blob: 52037ab7226dfab92534c6364cfe106fdb0ffd0f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package execute
import (
recipe ""
. ""
func TestCanReuse(t *testing.T) {
Convey("canReuseTryjob works", t, func() {
ct := cvtesting.Test{}
ctx, cancel := ct.SetUp()
defer cancel()
Convey("reuse allowed", func() {
Convey("empty mode allowlist", func() {
tj := &tryjob.Tryjob{
Status: tryjob.Status_ENDED,
Result: &tryjob.Result{
CreateTime: timestamppb.New(ct.Clock.Now().Add(-staleTryjobAge / 2)),
Status: tryjob.Result_SUCCEEDED,
So(canReuseTryjob(ctx, tj, run.FullRun), ShouldEqual, reuseAllowed)
Convey("explicitly allowed in mode allowlist", func() {
tj := &tryjob.Tryjob{
Status: tryjob.Status_ENDED,
Result: &tryjob.Result{
CreateTime: timestamppb.New(ct.Clock.Now().Add(-staleTryjobAge / 2)),
Status: tryjob.Result_SUCCEEDED,
Output: &recipe.Output{
Reusability: &recipe.Output_Reusability{
ModeAllowlist: []string{string(run.DryRun), string(run.FullRun)},
So(canReuseTryjob(ctx, tj, run.FullRun), ShouldEqual, reuseAllowed)
Convey("reuse maybe", func() {
Convey("triggered fresh tryjob", func() {
tj := &tryjob.Tryjob{
Status: tryjob.Status_TRIGGERED,
Result: &tryjob.Result{
CreateTime: timestamppb.New(ct.Clock.Now().Add(-staleTryjobAge / 2)),
So(canReuseTryjob(ctx, tj, run.FullRun), ShouldEqual, reuseMaybe)
Convey("pending tryjob", func() {
tj := &tryjob.Tryjob{
Status: tryjob.Status_PENDING,
So(canReuseTryjob(ctx, tj, run.FullRun), ShouldEqual, reuseMaybe)
Convey("reuse denied", func() {
Convey("triggered stale tryjob", func() {
tj := &tryjob.Tryjob{
Status: tryjob.Status_TRIGGERED,
Result: &tryjob.Result{
CreateTime: timestamppb.New(ct.Clock.Now().Add(-staleTryjobAge * 2)),
So(canReuseTryjob(ctx, tj, run.FullRun), ShouldEqual, reuseDenied)
Convey("successfully ended tryjob but stale", func() {
tj := &tryjob.Tryjob{
Status: tryjob.Status_ENDED,
Result: &tryjob.Result{
CreateTime: timestamppb.New(ct.Clock.Now().Add(-staleTryjobAge * 2)),
Status: tryjob.Result_SUCCEEDED,
So(canReuseTryjob(ctx, tj, run.FullRun), ShouldEqual, reuseDenied)
Convey("failed tryjob", func() {
tj := &tryjob.Tryjob{
Status: tryjob.Status_ENDED,
Result: &tryjob.Result{
CreateTime: timestamppb.New(ct.Clock.Now().Add(-staleTryjobAge * 2)),
Status: tryjob.Result_FAILED_PERMANENTLY,
So(canReuseTryjob(ctx, tj, run.FullRun), ShouldEqual, reuseDenied)
Convey("not in the mode allowlist", func() {
tj := &tryjob.Tryjob{
Status: tryjob.Status_ENDED,
Result: &tryjob.Result{
CreateTime: timestamppb.New(ct.Clock.Now().Add(-staleTryjobAge * 2)),
Status: tryjob.Result_SUCCEEDED,
Output: &recipe.Output{
Reusability: &recipe.Output_Reusability{
ModeAllowlist: []string{string(run.DryRun)},
So(canReuseTryjob(ctx, tj, run.FullRun), ShouldEqual, reuseDenied)
for _, st := range []tryjob.Status{tryjob.Status_CANCELLED, tryjob.Status_UNTRIGGERED} {
Convey(fmt.Sprintf("status is %s", st), func() {
tj := &tryjob.Tryjob{Status: st}
So(canReuseTryjob(ctx, tj, run.FullRun), ShouldEqual, reuseDenied)
func TestComputeReuseKey(t *testing.T) {
Convey("computeReuseKey works", t, func() {
cls := []*run.RunCL{
ID: 22222,
Detail: &changelist.Snapshot{
MinEquivalentPatchset: 22,
ID: 11111,
Detail: &changelist.Snapshot{
MinEquivalentPatchset: 11,
// Should yield the same result as
// > python3 -c 'import base64;from hashlib import sha256;print(base64.b64encode(sha256(b"\0".join(sorted(b"%d/%d"%(x[0], x[1]) for x in [[22222,22],[11111,11]]))).digest()))'
So(computeReuseKey(cls), ShouldEqual, "2Yh+hI8zJZFe8ac1TrrFjATWGjhiV9aXsKjNJIhzATk=")