blob: eecab6b5457de0395982fddbbc7d0d9a24700cd6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package changelist
import (
gerrit ""
. ""
. ""
func externalTime(t time.Time) *UpdateCLTask_Hint {
return &UpdateCLTask_Hint{ExternalUpdateTime: timestamppb.New(t)}
func TestUpdaterSchedule(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Correctly generate dedup keys for Updater TQ tasks", t, func() {
ct := cvtesting.Test{}
ctx := ct.SetUp(t)
Convey("Correctly generate dedup keys for Updater TQ tasks", func() {
Convey("Diff CLIDs have diff dedup keys", func() {
t := &UpdateCLTask{LuciProject: "proj", Id: 7}
k1 := makeTaskDeduplicationKey(ctx, t, 0)
t.Id = 8
k2 := makeTaskDeduplicationKey(ctx, t, 0)
So(k1, ShouldNotResemble, k2)
Convey("Diff ExternalID have diff dedup keys", func() {
t := &UpdateCLTask{LuciProject: "proj"}
t.ExternalId = "kind1/foo/23"
k1 := makeTaskDeduplicationKey(ctx, t, 0)
t.ExternalId = "kind4/foo/56"
k2 := makeTaskDeduplicationKey(ctx, t, 0)
So(k1, ShouldNotResemble, k2)
Convey("Even if ExternalID and internal ID refer to the same CL, they have diff dedup keys", func() {
t1 := &UpdateCLTask{LuciProject: "proj", ExternalId: "kind1/foo/23"}
t2 := &UpdateCLTask{LuciProject: "proj", Id: 2}
k1 := makeTaskDeduplicationKey(ctx, t1, 0)
k2 := makeTaskDeduplicationKey(ctx, t2, 0)
So(k1, ShouldNotResemble, k2)
Convey("Diff updatedHint have diff dedup keys", func() {
t := &UpdateCLTask{LuciProject: "proj", ExternalId: "kind1/foo/23"}
t.Hint = externalTime(ct.Clock.Now())
k1 := makeTaskDeduplicationKey(ctx, t, 0)
t.Hint = externalTime(ct.Clock.Now().Add(time.Second))
k2 := makeTaskDeduplicationKey(ctx, t, 0)
So(k1, ShouldNotResemble, k2)
Convey("Same CLs but diff LUCI projects have diff dedup keys", func() {
t := &UpdateCLTask{LuciProject: "proj", ExternalId: "kind1/foo/23"}
k1 := makeTaskDeduplicationKey(ctx, t, 0)
t.LuciProject += "-diff"
k2 := makeTaskDeduplicationKey(ctx, t, 0)
So(k1, ShouldNotResemble, k2)
Convey("Same CL at the same time is de-duped", func() {
t := &UpdateCLTask{LuciProject: "proj", ExternalId: "kind1/foo/23"}
k1 := makeTaskDeduplicationKey(ctx, t, 0)
k2 := makeTaskDeduplicationKey(ctx, t, 0)
So(k1, ShouldResemble, k2)
Convey("Internal ID doesn't affect dedup based on ExternalID", func() {
t.Id = 123
k3 := makeTaskDeduplicationKey(ctx, t, 0)
So(k3, ShouldResemble, k1)
Convey("Same CL with a delay or after the same delay is de-duped", func() {
t := &UpdateCLTask{LuciProject: "proj", Id: 123}
k1 := makeTaskDeduplicationKey(ctx, t, time.Second)
k2 := makeTaskDeduplicationKey(ctx, t, 0)
So(k1, ShouldResemble, k2)
Convey("Same CL at mostly same time is also de-duped", func() {
t := &UpdateCLTask{LuciProject: "proj", ExternalId: "kind1/foo/23"}
k1 := makeTaskDeduplicationKey(ctx, t, 0)
// NOTE: this check may fail if common.DistributeOffset is changed,
// making new timestamp in the next epoch. If so, adjust the increment.
k2 := makeTaskDeduplicationKey(ctx, t, 0)
So(k1, ShouldResemble, k2)
Convey("Same CL after sufficient time is no longer de-duped", func() {
t := &UpdateCLTask{LuciProject: "proj", ExternalId: "kind1/foo/23"}
k1 := makeTaskDeduplicationKey(ctx, t, 0)
k2 := makeTaskDeduplicationKey(ctx, t, blindRefreshInterval)
So(k1, ShouldNotResemble, k2)
Convey("Same CL with the same MetaRevId is de-duped", func() {
t := &UpdateCLTask{LuciProject: "proj", ExternalId: "kind1/foo/23"}
t.Hint = &UpdateCLTask_Hint{MetaRevId: "foo"}
k1 := makeTaskDeduplicationKey(ctx, t, 0)
k2 := makeTaskDeduplicationKey(ctx, t, 0)
So(k1, ShouldResemble, k2)
Convey("Same CL with the different MetaRevId is not de-duped", func() {
t := &UpdateCLTask{LuciProject: "proj", ExternalId: "kind1/foo/23"}
t.Hint = &UpdateCLTask_Hint{MetaRevId: "foo"}
k1 := makeTaskDeduplicationKey(ctx, t, 0)
t.Hint = &UpdateCLTask_Hint{MetaRevId: "bar"}
k2 := makeTaskDeduplicationKey(ctx, t, 0)
So(k1, ShouldNotResemble, k2)
Convey("makeTQTitleForHumans works", func() {
LuciProject: "proj",
Id: 123,
}), ShouldResemble, "proj/123")
LuciProject: "proj",
ExternalId: "kind/xyz/44",
Id: 123,
}), ShouldResemble, "proj/123/kind/xyz/44")
LuciProject: "proj",
ExternalId: "gerrit/",
Id: 123,
}), ShouldResemble, "proj/123/gerrit/chromium/1111111")
LuciProject: "proj",
ExternalId: "gerrit/",
Hint: externalTime(testclock.TestRecentTimeUTC),
}), ShouldResemble, "proj/gerrit/chromium/1111111/u2016-02-03T04:05:06Z")
Convey("Works overall", func() {
u := NewUpdater(ct.TQDispatcher, nil)
t := &UpdateCLTask{
LuciProject: "proj",
Id: 123,
Hint: externalTime(ct.Clock.Now().Add(-time.Second)),
Requester: UpdateCLTask_RUN_POKE,
delay := time.Minute
So(u.ScheduleDelayed(ctx, t, delay), ShouldBeNil)
So(ct.TQ.Tasks().Payloads(), ShouldResembleProto, []proto.Message{t})
_, _ = Println("Dedup works")
So(u.Schedule(ctx, t), ShouldBeNil)
So(ct.TQ.Tasks().Payloads(), ShouldHaveLength, 1)
_, _ = Println("But not within the transaction")
err := datastore.RunInTransaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
return u.Schedule(ctx, t)
}, nil)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(ct.TQ.Tasks().Payloads(), ShouldResembleProto, []proto.Message{t, t})
_, _ = Println("Once out of dedup window, schedules a new task")
So(u.Schedule(ctx, t), ShouldBeNil)
So(ct.TQ.Tasks().Payloads(), ShouldResembleProto, []proto.Message{t, t, t})
func TestUpdaterBatch(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Correctly handle batches", t, func() {
ct := cvtesting.Test{}
ctx := ct.SetUp(t)
sortedTQPayloads := func() []proto.Message {
payloads := ct.TQ.Tasks().Payloads()
sort.Slice(payloads, func(i, j int) bool {
return payloads[i].(*UpdateCLTask).GetExternalId() < payloads[j].(*UpdateCLTask).GetExternalId()
return payloads
u := NewUpdater(ct.TQDispatcher, nil)
clA := ExternalID("foo/a/1").MustCreateIfNotExists(ctx)
clB := ExternalID("foo/b/2").MustCreateIfNotExists(ctx)
expectedPayloads := []proto.Message{
LuciProject: "proj",
ExternalId: "foo/a/1",
Id: int64(clA.ID),
Requester: UpdateCLTask_RUN_POKE,
LuciProject: "proj",
ExternalId: "foo/b/2",
Id: int64(clB.ID),
Requester: UpdateCLTask_RUN_POKE,
Convey("outside of a transaction, enqueues individual tasks", func() {
Convey("special case of just one task", func() {
err := u.ScheduleBatch(ctx, "proj", []*CL{clA}, UpdateCLTask_RUN_POKE)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(sortedTQPayloads(), ShouldResembleProto, expectedPayloads[:1])
Convey("multiple", func() {
err := u.ScheduleBatch(ctx, "proj", []*CL{clA, clB}, UpdateCLTask_RUN_POKE)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(sortedTQPayloads(), ShouldResembleProto, expectedPayloads)
Convey("inside of a transaction, enqueues just one task", func() {
err := datastore.RunInTransaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
return u.ScheduleBatch(ctx, "proj", []*CL{clA, clB}, UpdateCLTask_RUN_POKE)
}, nil)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(ct.TQ.Tasks(), ShouldHaveLength, 1)
// Run just the batch task.
ct.TQ.Run(ctx, tqtesting.StopAfterTask(BatchUpdateCLTaskClass))
So(sortedTQPayloads(), ShouldResembleProto, expectedPayloads)
// TestUpdaterWorkingHappyPath is the simplest test for an updater, which also
// illustrates the simplest UpdaterBackend.
func TestUpdaterHappyPath(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Updater's happy path with simplest possible backend", t, func() {
ct := cvtesting.Test{}
ctx := ct.SetUp(t)
pm, rm, tj := pmMock{}, rmMock{}, tjMock{}
u := NewUpdater(ct.TQDispatcher, NewMutator(ct.TQDispatcher, &pm, &rm, &tj))
b := &fakeUpdaterBackend{}
// Phase 1: import CL for the first time. //
b.fetchResult = UpdateFields{
Snapshot: &Snapshot{
ExternalUpdateTime: timestamppb.New(ct.Clock.Now().Add(-1 * time.Second)),
Patchset: 2,
MinEquivalentPatchset: 1,
LuciProject: "luci-project",
Kind: nil, // but should be set in practice,
ApplicableConfig: &ApplicableConfig{
Projects: []*ApplicableConfig_Project{
Name: "luci-project",
ConfigGroupIds: []string{"hash/name"},
// Actually run the Updater.
So(u.handleCL(ctx, &UpdateCLTask{
LuciProject: "luci-project",
ExternalId: "fake/123",
Requester: UpdateCLTask_PUBSUB_POLL,
}), ShouldBeNil)
// Ensure that it reported metrics for the CL fetch events.
So(ct.TSMonSentValue(ctx, metrics.Internal.CLIngestionAttempted,
UpdateCLTask_PUBSUB_POLL.String(), // metric:requester,
true, // metric:changed == true
false, // metric:dep
"luci-project", // metric:project,
true, // metric:changed_snapshot == true
), ShouldEqual, 1)
So(ct.TSMonSentDistr(ctx, metrics.Internal.CLIngestionLatency,
UpdateCLTask_PUBSUB_POLL.String(), // metric:requester,
false, // metric:dep
"luci-project", // metric:project,
true, // metric:changed_snapshot == true
).Sum(), ShouldAlmostEqual, 1)
So(ct.TSMonSentDistr(ctx, metrics.Internal.CLIngestionLatencyWithoutFetch,
UpdateCLTask_PUBSUB_POLL.String(), // metric:requester,
false, // metric:dep
"luci-project", // metric:project,
true, // metric:changed_snapshot == true
).Sum(), ShouldNotBeNil)
// Ensure CL is created with correct data.
cl, err := ExternalID("fake/123").Load(ctx)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(cl.Snapshot, ShouldResembleProto, b.fetchResult.Snapshot)
So(cl.ApplicableConfig, ShouldResembleProto, b.fetchResult.ApplicableConfig)
So(cl.UpdateTime, ShouldHappenWithin, time.Microsecond /*see DS.RoundTime()*/, ct.Clock.Now())
// Since there are no Runs associated with the CL, the outstanding TQ task
// should ultimately notify the Project Manager.
ct.TQ.Run(ctx, tqtesting.StopWhenDrained())
So(pm.byProject, ShouldResemble, map[string]map[common.CLID]int64{
"luci-project": {cl.ID: cl.EVersion},
// Later, a Run will start on this CL.
const runID = "luci-project/123-1-beef"
cl.IncompleteRuns = common.RunIDs{runID}
So(datastore.Put(ctx, cl), ShouldBeNil)
// Phase 2: update the CL with the new patchset. //
b.fetchResult.Snapshot = proto.Clone(cl.Snapshot).(*Snapshot)
b.fetchResult.Snapshot.ExternalUpdateTime = timestamppb.New(ct.Clock.Now())
b.lookupACfgResult = cl.ApplicableConfig // unchanged
// Actually run the Updater.
So(u.handleCL(ctx, &UpdateCLTask{
LuciProject: "luci-project",
ExternalId: "fake/123",
}), ShouldBeNil)
cl2 := reloadCL(ctx, cl)
// The CL entity should have a new patchset and PM/RM should be notified.
So(cl2.Snapshot.GetPatchset(), ShouldEqual, 3)
ct.TQ.Run(ctx, tqtesting.StopWhenDrained())
So(pm.byProject, ShouldResemble, map[string]map[common.CLID]int64{
"luci-project": {cl.ID: cl2.EVersion},
So(rm.byRun, ShouldResemble, map[common.RunID]map[common.CLID]int64{
runID: {cl.ID: cl2.EVersion},
// Phase 3: update if backend detect a change //
b.fetchResult.Snapshot = proto.Clone(cl.Snapshot).(*Snapshot) // unchanged
b.lookupACfgResult = cl.ApplicableConfig // unchanged
b.backendSnapshotUpdated = true
// Actually run the Updater.
So(u.handleCL(ctx, &UpdateCLTask{
LuciProject: "luci-project",
ExternalId: "fake/123",
}), ShouldBeNil)
cl3 := reloadCL(ctx, cl)
// The CL entity have been updated
So(cl3.EVersion, ShouldBeGreaterThan, cl2.EVersion)
ct.TQ.Run(ctx, tqtesting.StopWhenDrained())
So(pm.byProject, ShouldResemble, map[string]map[common.CLID]int64{
"luci-project": {cl.ID: cl3.EVersion},
So(rm.byRun, ShouldResemble, map[common.RunID]map[common.CLID]int64{
runID: {cl.ID: cl3.EVersion},
func TestUpdaterFetchedNoNewData(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Updater skips updating the CL when no new data is fetched", t, func() {
ct := cvtesting.Test{}
ctx := ct.SetUp(t)
pm, rm, tj := pmMock{}, rmMock{}, tjMock{}
u := NewUpdater(ct.TQDispatcher, NewMutator(ct.TQDispatcher, &pm, &rm, &tj))
b := &fakeUpdaterBackend{}
snap := &Snapshot{
ExternalUpdateTime: timestamppb.New(ct.Clock.Now()),
Patchset: 2,
MinEquivalentPatchset: 1,
LuciProject: "luci-project",
Kind: nil, // but should be set in practice
acfg := &ApplicableConfig{Projects: []*ApplicableConfig_Project{
Name: "luci-projectj",
ConfigGroupIds: []string{"hash/old"},
// Put an existing CL.
cl := ExternalID("fake/1").MustCreateIfNotExists(ctx)
cl.ApplicableConfig = acfg
cl.Snapshot = snap
So(datastore.Put(ctx, cl), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("updaterBackend is aware that there is no new data", func() {
b.fetchResult = UpdateFields{}
Convey("updaterBackend is not aware that it fetched the exact same data", func() {
b.fetchResult = UpdateFields{
Snapshot: snap,
ApplicableConfig: acfg,
err := u.handleCL(ctx, &UpdateCLTask{
LuciProject: "luci-project",
ExternalId: "fake/1",
Requester: UpdateCLTask_PUBSUB_POLL})
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// Check the monitoring data
if b.fetchResult.IsEmpty() {
// Empty fetched result implies that it didn't even perform
// a fetch. Hence, no metrics should have been reported.
So(ct.TSMonStore.GetAll(ctx), ShouldBeNil)
} else {
// This is the case where a fetch was performed but
// the data was actually the same as the existing snapshot.
So(ct.TSMonSentValue(ctx, metrics.Internal.CLIngestionAttempted,
UpdateCLTask_PUBSUB_POLL.String(), // metric:requester,
false, // metric:changed == false
false, // metric:dep
"luci-project", // metric:project,
false, // metric:changed_snapshot == false
), ShouldEqual, 1)
So(ct.TSMonSentDistr(ctx, metrics.Internal.CLIngestionLatency,
UpdateCLTask_PUBSUB_POLL.String(), // metric:requester,
false, // metric:dep
"luci-project", // metric:project,
false, // metric:changed_snapshot == false,
), ShouldBeNil)
So(ct.TSMonSentDistr(ctx, metrics.Internal.CLIngestionLatencyWithoutFetch,
UpdateCLTask_PUBSUB_POLL.String(), // metric:requester,
false, // metric:dep
"luci-project", // metric:project,
false, // metric:changed_snapshot == false
), ShouldBeNil)
// CL entity shouldn't change and notifications should not be emitted.
cl2 := reloadCL(ctx, cl)
So(cl2.EVersion, ShouldEqual, cl.EVersion)
// CL Mutator guarantees that EVersion is bumped on every write, but check
// the entire CL contents anyway in case there is a buggy by-pass of
// Mutator somewhere.
So(cl2, cvtesting.SafeShouldResemble, cl)
So(ct.TQ.Tasks(), ShouldBeEmpty)
func TestUpdaterAccessRestriction(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Updater works correctly when backend denies access to the CL", t, func() {
// This is a long test, don't debug it first if other TestUpdater* tests are
// also failing.
ct := cvtesting.Test{}
ctx := ct.SetUp(t)
pm, rm, tj := pmMock{}, rmMock{}, tjMock{}
u := NewUpdater(ct.TQDispatcher, NewMutator(ct.TQDispatcher, &pm, &rm, &tj))
b := &fakeUpdaterBackend{}
// Phase 1: prepare an old CL previously fetched for another LUCI project.
longTimeAgo := ct.Clock.Now().Add(-180 * 24 * time.Hour)
cl := ExternalID("fake/1").MustCreateIfNotExists(ctx)
cl.Snapshot = &Snapshot{
ExternalUpdateTime: timestamppb.New(longTimeAgo),
Patchset: 2,
MinEquivalentPatchset: 1,
LuciProject: "previously-existing-project",
Kind: nil, // but should be set in practice,
cl.ApplicableConfig = &ApplicableConfig{Projects: []*ApplicableConfig_Project{
Name: "previously-existing-project",
ConfigGroupIds: []string{"old-hash/old-name"},
alsoLongTimeAgo := longTimeAgo.Add(time.Minute)
cl.Access = &Access{ByProject: map[string]*Access_Project{
// One possibility is user makes a typo in the free-from Cq-Depend
// footer and accidentally referenced a CL from totally different
// project.
"another-project-with-invalid-cl-deps": {NoAccessTime: timestamppb.New(alsoLongTimeAgo)},
So(datastore.Put(ctx, cl), ShouldBeNil)
// Phase 2: simulate a Fetch which got access denied from backend.
b.fetchResult = UpdateFields{
ApplicableConfig: &ApplicableConfig{Projects: []*ApplicableConfig_Project{
// Note that the old project is no longer watching this CL.
Name: "luci-project",
ConfigGroupIds: []string{"hash/name"},
Snapshot: nil, // nothing was actually fetched.
AddDependentMeta: &Access{ByProject: map[string]*Access_Project{
"luci-project": {NoAccessTime: timestamppb.New(ct.Clock.Now())},
err := u.handleCL(ctx, &UpdateCLTask{LuciProject: "luci-project", ExternalId: "fake/1"})
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// Resulting CL entity should keep the Snapshot, rewrite ApplicableConfig,
// and merge Access.
cl2 := reloadCL(ctx, cl)
So(cl2.Snapshot, ShouldResembleProto, cl.Snapshot)
So(cl2.ApplicableConfig, ShouldResembleProto, b.fetchResult.ApplicableConfig)
So(cl2.Access, ShouldResembleProto, &Access{ByProject: map[string]*Access_Project{
"another-project-with-invalid-cl-deps": {NoAccessTime: timestamppb.New(alsoLongTimeAgo)},
"luci-project": {NoAccessTime: timestamppb.New(ct.Clock.Now())},
// Notifications doesn't have to be sent to the project with invalid deps,
// as this update is irrelevant to the project.
ct.TQ.Run(ctx, tqtesting.StopWhenDrained())
So(pm.byProject, ShouldResemble, map[string]map[common.CLID]int64{
"luci-project": {cl.ID: cl2.EVersion},
"previously-existing-project": {cl.ID: cl2.EVersion},
// Phase 3: backend ACLs are fixed.
b.fetchResult = UpdateFields{
Snapshot: &Snapshot{
ExternalUpdateTime: timestamppb.New(ct.Clock.Now()),
Patchset: 4,
MinEquivalentPatchset: 1,
LuciProject: "luci-project",
Kind: nil, // but should be set in practice
ApplicableConfig: cl2.ApplicableConfig, // same as before
DelAccess: []string{"luci-project"},
err = u.handleCL(ctx, &UpdateCLTask{LuciProject: "luci-project", ExternalId: "fake/1"})
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
cl3 := reloadCL(ctx, cl)
So(cl3.Snapshot, ShouldResembleProto, b.fetchResult.Snapshot) // replaced
So(cl3.ApplicableConfig, ShouldResembleProto, cl2.ApplicableConfig) // same
So(cl3.Access, ShouldResembleProto, &Access{ByProject: map[string]*Access_Project{ // updated
// No more "luci-project" entry.
"another-project-with-invalid-cl-deps": {NoAccessTime: timestamppb.New(alsoLongTimeAgo)},
// Notifications are still not sent to the project with invalid deps.
ct.TQ.Run(ctx, tqtesting.StopWhenDrained())
So(pm.byProject, ShouldResemble, map[string]map[common.CLID]int64{
"luci-project": {cl.ID: cl3.EVersion},
"previously-existing-project": {cl.ID: cl3.EVersion},
func TestUpdaterHandlesErrors(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Updater handles errors", t, func() {
ct := cvtesting.Test{}
ctx := ct.SetUp(t)
u := NewUpdater(ct.TQDispatcher, nil)
Convey("bails permanently in cases which should not happen", func() {
Convey("No ID given", func() {
err := u.handleCL(ctx, &UpdateCLTask{
LuciProject: "luci-project",
So(err, ShouldErrLike, "invalid task input")
So(tq.Fatal.In(err), ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("No LUCI project given", func() {
err := u.handleCL(ctx, &UpdateCLTask{
ExternalId: "fake/1",
So(err, ShouldErrLike, "invalid task input")
So(tq.Fatal.In(err), ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("Contradicting external and internal IDs", func() {
cl1 := ExternalID("fake/1").MustCreateIfNotExists(ctx)
cl2 := ExternalID("fake/2").MustCreateIfNotExists(ctx)
err := u.handleCL(ctx, &UpdateCLTask{
LuciProject: "luci-project",
Id: int64(cl1.ID),
ExternalId: string(cl2.ExternalID),
So(err, ShouldErrLike, "invalid task")
So(tq.Fatal.In(err), ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("Internal ID doesn't actually exist", func() {
// While in most cases this is a bug, it can happen in prod
// if an old CL is being deleted due to data retention policy at the
// same time as something else inside the CV is requesting a refresh of
// the CL against external system. One example of this is if a new CL
// mistakenly marked a very old CL as a dependency.
err := u.handleCL(ctx, &UpdateCLTask{
Id: 404,
LuciProject: "luci-project",
So(err, ShouldErrLike, datastore.ErrNoSuchEntity)
So(tq.Fatal.In(err), ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("CL from unregistered backend", func() {
err := u.handleCL(ctx, &UpdateCLTask{
ExternalId: "unknown/404",
LuciProject: "luci-project",
So(err, ShouldErrLike, "backend is not supported")
So(tq.Fatal.In(err), ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("Respects TQErrorSpec", func() {
ignoreMe := errors.New("ignore-me")
b := &fakeUpdaterBackend{
tqErrorSpec: common.TQIfy{
KnownIgnore: []error{ignoreMe},
fetchError: errors.Annotate(ignoreMe, "something went wrong").Err(),
err := u.handleCL(ctx, &UpdateCLTask{LuciProject: "lp", ExternalId: "fake/1"})
So(tq.Ignore.In(err), ShouldBeTrue)
So(err, ShouldErrLike, "ignore-me")
func TestUpdaterAvoidsFetchWhenPossible(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Updater skips fetching when possible", t, func() {
ct := cvtesting.Test{}
ctx := ct.SetUp(t)
u := NewUpdater(ct.TQDispatcher, NewMutator(ct.TQDispatcher, &pmMock{}, &rmMock{}, &tjMock{}))
b := &fakeUpdaterBackend{}
// Simulate a perfect case for avoiding the snapshot.
cl := ExternalID("fake/123").MustCreateIfNotExists(ctx)
cl.Snapshot = &Snapshot{
ExternalUpdateTime: timestamppb.New(ct.Clock.Now()),
Patchset: 2,
MinEquivalentPatchset: 1,
LuciProject: "luci-project",
Kind: nil, // but should be set in practice,
cl.ApplicableConfig = &ApplicableConfig{
Projects: []*ApplicableConfig_Project{
Name: "luci-project",
ConfigGroupIds: []string{"hash/name"},
So(datastore.Put(ctx, cl), ShouldBeNil)
task := &UpdateCLTask{
LuciProject: "luci-project",
ExternalId: string(cl.ExternalID),
Hint: externalTime(ct.Clock.Now()),
// Typically, ApplicableConfig config (i.e. which LUCI project watch this
// CL) doesn't change, too.
b.lookupACfgResult = cl.ApplicableConfig
Convey("skips Fetch", func() {
Convey("happy path: everything is up to date", func() {
So(u.handleCL(ctx, task), ShouldBeNil)
cl2 := reloadCL(ctx, cl)
// Quick-fail if EVersion changes.
So(cl2.EVersion, ShouldEqual, cl.EVersion)
// Ensure nothing about the CL actually changed.
So(cl2, cvtesting.SafeShouldResemble, cl)
So(b.wasLookupApplicableConfigCalled(), ShouldBeTrue)
So(b.wasFetchCalled(), ShouldBeFalse)
Convey("special path: changed ApplicableConfig is saved", func() {
Convey("CL is not watched by any project", func(c C) {
b.lookupACfgResult = &ApplicableConfig{}
Convey("CL is watched by another project", func(c C) {
b.lookupACfgResult = &ApplicableConfig{Projects: []*ApplicableConfig_Project{
Name: "other-project",
ConfigGroupIds: []string{"ohter-hash/other-name"},
Convey("CL is additionally watched by another project", func(c C) {
b.lookupACfgResult.Projects = append(b.lookupACfgResult.Projects, &ApplicableConfig_Project{
Name: "other-project",
ConfigGroupIds: []string{"ohter-hash/other-name"},
// Either way, fetch can be skipped & Snapshot can be preserved, but the
// ApplicableConfig must be updated.
So(u.handleCL(ctx, task), ShouldBeNil)
So(b.wasFetchCalled(), ShouldBeFalse)
cl2 := reloadCL(ctx, cl)
So(cl2.Snapshot, ShouldResembleProto, cl.Snapshot)
So(cl2.ApplicableConfig, ShouldResembleProto, b.lookupACfgResult)
Convey("meta_rev_id is the same", func() {
Convey("even if the CL entity is really old", func(c C) {
ct.Clock.Add(autoRefreshAfter + time.Minute)
cl.Snapshot.Kind = &Snapshot_Gerrit{Gerrit: &Gerrit{
Info: &gerrit.ChangeInfo{MetaRevId: "deadbeef"},
So(datastore.Put(ctx, cl), ShouldBeNil)
task.Hint.MetaRevId = "deadbeef"
So(u.handleCL(ctx, task), ShouldBeNil)
So(b.wasFetchCalled(), ShouldBeFalse)
Convey("doesn't skip Fetch because ...", func() {
saveCLAndRun := func() {
So(datastore.Put(ctx, cl), ShouldBeNil)
So(u.handleCL(ctx, task), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("no snapshot", func(c C) {
cl.Snapshot = nil
So(b.wasFetchCalled(), ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("snapshot marked outdated", func(c C) {
cl.Snapshot.Outdated = &Snapshot_Outdated{}
So(b.wasFetchCalled(), ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("snapshot is definitely old", func(c C) {
cl.Snapshot.ExternalUpdateTime.Seconds -= 3600
So(b.wasFetchCalled(), ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("snapshot might be old", func(c C) {
task.Hint = nil
So(b.wasFetchCalled(), ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("CL entity is really old", func(c C) {
ct.Clock.Add(autoRefreshAfter + time.Minute)
So(b.wasFetchCalled(), ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("snapshot is for a different project", func(c C) {
cl.Snapshot.LuciProject = "other"
So(b.wasFetchCalled(), ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("backend isn't sure about applicable config", func(c C) {
b.lookupACfgResult = nil
So(b.wasFetchCalled(), ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("CL entity has record of prior access restriction", func(c C) {
cl.Access = &Access{
ByProject: map[string]*Access_Project{
"luci-project": {
// In practice, actual fields are set, but they aren't important
// for this test.
So(b.wasFetchCalled(), ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("meta_rev_id is different", func() {
cl.Snapshot.Kind = &Snapshot_Gerrit{Gerrit: &Gerrit{
Info: &gerrit.ChangeInfo{MetaRevId: "deadbeef"},
So(datastore.Put(ctx, cl), ShouldBeNil)
task.Hint.MetaRevId = "foo"
So(u.handleCL(ctx, task), ShouldBeNil)
So(b.wasFetchCalled(), ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("aborts before the Fetch because LookupApplicableConfig failed", func() {
b.lookupACfgError = errors.New("boo", transient.Tag)
err := u.handleCL(ctx, task)
So(err, ShouldErrLike, b.lookupACfgError)
So(b.wasFetchCalled(), ShouldBeFalse)
func TestUpdaterResolveAndScheduleDepsUpdate(t *testing.T) {
Convey("ResolveAndScheduleDepsUpdate correctly resolves deps", t, func() {
ct := cvtesting.Test{}
ctx := ct.SetUp(t)
u := NewUpdater(ct.TQDispatcher, NewMutator(ct.TQDispatcher, &pmMock{}, &rmMock{}, &tjMock{}))
scheduledUpdates := func() (out []string) {
for _, p := range ct.TQ.Tasks().Payloads() {
if task, ok := p.(*UpdateCLTask); ok {
// Each scheduled task should have ID set, as it is known,
// to save on future lookup.
So(task.GetId(), ShouldNotEqual, 0)
e := task.GetExternalId()
// But also ExternalID, primarily for debugging.
So(e, ShouldNotBeEmpty)
out = append(out, e)
return out
eids := func(cls ...*CL) []string {
out := make([]string, len(cls))
for i, cl := range cls {
out[i] = string(cl.ExternalID)
return out
// Setup 4 existing CLs in various states.
const lProject = "luci-project"
// Various backend IDs are used here for test readability and debug-ability
// only. In practice, all deps likely come from the same backend.
var (
clBareBones = ExternalID("bare-bones/10").MustCreateIfNotExists(ctx)
clUpToDate = ExternalID("up-to-date/12").MustCreateIfNotExists(ctx)
clUpToDateDiffProject = ExternalID("up-to-date-diff-project/13").MustCreateIfNotExists(ctx)
clUpToDate.Snapshot = &Snapshot{
ExternalUpdateTime: timestamppb.New(ct.Clock.Now()),
Patchset: 1,
MinEquivalentPatchset: 1,
LuciProject: lProject,
clUpToDateDiffProject.Snapshot = proto.Clone(clUpToDate.Snapshot).(*Snapshot)
clUpToDateDiffProject.Snapshot.LuciProject = "other-project"
So(datastore.Put(ctx, clUpToDate, clUpToDateDiffProject), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("no deps", func() {
deps, err := u.ResolveAndScheduleDepsUpdate(ctx, lProject, nil, UpdateCLTask_RUN_POKE)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(deps, ShouldBeEmpty)
Convey("only existing CLs", func() {
deps, err := u.ResolveAndScheduleDepsUpdate(ctx, lProject, map[ExternalID]DepKind{
clBareBones.ExternalID: DepKind_SOFT,
clUpToDate.ExternalID: DepKind_HARD,
clUpToDateDiffProject.ExternalID: DepKind_SOFT,
}, UpdateCLTask_RUN_POKE)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(deps, ShouldResembleProto, sortDeps([]*Dep{
{Clid: int64(clBareBones.ID), Kind: DepKind_SOFT},
{Clid: int64(clUpToDate.ID), Kind: DepKind_HARD},
{Clid: int64(clUpToDateDiffProject.ID), Kind: DepKind_SOFT},
// Update for the `clUpToDate` is not necessary.
So(scheduledUpdates(), ShouldResemble, eids(clBareBones, clUpToDateDiffProject))
Convey("only new CLs", func() {
deps, err := u.ResolveAndScheduleDepsUpdate(ctx, lProject, map[ExternalID]DepKind{
"new/1": DepKind_SOFT,
"new/2": DepKind_HARD,
}, UpdateCLTask_RUN_POKE)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
cl1 := ExternalID("new/1").MustCreateIfNotExists(ctx)
cl2 := ExternalID("new/2").MustCreateIfNotExists(ctx)
So(deps, ShouldResembleProto, sortDeps([]*Dep{
{Clid: int64(cl1.ID), Kind: DepKind_SOFT},
{Clid: int64(cl2.ID), Kind: DepKind_HARD},
So(scheduledUpdates(), ShouldResemble, eids(cl1, cl2))
Convey("mix old and new CLs", func() {
deps, err := u.ResolveAndScheduleDepsUpdate(ctx, lProject, map[ExternalID]DepKind{
"new/1": DepKind_SOFT,
"new/2": DepKind_HARD,
clBareBones.ExternalID: DepKind_HARD,
clUpToDate.ExternalID: DepKind_SOFT,
}, UpdateCLTask_RUN_POKE)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
cl1 := ExternalID("new/1").MustCreateIfNotExists(ctx)
cl2 := ExternalID("new/2").MustCreateIfNotExists(ctx)
So(deps, ShouldResembleProto, sortDeps([]*Dep{
{Clid: int64(cl1.ID), Kind: DepKind_SOFT},
{Clid: int64(cl2.ID), Kind: DepKind_HARD},
{Clid: int64(clBareBones.ID), Kind: DepKind_HARD},
{Clid: int64(clUpToDate.ID), Kind: DepKind_SOFT},
// Update for the `clUpToDate` is not necessary.
So(scheduledUpdates(), ShouldResemble, eids(cl1, cl2, clBareBones))
Convey("high number of dependency CLs", func() {
const clCount = 1024
depCLMap := make(map[ExternalID]DepKind, clCount)
depCLs := make([]*CL, clCount)
for i := 0; i < clCount; i++ {
depCLs[i] = ExternalID(fmt.Sprintf("high-dep-cl/%04d", i)).MustCreateIfNotExists(ctx)
depCLMap[depCLs[i].ExternalID] = DepKind_HARD
deps, err := u.ResolveAndScheduleDepsUpdate(ctx, lProject, depCLMap, UpdateCLTask_RUN_POKE)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
expectedDeps := make([]*Dep, clCount)
for i, depCL := range depCLs {
expectedDeps[i] = &Dep{
Clid: int64(depCL.ID),
Kind: DepKind_HARD,
So(deps, ShouldResembleProto, expectedDeps)
So(scheduledUpdates(), ShouldResemble, eids(depCLs...))
// fakeUpdaterBackend is a fake UpdaterBackend.
// It provides functionality which is a subset of what gomock would generate,
// but with additional assertions to validate the contract between Updater and
// its backend.
type fakeUpdaterBackend struct {
tqErrorSpec common.TQIfy
// LookupApplicableConfig related fields:
lookupACfgCL *CL // copy
lookupACfgResult *ApplicableConfig
lookupACfgError error
// Fetch related fields:
fetchCL *CL // copy
fetchProject string
fetchUpdatedHint time.Time
fetchResult UpdateFields
fetchError error
backendSnapshotUpdated bool
func (f *fakeUpdaterBackend) Kind() string {
return "fake"
func (f *fakeUpdaterBackend) TQErrorSpec() common.TQIfy {
return f.tqErrorSpec
func (f *fakeUpdaterBackend) wasLookupApplicableConfigCalled() bool {
return f.lookupACfgCL != nil
func (f *fakeUpdaterBackend) LookupApplicableConfig(ctx context.Context, saved *CL) (*ApplicableConfig, error) {
So(f.wasLookupApplicableConfigCalled(), ShouldBeFalse)
// Check contract with a backend:
So(saved, ShouldNotBeNil)
So(saved.ID, ShouldNotEqual, 0)
So(saved.ExternalID, ShouldNotBeEmpty)
So(saved.Snapshot, ShouldNotBeNil)
// Shallow-copy to catch some mistakes in test.
f.lookupACfgCL = &CL{}
*f.lookupACfgCL = *saved
return f.lookupACfgResult, f.lookupACfgError
func (f *fakeUpdaterBackend) wasFetchCalled() bool {
return f.fetchCL != nil
func (f *fakeUpdaterBackend) Fetch(ctx context.Context, in *FetchInput) (UpdateFields, error) {
So(f.wasFetchCalled(), ShouldBeFalse)
// Check contract with a backend:
So(in.CL, ShouldNotBeNil)
So(in.CL.ExternalID, ShouldNotBeEmpty)
// Shallow-copy to catch some mistakes in test.
f.fetchCL = &CL{}
*f.fetchCL = *in.CL
f.fetchProject = in.Project
f.fetchUpdatedHint = in.UpdatedHint
return f.fetchResult, f.fetchError
func (f *fakeUpdaterBackend) HasChanged(cvCurrent, backendCurrent *Snapshot) bool {
switch {
case backendCurrent == nil:
panic("impossible. Backend must have a non-nil snapshot")
case cvCurrent == nil:
return true
case backendCurrent.GetExternalUpdateTime().AsTime().After(cvCurrent.GetExternalUpdateTime().AsTime()):
return true
case backendCurrent.GetPatchset() > cvCurrent.GetPatchset():
return true
case f.backendSnapshotUpdated:
return true
return false
// reset resets the fake for the next use.
func (f *fakeUpdaterBackend) reset() {
*f = fakeUpdaterBackend{}
// reloadCL loads a new CL from Datastore.
// Doesn't re-use the object.
func reloadCL(ctx context.Context, cl *CL) *CL {
ret := &CL{ID: cl.ID}
if err := datastore.Get(ctx, ret); err != nil {
return ret