blob: 24887f3604fd62e40e02955c714bfcb6d522f232 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package lucicfg
import (
// Output is an in-memory representation of all generated output files.
// Output may span zero or more config sets, each defined by its root directory.
// Config sets may intersect (though this is rare).
type Output struct {
// Data is all output files.
// Keys are slash-separated filenames, values are corresponding file bodies.
Data map[string]Datum
// Roots is mapping "config set name => its root".
// Roots are given as slash-separated paths relative to the output root, e.g.
// '.' matches ALL output files.
Roots map[string]string
// CompareResult is returned by Datum.Compare.
type CompareResult int
const (
UnknownResult CompareResult = iota // used as a placeholder on errors
Identical // datums are byte-to-byte identical
SemanticallyEqual // datums are byte-to-byte different, but semantically equal
Different // datums are semantically different
// Datum represents one generated output file.
type Datum interface {
// Bytes is a raw file body to put on disk.
Bytes() ([]byte, error)
// Compare semantically compares this datum to 'other'.
Compare(other []byte) (CompareResult, error)
// BlobDatum is a Datum which is just a raw byte blob.
type BlobDatum []byte
// Bytes is a raw file body to put on disk.
func (b BlobDatum) Bytes() ([]byte, error) { return b, nil }
// Compare is Identical if 'other == b' else it is Different.
func (b BlobDatum) Compare(other []byte) (CompareResult, error) {
if bytes.Equal(b, other) {
return Identical, nil
return Different, nil
// MessageDatum is a Datum constructed from a proto message.
type MessageDatum struct {
Header string
Message *starlarkproto.Message
// Cache proto.Message and serialized representations, since we need them
// in multiple places: when constructing ConfigSet for sending to the
// validation, when comparing with configs on disk and when writing them
// to disk.
once sync.Once
pmsg proto.Message
blob []byte
err error
// ensureConverted populates `pmsg` and `blob`.
func (m *MessageDatum) ensureConverted() error {
m.once.Do(func() {
// Grab it as proto.Message for comparisons in Compare.
m.pmsg = m.Message.ToProto()
// And convert to a text for strict comparisons and the final output.
opts := prototext.MarshalOptions{
AllowPartial: true,
Indent: " ",
Resolver: m.Message.MessageType().Loader().Types(), // used for google.protobuf.Any fields
blob, err := opts.Marshal(m.pmsg)
if err == nil {
blob, err = textpb.Format(blob, m.Message.MessageType().Descriptor())
if err != nil {
m.err = err
} else {
m.blob = make([]byte, 0, len(m.Header)+len(blob))
m.blob = append(m.blob, m.Header...)
m.blob = append(m.blob, blob...)
return m.err
// Bytes is a raw file body to put on disk.
func (m *MessageDatum) Bytes() ([]byte, error) {
if err := m.ensureConverted(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return m.blob, nil
// Compare deserializes `other` and compares it to `m.Message`.
// If `other` can't be deserialized as a proto message at all returns Different.
// Returns an error if `m` can't be serialized.
func (m *MessageDatum) Compare(other []byte) (CompareResult, error) {
// This populates m.blob and m.pmsg.
if err := m.ensureConverted(); err != nil {
return UnknownResult, err
if bytes.Equal(m.blob, other) {
return Identical, nil
// Try to load `other` as a proto message of the same type.
otherpb := dynamicpb.NewMessage(m.Message.MessageType().Descriptor())
opts := prototext.UnmarshalOptions{
AllowPartial: true,
Resolver: m.Message.MessageType().Loader().Types(), // used for google.protobuf.Any fields
if err := opts.Unmarshal(other, otherpb); err != nil {
return Different, nil // e.g. the schema has changed or the file is totally bogus
// Compare them semantically as protos.
if semanticallyEqual(m.pmsg, otherpb) {
return SemanticallyEqual, nil
return Different, nil
// ConfigSets partitions this output into 0 or more config sets based on Roots.
// Returns an error if some output Datum can't be serialized.
func (o Output) ConfigSets() ([]ConfigSet, error) {
names := make([]string, 0, len(o.Roots))
for name := range o.Roots {
names = append(names, name)
sort.Strings(names) // order is important for logs
cs := make([]ConfigSet, len(names))
for i, nm := range names {
root := o.Roots[nm]
// Normalize in preparation for prefix matching.
root = path.Clean(root)
if root == "." {
root = "" // match EVERYTHING
} else {
root = root + "/" // match only what's under 'root/...'
files := map[string][]byte{}
for f, body := range o.Data {
f = path.Clean(f)
if strings.HasPrefix(f, root) {
var err error
if files[f[len(root):]], err = body.Bytes(); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "serializing %s", f).Err()
cs[i] = ConfigSet{Name: nm, Data: files}
return cs, nil
// Compare compares files on disk to what's in the output.
// If 'semantic' is true, for output files based on proto messages uses semantic
// comparison, i.e. loads the file on disk as a proto message and compares
// it to the output message. If 'semantic' is false, just always compares files
// as byte blobs.
// For each file in the output set, the resulting map has a CompareResult
// describing how it compares to the file on disk. They can either be identical
// as byte blobs (Identical), different as byte blobs, but semantically
// the same (SemanticallyEqual), or totally different (Different).
// Note that when 'semantic' is false, only Identical and Different can appear
// in the result, since we compare files as byte blobs only, so there's no
// notion of being "semantically the same".
// Files on disk that are not in the output set are totally ignored. Files in
// the output set that are missing on disk as Different.
// Returns an error if some file on disk can't be read or some output file can't
// be serialized.
func (o Output) Compare(dir string, semantic bool) (map[string]CompareResult, error) {
compare := func(d Datum, b []byte) (CompareResult, error) {
if semantic {
return d.Compare(b)
switch a, err := d.Bytes(); {
case err != nil:
return UnknownResult, err
case bytes.Equal(a, b):
return Identical, nil
return Different, nil
out := make(map[string]CompareResult, len(o.Data))
m := sync.Mutex{}
err := parallel.WorkPool(runtime.NumCPU()+4, func(tasks chan<- func() error) {
for name, datum := range o.Data {
name := name
datum := datum
tasks <- func() error {
path := filepath.Join(dir, filepath.FromSlash(name))
var res CompareResult
switch existing, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path); {
case os.IsNotExist(err):
res = Different // new output file
case err != nil:
return errors.Annotate(err, "when checking diff of %q", name).Err()
if res, err = compare(datum, existing); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "when checking diff of %q", name).Err()
out[name] = res
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return out, nil
// Write updates files on disk to match the output.
// Returns a list of written files and a list of files that were left untouched.
// If 'force' is false, compares files on disk to the generated files using
// the semantic comparison. If they are all up-to-date (semantically) does
// nothing. If at least one file is stale, rewrites *all* not already identical
// files. That way all output files always have consistent formatting, but
// `lucicfg generate` still doesn't produce noop formatting changes by default
// (it piggy backs formatting changes onto real changes).
// If 'force' is true, compares files as byte blobs and rewrites all files
// that changed as blobs. No semantic comparison is done.
// Creates missing directories. Not atomic. All files have mode 0666.
func (o Output) Write(dir string, force bool) (written, untouched []string, err error) {
// Find which files we definitely need to rewrite and which can be skipped.
cmp, err := o.Compare(dir, !force)
if err != nil {
// If nothing has *semantically* changed, don't touch any outputs at all.
// Note that when 'force' is true, we compare files as byte blobs, so even if
// files are equal semantically, but different as byte blobs, they'll end up
// as Different and we'll proceed to overwrite them.
different := false
for _, res := range cmp {
if res == Different {
different = true
if !different {
untouched = make([]string, 0, len(cmp))
for name := range cmp {
untouched = append(untouched, name)
// We are going to overwrite all files that are not already byte-to-byte
// identical to existing files on disk (even if they are semantically the
// same) and left byte-to-byte identical files untouched.
for name, res := range cmp {
switch res {
case Identical:
untouched = append(untouched, name)
case SemanticallyEqual, Different:
written = append(written, name)
for _, name := range written {
path := filepath.Join(dir, filepath.FromSlash(name))
if err = os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(path), 0777); err != nil {
var blob []byte
if blob, err = o.Data[name].Bytes(); err != nil {
if err = ioutil.WriteFile(path, blob, 0666); err != nil {
// Read replaces values in o.Data by reading them from disk as blobs.
// Returns an error if some file can't be read.
func (o Output) Read(dir string) error {
for name := range o.Data {
path := filepath.Join(dir, filepath.FromSlash(name))
blob, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "reading %q", name).Err()
o.Data[name] = BlobDatum(blob)
return nil
// Files returns a sorted list of file names in the output.
func (o Output) Files() []string {
f := make([]string, 0, len(o.Data))
for k := range o.Data {
f = append(f, k)
return f
// DebugDump writes the output to stdout in a format useful for debugging.
func (o Output) DebugDump() {
for _, f := range o.Files() {
if blob, err := o.Data[f].Bytes(); err == nil {
} else {
fmt.Printf("ERROR: %s\n", err)
// DiscardChangesToUntracked replaces bodies of the files that are in the output
// set, but not in the `tracked` set (per TrackedSet semantics) with what's on
// disk in the given `dir`.
// This allows to construct partially generated output: some configs (the ones
// in the tracked set) are generated, others are loaded from disk.
// If `dir` is "-" (which indicates that the output is going to be dumped to
// stdout rather then to disk), just removes untracked files from the output.
func (o Output) DiscardChangesToUntracked(ctx context.Context, tracked []string, dir string) error {
isTracked := TrackedSet(tracked)
for _, path := range o.Files() {
yes, err := isTracked(path)
if err != nil {
return err
if yes {
logging.Warningf(ctx, "Discarding changes to %s, not in the tracked set", path)
if dir == "-" {
// When using stdout as destination, there's nowhere to read existing
// files from.
delete(o.Data, path)
switch body, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(dir, filepath.FromSlash(path))); {
case err == nil:
o.Data[path] = BlobDatum(body)
case os.IsNotExist(err):
delete(o.Data, path)
case err != nil:
return errors.Annotate(err, "when discarding changes to %s", path).Err()
return nil
// Constructing Output from Starlark (tested through starlark_test.go).
// outputBuilder is a map-like starlark.Value that has file names as keys and
// strings or protobuf messages as values.
// At the end of the execution all protos are serialized to strings too, using
// textpb encoding, to get the final Output.
type outputBuilder struct {
func newOutputBuilder() *outputBuilder {
return &outputBuilder{}
func (o *outputBuilder) Type() string { return "output" }
func (o *outputBuilder) SetKey(k, v starlark.Value) error {
key, ok := k.(starlark.String)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("output set key should be a string, not %s", k.Type())
// Paths must be within the config output directory, "../" is not allowed.
if _, err := cleanRelativePath("", key.GoString(), false); err != nil {
return err
_, str := v.(starlark.String)
_, msg := v.(*starlarkproto.Message)
if !str && !msg {
return fmt.Errorf("output set value should be either a string or a proto message, not %s", v.Type())
// Use the exact same key (not a version cleaned by cleanRelativePath), so
// that Starlark code can read the value back using whatever dirty key it
// used. We do the final cleanup of keys in finalize(...).
return o.Dict.SetKey(k, v)
// finalize returns all output files in a single map.
// Protos are eventually serialized to text proto format (optionally with the
// header that tells how the file was generated).
// Configs supplied as strings are serialized using UTF-8 encoding.
func (o *outputBuilder) finalize(includePBHeader bool) (map[string]Datum, error) {
out := make(map[string]Datum, o.Len())
for _, kv := range o.Items() {
k, v := kv[0].(starlark.String), kv[1]
key, err := cleanRelativePath("", k.GoString(), false)
if err != nil {
panic(err) // already validated in SetKey
if s, ok := v.(starlark.String); ok {
out[key] = BlobDatum(s.GoString())
md := &MessageDatum{Message: v.(*starlarkproto.Message)}
if includePBHeader {
buf := strings.Builder{}
buf.WriteString("# Auto-generated by lucicfg.\n")
buf.WriteString("# Do not modify manually.\n")
if msgName, docURL := protoMessageDoc(md.Message); docURL != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "# For the schema of this file, see %s message:\n", msgName)
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "# %s\n", docURL)
md.Header = buf.String()
out[key] = md
return out, nil
func init() {
// new_output_builder() makes a new output builder, useful in tests.
declNative("new_output_builder", func(call nativeCall) (starlark.Value, error) {
if err := call.unpack(0); err != nil {
return nil, err
return newOutputBuilder(), nil