blob: e65a89ad78f86abcc978799e7ef79a423c487390 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package buildbucket
import (
buildbucketpb ""
bbv1 ""
// BuildSummaryStorageDuration is the maximum lifetime of a BuildSummary.
// Lifetime is the time elapsed since the Build creation time.
// Cron runs periodically to scan and remove all the Builds of which lifetime
// exceeded this duration.
// BuildSummaries are kept alive longer than builds in buildbuckets. So we can
// compute blamelist for builds that are at the end of their lifetime.
// TODO(weiweilin): expose BuildStorageDuration from buildbucket and compute
// BuildSummaryStorageDuration base on that (e.g. add two months). So we can
// ensure BuildSummaries are kept alive longer than builds.
const BuildSummaryStorageDuration = time.Hour * 24 * 30 * 20 // ~20 months
// BuildSummarySyncThreshold is the maximum duration before Milo attempts to
// sync non-terminal builds with buildbucket.
// Cron runs periodically to scan and sync all the non-terminal Builds of
// that was updated more than `BuildSummarySyncThreshold` ago.
const BuildSummarySyncThreshold = time.Hour * 24 * 2 // 2 days
var (
deletedBuildsCounter = metric.NewCounter(
"The number of BuildSummaries deleted by Milo delete-builds cron job",
updatedBuildsCounter = metric.NewCounter(
"The number of BuildSummaries that are out of sync and updated by Milo sync-builds cron job",
// DeleteOldBuilds is a cron job that deletes BuildSummaries that are older than
// BuildSummaryStorageDuration.
func DeleteOldBuilds(c context.Context) error {
const (
batchSize = 1024
nWorkers = 8
buildPurgeCutoffTime := clock.Now(c).Add(-BuildSummaryStorageDuration)
q := datastore.NewQuery("BuildSummary").
Lt("Created", buildPurgeCutoffTime).
// Apply a limit so the call won't timeout.
Limit(batchSize * nWorkers * 32).
return parallel.FanOutIn(func(taskC chan<- func() error) {
buildsC := make(chan []*datastore.Key, nWorkers)
statsC := make(chan int, nWorkers)
// Collect stats.
taskC <- func() error {
for deletedCount := range statsC {
deletedBuildsCounter.Add(c, int64(deletedCount))
return nil
// Find builds to delete.
taskC <- func() error {
defer close(buildsC)
bsKeys := make([]*datastore.Key, 0, batchSize)
err := datastore.RunBatch(c, batchSize, q, func(key *datastore.Key) error {
bsKeys = append(bsKeys, key)
if len(bsKeys) == batchSize {
buildsC <- bsKeys
bsKeys = make([]*datastore.Key, 0, batchSize)
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
if len(bsKeys) > 0 {
buildsC <- bsKeys
return nil
// Spawn workers to delete builds.
taskC <- func() error {
defer close(statsC)
return parallel.WorkPool(nWorkers, func(workC chan<- func() error) {
for bks := range buildsC {
// Bind to a local variable so each worker can have their own copy.
bks := bks
workC <- func() error {
// Flatten first w/o filtering to calculate how many builds were
// actually removed.
err := errors.Flatten(datastore.Delete(c, bks))
allErrs := 0
if err != nil {
allErrs = len(err.(errors.MultiError))
statsC <- len(bks) - allErrs
return err
var summaryBuildMask = &field_mask.FieldMask{
Paths: []string{
// PubSubHandler is a webhook that stores the builds coming in from pubsub.
func PubSubHandler(ctx *router.Context) {
err := pubSubHandlerImpl(ctx.Context, ctx.Request)
if err != nil {
logging.Errorf(ctx.Context, "error while handling pubsub event")
errors.Log(ctx.Context, err)
if transient.Tag.In(err) {
// Transient errors are 4xx so that PubSub retries them.
// TODO( Address High traffic builders causing errors.
// No errors or non-transient errors are 200s so that PubSub does not retry
// them.
// pubSubHandlerImpl takes the http.Request, expects to find
// a common.PubSubSubscription JSON object in the Body, containing a bbPSEvent,
// and handles the contents with generateSummary.
func pubSubHandlerImpl(c context.Context, r *http.Request) error {
msg := common.PubSubSubscription{}
if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&msg); err != nil {
// This might be a transient error, e.g. when the json format changes
// and Milo isn't updated yet.
return errors.Annotate(err, "could not decode message").Tag(transient.Tag).Err()
if v, ok := msg.Message.Attributes["version"].(string); ok && v != "v1" {
// TODO(nodir): switch to v2,
logging.Debugf(c, "unsupported pubsub message version %q. Ignoring", v)
return nil
bData, err := msg.GetData()
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "could not parse pubsub message string").Err()
event := struct {
Build bbv1.LegacyApiCommonBuildMessage `json:"build"`
Hostname string `json:"hostname"`
if err := json.Unmarshal(bData, &event); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "could not parse pubsub message data").Err()
client, err := buildbucketBuildsClient(c, event.Hostname, auth.AsSelf)
if err != nil {
return err
build, err := client.GetBuild(c, &buildbucketpb.GetBuildRequest{
Id: event.Build.Id,
Fields: summaryBuildMask,
if err != nil {
return err
// TODO(iannucci,nodir): get the bot context too
// TODO(iannucci,nodir): support manifests/got_revision
bs, err := model.BuildSummaryFromBuild(c, event.Hostname, build)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := bs.AddManifestKeysFromBuildSets(c); err != nil {
return err
logging.Debugf(c, "Received from %s: build %s (%s)\n%v",
event.Hostname, bs.ProjectID, bs.BuildID, bs.Summary.Status, bs)
updateBuilderSummary, err := shouldUpdateBuilderSummary(c, bs)
if err != nil {
updateBuilderSummary = true
logging.WithError(err).Warningf(c, "failed to determine whether the builder summary from %s should be updated. Fallback to always update.", bs.BuilderID)
err = transient.Tag.Apply(datastore.RunInTransaction(c, func(c context.Context) error {
curBS := &model.BuildSummary{BuildKey: bs.BuildKey}
if err := datastore.Get(c, curBS); err != nil && err != datastore.ErrNoSuchEntity {
return errors.Annotate(err, "reading current BuildSummary").Err()
if bs.Version <= curBS.Version {
logging.Warningf(c, "current BuildSummary is newer: %d <= %d",
bs.Version, curBS.Version)
return nil
if err := datastore.Put(c, bs); err != nil {
return err
if !updateBuilderSummary {
return nil
return model.UpdateBuilderForBuild(c, bs)
}, nil))
return err
var (
// Sustained datastore updates should not be higher than once per second per
// entity.
// See
entityUpdateIntervalInS int64 = 2
// A Redis LUA script that update the key with the new integer value if and
// only if the provided value is greater than the recorded value (0 if none
// were recorded). It returns 1 if the value is updated and 0 otherwise.
updateIfLargerScript = redis.NewScript(1, `
local newValueStr = ARGV[1]
local newValue = tonumber(newValueStr)
local existingValueStr ='GET', KEYS[1])
local existingValue = tonumber(existingValueStr) or 0
if newValue < existingValue then
return 0
elseif newValue == existingValue then
-- large u64/i64 (>2^53) may lose precision after being converted to f64.
-- Compare the last 5 digits if the f64 presentation of the integers are the
-- same.
local newValue = tonumber(string.sub(newValueStr, -5)) or 0
local existingValue = tonumber(string.sub(existingValueStr, -5)) or 0
if newValue <= existingValue then
return 0
end'SET', KEYS[1], newValueStr, 'EX', ARGV[2])
return 1
// shouldUpdateBuilderSummary determines whether the builder summary should be
// updated with the provided build summary.
// If the function is called with builds from the same builder multiple times
// within a time bucket, it will block the function until the start of the next
// time bucket and only return true for the call with the lastest created build
// with a terminal status, and return false for other calls occurred within the
// same time bucket.
func shouldUpdateBuilderSummary(c context.Context, buildSummary *model.BuildSummary) (bool, error) {
if !buildSummary.Summary.Status.Terminal() {
return false, nil
conn, err := redisconn.Get(c)
if err != nil {
return true, err
defer conn.Close()
createdAt := buildSummary.Created.UnixNano()
now := clock.Now(c).Unix()
thisTimeBucket := time.Unix(now-now%entityUpdateIntervalInS, 0)
thisTimeBucketKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%v", buildSummary.BuilderID, thisTimeBucket.Unix())
// Check if there's a builder summary update occurred in this time bucket.
_, err = redis.String(conn.Do("SET", thisTimeBucketKey, createdAt, "NX", "EX", entityUpdateIntervalInS+1))
switch err {
case redis.ErrNil:
// continue
case nil:
// There's no builder summary update occurred in this time bucket yet, we
// should run the update.
return true, nil
return true, err
// There's already a builder summary update occurred in this time bucket. Try
// scheduling the update for the next time bucket instead.
nextTimeBucket := thisTimeBucket.Add(time.Duration(entityUpdateIntervalInS * int64(time.Second)))
nextTimeBucketKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%v", buildSummary.BuilderID, nextTimeBucket.Unix())
replaced, err := redis.Int(updateIfLargerScript.Do(conn, nextTimeBucketKey, createdAt, entityUpdateIntervalInS+1))
if err != nil {
return true, err
if replaced == 0 {
// There's already an update with a newer build scheduled for the next time
// bucket, skip the update.
return false, nil
// Wait until the start of the next time bucket.
clock.Sleep(c, clock.Until(c, nextTimeBucket))
newCreatedAt, err := redis.Int64(conn.Do("GET", nextTimeBucketKey))
if err != nil {
return true, err
// If the update event was not replaced by event by a newer build, we should
// run the update with this build.
if newCreatedAt == createdAt {
return true, nil
// Otherwise, skip the update.
logging.Infof(c, "skipping BuilderSummary update from builder %s because a newer build was found", buildSummary.BuilderID)
return false, nil
// SyncBuilds is a cron job that sync BuildSummaries that are not in terminal
// state and haven't been updated recently.
func SyncBuilds(c context.Context) error {
c = WithBuildsClientFactory(c, ProdBuildsClientFactory)
return syncBuildsImpl(c)
func syncBuildsImpl(c context.Context) error {
const (
batchSize = 16
nWorkers = 64
buildSyncCutoffTime := clock.Now(c).Add(-BuildSummarySyncThreshold)
return parallel.FanOutIn(func(taskC chan<- func() error) {
buildsC := make(chan []*model.BuildSummary, nWorkers)
updatedBuildC := make(chan *buildbucketpb.Build, nWorkers)
// Collect stats.
taskC <- func() error {
for b := range updatedBuildC {
updatedBuildsCounter.Add(c, 1, b.Builder.Project, b.Builder.Bucket, b.Builder.Builder, b.Number, b.Id)
return nil
// Find builds to update.
taskC <- func() error {
defer close(buildsC)
batch := make([]*model.BuildSummary, 0, batchSize)
findBuilds := func(q *datastore.Query) error {
return datastore.RunBatch(c, batchSize, q, func(bs *model.BuildSummary) error {
batch = append(batch, bs)
if len(batch) == batchSize {
buildsC <- batch
batch = make([]*model.BuildSummary, 0, batchSize)
return nil
pendingBuildsQuery := datastore.NewQuery("BuildSummary").
Eq("Summary.Status", milostatus.NotRun).
Lt("Version", buildSyncCutoffTime.UnixNano()).
// Apply a limit so the call won't timeout.
Limit(batchSize * nWorkers * 16)
err := findBuilds(pendingBuildsQuery)
if err != nil {
return err
runningBuildsQuery := datastore.NewQuery("BuildSummary").
Eq("Summary.Status", milostatus.Running).
Lt("Version", buildSyncCutoffTime.UnixNano()).
// Apply a limit so the call won't timeout.
Limit(batchSize * nWorkers * 16)
err = findBuilds(runningBuildsQuery)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(batch) > 0 {
buildsC <- batch
return nil
// Spawn workers to update builds.
taskC <- func() error {
defer close(updatedBuildC)
return parallel.WorkPool(nWorkers, func(workC chan<- func() error) {
for builds := range buildsC {
// Bind to a local variable so each worker can have their own copy.
builds := builds
workC <- func() error {
for _, bs := range builds {
host, err := bs.GetHost()
if err != nil {
logging.WithError(err).Errorf(c, "failed to get host for build summary %v, skipping", bs.BuildKey)
client, err := buildbucketBuildsClient(c, host, auth.AsSelf)
if err != nil {
return err
var buildID int64 = 0
builder, buildNum, err := common.ParseLegacyBuildbucketBuildID(bs.BuildID)
if err != nil {
// If the BuildID is not the legacy build ID, trying parsing it as
// the new build ID.
buildID, err = common.ParseBuildbucketBuildID(bs.BuildID)
if err != nil {
return err
req := &buildbucketpb.GetBuildRequest{
Id: buildID,
BuildNumber: buildNum,
Builder: builder,
Fields: summaryBuildMask,
newBuild, err := client.GetBuild(c, req)
if status.Code(err) == codes.NotFound {
logging.Warningf(c, "build %v not found on buildbucket. deleting it.\nrequest: %v", bs.BuildKey, req)
err := datastore.Delete(c, bs)
if err != nil {
err = errors.Annotate(err, "failed to delete build %v", bs.BuildKey).Err()
return err
} else if err != nil {
err = errors.Annotate(err, "could not fetch build %v from buildbucket.\nrequest: %v", bs.BuildKey, req).Err()
return err
newBS, err := model.BuildSummaryFromBuild(c, host, newBuild)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := newBS.AddManifestKeysFromBuildSets(c); err != nil {
return err
// Ensure the new BuildSummary has the same key as the old
// BuildSummary, so we won't ends up having two copies of the same
// BuildSummary in the datastore.
newBS.BuildKey = bs.BuildKey
newBS.BuildID = bs.BuildID
if !newBS.Summary.Status.Terminal() {
if err := datastore.Put(c, newBS); err != nil {
return err
updatedBuildC <- newBuild
return nil