blob: 3d49d89ab399d7d1eed859719ae22564a78ba0ea [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The LUCI Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Generic value validators."""
load("@stdlib//internal/", "lucicfg")
load("@stdlib//internal/", "re")
load("@stdlib//internal/", "time")
def _string(attr, val, *, regexp = None, allow_empty = False, default = None, required = True):
"""Validates that the value is a string and returns it.
attr: field name with this value, for error messages.
val: a value to validate.
regexp: a regular expression to check 'val' against.
allow_empty: if True, accept empty string as valid.
default: a value to use if 'val' is None, ignored if required is True.
required: if False, allow 'val' to be None, return 'default' in this case.
The validated string or None if required is False and default is None.
if val == None:
if required:
fail("missing required field %r" % attr)
if default == None:
return None
val = default
if type(val) != "string":
fail("bad %r: got %s, want string" % (attr, type(val)))
if not allow_empty and not val:
fail("bad %r: must not be empty" % (attr,))
if regexp and not re.submatches(regexp, val):
fail("bad %r: %r should match %r" % (attr, val, regexp))
return val
def _hostname(attr, val, *, allow_empty = False, default = None, required = True):
"""Validates that the value is a string RFC 1123 hostname and returns it.
attr: field name with this value, for error messages.
val: a value to validate.
allow_empty: if True, accept empty string as valid.
default: a value to use if 'val' is None, ignored if required is True.
required: if False, allow 'val' to be None, return 'default' in this case.
The validated hostname or None if required is False and default is None.
if val == None:
if required:
fail("missing required field %r" % attr)
if default == None:
return None
val = default
if type(val) != "string":
fail("bad %r: got %s, want string" % (attr, type(val)))
if not val:
fail("bad %r: must not be empty" % (attr,))
hostname_regexp = r"^(?:(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])\.)*(?:[A-Za-z0-9]|[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9-]*[A-Za-z0-9])$"
if not re.submatches(hostname_regexp, val):
fail("bad %r: %r is not valid RFC1123 hostname" % (attr, val))
return val
def _int(attr, val, *, min = None, max = None, default = None, required = True):
"""Validates that the value is an integer and returns it.
attr: field name with this value, for error messages.
val: a value to validate.
min: minimal allowed value (inclusive) or None for unbounded.
max: maximal allowed value (inclusive) or None for unbounded.
default: a value to use if 'val' is None, ignored if required is True.
required: if False, allow 'val' to be None, return 'default' in this case.
The validated int or None if required is False and default is None.
if val == None:
if required:
fail("missing required field %r" % attr)
if default == None:
return None
val = default
if type(val) != "int":
fail("bad %r: got %s, want int" % (attr, type(val)))
if min != None and val < min:
fail("bad %r: %s should be >= %s" % (attr, val, min))
if max != None and val > max:
fail("bad %r: %s should be <= %s" % (attr, val, max))
return val
def _float(attr, val, *, min = None, max = None, default = None, required = True):
"""Validates that the value is a float or integer and returns it as float.
attr: field name with this value, for error messages.
val: a value to validate.
min: minimal allowed value (inclusive) or None for unbounded.
max: maximal allowed value (inclusive) or None for unbounded.
default: a value to use if 'val' is None, ignored if required is True.
required: if False, allow 'val' to be None, return 'default' in this case.
The validated float or None if required is False and default is None.
if val == None:
if required:
fail("missing required field %r" % attr)
if default == None:
return None
val = default
if type(val) == "int":
val = float(val)
elif type(val) != "float":
fail("bad %r: got %s, want float or int" % (attr, type(val)))
if min != None and val < min:
fail("bad %r: %s should be >= %s" % (attr, val, min))
if max != None and val > max:
fail("bad %r: %s should be <= %s" % (attr, val, max))
return val
def _bool(attr, val, *, default = None, required = True):
"""Validates that the value can be converted to a boolean.
Zero values other than None (0, "", [], etc) are treated as False. None
indicates "use default". If required is False and val is None, returns None
(indicating no value was passed).
attr: field name with this value, for error messages.
val: a value to validate.
default: a value to use if 'val' is None, ignored if required is True.
required: if False, allow 'val' to be None, return 'default' in this case.
The boolean or None if required is False and default is None.
if val == None:
if required:
fail("missing required field %r" % attr)
if default == None:
return None
val = default
return bool(val)
def _duration(attr, val, *, precision = time.second, min =, max = None, default = None, required = True):
"""Validates that the value is a duration specified at the given precision.
For example, if 'precision' is time.second, will validate that the given
duration has a whole number of seconds. Fails if truncating the duration to
the requested precision loses information.
attr: field name with this value, for error messages.
val: a value to validate.
precision: a time unit to divide 'val' by to get the output.
min: minimal allowed duration (inclusive) or None for unbounded.
max: maximal allowed duration (inclusive) or None for unbounded.
default: a value to use if 'val' is None, ignored if required is True.
required: if False, allow 'val' to be None, return 'default' in this case.
The validated duration or None if required is False and default is None.
if val == None:
if required:
fail("missing required field %r" % attr)
if default == None:
return None
val = default
if type(val) != "duration":
fail("bad %r: got %s, want duration" % (attr, type(val)))
if min != None and val < min:
fail("bad %r: %s should be >= %s" % (attr, val, min))
if max != None and val > max:
fail("bad %r: %s should be <= %s" % (attr, val, max))
if time.truncate(val, precision) != val:
"bad %r: losing precision when truncating %s to %s units, " +
"use time.truncate(...) to acknowledge"
) % (attr, val, precision))
return val
def _list(attr, val, *, required = False):
"""Validates that the value is a list and returns it.
None is treated as an empty list.
attr: field name with this value, for error messages.
val: a value to validate.
required: if False, allow 'val' to be None or empty, return empty list in
this case.
The validated list.
if val == None:
val = []
if type(val) != "list":
fail("bad %r: got %s, want list" % (attr, type(val)))
if required and not val:
fail("missing required field %r" % attr)
return val
def _str_dict(attr, val, *, required = False):
"""Validates that the value is a dict with non-empty string keys.
None is treated as an empty dict.
attr: field name with this value, for error messages.
val: a value to validate.
required: if False, allow 'val' to be None or empty, return empty dict in
this case.
The validated dict.
if val == None:
val = {}
if type(val) != "dict":
fail("bad %r: got %s, want dict" % (attr, type(val)))
if required and not val:
fail("missing required field %r" % attr)
for k in val:
if type(k) != "string":
fail("bad %r: got %s key, want string" % (attr, type(k)))
if not k:
fail("bad %r: got empty key" % attr)
return val
def _struct(attr, val, sym, *, default = None, required = True):
"""Validates that the value is a struct of the given flavor and returns it.
attr: field name with this value, for error messages.
val: a value to validate.
sym: a name of the constructor that produced the struct.
default: a value to use if 'val' is None, ignored if required is True.
required: if False, allow 'val' to be None, return 'default' in this case.
The validated struct or None if required is False and default is None.
if val == None:
if required:
fail("missing required field %r" % attr)
if default == None:
return None
val = default
tp = __native__.ctor(val) or type(val) # ctor(...) return None for non-structs
if tp != sym:
fail("bad %r: got %s, want %s" % (attr, tp, sym))
return val
def _type(attr, val, prototype, *, default = None, required = True):
"""Validates the value has the same type as `prototype` or is None.
Useful when checking types of protobuf messages.
attr: field name with this value, for error messages.
val: a value to validate.
prototype: a prototype value to compare val's type against.
default: a value to use if `val` is None, ignored if required is True.
required: if False, allow `val` to be None, return `default` in this case.
`val` on success or None if required is False and default is None.
if val == None:
if required:
fail("missing required field %r" % attr)
if default == None:
return None
val = default
if type(val) != type(prototype):
fail("bad %r: got %s, want %s" % (attr, type(val), type(prototype)))
return val
def _repo_url(attr, val, *, required = True):
"""Validates that the value is `https://...` repository URL and returns it.
Additionally verifies that `val` doesn't end with `.git`.
attr: name of the var for error messages. Required.
val: a value to validate. Required.
required: if False, allow `val` to be None, return None in this case.
Validate `val` or None if it is None and `required` is False.
val = validate.string(attr, val, regexp = r"https://.+", required = required)
if val and val.endswith(".git"):
fail('bad %r: %r should not end with ".git"' % (attr, val))
return val
def _relative_path(attr, val, *, allow_dots = False, base = None, required = True, default = None):
"""Validates that the value is a string with relative path.
Optionally adds it to some base path and returns the cleaned resulting path.
attr: name of the var for error messages. Required.
val: a value to validate. Required.
allow_dots: if True, allow `../` as a prefix in the resulting path.
Default is False.
base: if given, apply the relative path to this base path and returns the
default: a value to use if 'val' is None, ignored if required is True.
required: if False, allow 'val' to be None, return `default` in this case.
Validated, cleaned and (if `base` is given) rebased path.
val = validate.string(attr, val, required = required, default = default)
if val == None:
return None
base = validate.string("base", base, required = False)
clean, err = __native__.clean_relative_path(base or "", val, allow_dots)
if err:
fail("bad %r: %s" % (attr, err))
return clean
def _regex_list(attr, val, *, required = False):
"""Validates that the value is a valid regex parameter.
Strings are valid, and are returned unchanged. Lists of strings are valid,
and are combined into a single regex that matches any of the regexes in
the list.
None is treated as an empty string.
attr: field name with this value, for error messages.
val: a value to validate.
required: if False, allow 'val' to be None or empty, return empty string
in this case.
The validated regex.
if val == None:
val = ""
if required and not val:
fail("missing required field %r" % attr)
if type(val) == "string":
valid, err = __native__.is_valid_regex(val)
if not valid:
fail("bad %r: %s" % (attr, err))
return val
if type(val) == "list":
# buildifier: disable=string-iteration
for s in val:
if type(s) != "string":
fail("bad %r: got list element of type %s, want string" % (attr, type(s)))
valid, err = __native__.is_valid_regex(s)
if not valid:
fail("bad %r: %s" % (attr, err))
return "|".join(val)
fail("bad %r: got %s, want string or list" % (attr, type(val)))
def _str_list(attr, val, *, required = False):
"""Validates that the value is a list of strings.
None is treated as an empty list.
attr: field name with this value, for error messages.
val: a value to validate.
required: if False, allow 'val' to be None or empty, return empty list in
this case.
The validated list.
if val == None:
val = []
if required and not val:
fail("missing required field %r" % attr)
if type(val) == "list":
for s in val:
if type(s) != "string":
fail("bad %r: got list element of type %s, want string" % (attr, type(s)))
return val
fail("bad %r: got %s, want list of strings" % (attr, type(val)))
def _var_with_validator(attr, validator, **kwargs):
"""Returns a lucicfg.var that validates the value via a validator callback.
attr: name of the var for error messages. Required.
validator: a callback(attr, value, **kwargs), e.g. `validate.string`.
**kwargs: keyword arguments to pass to `validator`.
return lucicfg.var(validator = lambda value: validator(attr, value, **kwargs))
def _vars_with_validators(vars):
"""Accepts dict `{attr -> validator}`, returns dict `{attr -> lucicfg.var}`.
Basically applies validate.var_with_validator(...) to each item of the dict.
vars: a dict with string keys and callable values, matching the signature
of `validator` in validate.var_with_validator(...). Required.
Dict with string keys and lucicfg.var(...) values.
return {attr: _var_with_validator(attr, validator) for attr, validator in vars.items()}
validate = struct(
string = _string,
int = _int,
float = _float,
bool = _bool,
duration = _duration,
list = _list,
str_dict = _str_dict,
struct = _struct,
type = _type,
repo_url = _repo_url,
hostname = _hostname,
relative_path = _relative_path,
regex_list = _regex_list,
str_list = _str_list,
var_with_validator = _var_with_validator,
vars_with_validators = _vars_with_validators,