configuration. " +
"Please contact your Git admin."
submitReqHint = "Please hover over the corresponding entry in the Submit Requirements section to check what is missing."
untrustedDeps = "" +
"CV cannot start a Run because of the following dependencies. " +
"They must be submittable (please check the submit requirement) because " +
"their owners are not committers. " +
"Alternatively, you can ask the owner of this CL to trigger a dry-run."
untrustedDepsTrustDryRunnerDeps = "" +
"CV cannot start a Run because of the following dependencies. " +
"They must be submittable (please check the submit requirement) because " +
"their owners are not committers or dry-runners. " +
"Alternatively, you can ask the owner of this CL to trigger a dry-run."
untrustedDepsSuspicious = "" +
"However, some or all of the dependencies appear to satisfy all the requirements. " +
"It's likely caused by an issue in Gerrit or Gerrit configuration. " +
"Please contact your Git admin."
// runCreateChecker holds the evaluation results of a CL Run, and checks
// if the Run can be created.
type runCreateChecker struct {
gf gerrit.Factory
cl *changelist.CL
runMode run.Mode
runModeDef *cfgpb.Mode // if mode is not standard mode in CV
allowOwnerIfSubmittable cfgpb.Verifiers_GerritCQAbility_CQAction
trustDryRunnerDeps bool
allowNonOwnerDryRunner bool
commGroups []string // committer groups
dryGroups []string // dry-runner groups
newPatchsetGroups []string // new patchset run groups
owner identity.Identity // the CL owner
triggerer identity.Identity // the Run triggerer
triggererEmail string // email of the Run triggerer
submittable bool // if the CL is submittable in Gerrit
submitted bool // if the CL has been submitted in Gerrit
depsToExamine common.CLIDs // deps that are possibly untrusted.
trustedDeps common.CLIDsSet // deps that have been proven to be trustable.
func (ck runCreateChecker) canTrustDeps(ctx context.Context) (evalResult, error) {
if len(ck.depsToExamine) == 0 {
return yes, nil
deps := make([]*changelist.CL, 0, len(ck.depsToExamine))
for _, id := range ck.depsToExamine {
if !ck.trustedDeps.Has(id) {
deps = append(deps, &changelist.CL{ID: id})
if len(deps) == 0 {
return yes, nil
// Fetch the CL entity of the deps and examine if they are trustable.
// CV never removes CL entities. Hence, this handles transient and
// datastore.ErrNoSuchEntity in the same way.
if err := changelist.LoadCLs(ctx, deps); err != nil {
return no, err
untrusted := deps[:0]
for _, d := range deps {
// Dep is trusted, if
// - it has been submitted, OR
// - it is submittable, OR
// - the owner is a committer, OR
// - config enables trust_dry_runner_deps and the owner is a dry runner
switch submitted, err := d.Snapshot.IsSubmitted(); {
case err != nil:
return no, errors.Annotate(err, "dep-CL(%d)", d.ID).Err()
case submitted:
switch submittable, err := d.Snapshot.IsSubmittable(); {
case err != nil:
return no, errors.Annotate(err, "dep-CL(%d)", d.ID).Err()
case submittable:
depOwner, err := d.Snapshot.OwnerIdentity()
if err != nil {
return no, errors.Annotate(err, "dep-CL(%d)", d.ID).Err()
switch isCommitter, err := ck.isCommitter(ctx, depOwner); {
case err != nil:
return no, errors.Annotate(err,
"dep-CL(%d): checking if owner %q is a committer", d.ID, depOwner).Err()
case isCommitter:
if ck.trustDryRunnerDeps {
switch isDryRunner, err := ck.isDryRunner(ctx, depOwner); {
case err != nil:
return no, errors.Annotate(err,
"dep-CL(%d): checking if owner %q is a dry-runner", d.ID, depOwner).Err()
case isDryRunner:
untrusted = append(untrusted, d)
if len(untrusted) == 0 {
return yes, nil
return noWithReason(untrustedDepsReason(ctx, untrusted, ck.trustDryRunnerDeps)), nil
func (ck runCreateChecker) canCreateRun(ctx context.Context) (evalResult, error) {
switch ck.runMode {
case run.FullRun:
return ck.canCreateFullRun(ctx)
case run.DryRun:
return ck.canCreateDryRun(ctx)
case run.NewPatchsetRun:
return ck.canCreateNewPatchsetRun(ctx)
// TODO(yiwzhang): Ideally, each mode should have its own ACL. Redo
// this when revamping the ACL system of LUCI CV. For now, use dry run ACL
// for mode trigger by CQ+1 and full run ACL for mode trigger by CQ+2.
switch {
case ck.runModeDef == nil:
panic(fmt.Errorf("impossible; run has non standard mode %q but mode definition is not provided", ck.runMode))
case ck.runModeDef.GetCqLabelValue() == 1:
return ck.canCreateDryRun(ctx)
case ck.runModeDef.GetCqLabelValue() == 2:
return ck.canCreateFullRun(ctx)
panic(fmt.Errorf("impossible; mode specify CQ label value %d, expecting 1, or 2", ck.runModeDef.GetCqLabelValue()))
func (ck runCreateChecker) canCreateFullRun(ctx context.Context) (evalResult, error) {
// A committer can run a full run, as long as the CL is submittable.
switch isCommitter, err := ck.isCommitter(ctx, ck.triggerer); {
case err != nil:
return no, err
case isCommitter && (ck.submittable || ck.submitted):
return yes, nil
case isCommitter:
return noWithReason(notSubmittableReason(ctx,, nil
// A non-committer can trigger a full-run,
// if all of the following conditions are met.
// 1) triggerer == owner
// 2) triggerer is a dry-runner OR cg.AllowOwnerIfSubmittable == COMMIT
// 3) the CL is submittable in Gerrit.
// That is, a dry-runner can trigger a full-run for own submittable CLs
// (typically means the CL has been approved).
// For more context, and go/cq-after-lgtm.
if ck.triggerer != ck.owner {
return noWithReason(fmt.Sprintf(notOwnerNotCommitter, ck.triggererEmail)), nil
isDryRunner, err := ck.isDryRunner(ctx, ck.triggerer)
if err != nil {
return no, err
if !isDryRunner && ck.allowOwnerIfSubmittable != cfgpb.Verifiers_GerritCQAbility_COMMIT {
return noWithReason(fmt.Sprintf(ownerNotCommitter, ck.triggererEmail)), nil
if !ck.submittable && !ck.submitted {
return noWithReason(notSubmittableReason(ctx,, nil
return yes, nil
func (ck runCreateChecker) canCreateNewPatchsetRun(ctx context.Context) (evalResult, error) {
switch isNPRunner, err := ck.isNewPatchsetRunner(ctx, ck.owner); {
case err != nil:
return no, err
case isNPRunner:
return yes, nil
return noWithReason("CL owner is not in the allowlist."), nil
func (ck runCreateChecker) canCreateDryRun(ctx context.Context) (evalResult, error) {
isCommitter, err := ck.isCommitter(ctx, ck.triggerer)
if err != nil {
return no, err
if isCommitter {
switch {
case ck.triggerer == ck.owner:
// A committer can trigger a dry run on their own CL
// without CL being submittable. We assume dependencies
// are trusted since they uploaded the CL.
return yes, nil
// In order for a committer to trigger a dry-run for someone
// else's CL, all the dependencies must be trusted
// dependencies.
return ck.canTrustDeps(ctx)
// A non-committer can trigger a dry-run if they are a dry-runner.
isDryRunner, err := ck.isDryRunner(ctx, ck.triggerer)
if err != nil {
return no, err
if isDryRunner {
switch {
case ck.triggerer == ck.owner:
// A dry-runner can trigger a dry run on their own CL without CL being
// submittable. We assume dependencies are trusted since they uploaded
// the CL.
return yes, nil
case ck.allowNonOwnerDryRunner:
// A dry-runner can trigger a dry run on a CL they don't own if
// allowNonOwnerDryRunner is set. All dependencies must be trusted.
return ck.canTrustDeps(ctx)
// Otherwise, a dry-runner cannot trigger a dry run on
// a CL they don't own.
return noWithReason(fmt.Sprintf(notOwnerNotCommitter, ck.triggererEmail)), nil
// One can trigger a dry-run without being a dry-runner or a committer,
// if all the following conditions are met:
// 1) triggerer == owner
// 2) cg.AllowOwnerIfSubmittable in [COMMIT, DRY_RUN]
// 3) The CL is submittable in Gerrit.
// 4) All the deps are trusted.
// A dep is trusted, if at least one of the following conditions are met.
// - the dep is one of the CLs included in the Run
// - the owner of the dep is a committer
// - the dep is submittable in Gerrit
// For more context, and go/cq-after-lgtm.
if ck.triggerer != ck.owner {
reason := notOwnerNotCommitter
if ck.allowNonOwnerDryRunner {
reason = notOwnerNotCommitterNotDryRunner
return noWithReason(fmt.Sprintf(reason, ck.triggererEmail)), nil
switch ck.allowOwnerIfSubmittable {
case cfgpb.Verifiers_GerritCQAbility_DRY_RUN:
case cfgpb.Verifiers_GerritCQAbility_COMMIT:
return noWithReason(fmt.Sprintf(ownerNotDryRunner, ck.triggererEmail)), nil
if !ck.submittable && !ck.submitted {
return noWithReason(notSubmittableReason(ctx,, nil
return ck.canTrustDeps(ctx)
func (ck runCreateChecker) isDryRunner(ctx context.Context, id identity.Identity) (bool, error) {
if len(ck.dryGroups) == 0 {
return false, nil
return IsMember(ctx,,,, id, ck.dryGroups)
func (ck runCreateChecker) isNewPatchsetRunner(ctx context.Context, id identity.Identity) (bool, error) {
if len(ck.newPatchsetGroups) == 0 {
return false, nil
return IsMember(ctx,,,, id, ck.newPatchsetGroups)
func (ck runCreateChecker) isCommitter(ctx context.Context, id identity.Identity) (bool, error) {
if len(ck.commGroups) == 0 {
return false, nil
return IsMember(ctx,,,, id, ck.commGroups)
// CheckRunCreate verifies that the user(s) who triggered Run are authorized
// to create the Run for the CLs.
func CheckRunCreate(ctx context.Context, gf gerrit.Factory, cg *prjcfg.ConfigGroup, trs []*run.Trigger, cls []*changelist.CL) (CheckResult, error) {
res := make(CheckResult, len(cls))
cks, err := evaluateCLs(ctx, gf, cg, trs, cls)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, ck := range cks {
switch result, err := ck.canCreateRun(ctx); {
case err != nil:
return nil, err
case !result.ok:
res[] = result.reason
return res, nil
func evaluateCLs(ctx context.Context, gf gerrit.Factory, cg *prjcfg.ConfigGroup, trs []*run.Trigger, cls []*changelist.CL) ([]*runCreateChecker, error) {
gVerifier := cg.Content.Verifiers.GetGerritCqAbility()
cks := make([]*runCreateChecker, len(cls))
trustedDeps := make(common.CLIDsSet, len(cls))
for i, cl := range cls {
tr := trs[i]
triggerer, err := identity.MakeIdentity(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", identity.User, tr.Email))
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "CL(%d): triggerer %q", cl.ID, tr.Email).Err()
owner, err := cl.Snapshot.OwnerIdentity()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "CL(%d)", cl.ID).Err()
submittable, err := cl.Snapshot.IsSubmittable()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "CL(%d)", cl.ID).Err()
submitted, err := cl.Snapshot.IsSubmitted()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "CL(%d)", cl.ID).Err()
// by default, all deps are untrusted, unless they are part of the Run.
var depsToExamine common.CLIDs
if len(cl.Snapshot.Deps) > 0 {
depsToExamine = make(common.CLIDs, len(cl.Snapshot.Deps))
for i, d := range cl.Snapshot.Deps {
depsToExamine[i] = common.CLID(d.Clid)
cks[i] = &runCreateChecker{
gf: gf,
cl: cl,
runMode: run.Mode(tr.Mode),
runModeDef: tr.GetModeDefinition(),
allowOwnerIfSubmittable: gVerifier.GetAllowOwnerIfSubmittable(),
trustDryRunnerDeps: gVerifier.GetTrustDryRunnerDeps(),
allowNonOwnerDryRunner: gVerifier.GetAllowNonOwnerDryRunner(),
commGroups: gVerifier.GetCommitterList(),
dryGroups: gVerifier.GetDryRunAccessList(),
newPatchsetGroups: gVerifier.GetNewPatchsetRunAccessList(),
owner: owner,
triggerer: triggerer,
triggererEmail: tr.Email,
submittable: submittable,
submitted: submitted,
depsToExamine: depsToExamine,
trustedDeps: trustedDeps,
return cks, nil
// untrustedDepsReason generates a RunCreate rejection comment for untrusted deps.
func untrustedDepsReason(ctx context.Context, udeps []*changelist.CL, trustDryRunnerDeps bool) string {
var sb strings.Builder
anySuspicious := false
if trustDryRunnerDeps {
} else {
for _, d := range udeps {
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, "\n- %s:", d.ExternalID.MustURL())
if allSatisfied, msg := strSubmitReqsForNotSubmittableCL(ctx, d); len(msg) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, " %s", msg)
anySuspicious = anySuspicious || allSatisfied
if anySuspicious {
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, "\n\n%s", untrustedDepsSuspicious)
return sb.String()
// notSubmittableReason generates a RunCreate rejection comment for not
// submittable CL.
func notSubmittableReason(ctx context.Context, cl *changelist.CL) string {
switch allSatisfied, msg := strSubmitReqsForNotSubmittableCL(ctx, cl); {
case allSatisfied:
return notSubmittableSuspicious
case len(msg) > 0:
return fmt.Sprintf(notSubmittableWithReqs, msg)
return notSubmittable
func strSubmitReqsForNotSubmittableCL(ctx context.Context, cl *changelist.CL) (allSatisfied bool, msg string) {
reqs := cl.Snapshot.GetGerrit().GetInfo().GetSubmitRequirements()
if len(reqs) == 0 {
join := func(ss []string) string {
switch len(ss) {
case 0:
return ""
case 1:
return fmt.Sprintf("`%s`", ss[0])
case 2:
return fmt.Sprintf("`%s` and `%s`", ss[0], ss[1])
last := len(ss) - 1
return fmt.Sprintf("`%s`, and `%s`", strings.Join(ss[:last], "`, `"), ss[last])
switch satisfied, unsatisfied := groupSubmitReqs(ctx, reqs); {
case len(unsatisfied) == 0:
switch len(satisfied) {
case 0:
// all were NOT_APPLICABLE?
// just log the occurrence, but consider that
// submit requirements agreed with Submittable.
logging.Errorf(ctx, "CL(%d): all submit reqs(%d) are NOT_APPLICABLE", cl.ID, len(reqs))
case 1:
msg = fmt.Sprintf("not submittable, although submit requirement `%s` is satisfied", satisfied[0])
msg = fmt.Sprintf("not submittable, although submit requirements %s are satisfied", join(satisfied))
allSatisfied = len(satisfied) != 0
msg = fmt.Sprintf("not satisfying the %s submit requirement", join(unsatisfied))
if allSatisfied {
logging.Errorf(ctx, "CL(%d): all submit reqs satisfied; but CL not submittable", cl.ID)
func groupSubmitReqs(ctx context.Context, reqs []*gerritpb.SubmitRequirementResultInfo) (satisfied, unsatisfied []string) {
if len(reqs) == 0 {
satisfied = make([]string, 0, len(reqs))
unsatisfied = make([]string, 0, len(reqs))
for _, req := range reqs {
switch req.Status {
case gerritpb.SubmitRequirementResultInfo_SUBMIT_REQUIREMENT_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED:
panic(errors.New("Unspecified SubmitRequirement.Status; this should never happen"))
case gerritpb.SubmitRequirementResultInfo_NOT_APPLICABLE:
// satisfied statuses
case gerritpb.SubmitRequirementResultInfo_SATISFIED,
satisfied = append(satisfied, req.Name)
// unsatisfied statuses
case gerritpb.SubmitRequirementResultInfo_ERROR:
// log the error. It may be helpful for diagnosing the reason of a Run rejection.
logging.Warningf(ctx, "Gerrit reported SubmissionRequirement error %s", req)
case gerritpb.SubmitRequirementResultInfo_UNSATISFIED:
unsatisfied = append(unsatisfied, req.Name)
// This must be a bug in CV.
// common/api/gerrit returns an error if it receives a Status of which enum
// doesn't exist in common/proto/gerrit. Hence, if a Status is unknown here,
// this switch is missing the status, enumerated in common/proto/gerrit.
logging.Errorf(ctx, "Unknown SubmitRequirementStatus %q", req.GetStatus())
// Unknown enums are considered as a not-satisfied status.
unsatisfied = append(unsatisfied, req.Name)