blob: bd8219fc609f3db3ecd0dbbadec63220e568c27e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package rawpresentation
import (
annopb ""
// URLBuilder constructs URLs for various link types.
type URLBuilder interface {
// LinkURL returns the URL associated with the supplied Link.
// If no URL could be built for that Link, nil will be returned.
BuildLink(l *annopb.AnnotationLink) *ui.Link
// miloBuildStep converts a logdog/annopb step to a BuildComponent struct.
// buildCompletedTime must be zero if build did not complete yet.
func miloBuildStep(c context.Context, ub URLBuilder, anno *annopb.Step, includeChildren bool) ui.BuildComponent {
comp := ui.BuildComponent{
Label: ui.NewLink(anno.Name, "", anno.Name),
switch anno.Status {
case annopb.Status_RUNNING:
comp.Status = milostatus.Running
case annopb.Status_SUCCESS:
comp.Status = milostatus.Success
case annopb.Status_FAILURE:
if fd := anno.GetFailureDetails(); fd != nil {
switch fd.Type {
case annopb.FailureDetails_EXCEPTION, annopb.FailureDetails_INFRA:
comp.Status = milostatus.InfraFailure
case annopb.FailureDetails_EXPIRED:
comp.Status = milostatus.Expired
comp.Status = milostatus.Failure
if fd.Text != "" {
comp.Text = append(comp.Text, fd.Text)
} else {
comp.Status = milostatus.Failure
case annopb.Status_PENDING:
comp.Status = milostatus.NotRun
// Missing the case of waiting on unfinished dependency...
comp.Status = milostatus.NotRun
// Main link is a link to the stdout.
var stdoutLink *annopb.AnnotationLink
if anno.StdoutStream != nil {
stdoutLink = &annopb.AnnotationLink{
Label: "stdout",
Value: &annopb.AnnotationLink_LogdogStream{
LogdogStream: anno.StdoutStream,
if anno.Link != nil {
comp.MainLink = ui.LinkSet{ub.BuildLink(anno.Link)}
// If we also have a STDOUT stream, add it to our OtherLinks.
if stdoutLink != nil {
anno.OtherLinks = append([]*annopb.AnnotationLink{stdoutLink}, anno.OtherLinks...)
} else if stdoutLink != nil {
comp.MainLink = ui.LinkSet{ub.BuildLink(stdoutLink)}
// Add STDERR link, if available.
if anno.StderrStream != nil {
anno.OtherLinks = append(anno.OtherLinks, &annopb.AnnotationLink{
Label: "stderr",
Value: &annopb.AnnotationLink_LogdogStream{
LogdogStream: anno.StderrStream,
// Sub link is for one link per log that isn't stdout.
for _, link := range anno.GetOtherLinks() {
if l := ub.BuildLink(link); l != nil {
comp.SubLink = append(comp.SubLink, ui.LinkSet{l})
// This should always be a step.
comp.Type = ui.StepLegacy
// Timestamps
var start, end time.Time
if t, err := ptypes.Timestamp(anno.Started); err == nil {
start = t
if t, err := ptypes.Timestamp(anno.Ended); err == nil {
end = t
comp.ExecutionTime = ui.NewInterval(c, start, end)
// This should be the exact same thing.
comp.Text = append(comp.Text, anno.Text...)
if !includeChildren {
return comp
ss := anno.GetSubstep()
comp.Children = make([]*ui.BuildComponent, 0, len(ss))
// Process nested steps.
for _, substep := range ss {
var subanno *annopb.Step
switch s := substep.GetSubstep().(type) {
case *annopb.Step_Substep_Step:
subanno = s.Step
case *annopb.Step_Substep_AnnotationStream:
panic("Non-inline substeps not supported")
panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown type %v", s))
subcomp := miloBuildStep(c, ub, subanno, includeChildren)
comp.Children = append(comp.Children, &subcomp)
return comp
func addPropGroups(groups *[]*ui.PropertyGroup, bs *ui.BuildComponent, anno *annopb.Step) {
propGroup := &ui.PropertyGroup{GroupName: bs.Label.Label}
for _, prop := range anno.Property {
propGroup.Property = append(propGroup.Property, &ui.Property{
Key: prop.Name,
Value: prop.Value,
*groups = append(*groups, propGroup)
for _, child := range bs.Children {
addPropGroups(groups, child, anno)
// SubStepsToUI converts a slice of annotation substeps to ui.BuildComponent and
// slice of ui.PropertyGroups.
func SubStepsToUI(c context.Context, ub URLBuilder, substeps []*annopb.Step_Substep) ([]*ui.BuildComponent, []*ui.PropertyGroup) {
components := make([]*ui.BuildComponent, 0, len(substeps))
propGroups := make([]*ui.PropertyGroup, 0, len(substeps)+1) // This is the max number or property groups.
for _, substepContainer := range substeps {
anno := substepContainer.GetStep()
if anno == nil {
// TODO: We ignore non-embedded substeps for now.
bs := miloBuildStep(c, ub, anno, true)
components = append(components, &bs)
addPropGroups(&propGroups, &bs, anno)
return components, propGroups
// AddLogDogToBuild takes a set of logdog streams and populate a milo build.
// build.Summary.Finished must be set.
func AddLogDogToBuild(
c context.Context, ub URLBuilder, mainAnno *annopb.Step, build *ui.MiloBuildLegacy) {
// Now fill in each of the step components.
// TODO(hinoka): This is totes cacheable.
build.Summary = miloBuildStep(c, ub, mainAnno, false)
build.Components, build.PropertyGroup = SubStepsToUI(c, ub, mainAnno.Substep)
// Take care of properties
propGroup := &ui.PropertyGroup{GroupName: "Main"}
for _, prop := range mainAnno.Property {
propGroup.Property = append(propGroup.Property, &ui.Property{
Key: prop.Name,
Value: prop.Value,
build.PropertyGroup = append(build.PropertyGroup, propGroup)
// Build a property map so we can extract revision properties.
propMap := map[string]string{}
for _, pg := range build.PropertyGroup {
for _, p := range pg.Property {
propMap[p.Key] = p.Value
// HACK(hinoka,iannucci): Extract revision out of properties. This should use
// source manifests instead.
jrev, ok := propMap["got_revision"]
if !ok {
jrev, ok = propMap["revision"]
if ok {
// got_revision/revision are json strings, so it looks like "aaaaaabbcc123..."
var rev string
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jrev), &rev)
if err == nil {
if build.Trigger == nil {
build.Trigger = &ui.Trigger{}
build.Trigger.Revision = ui.NewLink(
rev, fmt.Sprintf("", rev), fmt.Sprintf("revision %s", rev))