blob: ceaf9b5513b8abcd9fda2b7a6a65bcb6f0086930 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package docgen generates documentation from Starlark code.
package docgen
import (
// Generator renders text templates that have access to parsed structured
// representation of Starlark modules.
// The templates use them to inject documentation extracted from Starlark into
// appropriate places.
type Generator struct {
// Starlark produces Starlark module's source code.
// It is then parsed by the generator to extract documentation from it.
Starlark func(module string) (src string, err error)
loader *symbols.Loader // knows how to load symbols from starlark modules
links map[string]*symbol // full name -> symbol we can link to
// Render renders the given text template in an environment with access to
// parsed structured Starlark comments.
func (g *Generator) Render(templ string) ([]byte, error) {
if g.loader == nil {
g.loader = &symbols.Loader{Source: g.Starlark}
g.links = map[string]*symbol{}
t, err := template.New("main").Funcs(g.funcMap()).Parse(templ)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
buf := bytes.Buffer{}
if err := t.Execute(&buf, nil); err != nil {
return nil, err
return buf.Bytes(), nil
// funcMap are functions available to templates.
func (g *Generator) funcMap() template.FuncMap {
return template.FuncMap{
"EscapeMD": escapeMD,
"Symbol": g.symbol,
"LinkifySymbols": g.linkifySymbols,
// escapeMD makes sure 's' gets rendered as is in markdown.
func escapeMD(s string) string {
return strings.Replace(s, "*", "\\*", -1)
func (g *Generator) load(module string) (*symbols.Struct, error) {
mod, err := g.loader.Load(module)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Transform lucicfg.rule(...) definitions to pick up docstrings and arguments
// of the rule implementation. We replace `var = lucicfg.rule(impl = f)` with
// `var = f`.
return mod.Transform(func(s symbols.Symbol) (symbols.Symbol, error) {
inv, ok := s.(*symbols.Invocation)
if !ok {
return s, nil
// Rule constructor symbols are marked with RuleCtor tag.
targetTags := inv.Func().Doc().RemarkBlock("DocTags").Body
if !strings.Contains(targetTags, "RuleCtor") {
return s, nil
// Find a symbol assigned to 'impl' kwarg and return it, so that it is
// used instead of lucicfg.rule(...) invocation. Give it the name of 's'.
for _, arg := range inv.Args() {
if arg.Name() == "impl" {
return symbols.NewAlias(s.Name(), arg), nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot resolve rule constructor call in %s, no `impl` kwarg", s)
// symbol returns a symbol from the given module.
// lookup is a field path, e.g. "a.b.c". "a" will be searched for in the
// top-level dict of the module. If empty, the module itself will be returned.
// If the requested symbol can't be found, returns a broken symbol.
func (g *Generator) symbol(module, lookup string) (*symbol, error) {
mod, err := g.load(module)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var lookupPath []string
if lookup != "" {
lookupPath = strings.Split(lookup, ".")
sym := &symbol{
Symbol: symbols.Lookup(mod, lookupPath...),
Module: module,
FullName: lookup,
// Let automatic linkifier know about the loaded symbols so it can start
// generating links to them if it encounters them in the text.
syms, _ := sym.Symbols()
for _, s := range syms {
g.links[s.FullName] = s
return sym, nil
// This matches a.b.c(...). '(...)' part is important, otherwise there is a ton
// of undesired matches in various code snippets.
var symRefRe = regexp.MustCompile(`\w+(\.\w+)*(\(\.\.\.\))`)
// linkifySymbols replaces recognized symbol names with markdown links to
// symbols.
func (g *Generator) linkifySymbols(text string) string {
return symRefRe.ReplaceAllStringFunc(text, func(match string) string {
if sym := g.links[strings.TrimSuffix(match, "(...)")]; sym != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("[%s](#%s)", match, sym.Anchor())
return match
// symbol is what we expose to the templates.
// It is mostly symbols.Symbol, except we add few useful utility fields and
// methods.
type symbol struct {
Module string // module name used to load this symbol
FullName string // field path from module's top dict to this symbol
doc *docstring.Parsed // lazily redacted doc, see Doc()
tags stringset.Set // lazily extracted from "DocTags" remarks section
// Flavor returns one of "func", "var", "struct", "unknown".
func (s *symbol) Flavor() string {
switch s.Symbol.(type) {
case *symbols.Term:
switch s.Symbol.Def().(type) {
case *ast.Function:
return "func"
case *ast.Var:
return "var"
return "unknown"
case *symbols.Invocation:
return "inv"
case *symbols.Struct:
return "struct"
return "unknown"
// Doc is a parsed docstring for this symbol.
// An argument called `ctx` is kicked out since it is part of the internal
// lucicfg API.
func (s *symbol) Doc() *docstring.Parsed {
if s.doc == nil {
s.doc = s.Symbol.Doc()
for i, block := range s.doc.Fields {
if block.Title == "Args" {
filtered := block.Fields[:0]
for _, field := range block.Fields {
if field.Name != "ctx" {
filtered = append(filtered, field)
block.Fields = filtered
s.doc.Fields[i] = block
return s.doc
// HasDocTag returns true if the docstring has a section "DocTags" and the
// given tag is listed there.
// Used to mark some symbols as advanced, or experimental.
func (s *symbol) HasDocTag(tag string) bool {
if s.tags == nil {
s.tags = stringset.Set{}
for _, word := range strings.Fields(s.Doc().RemarkBlock("DocTags").Body) {
s.tags.Add(strings.ToLower(strings.Trim(word, ".,")))
return s.tags.Has(strings.ToLower(tag))
// Symbols returns nested symbols.
// If `flavors` is not empty, it specifies what kinds of symbols to keep.
// Possible variants: "func", "var", "inv", "struct".
func (s *symbol) Symbols(flavors ...string) (out []*symbol, err error) {
strct, _ := s.Symbol.(*symbols.Struct)
if strct == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%q is not a struct", s.FullName)
keepFlavors := stringset.NewFromSlice(flavors...)
for _, sym := range strct.Symbols() {
fullName := ""
if s.FullName != "" {
fullName = s.FullName + "." + sym.Name()
} else {
fullName = sym.Name()
sym := &symbol{
Symbol: sym,
Module: s.Module,
FullName: fullName,
if keepFlavors.Len() == 0 || keepFlavors.Has(sym.Flavor()) {
out = append(out, sym)
// Anchor returns a markdown anchor name that can be used to link to some part
// of this symbol's documentation from other parts of the doc.
func (s *symbol) Anchor(sub ...string) string {
return strings.Join(append([]string{s.FullName}, sub...), "-")
// InvocationSnippet returns a snippet showing how a function represented by
// this symbol can be called.
// Like this:
// luci.recipe(
// # Required arguments.
// name,
// cipd_package,
// # Optional arguments.
// cipd_version = None,
// recipe = None,
// **kwargs,
// )
// This is apparently very non-trivial to generate using text/template while
// keeping all spaces and newlines strict.
func (s *symbol) InvocationSnippet() string {
var req, opt, variadric []string
for _, f := range s.Doc().Args() {
switch {
case strings.HasPrefix(f.Name, "*"):
variadric = append(variadric, f.Name)
case isRequiredField(f):
req = append(req, f.Name)
opt = append(opt, fmt.Sprintf("%s = None", f.Name))
b := &strings.Builder{}
writeSection := func(section string, args []string) {
if len(args) != 0 {
for _, a := range args {
fmt.Fprintf(b, " %s,\n", a)
fmt.Fprintf(b, "%s(", s.FullName)
if all := append(append(req, opt...), variadric...); len(all) <= 3 {
// Use a compact form when we have only very few arguments.
b.WriteString(strings.Join(all, ", "))
} else {
writeSection("\n # Required arguments.\n", req)
writeSection("\n # Optional arguments.\n", opt)
writeSection("\n", variadric)
fmt.Fprintf(b, ")")
return b.String()
// isRequiredField takes a field description and tries to figure out whether
// this field is required.
// Does this by searching for "Required." suffix. Very robust.
func isRequiredField(f docstring.Field) bool {
return strings.HasSuffix(f.Desc, "Required.")