blob: c7e2d3147074fa2eb6a96ca9ebe322e04b67e982 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package parallel
import (
. ""
func TestBuffer(t *testing.T) {
Convey(`A task Buffer`, t, func() {
b := &Buffer{}
defer func() {
if b != nil {
Convey(`With 10 maximum goroutines, will execute at most 10 simultaneous tasks.`, func() {
const iters = 1000
b.Maximum = 10
called := int32(0)
max := countMaxGoroutines(iters, 10, func(f func() error) {
b.WorkC() <- WorkItem{F: func() error {
atomic.AddInt32(&called, 1)
return f()
So(max, ShouldEqual, 10)
So(called, ShouldEqual, iters)
Convey(`Will buffer tasks indefinitely.`, func() {
const iters = 1000
b.Maximum = 10
errC := make([]<-chan error, iters)
unblockC := make(chan struct{})
for i := range errC {
i := i
errC[i] = b.RunOne(func() error {
return numberError(i)
// All of the tasks are currently dispatched and blocking on unblockC.
// Unlock them all and read the resulting errors.
errs := make([]bool, iters)
for _, c := range errC {
errs[int((<-c).(numberError))] = true
tc := 0
for _, v := range errs {
if v {
So(tc, ShouldEqual, iters)
Convey(`Can buffer tasks faster than they are reaped via Run.`, func() {
const iters = 1000
b.Maximum = 10
errC := b.Run(func(taskC chan<- func() error) {
for i := 0; i < iters; i++ {
i := i
taskC <- func() error {
return numberError(i)
// No errors have been reaped yet, so only b.Maximum tasks should have been
// dispatched, and they will be blocked on sending to errC. Unblock all of
// the tasks and confirm that error collection works.
seen := make(map[int]struct{}, iters)
for err := range errC {
seen[int(err.(numberError))] = struct{}{}
So(len(seen), ShouldEqual, iters)
Convey(`Has proper task dispatch order`, func() {
const iters = 10
// We use a Maximum of 1 to control task execution order. There should be
// no data races.
b.Maximum = 1
workerStarted := make(chan int, iters+3) // tasks push here; buffered to avoid the need to drain.
wait := make(chan struct{}) // first task will wait until it is closed.
gen := func(taskC chan<- func() error) {
// Start with 2 buffered tasks to fill our work channels so our buffer
// empty order is deterministic.
for i := -2; i < 0; i++ {
i := i
taskC <- func() error {
workerStarted <- i
return nil
// Ensure 1 task has actually started execution. Note that the task is
// still running because it's blocked on `wait` channel.
// Add `iters` tasks which should be executed in the right order.
for i := 0; i < iters; i++ {
i := i
taskC <- func() error {
workerStarted <- i
return numberError(i)
// Finally, add 1 more "sentinel" task ...
taskC <- func() error {
workerStarted <- -3
return nil
// ... at this point since taskC is unbuffered channel,
// we are certain Buffer has accepted all `iters` tasks.
// Unblock the first 2 tasks.
account := func(errC <-chan error) []int {
var order []int
for err := range errC {
if err != nil {
order = append(order, int(err.(numberError)))
return order
Convey(`Is FIFO by default.`, func() {
So(account(b.Run(gen)), ShouldResemble, []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9})
Convey(`Will be LIFO if LIFO is set.`, func() {
So(account(b.Run(gen)), ShouldResemble, []int{9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0})
Convey(`Will finish tasks if closed while some are pending.`, func() {
const iters = 1000
b.Maximum = 10
// Buffer iters tests. Each will block pending a signal. Since
// iters > b.Maximum, this ensures that some tasks remain in our Buffer
// which, in turn, ensures that when we Close the Buffer, it will not be
// empty.
workCount := int32(0)
unblockC := make(chan struct{})
finishedC := make(chan struct{})
for i := 0; i < iters; i++ {
b.WorkC() <- WorkItem{F: func() error {
atomic.AddInt32(&workCount, 1)
return nil
}, After: func() {
if finishedC != nil {
finishedC <- struct{}{}
// First stage: fully execute one of the tasks.
unblockC <- struct{}{}
// Second stage: Close our Buffer, then unblock the remainder. We
// synchronize this by waiting for Buffer's internal workC to close. This
// is okay, since we're not sending more work through it.
go func() {
finishedC = nil
b = nil // So our test doesn't double-close.
So(workCount, ShouldEqual, iters)