blob: d28e855d17c41b13c1f5122498044c108c1b7a0b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package repo
import (
api ""
// Public returns publicly exposed implementation of cipd.Repository service.
// It checks ACLs.
func Public(internalCAS cas.StorageServer, d *tq.Dispatcher) Server {
impl := &repoImpl{
tq: d,
meta: metadata.GetStorage(),
cas: internalCAS,
impl.registerProcessor(&processing.ClientExtractor{CAS: internalCAS})
return impl
// Server is api.RepositoryServer that can also expose some non-pRPC routes.
type Server interface {
// InstallHandlers installs non-pRPC HTTP handlers into the router.
// Assumes 'base' middleware chain does OAuth2 authentication already.
InstallHandlers(r *router.Router, base router.MiddlewareChain)
// repoImpl implements api.RepositoryServer.
type repoImpl struct {
tq *tq.Dispatcher
meta metadata.Storage // storage for package prefix metadata
cas cas.StorageServer // non-ACLed storage for instance package files
procs []processing.Processor // in order of registerProcessor calls
procsMap map[string]processing.Processor // ID => processing.Processor
// registerTasks adds tasks to the tq Dispatcher.
func (impl *repoImpl) registerTasks() {
// See queue.yaml for "run-processors" task queue definition.
impl.tq.RegisterTask(&tasks.RunProcessors{}, func(c context.Context, m proto.Message) error {
return impl.runProcessorsTask(c, m.(*tasks.RunProcessors))
}, "run-processors", nil)
// registerProcessor adds a new processor.
func (impl *repoImpl) registerProcessor(p processing.Processor) {
if impl.procsMap == nil {
impl.procsMap = map[string]processing.Processor{}
id := p.ID()
if impl.procsMap[id] != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("processor %q has already been registered", id))
impl.procs = append(impl.procs, p)
impl.procsMap[id] = p
// packageReader opens a package instance for reading.
func (impl *repoImpl) packageReader(c context.Context, ref *api.ObjectRef) (*processing.PackageReader, error) {
// Get slow Google Storage based ReaderAt.
rawReader, err := impl.cas.GetReader(c, ref)
switch code := grpc.Code(err); {
case code == codes.NotFound:
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "package instance is not in the storage").Err()
case code != codes.OK:
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to open the object for reading").Tag(transient.Tag).Err()
// Read in 512 Kb chunks, keep 2 of them buffered.
pkg, err := processing.NewPackageReader(
iotools.NewBufferingReaderAt(rawReader, 512*1024, 2),
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "error when opening the package").Err()
return pkg, nil
// Prefix metadata RPC methods + related helpers including ACL checks.
// GetPrefixMetadata implements the corresponding RPC method, see the proto doc.
func (impl *repoImpl) GetPrefixMetadata(c context.Context, r *api.PrefixRequest) (resp *api.PrefixMetadata, err error) {
// It is fine to implement this in terms of GetInheritedPrefixMetadata, since
// we need to fetch all inherited metadata anyway to check ACLs.
inherited, err := impl.GetInheritedPrefixMetadata(c, r)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Have the metadata for the requested prefix? It should be the last if so.
if m := inherited.PerPrefixMetadata; len(m) != 0 && m[len(m)-1].Prefix == r.Prefix {
return m[len(m)-1], nil
// Note that GetInheritedPrefixMetadata checked that the caller has permission
// to view the requested prefix (via some parent prefix ACL), so sincerely
// reply with NotFound.
return nil, noMetadataErr(r.Prefix)
// GetInheritedPrefixMetadata implements the corresponding RPC method, see the
// proto doc.
// Note: it normalizes Prefix field inside the request.
func (impl *repoImpl) GetInheritedPrefixMetadata(c context.Context, r *api.PrefixRequest) (resp *api.InheritedPrefixMetadata, err error) {
defer func() { err = grpcutil.GRPCifyAndLogErr(c, err) }()
r.Prefix, err = common.ValidatePackagePrefix(r.Prefix)
if err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "bad 'prefix' - %s", err)
metas, err := impl.checkRole(c, r.Prefix, api.Role_OWNER)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &api.InheritedPrefixMetadata{PerPrefixMetadata: metas}, nil
// UpdatePrefixMetadata implements the corresponding RPC method, see the proto doc.
func (impl *repoImpl) UpdatePrefixMetadata(c context.Context, r *api.PrefixMetadata) (resp *api.PrefixMetadata, err error) {
defer func() { err = grpcutil.GRPCifyAndLogErr(c, err) }()
// Fill in server-assigned fields.
r.UpdateTime = google.NewTimestamp(clock.Now(c))
r.UpdateUser = string(auth.CurrentIdentity(c))
// Normalize and validate format of the PrefixMetadata.
if err := common.NormalizePrefixMetadata(r); err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "bad prefix metadata - %s", err)
// The root metadata is not modifiable through API.
if r.Prefix == "" {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "the root metadata is not modifiable")
// Check ACLs.
if _, err := impl.checkRole(c, r.Prefix, api.Role_OWNER); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Transactionally check the fingerprint and update the metadata. impl.meta
// will recalculate the new fingerprint. Note there's a small chance the
// caller no longer has OWNER role to modify the metadata inside the
// transaction. We ignore it. It happens when caller's permissions are revoked
// by someone else exactly during UpdatePrefixMetadata call.
return impl.meta.UpdateMetadata(c, r.Prefix, func(cur *api.PrefixMetadata) error {
if cur.Fingerprint != r.Fingerprint {
switch {
case cur.Fingerprint == "":
// The metadata was deleted while the caller was messing with it.
return noMetadataErr(r.Prefix)
case r.Fingerprint == "":
// Caller tries to make a new one, but we already have it.
return status.Errorf(
codes.AlreadyExists, "metadata for prefix %q already exists and has fingerprint %q, "+
"use combination of GetPrefixMetadata and UpdatePrefixMetadata to "+
"update it", r.Prefix, cur.Fingerprint)
// The fingerprint has changed while the caller was messing with
// the metadata.
return status.Errorf(
codes.FailedPrecondition, "metadata for prefix %q was updated concurrently "+
"(the fingerprint in the request %q doesn't match the current fingerprint %q), "+
"fetch new metadata with GetPrefixMetadata and reapply your "+
"changes", r.Prefix, r.Fingerprint, cur.Fingerprint)
prev := *cur
*cur = *r
return model.EmitMetadataEvents(c, &prev, cur)
// GetRolesInPrefix implements the corresponding RPC method, see the proto doc.
func (impl *repoImpl) GetRolesInPrefix(c context.Context, r *api.PrefixRequest) (resp *api.RolesInPrefixResponse, err error) {
defer func() { err = grpcutil.GRPCifyAndLogErr(c, err) }()
r.Prefix, err = common.ValidatePackagePrefix(r.Prefix)
if err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "bad 'prefix' - %s", err)
metas, err := impl.meta.GetMetadata(c, r.Prefix)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
roles, err := rolesInPrefix(c, metas)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resp = &api.RolesInPrefixResponse{
Roles: make([]*api.RolesInPrefixResponse_RoleInPrefix, len(roles)),
for i, r := range roles {
resp.Roles[i] = &api.RolesInPrefixResponse_RoleInPrefix{Role: r}
return resp, nil
// checkRole checks where the caller has the given role in the given prefix or
// any of its parent prefixes.
// Understands role inheritance. See acl.go for more details.
// Returns grpc PermissionDenied error if the caller doesn't have the requested
// role. The error message depends on whether caller has READER role or not
// (readers see more details).
// Fetches and returns metadata of the prefix and all parent prefixes as a side
// effect.
func (impl *repoImpl) checkRole(c context.Context, prefix string, role api.Role) ([]*api.PrefixMetadata, error) {
metas, err := impl.meta.GetMetadata(c, prefix)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
switch yes, err := hasRole(c, metas, role); {
case err != nil:
return nil, err
case yes:
return metas, nil
case role == api.Role_READER: // was checking for a reader, and caller is not
return nil, noAccessErr(c, prefix)
// We end up here if role is something other than READER, and the caller
// doesn't have it. Maybe caller IS a reader, then we can give more concrete
// error message.
switch yes, err := hasRole(c, metas, api.Role_READER); {
case err != nil:
return nil, err
case yes:
return nil, status.Errorf(
codes.PermissionDenied, "%q has no required %s role in prefix %q",
auth.CurrentIdentity(c), role, prefix)
return nil, noAccessErr(c, prefix)
// noAccessErr produces a grpc error saying that the given prefix doesn't
// exist or the caller has no access to it. This is generic error message that
// should not give away prefix presence to non-readers.
func noAccessErr(c context.Context, prefix string) error {
var msg string
if ident := auth.CurrentIdentity(c); ident.Kind() == identity.Anonymous {
msg = "not visible to unauthenticated callers"
} else {
msg = fmt.Sprintf("%q is not allowed to see it", ident)
return status.Errorf(codes.PermissionDenied, "prefix %q doesn't exist or %s", prefix, msg)
// noMetadataErr produces a grpc error saying that the given prefix doesn't have
// metadata attached.
func noMetadataErr(prefix string) error {
return status.Errorf(codes.NotFound, "prefix %q has no metadata", prefix)
// Prefix listing.
// ListPrefix implement the corresponding RPC method, see the proto doc.
func (impl *repoImpl) ListPrefix(c context.Context, r *api.ListPrefixRequest) (resp *api.ListPrefixResponse, err error) {
defer func() { err = grpcutil.GRPCifyAndLogErr(c, err) }()
r.Prefix, err = common.ValidatePackagePrefix(r.Prefix)
if err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "bad 'prefix' - %s", err)
// Discover prefixes the caller is allowed to see. Note that checking only
// r.Prefix ACL is not sufficient, since the caller may not see it, but still
// see some deeper prefix, thus we need to enumerate the metadata subtree.
var visibleRoots []string // sorted list of prefixes visible to the caller
err = impl.meta.VisitMetadata(c, r.Prefix, func(pfx string, md []*api.PrefixMetadata) (cont bool, err error) {
switch visible, err := hasRole(c, md, api.Role_READER); {
case err != nil:
return false, err
case visible:
// Found a visible root. Everything under 'pfx' is visible to the caller,
// no sense in recursing deeper into this subtree.
visibleRoots = append(visibleRoots, pfx)
return false, nil
// Continue exploring this subtree until we find something visible there,
// if anything.
return true, nil
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to enumerate the metadata").Err()
// One of 'visibleRoots' => its full sorted recursive listing.
perVisibleRoot := make(map[string][]string, len(visibleRoots))
// ListPackages used below lists only packages that are under the prefix. It
// is possible there are packages that match some of visibleRoots directly
// (have exact same name as some visible root). We check it here. Note that
// this applies only to subprefixes of r.Prefix: we don't want to return a
// package named r.Prefix in the result (if any). So if visibleRoots is
// [r.Prefix] itself, we skip this check. Note that if r.Prefix is in
// visibleRoots, then it is the only item there, by construction.
if len(visibleRoots) != 1 || visibleRoots[0] != r.Prefix {
rootPkgs, err := model.CheckPackages(c, visibleRoots, r.IncludeHidden)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to check presence of packages").Err()
for _, name := range rootPkgs {
perVisibleRoot[name] = []string{name}
// Fetch the listing of each visible root in parallel. Note that there's no
// intersection between them due to the order of VisitMetadata enumeration.
err = parallel.WorkPool(8, func(tasks chan<- func() error) {
mu := sync.Mutex{}
for _, pfx := range visibleRoots {
pfx := pfx
tasks <- func() error {
// TODO(vadimsh): This is inefficient for non-recursive listings.
// Unfortunately we have to do the recursive listing to discover
// subprefixes. E.g. when listing 'a', we need to return 'a/b' as a
// subprefix if there's a package 'a/b/c', so to discover 'a/b/c' we
// need full recursive listing of 'a'.
// One possible improvement is:
// 1. Introduce a new parallel entity group just for browsing:
// Entry {
// Name: <full path to the package or the prefix>,
// Children: [<names of all child prefixes and packages>],
// HiddenChildren: [<names of hidden prefixes and packages>],
// Hidden: <true|false>, // also true if all children are hidden
// }
// 2. 'Entry' basically represents a browsable item (either a package
// or a "directory" aka prefix).
// 3. Update this entity group when registering, deleting, hiding or
// showing packages. Will require O(<number of path components>)
// entity writes in a single transaction, which is acceptable.
// 4. In non-recursive listing just look at Children of corresponding
// entity.
listing, err := model.ListPackages(c, pfx, r.IncludeHidden)
if err == nil {
perVisibleRoot[pfx] = append(perVisibleRoot[pfx], listing...)
return err
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to list a prefix").Err()
// searchRoot is lexicographical prefix of packages we are concerned about.
searchRoot := r.Prefix
if searchRoot != "" {
searchRoot += "/"
// Visit all discovered packages (in sorted order).
resp = &api.ListPrefixResponse{}
dirs := stringset.New(0)
for _, pfx := range visibleRoots {
for _, pkg := range perVisibleRoot[pfx] {
// By construction, ALL packages here must be within the search root.
if !strings.HasPrefix(pkg, searchRoot) {
"unexpected package %q in results when listing %q, visible roots are %q",
pkg, searchRoot, visibleRoots))
// E.g. "a/b/c", relative to searchRoot.
rel := strings.TrimPrefix(pkg, searchRoot)
if r.Recursive {
// If listing recursively, add everything to the result.
resp.Packages = append(resp.Packages, pkg)
// For rel "a/b/c", add [".../a", ".../a/b"] to the directories set.
if chunks := strings.Split(rel, "/"); len(chunks) > 1 {
for i := 1; i < len(chunks); i++ {
dirs.Add(searchRoot + strings.Join(chunks[:i], "/"))
} else {
// Otherwise add only packages that directly reside under searchRoot,
// and pick only first path component of directories, since we don't
// care about what's deeper.
if idx := strings.IndexRune(rel, '/'); idx != -1 {
// 'rel' has / => it is a directory, add its first path component.
dirs.Add(searchRoot + rel[:idx])
} else {
// 'rel' has no / inside => it's a package directly under searchRoot.
resp.Packages = append(resp.Packages, pkg)
// Note: resp.Packages are already sorted by construction.
resp.Prefixes = dirs.ToSlice()
return resp, nil
// Hide/unhide package.
// HidePackage implements the corresponding RPC method, see the proto doc.
func (impl *repoImpl) HidePackage(c context.Context, r *api.PackageRequest) (*empty.Empty, error) {
return impl.setPackageHidden(c, r, model.Hidden)
// UnhidePackage implements the corresponding RPC method, see the proto doc.
func (impl *repoImpl) UnhidePackage(c context.Context, r *api.PackageRequest) (*empty.Empty, error) {
return impl.setPackageHidden(c, r, model.Visible)
// setPackageHidden is common implementation of HidePackage and UnhidePackage.
func (impl *repoImpl) setPackageHidden(c context.Context, r *api.PackageRequest, hidden bool) (resp *empty.Empty, err error) {
defer func() { err = grpcutil.GRPCifyAndLogErr(c, err) }()
if err := common.ValidatePackageName(r.Package); err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "bad 'package' - %s", err)
if _, err := impl.checkRole(c, r.Package, api.Role_OWNER); err != nil {
return nil, err
switch err := model.SetPackageHidden(c, r.Package, hidden); {
case err == datastore.ErrNoSuchEntity:
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.NotFound, "no such package")
case err != nil:
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to update the package").Err()
return &empty.Empty{}, nil
// Package deletion.
// DeletePackage implements the corresponding RPC method, see the proto doc.
func (impl *repoImpl) DeletePackage(c context.Context, r *api.PackageRequest) (resp *empty.Empty, err error) {
defer func() { err = grpcutil.GRPCifyAndLogErr(c, err) }()
if err := common.ValidatePackageName(r.Package); err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "bad 'package' - %s", err)
// DeletePackage RPC, due to its potential severity, is limited only to
// administrators, i.e. OWNERs of the repository root (prefix ""). Before
// checking this, make sure the caller can otherwise modify the package at
// all, to give a nicer error message if they can't.
if _, err := impl.checkRole(c, r.Package, api.Role_OWNER); err != nil {
return nil, err
if _, err := impl.checkRole(c, "", api.Role_OWNER); err != nil {
if grpc.Code(err) == codes.PermissionDenied {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.PermissionDenied,
"package deletion is allowed only to service administrators")
return nil, err
return &empty.Empty{}, model.DeletePackage(c, r.Package)
// Package instance registration and post-registration processing.
// RegisterInstance implements the corresponding RPC method, see the proto doc.
func (impl *repoImpl) RegisterInstance(c context.Context, r *api.Instance) (resp *api.RegisterInstanceResponse, err error) {
defer func() { err = grpcutil.GRPCifyAndLogErr(c, err) }()
// Validate the request format.
if err := common.ValidatePackageName(r.Package); err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "bad 'package' - %s", err)
if err := common.ValidateObjectRef(r.Instance, common.KnownHash); err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "bad 'instance' - %s", err)
// Check ACLs.
if _, err := impl.checkRole(c, r.Package, api.Role_WRITER); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Is such instance already registered?
instance := (&model.Instance{}).FromProto(c, r)
switch err := datastore.Get(c, instance); {
case err == nil:
return &api.RegisterInstanceResponse{
Status: api.RegistrationStatus_ALREADY_REGISTERED,
Instance: instance.Proto(),
}, nil
case err != datastore.ErrNoSuchEntity:
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to fetch the instance entity").Err()
// Attempt to start a new upload session. This will fail with ALREADY_EXISTS
// if such object is already in the storage. This is expected (it means the
// client has uploaded the object already and we should just register the
// instance right away).
uploadOp, err := impl.cas.BeginUpload(c, &api.BeginUploadRequest{
Object: r.Instance,
switch code := grpc.Code(err); {
case code == codes.AlreadyExists:
break // the object is already there
case code == codes.OK:
// The object is not in the storage and we have just started the upload. Let
// the client finish it.
return &api.RegisterInstanceResponse{
Status: api.RegistrationStatus_NOT_UPLOADED,
UploadOp: uploadOp,
}, nil
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to initiate an upload op (code %s)", code).Err()
// Warn about registering deprecated SHA1 packages. Eventually this will be
// forbidden completely.
if r.Instance.HashAlgo == api.HashAlgo_SHA1 {
logging.Warningf(c, "Deprecated SHA1 instance: %s (%s) from %s",
r.Package, common.ObjectRefToInstanceID(r.Instance), auth.CurrentIdentity(c))
// The instance is already in the CAS storage. Register it in the repository.
instance = (&model.Instance{
RegisteredBy: string(auth.CurrentIdentity(c)),
RegisteredTs: clock.Now(c).UTC(),
}).FromProto(c, r)
registered, instance, err := model.RegisterInstance(c, instance, impl.onInstanceRegistration)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to register the instance").Err()
resp = &api.RegisterInstanceResponse{Instance: instance.Proto()}
if registered {
resp.Status = api.RegistrationStatus_REGISTERED
} else {
resp.Status = api.RegistrationStatus_ALREADY_REGISTERED
// onInstanceRegistration is called in a txn when registering an instance.
func (impl *repoImpl) onInstanceRegistration(c context.Context, inst *model.Instance) error {
// Collect IDs of applicable processors.
var procs []string
for _, p := range impl.procs {
if p.Applicable(inst) {
procs = append(procs, p.ID())
if len(procs) == 0 {
return nil
// Mark the instance as being processed now.
inst.ProcessorsPending = procs
// Launch the TQ task that does the processing (see runProcessorsTask below).
return impl.tq.AddTask(c, &tq.Task{
Payload: &tasks.RunProcessors{Instance: inst.Proto()},
Title: inst.InstanceID,
// runProcessorsTask executes a post-upload processing step.
// Returning a transient error here causes the task queue service to retry the
// task.
func (impl *repoImpl) runProcessorsTask(c context.Context, t *tasks.RunProcessors) error {
// Fetch the instance to see what processors are still pending.
inst := (&model.Instance{}).FromProto(c, t.Instance)
switch err := datastore.Get(c, inst); {
case err == datastore.ErrNoSuchEntity:
return fmt.Errorf("instance %q is unexpectedly gone from the datastore", inst.InstanceID)
case err != nil:
return transient.Tag.Apply(err)
results := map[string]processing.Result{}
// Grab processors we haven't ran yet.
var run []processing.Processor
for _, id := range inst.ProcessorsPending {
if proc := impl.procsMap[id]; proc != nil {
run = append(run, proc)
} else {
logging.Errorf(c, "Skipping unknown processor %q", id)
results[id] = processing.Result{Err: fmt.Errorf("unknown processor %q", id)}
// Exit early if there's nothing to run.
if len(run) == 0 {
return impl.updateProcessors(c, t.Instance, results)
// Open the package for reading.
pkg, err := impl.packageReader(c, t.Instance.Instance)
switch {
case transient.Tag.In(err):
return err // retry the whole thing
case err != nil:
// The package is fatally broken, give up.
logging.WithError(err).Errorf(c, "The package can't be opened, failing all processors")
for _, proc := range run {
results[proc.ID()] = processing.Result{Err: err}
return impl.updateProcessors(c, t.Instance, results)
// Run the processors sequentially, since PackageReader is not very friendly
// to concurrent access.
var transientErrs errors.MultiError
for _, proc := range run {
logging.Infof(c, "Running processor %q", proc.ID())
res, err := proc.Run(c, inst, pkg)
if err != nil {
logging.WithError(err).Errorf(c, "Processor %q failed transiently", proc.ID())
transientErrs = append(transientErrs, err)
} else {
if res.Err != nil {
logging.WithError(res.Err).Errorf(c, "Processor %q failed fatally", proc.ID())
results[proc.ID()] = res
// Store what we've got, even if some processor may have failed to run.
updErr := impl.updateProcessors(c, t.Instance, results)
// Prefer errors from processors over 'updErr' if both happen. Processor
// errors are more interesting.
switch {
case len(transientErrs) != 0:
return transient.Tag.Apply(transientErrs)
case updErr != nil:
return updErr
return nil
// updateProcessors transactionally creates ProcessingResult entities and
// updates Instance.Processors* fields.
func (impl *repoImpl) updateProcessors(c context.Context, inst *api.Instance, results map[string]processing.Result) error {
if len(results) == 0 {
return nil
instEnt := (&model.Instance{}).FromProto(c, inst)
instKey := datastore.KeyForObj(c, instEnt)
now := clock.Now(c).UTC()
// Create ProcessingResult outside the transaction, since this involves slow
// zlib compression in WriteResult.
procResults := make(map[string]*model.ProcessingResult, len(results))
for procID, res := range results {
procRes := &model.ProcessingResult{
ProcID: procID,
Instance: instKey,
CreatedTs: now,
Success: res.Err == nil,
procResults[procID] = procRes
// If the result is not serializable, store the serialization error instead.
err := res.Err
if err == nil {
if err = procRes.WriteResult(res.Result); err != nil {
err = errors.Annotate(err, "failed to write the processing result").Err()
if err != nil {
procRes.Success = false
procRes.Error = err.Error()
// Mutate Instance entity, storing results that haven't been stored yet.
return model.Txn(c, "updateProcessors", func(c context.Context) error {
switch err := datastore.Get(c, instEnt); {
case err == datastore.ErrNoSuchEntity:
return fmt.Errorf("the entity is unexpectedly gone")
case err != nil:
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to fetch the entity").Tag(transient.Tag).Err()
var toPut []interface{}
// Go over what's is still pending, and move it to either Success or Failure
// group if it is done.
stillPending := instEnt.ProcessorsPending[:0]
for _, procID := range instEnt.ProcessorsPending {
res, done := procResults[procID]
if !done {
stillPending = append(stillPending, procID)
toPut = append(toPut, res)
if res.Success {
instEnt.ProcessorsSuccess = append(instEnt.ProcessorsSuccess, procID)
} else {
instEnt.ProcessorsFailure = append(instEnt.ProcessorsFailure, procID)
instEnt.ProcessorsPending = stillPending
// Store all the changes (if any).
if len(toPut) == 0 {
return nil
return transient.Tag.Apply(datastore.Put(c, toPut, instEnt))
// Instance listing and querying.
type paginatedQueryOpts struct {
Package string
PageToken string
PageSize int32
Validator func() error // validates callback-specific fields in the request
Handler func(cur datastore.Cursor, pageSize int32) ([]*model.Instance, datastore.Cursor, error)
// paginatedQuery is a common part of ListInstances and SearchInstances.
func (impl *repoImpl) paginatedQuery(c context.Context, opts paginatedQueryOpts) (out []*api.Instance, nextTok string, err error) {
// Validate the request, decode the cursor.
if err := common.ValidatePackageName(opts.Package); err != nil {
return nil, "", status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "bad 'package' - %s", err)
switch {
case opts.PageSize < 0:
return nil, "", status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "bad 'page_size' %d - it should be non-negative", opts.PageSize)
case opts.PageSize == 0:
opts.PageSize = 100
var cursor datastore.Cursor
if opts.PageToken != "" {
if cursor, err = datastore.DecodeCursor(c, opts.PageToken); err != nil {
return nil, "", status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "bad 'page_token' - %s", err)
if opts.Validator != nil {
if err := opts.Validator(); err != nil {
return nil, "", err
// Check ACLs.
if _, err := impl.checkRole(c, opts.Package, api.Role_READER); err != nil {
return nil, "", err
// Check that the package is registered.
if err := model.CheckPackageExists(c, opts.Package); err != nil {
return nil, "", err
// Do the actual listing.
inst, cursor, err := opts.Handler(cursor, opts.PageSize)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", errors.Annotate(err, "failed to query instances").Err()
// Convert results to proto.
out = make([]*api.Instance, len(inst))
for i, ent := range inst {
out[i] = ent.Proto()
if cursor != nil {
nextTok = cursor.String()
// ListInstances implements the corresponding RPC method, see the proto doc.
func (impl *repoImpl) ListInstances(c context.Context, r *api.ListInstancesRequest) (resp *api.ListInstancesResponse, err error) {
defer func() { err = grpcutil.GRPCifyAndLogErr(c, err) }()
result, nextPage, err := impl.paginatedQuery(c, paginatedQueryOpts{
Package: r.Package,
PageSize: r.PageSize,
PageToken: r.PageToken,
Handler: func(cur datastore.Cursor, pageSize int32) ([]*model.Instance, datastore.Cursor, error) {
return model.ListInstances(c, r.Package, pageSize, cur)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &api.ListInstancesResponse{
Instances: result,
NextPageToken: nextPage,
}, nil
// SearchInstances implements the corresponding RPC method, see the proto doc.
func (impl *repoImpl) SearchInstances(c context.Context, r *api.SearchInstancesRequest) (resp *api.SearchInstancesResponse, err error) {
defer func() { err = grpcutil.GRPCifyAndLogErr(c, err) }()
who := auth.CurrentIdentity(c)
for _, t := range r.Tags {
logging.Infof(c, "SearchInstances: %s %s %s:%s", who, r.Package, t.Key, t.Value)
result, nextPage, err := impl.paginatedQuery(c, paginatedQueryOpts{
Package: r.Package,
PageSize: r.PageSize,
PageToken: r.PageToken,
Validator: func() error { return validateTagList(r.Tags) },
Handler: func(cur datastore.Cursor, pageSize int32) ([]*model.Instance, datastore.Cursor, error) {
return model.SearchInstances(c, r.Package, r.Tags, pageSize, cur)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &api.SearchInstancesResponse{
Instances: result,
NextPageToken: nextPage,
}, nil
// Refs support.
// CreateRef implements the corresponding RPC method, see the proto doc.
func (impl *repoImpl) CreateRef(c context.Context, r *api.Ref) (resp *empty.Empty, err error) {
defer func() { err = grpcutil.GRPCifyAndLogErr(c, err) }()
// Validate the request.
if err := common.ValidatePackageRef(r.Name); err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "bad 'name' - %s", err)
if err := common.ValidatePackageName(r.Package); err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "bad 'package' - %s", err)
if err := common.ValidateObjectRef(r.Instance, common.KnownHash); err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "bad 'instance' - %s", err)
// Check ACLs.
if _, err := impl.checkRole(c, r.Package, api.Role_WRITER); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Actually create or move the ref. This will also transactionally check the
// instance exists and it has passed the processing successfully.
inst := &model.Instance{
InstanceID: common.ObjectRefToInstanceID(r.Instance),
Package: model.PackageKey(c, r.Package),
if err := model.SetRef(c, r.Name, inst); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &empty.Empty{}, nil
// DeleteRef implements the corresponding RPC method, see the proto doc.
func (impl *repoImpl) DeleteRef(c context.Context, r *api.DeleteRefRequest) (resp *empty.Empty, err error) {
defer func() { err = grpcutil.GRPCifyAndLogErr(c, err) }()
// Validate the request.
if err := common.ValidatePackageRef(r.Name); err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "bad 'name' - %s", err)
if err := common.ValidatePackageName(r.Package); err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "bad 'package' - %s", err)
// Check ACLs.
if _, err := impl.checkRole(c, r.Package, api.Role_WRITER); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Verify the package actually exists, per DeleteRef contract.
if err := model.CheckPackageExists(c, r.Package); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Actually delete the ref.
if err := model.DeleteRef(c, r.Package, r.Name); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &empty.Empty{}, nil
// ListRefs implements the corresponding RPC method, see the proto doc.
func (impl *repoImpl) ListRefs(c context.Context, r *api.ListRefsRequest) (resp *api.ListRefsResponse, err error) {
defer func() { err = grpcutil.GRPCifyAndLogErr(c, err) }()
// Validate the request.
if err := common.ValidatePackageName(r.Package); err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "bad 'package' - %s", err)
// Check ACLs.
if _, err := impl.checkRole(c, r.Package, api.Role_READER); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Verify the package actually exists, per ListPackageRefs contract.
if err := model.CheckPackageExists(c, r.Package); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Actually list refs.
refs, err := model.ListPackageRefs(c, r.Package)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to list refs").Err()
resp = &api.ListRefsResponse{Refs: make([]*api.Ref, len(refs))}
for i, ref := range refs {
resp.Refs[i] = ref.Proto()
return resp, nil
// Tags support.
func validateTagList(tags []*api.Tag) error {
if len(tags) == 0 {
return status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "bad 'tags' - cannot be empty")
for _, t := range tags {
kv := common.JoinInstanceTag(t)
if err := common.ValidateInstanceTag(kv); err != nil {
return status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "bad tag in 'tags' - %s", err)
return nil
func validateMultiTagReq(pkg string, inst *api.ObjectRef, tags []*api.Tag) error {
if err := common.ValidatePackageName(pkg); err != nil {
return status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "bad 'package' - %s", err)
if err := common.ValidateObjectRef(inst, common.KnownHash); err != nil {
return status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "bad 'instance' - %s", err)
return validateTagList(tags)
// AttachTags implements the corresponding RPC method, see the proto doc.
func (impl *repoImpl) AttachTags(c context.Context, r *api.AttachTagsRequest) (resp *empty.Empty, err error) {
defer func() { err = grpcutil.GRPCifyAndLogErr(c, err) }()
// Validate the request.
if err := validateMultiTagReq(r.Package, r.Instance, r.Tags); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Check ACLs.
if _, err := impl.checkRole(c, r.Package, api.Role_WRITER); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Actually attach the tags. This will also transactionally check the instance
// exists and it has passed the processing successfully.
inst := &model.Instance{
InstanceID: common.ObjectRefToInstanceID(r.Instance),
Package: model.PackageKey(c, r.Package),
if err := model.AttachTags(c, inst, r.Tags); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &empty.Empty{}, nil
// DetachTags implements the corresponding RPC method, see the proto doc.
func (impl *repoImpl) DetachTags(c context.Context, r *api.DetachTagsRequest) (resp *empty.Empty, err error) {
defer func() { err = grpcutil.GRPCifyAndLogErr(c, err) }()
// Validate the request.
if err := validateMultiTagReq(r.Package, r.Instance, r.Tags); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Check ACLs. Note this is scoped to OWNERS, see the proto doc.
if _, err := impl.checkRole(c, r.Package, api.Role_OWNER); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Verify the instance exists, per DetachTags contract.
inst := &model.Instance{
InstanceID: common.ObjectRefToInstanceID(r.Instance),
Package: model.PackageKey(c, r.Package),
if err := model.CheckInstanceExists(c, inst); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Actually detach the tags.
if err := model.DetachTags(c, inst, r.Tags); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &empty.Empty{}, nil
// Version resolution and instance info fetching.
// ResolveVersion implements the corresponding RPC method, see the proto doc.
func (impl *repoImpl) ResolveVersion(c context.Context, r *api.ResolveVersionRequest) (resp *api.Instance, err error) {
defer func() { err = grpcutil.GRPCifyAndLogErr(c, err) }()
// Validate the request.
if err := common.ValidatePackageName(r.Package); err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "bad 'package' - %s", err)
if err := common.ValidateInstanceVersion(r.Version); err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "bad 'version' - %s", err)
// Check ACLs.
if _, err := impl.checkRole(c, r.Package, api.Role_READER); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Actually resolve the version. This will return an appropriately grpc-tagged
// error.
inst, err := model.ResolveVersion(c, r.Package, r.Version)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return inst.Proto(), nil
// GetInstanceURL implements the corresponding RPC method, see the proto doc.
func (impl *repoImpl) GetInstanceURL(c context.Context, r *api.GetInstanceURLRequest) (resp *api.ObjectURL, err error) {
defer func() { err = grpcutil.GRPCifyAndLogErr(c, err) }()
// Validate the request.
if err := common.ValidatePackageName(r.Package); err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "bad 'package' - %s", err)
if err := common.ValidateObjectRef(r.Instance, common.KnownHash); err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "bad 'instance' - %s", err)
// Check ACLs.
if _, err := impl.checkRole(c, r.Package, api.Role_READER); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Make sure this instance actually exists (without this check the caller
// would be able to "probe" CAS namespace unrestricted).
inst := (&model.Instance{}).FromProto(c, &api.Instance{
Package: r.Package,
Instance: r.Instance,
if err := model.CheckInstanceExists(c, inst); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Ask CAS generate an URL for us. Note that CAS does caching internally.
return impl.cas.GetObjectURL(c, &api.GetObjectURLRequest{
Object: r.Instance,
// DescribeInstance implements the corresponding RPC method, see the proto doc.
func (impl *repoImpl) DescribeInstance(c context.Context, r *api.DescribeInstanceRequest) (resp *api.DescribeInstanceResponse, err error) {
defer func() { err = grpcutil.GRPCifyAndLogErr(c, err) }()
// Validate the request.
if err := common.ValidatePackageName(r.Package); err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "bad 'package' - %s", err)
if err := common.ValidateObjectRef(r.Instance, common.KnownHash); err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "bad 'instance' - %s", err)
// Check ACLs.
if _, err := impl.checkRole(c, r.Package, api.Role_READER); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Make sure this instance exists and fetch basic details about it.
inst := (&model.Instance{}).FromProto(c, &api.Instance{
Package: r.Package,
Instance: r.Instance,
if err := model.CheckInstanceExists(c, inst); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Fetch the rest based on what the client wants.
var refs []*model.Ref
var tags []*model.Tag
var proc []*api.Processor
err = parallel.FanOutIn(func(tasks chan<- func() error) {
if r.DescribeRefs {
tasks <- func() error {
var err error
refs, err = model.ListInstanceRefs(c, inst)
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to fetch refs").Err()
if r.DescribeTags {
tasks <- func() error {
var err error
tags, err = model.ListInstanceTags(c, inst)
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to fetch tags").Err()
if r.DescribeProcessors {
tasks <- func() error {
var err error
proc, err = model.FetchProcessors(c, inst)
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to fetch processors").Err()
if err != nil {
return nil, err // note: this is always Internal error
// Assemble the resulting proto. Apparently nil and empty slices are treated
// differently by jsonpb, so make sure to keep empty fields as nils.
resp = &api.DescribeInstanceResponse{Instance: inst.Proto()}
if len(refs) != 0 {
resp.Refs = make([]*api.Ref, len(refs))
for i, r := range refs {
resp.Refs[i] = r.Proto()
if len(tags) != 0 {
resp.Tags = make([]*api.Tag, len(tags))
for i, t := range tags {
resp.Tags[i] = t.Proto()
if len(proc) != 0 {
resp.Processors = proc
return resp, nil
// DescribeClient implements the corresponding RPC method, see the proto doc.
func (impl *repoImpl) DescribeClient(c context.Context, r *api.DescribeClientRequest) (resp *api.DescribeClientResponse, err error) {
defer func() { err = grpcutil.GRPCifyAndLogErr(c, err) }()
// Validate the request.
if err := common.ValidatePackageName(r.Package); err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "bad 'package' - %s", err)
if !processing.IsClientPackage(r.Package) {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "bad 'package' - not a CIPD client package")
if err := common.ValidateObjectRef(r.Instance, common.KnownHash); err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "bad 'instance' - %s", err)
// Check ACLs.
if _, err := impl.checkRole(c, r.Package, api.Role_READER); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Make sure this instance exists, has all processors finished and fetch
// basic details about it.
inst := (&model.Instance{}).FromProto(c, &api.Instance{
Package: r.Package,
Instance: r.Instance,
if err := model.CheckInstanceReady(c, inst); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Grab the location of the extracted CIPD client from the post-processor.
// This must succeed, since CheckInstanceReady above verified processors have
// finished. Thus treat any error here as internal, as it will require an
// investigation.
proc, err := processing.GetClientExtractorResult(c, inst.Proto())
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to get client extractor results").Tag(grpcutil.InternalTag).Err()
ref, err := proc.ToObjectRef()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "malformed or unrecognized ref in the client extractor results").Tag(grpcutil.InternalTag).Err()
// refAliases (and SHA1 in particular, as hash supported by oldest code) is
// required to allow older clients to self-update to a newer client. See the
// doc for DescribeClientResponse proto message.
refAliases := proc.ObjectRefAliases()
sha1 := ""
for _, ref := range refAliases {
if ref.HashAlgo == api.HashAlgo_SHA1 {
sha1 = ref.HexDigest
if sha1 == "" {
return nil, errors.Reason("malformed client extraction results, missing SHA1 digest").Tag(grpcutil.InternalTag).Err()
// Grab the signed URL of the client binary.
signedURL, err := impl.cas.GetObjectURL(c, &api.GetObjectURLRequest{
Object: ref,
DownloadFilename: processing.GetClientBinaryName(r.Package), // e.g. 'cipd.exe'
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to get signed URL to the client binary").Tag(grpcutil.InternalTag).Err()
return &api.DescribeClientResponse{
Instance: inst.Proto(),
ClientRef: ref,
ClientBinary: signedURL,
ClientSize: proc.ClientBinary.Size,
LegacySha1: sha1,
ClientRefAliases: refAliases,
}, nil
// Non-pRPC handlers for the client bootstrap and legacy API.
// Name of a header that contains resolved CIPD instance IDs in /client and /dl
// responses.
const cipdInstanceHeader = "X-Cipd-Instance"
// legacyInstance is JSON representation of Instance in the legacy API.
type legacyInstance struct {
PackageName string `json:"package_name,omitempty"`
InstanceID string `json:"instance_id,omitempty"`
RegisteredBy string `json:"registered_by,omitempty"`
RegisteredTs string `json:"registered_ts,omitempty"` // timestamp in microsec
// FromInstance fills in legacyInstance based on data from Instance proto.
func (l *legacyInstance) FromInstance(inst *api.Instance) *legacyInstance {
l.PackageName = inst.Package
l.InstanceID = common.ObjectRefToInstanceID(inst.Instance)
l.RegisteredBy = inst.RegisteredBy
if ts := inst.RegisteredTs; ts != nil {
l.RegisteredTs = fmt.Sprintf("%d", ts.Seconds*1e6+int64(ts.Nanos/1e3))
} else {
l.RegisteredTs = ""
return l
// adaptGrpcErr knows how to convert gRPC-style errors to ugly looking HTTP
// error pages with appropriate HTTP status codes.
// Recognizes either real gRPC errors (produced with status.Errorf) or
// grpc-tagged errors produced via grpcutil.
func adaptGrpcErr(h func(*router.Context) error) router.Handler {
return func(ctx *router.Context) {
err := grpcutil.GRPCifyAndLogErr(ctx.Context, h(ctx))
if code := grpc.Code(err); code != codes.OK {
http.Error(ctx.Writer, grpc.ErrorDesc(err), grpcutil.CodeStatus(code))
// replyWithJSON sends StatusOK with JSON body.
func replyWithJSON(w http.ResponseWriter, obj interface{}) error {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
enc := json.NewEncoder(w)
enc.SetIndent("", " ")
return enc.Encode(obj)
// replyWithError sends StatusOK with JSON body containing an error.
// Due to Cloud Endpoints limitations, legacy API used StatusOK for some not-OK
// responses and communicated the actual error through 'status' response field.
func replyWithError(w http.ResponseWriter, status, message string, args ...interface{}) error {
return replyWithJSON(w, map[string]string{
"status": status,
"error_message": fmt.Sprintf(message, args...),
// InstallHandlers installs non-pRPC HTTP handlers into the router.
// 'base' middleware chain here is assumed to have an authentication middleware
// that checks 'Authorization' header (not cookies!).
func (impl *repoImpl) InstallHandlers(r *router.Router, base router.MiddlewareChain) {
r.GET("/client", base, adaptGrpcErr(impl.handleClientBootstrap))
r.GET("/dl/*path", base, adaptGrpcErr(impl.handlePackageDownload))
r.GET("/_ah/api/repo/v1/client", base, adaptGrpcErr(impl.handleLegacyClientInfo))
r.GET("/_ah/api/repo/v1/instance", base, adaptGrpcErr(impl.handleLegacyInstance))
r.GET("/_ah/api/repo/v1/instance/resolve", base, adaptGrpcErr(impl.handleLegacyResolve))
// All other legacy endpoints (/_ah/api/repo/v1/*) just return an error asking
// the client to update.
r.NotFound(base, func(ctx *router.Context) {
if strings.HasPrefix(ctx.Request.URL.Path, "/_ah/api/repo/v1/") {
// Note: can't use http.Error here because it appends '\n' that renders
// ugly by the client.
ctx.Writer.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8")
fmt.Fprintf(ctx.Writer, "This version of CIPD client is no longer supported, please upgrade")
} else {
http.Error(ctx.Writer, "No such page", http.StatusNotFound)
// handleClientBootstrap redirects to a CIPD client binary in Google Storage.
// GET /client?platform=...&version=...
// Where:
// platform: linux-amd64, windows-386, etc.
// version: a package version identifier (instance ID, a ref or a tag).
// On success issues HTTP 302 redirect to the signed Google Storage URL.
// On errors returns HTTP 4** with an error message.
func (impl *repoImpl) handleClientBootstrap(ctx *router.Context) error {
c, r, w := ctx.Context, ctx.Request, ctx.Writer
// Do light validation (the rest is in ResolveVersion), and get a full client
// package name.
platform := r.FormValue("platform")
version := r.FormValue("version")
switch {
case platform == "":
return status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "no 'platform' specified")
case version == "":
return status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "no 'version' specified")
pkg, err := processing.GetClientPackage(platform)
if err != nil {
return status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "bad platform name")
// Resolve the version into a concrete instance. This also does rigorous
// argument validation, ACL checks and verifies the resulting instance exists.
inst, err := impl.ResolveVersion(c, &api.ResolveVersionRequest{
Package: pkg,
Version: version,
if err != nil {
return err
// Put resolved instance ID into the response headers. This may be useful when
// debugging fetches.
w.Header().Set(cipdInstanceHeader, common.ObjectRefToInstanceID(inst.Instance))
// Grab the location of the extracted CIPD client from the post-processor.
res, err := processing.GetClientExtractorResult(c, inst)
switch {
case transient.Tag.In(err):
return err
case err == datastore.ErrNoSuchEntity:
return status.Errorf(codes.NotFound, "the client binary is not extracted yet, try later")
case err != nil: // fatal
return status.Errorf(codes.NotFound, "the client binary is not available - %s", err)
ref, err := res.ToObjectRef()
if err != nil {
return status.Errorf(codes.NotFound, "malformed ref to the client binary - %s", err)
// Ask CAS for a signed URL to the client binary and redirect there.
url, err := impl.cas.GetObjectURL(c, &api.GetObjectURLRequest{
Object: ref,
DownloadFilename: processing.GetClientBinaryName(pkg), // e.g. 'cipd.exe'
if err == nil {
http.Redirect(w, r, url.SignedUrl, http.StatusFound)
return err
// handlePackageDownload redirects to a CIPD package file (raw octet stream
// with zipped package data) in Google Storage.
// GET /dl/<package>/+/<version>.
// Where:
// package: a CIPD package name (e.g. "a/b/c/linux-amd64").
// version: a package version identifier (instance ID, a ref or a tag).
// On success issues HTTP 302 redirect to the signed Google Storage URL.
// On errors returns HTTP 4** with an error message.
func (impl *repoImpl) handlePackageDownload(ctx *router.Context) error {
c, r, w := ctx.Context, ctx.Request, ctx.Writer
// Parse the path. The router is too simplistic to parse such paths. It also
// likes to prepend '/' to it.
path := strings.TrimPrefix(ctx.Params.ByName("path"), "/")
chunks := strings.SplitN(path, "/+/", 2)
if len(chunks) != 2 {
return status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "the URL should have form /dl/<package>/+/<version>")
pkg, version := chunks[0], chunks[1]
// Resolve the version into a concrete instance. This also does rigorous
// argument validation, ACL checks and verifies the resulting instance exists.
inst, err := impl.ResolveVersion(c, &api.ResolveVersionRequest{
Package: pkg,
Version: version,
if err != nil {
return err
// Put resolved instance ID into the response headers. This may be useful when
// debugging fetches.
w.Header().Set(cipdInstanceHeader, common.ObjectRefToInstanceID(inst.Instance))
// Generate a name for the file based on the last two components of the
// package name. This name is used by browsers when downloading the file.
name := ""
chunks = strings.Split(pkg, "/")
if len(chunks) > 1 {
name = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", chunks[len(chunks)-2], chunks[len(chunks)-1])
} else {
name = chunks[0]
// Ask CAS for a signed URL to the package and redirect there.
url, err := impl.cas.GetObjectURL(c, &api.GetObjectURLRequest{
Object: inst.Instance,
DownloadFilename: name + ".zip",
if err == nil {
http.Redirect(w, r, url.SignedUrl, http.StatusFound)
return err
// handleLegacyClientInfo is a legacy handler for an RPC replaced by /client
// endpoint.
// It returns information about a CIPD client package and a signed URL to fetch
// the client binary.
// GET /_ah/api/repo/v1/client?package_name=...&instance_id=...
// Where:
// package_name: full name of a CIPD client package.
// instance_id: a hex digest with instance ID.
// Returns:
// {
// "status": "...",
// "error_message": "...",
// "client_binary": {
// "file_name": "cipd",
// "sha1": "...",
// "fetch_url": "...",
// "size": "..."
// },
// "instance": {
// "package_name": "...",
// "instance_id": "...",
// "registered_by": "...",
// "registered_ts": "<int64 timestamp in microseconds>"
// }
// }
func (impl *repoImpl) handleLegacyClientInfo(ctx *router.Context) error {
c, r, w := ctx.Context, ctx.Request, ctx.Writer
iid := r.FormValue("instance_id")
if err := common.ValidateInstanceID(iid, common.KnownHash); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "bad instance_id").Tag(grpcutil.InvalidArgumentTag).Err()
desc, err := impl.DescribeClient(c, &api.DescribeClientRequest{
Package: r.FormValue("package_name"),
Instance: common.InstanceIDToObjectRef(iid),
switch grpc.Code(err) {
case codes.OK:
return replyWithJSON(w, map[string]interface{}{
"status": "SUCCESS",
"instance": (&legacyInstance{}).FromInstance(desc.Instance),
"client_binary": map[string]string{
"file_name": processing.GetClientBinaryName(desc.Instance.Package),
"sha1": desc.LegacySha1,
"fetch_url": desc.ClientBinary.SignedUrl,
"size": fmt.Sprintf("%d", desc.ClientSize),
case codes.NotFound:
return replyWithError(w, "INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND", "%s", grpc.ErrorDesc(err))
case codes.FailedPrecondition:
return replyWithError(w, "NOT_EXTRACTED_YET", "the client binary is not extracted yet, try later")
case codes.Aborted:
return replyWithError(w, "ERROR", "the client binary is not available - %s", grpc.ErrorDesc(err))
return err // the legacy client recognizes other codes just fine
// handleLegacyInstance is a legacy handler for an RPC replaced by
// DescribeInstance and GetInstanceURL.
// It returns information about an instance and a signed URL to fetch it.
// GET /_ah/api/repo/v1/instance?package_name=...&instance_id=...
// Where:
// package_name: full name of a package.
// instance_id: a hex digest with instance ID.
// Returns:
// {
// "status": "...",
// "error_message": "...",
// "fetch_url": "...",
// "instance": {
// "package_name": "...",
// "instance_id": "...",
// "registered_by": "...",
// "registered_ts": "<int64 timestamp in microseconds>"
// }
// }
func (impl *repoImpl) handleLegacyInstance(ctx *router.Context) error {
c, r, w := ctx.Context, ctx.Request, ctx.Writer
iid := r.FormValue("instance_id")
if err := common.ValidateInstanceID(iid, common.KnownHash); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "bad instance_id").Tag(grpcutil.InvalidArgumentTag).Err()
// This checks the request format, ACLs, verifies the instance exists and
// returns info about it.
inst, err := impl.DescribeInstance(c, &api.DescribeInstanceRequest{
Package: r.FormValue("package_name"),
Instance: common.InstanceIDToObjectRef(iid),
var signedURL *api.ObjectURL
if err == nil {
// Here we know the instance exists and the caller has access to it, so just
// ask the CAS for an URL directly instead of using impl.GetInstanceURL,
// which will needlessly recheck ACLs and instance presence.
signedURL, err = impl.cas.GetObjectURL(c, &api.GetObjectURLRequest{
Object: inst.Instance.Instance,
switch grpc.Code(err) {
case codes.OK:
return replyWithJSON(w, map[string]interface{}{
"status": "SUCCESS",
"fetch_url": signedURL.SignedUrl,
"instance": (&legacyInstance{}).FromInstance(inst.Instance),
case codes.NotFound:
return replyWithError(w, "INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND", "%s", grpc.ErrorDesc(err))
return err // the legacy client recognizes other codes just fine
// handleLegacyResolve is a legacy handler for ResolveVersion RPC.
// GET /_ah/api/repo/v1/instance/resolve?package_name=...&version=...
// Where:
// package_name: full name of a package.
// version: a package version identifier (instance ID, a ref or a tag).
// Returns:
// {
// "status": "...",
// "error_message": "...",
// "instance_id": "..."
// }
func (impl *repoImpl) handleLegacyResolve(ctx *router.Context) error {
c, r, w := ctx.Context, ctx.Request, ctx.Writer
resp, err := impl.ResolveVersion(c, &api.ResolveVersionRequest{
Package: r.FormValue("package_name"),
Version: r.FormValue("version"),
switch grpc.Code(err) {
case codes.OK:
return replyWithJSON(w, map[string]string{
"status": "SUCCESS",
"instance_id": common.ObjectRefToInstanceID(resp.Instance),
case codes.NotFound:
return replyWithError(w, "INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND", "%s", grpc.ErrorDesc(err))
case codes.FailedPrecondition:
return replyWithError(w, "AMBIGUOUS_VERSION", "%s", grpc.ErrorDesc(err))
return err // the legacy client recognizes other codes just fine