blob: 2b6bd6bf80ab03392281714ddbe6ac1d0854517a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package e2e
import (
cfgpb ""
gf ""
. ""
func TestPurgesCLWithoutOwner(t *testing.T) {
Convey("PM purges CLs without owner's email", t, func() {
///////////////////////// Setup ////////////////////////////////
ct := Test{}
ctx, cancel := ct.SetUp()
defer cancel()
const (
lProject = "infra"
gHost = "g-review"
gRepo = "re/po"
gRef = "refs/heads/main"
gChange = 43
ct.EnableCVRunManagement(ctx, lProject)
ct.Cfg.Create(ctx, lProject, MakeCfgSingular("cg0", gHost, gRepo, gRef))
ci := gf.CI(
gChange, gf.Project(gRepo), gf.Ref(gRef),
gf.Updated(ct.Now()), gf.CQ(+2, ct.Now(), gf.U("user-1")),
ci.GetOwner().Email = ""
ct.GFake.AddFrom(gf.WithCIs(gHost, gf.ACLRestricted(lProject), ci))
So(ct.MaxCQVote(ctx, gHost, gChange), ShouldEqual, 2)
ct.LogPhase(ctx, "Run CV until CQ+2 vote is removed")
So(ct.PMNotifier.UpdateConfig(ctx, lProject), ShouldBeNil)
ct.RunUntil(ctx, func() bool {
return ct.MaxCQVote(ctx, gHost, gChange) == 0
So(ct.LastMessage(gHost, gChange).GetMessage(), ShouldContainSubstring, "doesn't have a preferred email")
ct.LogPhase(ctx, "Ensure PM had a chance to react to CLUpdated event")
ct.RunUntil(ctx, func() bool {
return len(ct.LoadProject(ctx, lProject).State.GetPcls()) == 0
func TestPurgesCLWithUnwatchedDeps(t *testing.T) {
Convey("PM purges CL with dep outside the project after waiting stabilization_delay", t, func() {
///////////////////////// Setup ////////////////////////////////
ct := Test{}
ctx, cancel := ct.SetUp()
defer cancel()
const (
lProject = "chromium"
gHost = ""
gRepo = "chromium/src"
gRef = "refs/heads/main"
gChange = 33
lProject2 = "webrtc"
gHost2 = ""
gRepo2 = "src"
gChange2 = 22
// Enable CV management of both projects.
ct.EnableCVRunManagement(ctx, lProject)
ct.EnableCVRunManagement(ctx, lProject2)
const stabilizationDelay = 2 * time.Minute
cfg1 := MakeCfgSingular("cg0", gHost, gRepo, gRef)
cfg1.GetConfigGroups()[0].CombineCls = &cfgpb.CombineCLs{
StabilizationDelay: durationpb.New(stabilizationDelay),
ct.Cfg.Create(ctx, lProject, cfg1)
ct.Cfg.Create(ctx, lProject2, MakeCfgSingular("cg0", gHost2, gRepo2, gRef))
tStart := ct.Now()
ct.GFake.AddFrom(gf.WithCIs(gHost, gf.ACLRestricted(lProject), gf.CI(
gChange, gf.Project(gRepo), gf.Ref(gRef),
gf.Updated(tStart), gf.CQ(+2, tStart, gf.U("user-1")),
gf.Desc(fmt.Sprintf("T\n\nCq-Depend: webrtc:%d", gChange2)),
ct.GFake.AddFrom(gf.WithCIs(gHost2, gf.ACLRestricted(lProject2), gf.CI(
gChange2, gf.Project(gRepo2), gf.Ref(gRef),
gf.Updated(tStart), gf.CQ(+2, tStart, gf.U("user-1")),
ct.LogPhase(ctx, "Run CV until CQ+2 vote is removed")
So(ct.PMNotifier.UpdateConfig(ctx, lProject), ShouldBeNil)
ct.RunUntil(ctx, func() bool {
return ct.MaxCQVote(ctx, gHost, gChange) == 0
m := ct.LastMessage(gHost, gChange)
So(m, ShouldNotBeNil)
So(m.GetDate().AsTime(), ShouldHappenAfter, tStart.Add(stabilizationDelay))
So(m.GetMessage(), ShouldContainSubstring, "its deps are not watched by the same LUCI project")
So(m.GetMessage(), ShouldContainSubstring, "")
ct.LogPhase(ctx, "Ensure PM had a chance to react to CLUpdated event")
ct.RunUntil(ctx, func() bool {
return len(ct.LoadProject(ctx, lProject).State.GetPcls()) == 0
func TestPurgesCLWithMismatchedDepsMode(t *testing.T) {
Convey("PM purges CL with dep outside the project after waiting stabilization_delay", t, func() {
///////////////////////// Setup ////////////////////////////////
ct := Test{}
ctx, cancel := ct.SetUp()
defer cancel()
const (
lProject = "chromiumos"
gHost = ""
gRepo = "cros/platform"
gRef = "refs/heads/main"
gChange44 = 44
gChange45 = 45
quickLabel = "Quick-Label"
ct.LogPhase(ctx, "Set up stack of 2 CLs with active combine_cls setting but differing modes")
ct.EnableCVRunManagement(ctx, lProject)
const stabilizationDelay = 5 * time.Minute
cfg := MakeCfgSingular("cg0", gHost, gRepo, gRef)
cfg.GetConfigGroups()[0].CombineCls = &cfgpb.CombineCLs{
StabilizationDelay: durationpb.New(stabilizationDelay),
cfg.GetConfigGroups()[0].AdditionalModes = []*cfgpb.Mode{{
CqLabelValue: 1,
TriggeringLabel: quickLabel,
TriggeringValue: 1,
ct.Cfg.Create(ctx, lProject, cfg)
tStart := ct.Now()
ci44 := gf.CI(
gChange44, gf.Project(gRepo), gf.Ref(gRef), gf.Updated(tStart),
gf.CQ(+1, tStart, gf.U("user-1")), // Just DRY_RUN.
gf.Desc(fmt.Sprintf("T\n\nCq-Depend: %d", gChange45)),
ci45 := gf.CI(
gChange45, gf.Project(gRepo), gf.Ref(gRef), gf.Updated(tStart),
// These 2 votes trigger QUICK_DRY_RUN.
gf.CQ(+1, tStart, gf.U("user-1")),
gf.Vote(quickLabel, +1, tStart, gf.U("user-1")),
// Some other user triggering just the quickLabel, which is a noop.
gf.Vote(quickLabel, +1, tStart.Add(-time.Minute), gf.U("user-2")),
ct.GFake.AddFrom(gf.WithCIs(gHost, gf.ACLRestricted(lProject), ci45, ci44))
// Make ci45 depend on ci44 via Git relationship (ie make it a CL stack).
ct.GFake.SetDependsOn(gHost, ci45, ci44)
// Now, ci45 and ci44 must be tested only together.
ct.LogPhase(ctx, "Run CV until both CLs are purged")
So(ct.PMNotifier.UpdateConfig(ctx, lProject), ShouldBeNil)
ct.RunUntil(ctx, func() bool {
return (ct.MaxCQVote(ctx, gHost, gChange44) == 0 &&
ct.MaxCQVote(ctx, gHost, gChange45) == 0 &&
ct.MaxVote(ctx, gHost, gChange45, quickLabel) == 0)
ct.LogPhase(ctx, "Ensure purging happened only after stabilizationDelay")
So(ct.LastMessage(gHost, gChange44).GetDate().AsTime(), ShouldHappenAfter, tStart.Add(stabilizationDelay))
So(ct.LastMessage(gHost, gChange45).GetDate().AsTime(), ShouldHappenAfter, tStart.Add(stabilizationDelay))
ct.LogPhase(ctx, "Ensure CL is no longer active in CV")
ct.RunUntil(ctx, func() bool {
return len(ct.LoadProject(ctx, lProject).State.GetPcls()) == 0
func TestPurgesCLCQDependingOnItself(t *testing.T) {
Convey("PM purges CL which CQ-Depends on itself", t, func() {
///////////////////////// Setup ////////////////////////////////
ct := Test{}
ctx, cancel := ct.SetUp()
defer cancel()
const (
lProject = "chromiumos"
gHost = ""
gRepo = "cros/platform"
gRef = "refs/heads/main"
gChange44 = 44
ct.LogPhase(ctx, "Set up a CL depending on itself")
ct.EnableCVRunManagement(ctx, lProject)
cfg := MakeCfgSingular("cg0", gHost, gRepo, gRef)
ct.Cfg.Create(ctx, lProject, cfg)
tStart := ct.Now()
ct.GFake.AddFrom(gf.WithCIs(gHost, gf.ACLRestricted(lProject), gf.CI(
gChange44, gf.Project(gRepo), gf.Ref(gRef), gf.Updated(tStart),
gf.CQ(+1, tStart, gf.U("user-1")),
gf.Desc(fmt.Sprintf("T\n\nCq-Depend: %d", gChange44)),
ct.LogPhase(ctx, "Run CV until CL is purged")
So(ct.PMNotifier.UpdateConfig(ctx, lProject), ShouldBeNil)
ct.RunUntil(ctx, func() bool {
return ct.MaxCQVote(ctx, gHost, gChange44) == 0
So(ct.LastMessage(gHost, gChange44).GetMessage(), ShouldContainSubstring, "because it depends on itself")
ct.LogPhase(ctx, "Ensure CL is no longer active in CV")
ct.RunUntil(ctx, func() bool {
return len(ct.LoadProject(ctx, lProject).State.GetPcls()) == 0