blob: de1d0fd5fd6510f0144f97c07b8aadc9d15d63bc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package bbfake
import (
bbpb ""
// BuildConstructor provides fluent APIs to reduce the boilerplate
// when constructing test build.
type BuildConstructor struct {
host string
id int64
builderID *bbpb.BuilderID
status bbpb.Status
createTime time.Time
startTime time.Time
endTime time.Time
updateTime time.Time
timeout bool
summaryMarkdown string
gerritChanges []*bbpb.GerritChange
experimental bool
requestedProperties *structpb.Struct
template *bbpb.Build
// NewBuildConstructor creates a new constructor from scratch.
func NewBuildConstructor() *BuildConstructor {
return &BuildConstructor{}
// NewConstructorFromBuild creates a new constructor with initial value
// populated based on the provided build.
// Providing nil build is equivalent to `NewBuildConstructor()`
func NewConstructorFromBuild(build *bbpb.Build) *BuildConstructor {
if build == nil {
return NewBuildConstructor()
bc := &BuildConstructor{
host: build.GetInfra().GetBuildbucket().GetHostname(),
id: build.GetId(),
builderID: proto.Clone(build.GetBuilder()).(*bbpb.BuilderID),
status: build.GetStatus(),
createTime: build.GetCreateTime().AsTime(),
startTime: build.GetStartTime().AsTime(),
endTime: build.GetEndTime().AsTime(),
updateTime: build.GetUpdateTime().AsTime(),
timeout: build.GetStatusDetails().GetTimeout() != nil,
summaryMarkdown: build.GetSummaryMarkdown(),
gerritChanges: make([]*bbpb.GerritChange, len(build.GetInput().GetGerritChanges())),
experimental: build.GetInput().GetExperimental(),
requestedProperties: proto.Clone(build.GetInfra().GetBuildbucket().GetRequestedProperties()).(*structpb.Struct),
template: proto.Clone(build).(*bbpb.Build),
for i, gc := range build.GetInput().GetGerritChanges() {
bc.gerritChanges[i] = proto.Clone(gc).(*bbpb.GerritChange)
return bc
// WithHost specifies the host of this Build. Required.
func (bc *BuildConstructor) WithHost(host string) *BuildConstructor { = host
return bc
// WithID specifies the Build ID. Required.
func (bc *BuildConstructor) WithID(id int64) *BuildConstructor { = id
return bc
// WithBuilderID specifies the Builder. Required.
func (bc *BuildConstructor) WithBuilderID(builderID *bbpb.BuilderID) *BuildConstructor {
bc.builderID = builderID
return bc
// WithStatus specifies the Build Status. Required.
func (bc *BuildConstructor) WithStatus(status bbpb.Status) *BuildConstructor {
bc.status = status
return bc
// WithCreateTime specifies the create time. Required.
func (bc *BuildConstructor) WithCreateTime(createTime time.Time) *BuildConstructor {
bc.createTime = createTime.UTC()
return bc
// WithStartTime specifies the start time. Required if status >= STARTED.
func (bc *BuildConstructor) WithStartTime(startTime time.Time) *BuildConstructor {
bc.startTime = startTime.UTC()
return bc
// WithEndTime specifies the end time. Required if status is ended.
func (bc *BuildConstructor) WithEndTime(endTime time.Time) *BuildConstructor {
bc.endTime = endTime.UTC()
return bc
// WithUpdateTime specifies the update time. Optional.
func (bc *BuildConstructor) WithUpdateTime(updateTime time.Time) *BuildConstructor {
bc.updateTime = updateTime.UTC()
return bc
// WithTimeout sets the timeout bit of this build. Optional.
func (bc *BuildConstructor) WithTimeout(isTimeout bool) *BuildConstructor {
bc.timeout = isTimeout
return bc
// WithSummaryMarkdown specifies the summary markdown. Optional
func (bc *BuildConstructor) WithSummaryMarkdown(sm string) *BuildConstructor {
bc.summaryMarkdown = sm
return bc
// AppendGerritChanges appends Gerrit changes to this build. Optional.
func (bc *BuildConstructor) AppendGerritChanges(gcs ...*bbpb.GerritChange) *BuildConstructor {
if len(gcs) == 0 {
panic("must provide at least one GerritChange")
for _, gc := range gcs {
switch {
case gc.GetHost() == "":
panic(fmt.Errorf("empty gerrit host"))
case gc.GetProject() == "":
panic(fmt.Errorf("empty gerrit repo"))
case gc.GetChange() == 0:
panic(fmt.Errorf("zero gerrit CL number"))
case gc.GetPatchset() == 0:
panic(fmt.Errorf("zero gerrit CL patchset"))
bc.gerritChanges = append(bc.gerritChanges, proto.Clone(gc).(*bbpb.GerritChange))
return bc
// ResetGerritChanges clears all existing Gerrit Changes of this build.
func (bc *BuildConstructor) ResetGerritChanges() *BuildConstructor {
bc.gerritChanges = nil
return bc
// WithExperimental marks this build as experimental build. Optional.
func (bc *BuildConstructor) WithExperimental(exp bool) *BuildConstructor {
bc.experimental = exp
return bc
// WithRequestedProperties specifies the requested properties. Optional.
// The data will be transformed to proto struct format.
func (bc *BuildConstructor) WithRequestedProperties(data map[string]interface{}) *BuildConstructor {
var err error
bc.requestedProperties, err = structpb.NewStruct(data)
if err != nil {
panic(errors.Annotate(err, "failed to convert to proto struct").Err())
return bc
// Construct creates a new build based on supplied inputs.
func (bc *BuildConstructor) Construct() *bbpb.Build {
switch {
case == "":
panic(fmt.Errorf("empty host"))
case == 0:
panic(fmt.Errorf("zero build ID"))
case bc.builderID == nil:
panic(fmt.Errorf("empty builder ID"))
case bc.status == bbpb.Status_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED:
panic(fmt.Errorf("unspecified status"))
case bc.createTime.IsZero():
panic(fmt.Errorf("zero create time"))
case bc.status >= bbpb.Status_STARTED && bc.startTime.IsZero():
panic(fmt.Errorf("zero start time"))
case protoutil.IsEnded(bc.status) && bc.endTime.IsZero():
panic(fmt.Errorf("zero end time"))
ret := bc.template
if ret == nil {
ret = &bbpb.Build{}
ret.Id =
ret.Builder = bc.builderID
ret.Status = bc.status
ret.CreateTime = timestamppb.New(bc.createTime)
if !bc.startTime.IsZero() {
ret.StartTime = timestamppb.New(bc.startTime)
if !bc.endTime.IsZero() {
ret.EndTime = timestamppb.New(bc.endTime)
if !bc.updateTime.IsZero() {
ret.UpdateTime = timestamppb.New(bc.updateTime)
if bc.timeout {
if ret.GetStatusDetails() == nil {
ret.StatusDetails = &bbpb.StatusDetails{}
ret.GetStatusDetails().Timeout = &bbpb.StatusDetails_Timeout{}
ret.SummaryMarkdown = bc.summaryMarkdown
// Input
if ret.GetInput() == nil {
ret.Input = &bbpb.Build_Input{}
ret.Input.GerritChanges = bc.gerritChanges
if bc.experimental {
ret.Input.Experimental = true
ret.Input.Experiments = append(ret.Input.Experiments, "luci.non_production")
// Infra
if ret.GetInfra() == nil {
ret.Infra = &bbpb.BuildInfra{}
if ret.GetInfra().GetBuildbucket() == nil {
ret.Infra.Buildbucket = &bbpb.BuildInfra_Buildbucket{}
ret.Infra.Buildbucket.Hostname =
ret.Infra.Buildbucket.RequestedProperties = bc.requestedProperties
return ret