blob: 2ce9fdce4180959be8a5900cf45d144b63e5dc04 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package migration;
option go_package = ";migrationpb";
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "";
import "";
// Migration service is for INTERNAL LUCI CV USE ONLY.
// This is temporary API to be called by CQDaemon, CV's predecessor, during the
// migration from CQDaemon to CV.
service Migration {
// ReportRuns notifies CV of the Runs CQDaemon is currently working with.
// Used to determine whether CV's view of the world matches that of CQDaemon.
// Initially, this is just FYI for CV.
rpc ReportRuns(ReportRunsRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
// ReportFinishedRun notifies CV of the Run CQDaemon has just finalized.
// The Run may not contain CV's id, but CV can figure out the the ID using
// Run.Attempt.Key.
// Called by CQDaemon when CQDaemon is in charge of run management.
rpc ReportFinishedRun(ReportFinishedRunRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
// ReportVerifiedRun notifies CV of the Run CQDaemon has just finished
// verifying.
// The Run may not contain CV's id, but CV can figure out the the ID using
// Run.Attempt.Key.
// Called by CQDaemon when CV is in charge of run management.
rpc ReportVerifiedRun(ReportVerifiedRunRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
// FetchRunStatus provides to CQDaemon info about a completed Run in order to
// send to CQ Status app.
// The Run may not contain CV's id, but CV can figure out the the ID using
// Run.Attempt.Key.
// Called by CQDaemon when CV is in charge of run management.
rpc FetchRunStatus(FetchRunStatusRequest) returns (FetchRunStatusResponse);
// PostGerritMessage posts a unique per run message to Gerrit.
// Best effort, since Gerrit doesn't provide for idempotent or conditional
// (etag like) updates.
// Use-cases:
// * CQDaemon linter posting a warning/error.
// * GerritCQAbility verifier posting error on each of Run's CL before
// failing entire attempt.
// Error handling:
// * If presumably transient Gerrit error, fails with Internal error (for
// simplicity). CQDaemon will have to retry.
// * If Gerrit error is 403, 404 or 412 (Precondition error), responds with
// corresponding gRPC code.
rpc PostGerritMessage(PostGerritMessageRequest) returns (PostGerritMessageResponse);
// FetchActiveRuns returns all currently RUNNING runs in CV for the given
// project.
rpc FetchActiveRuns(FetchActiveRunsRequest) returns (FetchActiveRunsResponse);
// FetchExcludedCLs returns all CLs referenced by ReportVerifiedRuns but with
// not yet ended Runs.
// CQDaemon uses this to avoid processing these CLs when computing its own
// list of candidates.
// Called by CQDaemon when CQDaemon is in charge of run management.
rpc FetchExcludedCLs(FetchExcludedCLsRequest) returns (FetchExcludedCLsResponse);
// ReportUsedNetrc notifies CV of the legacy .netrc credentials used by
// CQDaemon.
rpc ReportUsedNetrc(ReportUsedNetrcRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
message ReportRunsRequest {
repeated ReportedRun runs = 1;
message ReportFinishedRunRequest {
ReportedRun run = 1;
message ReportVerifiedRunRequest {
ReportedRun run = 1;
// Action that CV SHOULD do on a Run.
// Should instead of must because CV may be already finalizing the Run.
// In pure CQDaemon, the action would have been done by CQDaemon itself.
enum Action {
ACTION_SUBMIT = 1; // requires a full run
ACTION_DRY_RUN_OK = 2; // requires a dry run
ACTION_FAIL = 3; // final_message must be set
Action action = 11;
// Final message to post to Gerrit in case of ACTION_FAIL.
string final_message = 12;
// ReportedRun as reported by the CQDaemon to CV.
message ReportedRun {
// CV's run ID if known.
string id = 2;
bigquery.Attempt attempt = 1;
message PostGerritMessageRequest {
// CV's run ID. May be not set iff CQDaemon does this before it takes Runs
// from CV.
string run_id = 1;
// LUCI Project. If run_id is specified, this is redundant.
string project = 2;
// CQD native Run identifier.
string attempt_key = 3;
// Gerrit host.
string host = 11;
int64 change = 12;
string revision = 15;
// String comment to post.
string comment = 13;
// If true, send email to:
// * OWNER_REVIEWERS if full run
// * OWNER+all CQ voters if dry run
bool send_email = 14;
message PostGerritMessageResponse {
message ReportUsedNetrcRequest {
string gerrit_host = 1;
string access_token = 2;
message FetchActiveRunsRequest {
string luci_project = 1;
message FetchActiveRunsResponse {
repeated ActiveRun active_runs = 2;
// ActiveRun.
message ActiveRun {
// CV Run ID.
string id = 1;
repeated RunCL cls = 2;
message RunCL {
// CV's CLID. Used to identify Deps.
int64 id = 1;
bigquery.GerritChange gc = 2;
// The following are copy-pasted from CV's snapshot.
// Info is guaranteed to have current revision with the same patchset as
// as specified in bigquery.GerritChange.
gerrit.ChangeInfo info = 3;
repeated string files = 4;
message Trigger {
google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 1;
// Gerrit account ID.
int64 account_id = 3;
// User email, if known.
string email = 4;
Trigger trigger = 5;
message Dep {
// CV's CLID. Guaranteed to match one of the RunCL in the same Run.
int64 id = 1;
// True means Dep is the immediate git parent and must be submitted first.
bool hard = 2;
repeated Dep deps = 6;
message FetchRunStatusRequest {
string luci_project = 1;
string cv_id = 2;
string attempt_key = 3;
message FetchRunStatusResponse {
// If event is not "", CQDaemon will call async_push's
// `send_patch_event(..., event, extra)`.
string event = 1;
string extra = 2;
message FetchExcludedCLsRequest {
string luci_project = 1;
message FetchExcludedCLsResponse {
// Each CL has only host and change number set.
repeated bigquery.GerritChange cls = 1;