blob: 1d7c412d0f34db7043875d52ea05694bc3dd5e99 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package migration
import (
cvbqpb ""
migrationpb ""
gf ""
. ""
. ""
func TestClsOf(t *testing.T) {
Convey("clsOf works", t, func() {
a := &cvbqpb.Attempt{}
So(clsOf(a), ShouldEqual, "NO CLS")
a.GerritChanges = []*cvbqpb.GerritChange{
{Host: "abc", Change: 1, Patchset: 2},
So(clsOf(a), ShouldEqual, "1 CLs: [abc 1/2]")
a.GerritChanges = []*cvbqpb.GerritChange{
{Host: "abc", Change: 1, Patchset: 2},
{Host: "abc", Change: 2, Patchset: 3},
So(clsOf(a), ShouldEqual, "2 CLs: [abc 1/2 2/3]")
a.GerritChanges = []*cvbqpb.GerritChange{
{Host: "abc", Change: 1, Patchset: 2},
{Host: "xyz", Change: 2, Patchset: 3},
{Host: "xyz", Change: 3, Patchset: 4},
{Host: "abc", Change: 4, Patchset: 5},
{Host: "abc", Change: 5, Patchset: 6},
So(clsOf(a), ShouldEqual, "5 CLs: [abc 1/2] [xyz 2/3 3/4] [abc 4/5 5/6]")
func TestPostGerritMessage(t *testing.T) {
Convey("PostGerritMessage works", t, func() {
ct := cvtesting.Test{}
ctx, cancel := ct.SetUp()
defer cancel()
m := MigrationServer{
GFactory: ct.GFactory(),
req := &migrationpb.PostGerritMessageRequest{
AttemptKey: "deadbeef",
RunId: "infra/123-1-deadbeef",
Project: "infra",
Change: 1,
Host: "",
Revision: "cqd-seen-revision",
Comment: "some verification failed",
SendEmail: true,
Convey("no permission to call CV", func() {
ctx = auth.WithState(ctx, &authtest.FakeState{
Identity: "",
_, err := m.PostGerritMessage(ctx, req)
So(grpcutil.Code(err), ShouldEqual, codes.PermissionDenied)
Convey("with permission to call CV", func() {
ctx = auth.WithState(ctx, &authtest.FakeState{
Identity: identity.Identity("project:infra"),
PeerIdentityOverride: "",
// Without Run.
_, err := m.PostGerritMessage(ctx, req)
So(grpcutil.Code(err), ShouldEqual, codes.Unavailable)
// Put a Run.
r := &run.Run{
ID: common.RunID(req.GetRunId()),
Mode: run.DryRun,
Status: run.Status_RUNNING,
CreateTime: ct.Clock.Now().Add(-time.Hour).UTC(),
So(datastore.Put(ctx, r), ShouldBeNil)
// Without CL in CV.
_, err = m.PostGerritMessage(ctx, req)
So(grpcutil.Code(err), ShouldEqual, codes.Unavailable)
// Put CL in CV (CL in Gerrit is faked separately below).
ci := gf.CI(int(req.GetChange()))
cl := changelist.MustGobID(req.GetHost(), req.GetChange()).MustCreateIfNotExists(ctx)
cl.Snapshot = &changelist.Snapshot{
ExternalUpdateTime: ci.GetUpdated(),
LuciProject: req.GetProject(),
MinEquivalentPatchset: 1,
Patchset: 1,
Kind: &changelist.Snapshot_Gerrit{Gerrit: &changelist.Gerrit{Info: ci}},
So(datastore.Put(ctx, cl), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("propagates Gerrit errors", func() {
Convey("404", func() {
ct.GFake.AddFrom(gf.WithCIs(req.GetHost(), gf.ACLRestricted("other-project"), ci))
_, err = m.PostGerritMessage(ctx, req)
So(grpcutil.Code(err), ShouldEqual, codes.NotFound)
Convey("403", func() {
ct.GFake.AddFrom(gf.WithCIs(req.GetHost(), gf.ACLReadOnly(req.GetProject()), ci))
_, err = m.PostGerritMessage(ctx, req)
So(grpcutil.Code(err), ShouldEqual, codes.PermissionDenied)
Convey("with Gerrit permission, posts to Gerrit", func() {
ct.GFake.AddFrom(gf.WithCIs(req.GetHost(), gf.ACLPublic(), ci))
mod := ci.GetUpdated().AsTime()
_, err = m.PostGerritMessage(ctx, req)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
ci2 := ct.GFake.GetChange(req.GetHost(), int(req.GetChange())).Info
So(ci2, gf.ShouldLastMessageContain, req.GetComment())
mod2 := ci2.GetUpdated().AsTime()
So(mod2, ShouldHappenAfter, mod)
Convey("but avoids duplication", func() {
cl.Snapshot.GetGerrit().Info = ci2
cl.Snapshot.ExternalUpdateTime = ci2.GetUpdated()
So(datastore.Put(ctx, cl), ShouldBeNil)
_, err = m.PostGerritMessage(ctx, req)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
ci3 := ct.GFake.GetChange(req.GetHost(), int(req.GetChange())).Info
mod3 := ci3.GetUpdated().AsTime()
So(mod3, ShouldResemble, mod2)
Convey("posts a duplicate if prior message was before this Run started", func() {
r.CreateTime = mod2.Add(time.Minute)
So(datastore.Put(ctx, r), ShouldBeNil)
_, err = m.PostGerritMessage(ctx, req)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
ci3 := ct.GFake.GetChange(req.GetHost(), int(req.GetChange())).Info
mod3 := ci3.GetUpdated().AsTime()
So(mod3, ShouldHappenAfter, r.CreateTime)
func TestReportVerifiedRun(t *testing.T) {
Convey("ReportVerifiedRun works", t, func() {
ct := cvtesting.Test{}
ctx, cancel := ct.SetUp()
defer cancel()
rnMock := runNotifierMock{}
m := MigrationServer{RunNotifier: &rnMock}
ctx = auth.WithState(ctx, &authtest.FakeState{
Identity: identity.Identity("project:infra"),
PeerIdentityOverride: "",
const runID = common.RunID("infra/111-1-deadbeef")
req := &migrationpb.ReportVerifiedRunRequest{
Run: &migrationpb.ReportedRun{
Id: string(runID),
Attempt: &cvbqpb.Attempt{
Key: runID.AttemptKey(),
Status: cvbqpb.AttemptStatus_SUCCESS,
// In practice, the other fields are also set by CQDaemon, but not
// relevant in this test.
FinalMessage: "meh",
Action: migrationpb.ReportVerifiedRunRequest_ACTION_SUBMIT,
loadVerifiedCQDRun := func() *VerifiedCQDRun {
v := &VerifiedCQDRun{ID: runID}
switch err := datastore.Get(ctx, v); {
case err == datastore.ErrNoSuchEntity:
return nil
case err != nil:
return v
Convey("without a Run in Datastore", func() {
_, err := m.ReportVerifiedRun(ctx, req)
So(grpcutil.Code(err), ShouldEqual, codes.NotFound)
So(loadVerifiedCQDRun(), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("with a Run, always saves and notifies Run Manager", func() {
So(datastore.Put(ctx, &run.Run{ID: runID}), ShouldBeNil)
_, err := m.ReportVerifiedRun(ctx, proto.Clone(req).(*migrationpb.ReportVerifiedRunRequest))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
first := loadVerifiedCQDRun()
So(first.Payload.Run.Attempt.Status, ShouldEqual, cvbqpb.AttemptStatus_SUCCESS)
So(rnMock.verificationCompleted, ShouldContain, runID)
Convey("does not overwrite existing data", func() {
rnMock.verificationCompleted = nil
req.Run.Attempt.Status = cvbqpb.AttemptStatus_INFRA_FAILURE
_, err := m.ReportVerifiedRun(ctx, proto.Clone(req).(*migrationpb.ReportVerifiedRunRequest))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
second := loadVerifiedCQDRun()
So(second.UpdateTime, ShouldResemble, first.UpdateTime)
So(second.Payload, ShouldResembleProto, first.Payload)
// Run Manager doesn't need to be notified again.
So(rnMock.verificationCompleted, ShouldBeEmpty)
func TestReportTryjobs(t *testing.T) {
Convey("ReportTryjobs works", t, func() {
ct := cvtesting.Test{}
ctx, cancel := ct.SetUp()
defer cancel()
rnMock := runNotifierMock{}
m := MigrationServer{RunNotifier: &rnMock}
ctx = auth.WithState(ctx, &authtest.FakeState{
Identity: identity.Identity("project:infra"),
PeerIdentityOverride: "",
const runID = common.RunID("infra/111-1-deadbeef")
req := &migrationpb.ReportTryjobsRequest{
RunId: string(runID),
Tryjobs: []*migrationpb.Tryjob{
Status: migrationpb.TryjobStatus_PENDING,
Build: &cvbqpb.Build{Id: 123, Origin: cvbqpb.Build_NOT_REUSED},
Status: migrationpb.TryjobStatus_RUNNING,
Build: &cvbqpb.Build{Id: 124, Origin: cvbqpb.Build_REUSED},
_, err := m.ReportTryjobs(ctx, req)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
req.Tryjobs[0].Status = migrationpb.TryjobStatus_RUNNING
_, err = m.ReportTryjobs(ctx, req)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
req.Tryjobs[1].Status = migrationpb.TryjobStatus_SUCCEEDED
_, err = m.ReportTryjobs(ctx, req)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(rnMock.tryjobsUpdated, ShouldResemble, common.RunIDs{runID, runID, runID})
all, err := ListReportedTryjobs(ctx, runID, ct.Clock.Now().Add(-time.Hour), 0 /*unlimited*/)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(all, ShouldHaveLength, 3)
type runNotifierMock struct {
verificationCompleted common.RunIDs
tryjobsUpdated common.RunIDs
finished common.RunIDs
func (r *runNotifierMock) NotifyCQDVerificationCompleted(ctx context.Context, runID common.RunID) error {
r.verificationCompleted = append(r.verificationCompleted, runID)
return nil
func (r *runNotifierMock) NotifyCQDTryjobsUpdated(ctx context.Context, runID common.RunID) error {
r.tryjobsUpdated = append(r.tryjobsUpdated, runID)
return nil
func (r *runNotifierMock) NotifyCQDFinished(ctx context.Context, runID common.RunID) error {
r.finished = append(r.finished, runID)
return nil