blob: 24a31d8b20cb3655636ca4696ed4b02fdc4254dd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package swarming
import (
rbeclient ""
swarmingv2 ""
const (
// ServerEnvVar is Swarming server host to which a client connects.
// TaskIDEnvVar is a Swarming task ID in which this task is running.
// The `swarming` command line tool uses this to populate `ParentTaskId`
// when being used to trigger new tasks from within a swarming task.
// UserEnvVar is the OS user name (not Swarming specific).
// The `swarming` command line tool uses this to populate `User`
// when being used to trigger new tasks.
UserEnvVar = "USER"
// UserAgent identifies the version of the client.
// It is sent in all RPCs.
var UserAgent = "swarming 0.4.0"
func init() {
ver, err := version.GetStartupVersion()
if err != nil || ver.InstanceID == "" {
UserAgent += fmt.Sprintf(" (%s@%s)", ver.PackageName, ver.InstanceID)
// Client can make requests to Swarming, in particular launch tasks and wait
// for their execution to finish.
// A client must be closed with Close when done working with it to avoid leaking
// goroutines.
type Client interface {
Close(ctx context.Context)
NewTask(ctx context.Context, req *swarmingv2.NewTaskRequest) (*swarmingv2.TaskRequestMetadataResponse, error)
CountTasks(ctx context.Context, start float64, state swarmingv2.StateQuery, tags []string) (*swarmingv2.TasksCount, error)
ListTasks(ctx context.Context, limit int32, start float64, state swarmingv2.StateQuery, tags []string) ([]*swarmingv2.TaskResultResponse, error)
CancelTask(ctx context.Context, taskID string, killRunning bool) (*swarmingv2.CancelResponse, error)
TaskRequest(ctx context.Context, taskID string) (*swarmingv2.TaskRequestResponse, error)
TaskOutput(ctx context.Context, taskID string) (*swarmingv2.TaskOutputResponse, error)
TaskResult(ctx context.Context, taskID string, fields *TaskResultFields) (*swarmingv2.TaskResultResponse, error)
TaskResults(ctx context.Context, taskIDs []string, fields *TaskResultFields) ([]ResultOrErr, error)
CountBots(ctx context.Context, dimensions []*swarmingv2.StringPair) (*swarmingv2.BotsCount, error)
ListBots(ctx context.Context, dimensions []*swarmingv2.StringPair) ([]*swarmingv2.BotInfo, error)
DeleteBot(ctx context.Context, botID string) (*swarmingv2.DeleteResponse, error)
TerminateBot(ctx context.Context, botID string, reason string) (*swarmingv2.TerminateResponse, error)
ListBotTasks(ctx context.Context, botID string, limit int32, start float64, state swarmingv2.StateQuery) ([]*swarmingv2.TaskResultResponse, error)
FilesFromCAS(ctx context.Context, outdir string, casRef *swarmingv2.CASReference) ([]string, error)
// TaskResultFields defines what optional parts of TaskResultResponse to get.
// Swarming doesn't support generic field masks yet, so this struct is kind of
// ad-hoc right now.
// A nil value means to fetch the default set of fields.
type TaskResultFields struct {
WithPerf bool // if true, fetch internal performance stats
// ResultOrErr is returned by TaskResults. It either carries a task result or
// an error if it could not be obtained.
type ResultOrErr struct {
Result *swarmingv2.TaskResultResponse
Err error
// ClientOptions is passed to NewClient.
type ClientOptions struct {
// ServiceURL is root URL of the Swarming service.
// Required.
ServiceURL string
// RBEAddr is "host:port" of the RBE-CAS service to use.
// Default is the prod service.
RBEAddr string
// UserAgent is put into User-Agent HTTP header with each request.
// Default is UserAgent const.
UserAgent string
// Auth contains options for constructing authenticating clients.
// It is used only when AuthenticatedClient or RBEClientFactory are omitted.
Auth auth.Options
// AuthenticatedClient is http.Client that attaches authentication headers.
// Will be used when talking to the Swarming backend.
// Default is a client constructed using based on
// the given Auth options.
AuthenticatedClient *http.Client
// RBEClientFactory can create RBE clients on demand.
// Will be used to fetch files from RBE-CAS.
// Default constructs a client using based on
// the given Auth options. It calls LUCI Token Server to get per-instance RBE
// authentication tokens. This works only with LUCI RBE instances.
RBEClientFactory func(ctx context.Context, addr, instance string) (*rbeclient.Client, error)
// NewClient initializes Swarming client using given options.
// The passed context will become the root context for RBE client background
// goroutines.
func NewClient(ctx context.Context, opts ClientOptions) (Client, error) {
if opts.ServiceURL == "" {
return nil, errors.Reason("service URL is required").Err()
if opts.RBEAddr == "" {
opts.RBEAddr = casclient.AddrProd
if opts.UserAgent == "" {
opts.UserAgent = UserAgent
if opts.AuthenticatedClient == nil {
cl, err := auth.NewAuthenticator(ctx, auth.SilentLogin, opts.Auth).Client()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
opts.AuthenticatedClient = cl
if opts.RBEClientFactory == nil {
opts.RBEClientFactory = func(ctx context.Context, addr, instance string) (*rbeclient.Client, error) {
return casclient.NewLegacy(ctx, addr, instance, opts.Auth, true)
serverURL, err := lhttp.ParseHostURL(opts.ServiceURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "bad service URL %q", opts.ServiceURL).Err()
prpcClient := prpc.Client{
C: opts.AuthenticatedClient,
Host: serverURL.Host,
Options: &prpc.Options{
Retry: func() retry.Iterator {
return &retry.ExponentialBackoff{
MaxDelay: time.Minute,
Limited: retry.Limited{
Delay: time.Second,
Retries: 10,
// The swarming server has an internal 60-second deadline for responding to
// requests, so 90 seconds shouldn't cause any requests to fail that would
// otherwise succeed.
PerRPCTimeout: 90 * time.Second,
UserAgent: opts.UserAgent,
Insecure: serverURL.Scheme == "http",
return &swarmingServiceImpl{
ctx: ctx,
opts: opts,
botsClient: swarmingv2.NewBotsClient(&prpcClient),
tasksClient: swarmingv2.NewTasksClient(&prpcClient),
rbe: map[string]*rbeclient.Client{},
}, nil
type swarmingServiceImpl struct {
ctx context.Context
opts ClientOptions
botsClient swarmingv2.BotsClient
tasksClient swarmingv2.TasksClient
m sync.Mutex
rbe map[string]*rbeclient.Client // instance name => RBE client
// rbeClient constructs a new RBE client or returns the existing one.
func (s *swarmingServiceImpl) rbeClient(inst string) (*rbeclient.Client, error) {
if inst == "" {
return nil, errors.Reason("no RBE instance name set").Err()
defer s.m.Unlock()
if cl := s.rbe[inst]; cl != nil {
return cl, nil
cl, err := s.opts.RBEClientFactory(s.ctx, s.opts.RBEAddr, inst)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to create RBE client for %s", inst).Err()
s.rbe[inst] = cl
return cl, nil
func (s *swarmingServiceImpl) Close(ctx context.Context) {
defer s.m.Unlock()
if len(s.rbe) != 0 {
for inst, rbe := range s.rbe {
logging.Debugf(ctx, "Closing RBE client for %s", inst)
if err := rbe.Close(); err != nil {
logging.Errorf(ctx, "Error closing RBE client for %s: %s", inst, err)
logging.Debugf(ctx, "All RBE clients closed")
func (s *swarmingServiceImpl) NewTask(ctx context.Context, req *swarmingv2.NewTaskRequest) (res *swarmingv2.TaskRequestMetadataResponse, err error) {
return s.tasksClient.NewTask(ctx, req)
func (s *swarmingServiceImpl) CountTasks(ctx context.Context, start float64, state swarmingv2.StateQuery, tags []string) (res *swarmingv2.TasksCount, err error) {
return s.tasksClient.CountTasks(ctx, &swarmingv2.TasksCountRequest{
Start: &timestamppb.Timestamp{
Seconds: int64(start),
Tags: tags,
State: state,
func (s *swarmingServiceImpl) ListTasks(ctx context.Context, limit int32, start float64, state swarmingv2.StateQuery, tags []string) ([]*swarmingv2.TaskResultResponse, error) {
const defaultPageSize = 1000
// Create an empty array so that if serialized to JSON it's an empty list,
// not null.
tasks := make([]*swarmingv2.TaskResultResponse, 0, limit)
cursor := ""
// Keep calling as long as there's a cursor indicating more tasks to list.
for {
var pageSize int32
if limit < defaultPageSize {
pageSize = limit
} else {
pageSize = defaultPageSize
req := &swarmingv2.TasksWithPerfRequest{
Cursor: cursor,
Limit: pageSize,
State: state,
Tags: tags,
IncludePerformanceStats: false,
if start > 0 {
req.Start = &timestamppb.Timestamp{
Seconds: int64(start),
tl, err := s.tasksClient.ListTasks(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return tasks, err
limit -= int32(len(tl.Items))
tasks = append(tasks, tl.Items...)
cursor = tl.Cursor
if cursor == "" || limit <= 0 {
return tasks, nil
func (s *swarmingServiceImpl) CancelTask(ctx context.Context, taskID string, killRunning bool) (res *swarmingv2.CancelResponse, err error) {
return s.tasksClient.CancelTask(ctx, &swarmingv2.TaskCancelRequest{
KillRunning: killRunning,
TaskId: taskID,
func (s *swarmingServiceImpl) TaskRequest(ctx context.Context, taskID string) (res *swarmingv2.TaskRequestResponse, err error) {
return s.tasksClient.GetRequest(ctx, &swarmingv2.TaskIdRequest{TaskId: taskID})
func (s *swarmingServiceImpl) TaskResult(ctx context.Context, taskID string, fields *TaskResultFields) (res *swarmingv2.TaskResultResponse, err error) {
perf := false
if fields != nil {
perf = fields.WithPerf
return s.tasksClient.GetResult(ctx, &swarmingv2.TaskIdWithPerfRequest{
IncludePerformanceStats: perf,
TaskId: taskID,
func (s *swarmingServiceImpl) TaskResults(ctx context.Context, taskIDs []string, fields *TaskResultFields) ([]ResultOrErr, error) {
// TODO(vadimsh): Split large batches into multiple concurrent RPCs.
perf := false
if fields != nil {
perf = fields.WithPerf
res, err := s.tasksClient.BatchGetResult(ctx, &swarmingv2.BatchGetResultRequest{
TaskIds: taskIDs,
IncludePerformanceStats: perf,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(res.Results) != len(taskIDs) {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.FailedPrecondition, "expecting %d items in the result, got %d", len(taskIDs), len(res.Results))
out := make([]ResultOrErr, len(taskIDs))
for i, taskID := range taskIDs {
if res.Results[i].TaskId != taskID {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.FailedPrecondition, "unexpected response format: expecting outcome of task %q, but got %q", taskID, res.Results[i].TaskId)
switch x := res.Results[i].Outcome.(type) {
case *swarmingv2.BatchGetResultResponse_ResultOrError_Result:
out[i].Result = x.Result
case *swarmingv2.BatchGetResultResponse_ResultOrError_Error:
out[i].Err = status.FromProto(x.Error).Err()
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.FailedPrecondition, "unexpected response format: unexpected outcome of task %q", taskID)
return out, nil
func (s *swarmingServiceImpl) TaskOutput(ctx context.Context, taskID string) (res *swarmingv2.TaskOutputResponse, err error) {
// We fetch 160 chunks every time which amounts to a max of 16mb each time.
// Each chunk is 100kbs.
// See
const outputLength = 160 * 100 * 1024
var output bytes.Buffer
for {
resp, err := s.tasksClient.GetStdout(ctx, &swarmingv2.TaskIdWithOffsetRequest{
Offset: int64(output.Len()),
Length: outputLength,
TaskId: taskID,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If there is less output bytes than length then we have reached the
// final output chunk and can stop looking for new data.
if len(resp.Output) < outputLength {
// Pass the final state we saw as the current output
return &swarmingv2.TaskOutputResponse{
State: resp.State,
Output: output.Bytes(),
}, nil
// FilesFromCAS downloads outputs from CAS.
func (s *swarmingServiceImpl) FilesFromCAS(ctx context.Context, outdir string, casRef *swarmingv2.CASReference) ([]string, error) {
cascli, err := s.rbeClient(casRef.CasInstance)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
d := digest.Digest{
Hash: casRef.Digest.Hash,
Size: casRef.Digest.SizeBytes,
outputs, _, err := cascli.DownloadDirectory(ctx, d, outdir, filemetadata.NewNoopCache())
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to download directory").Err()
files := make([]string, 0, len(outputs))
for path := range outputs {
files = append(files, path)
return files, nil
func (s *swarmingServiceImpl) CountBots(ctx context.Context, dimensions []*swarmingv2.StringPair) (res *swarmingv2.BotsCount, err error) {
return s.botsClient.CountBots(ctx, &swarmingv2.BotsCountRequest{
Dimensions: dimensions,
func (s *swarmingServiceImpl) ListBots(ctx context.Context, dimensions []*swarmingv2.StringPair) ([]*swarmingv2.BotInfo, error) {
// TODO: Allow increasing the Limit past 1000. Ideally the server should treat
// a missing Limit as "as much as will fit within the RPC response" (e.g.
// 32MB). At the time of adding this Limit(1000) parameter, the server has
// a hard-coded maximum page size of 1000, and a default Limit of 200.
const defaultPageSize = 1000
cursor := ""
// Keep calling as long as there's a cursor indicating more bots to list.
bots := make([]*swarmingv2.BotInfo, 0, defaultPageSize)
for {
resp, err := s.botsClient.ListBots(ctx, &swarmingv2.BotsRequest{
Limit: defaultPageSize,
Cursor: cursor,
Dimensions: dimensions,
if err != nil {
return bots, err
bots = append(bots, resp.Items...)
cursor = resp.Cursor
if cursor == "" {
return bots, nil
func (s *swarmingServiceImpl) DeleteBot(ctx context.Context, botID string) (res *swarmingv2.DeleteResponse, err error) {
return s.botsClient.DeleteBot(ctx, &swarmingv2.BotRequest{
BotId: botID,
func (s *swarmingServiceImpl) TerminateBot(ctx context.Context, botID string, reason string) (res *swarmingv2.TerminateResponse, err error) {
return s.botsClient.TerminateBot(ctx, &swarmingv2.TerminateRequest{
BotId: botID,
Reason: reason,
func (s *swarmingServiceImpl) ListBotTasks(ctx context.Context, botID string, limit int32, start float64, state swarmingv2.StateQuery) (res []*swarmingv2.TaskResultResponse, err error) {
const defaultPageSize = 1000
// Create an empty array so that if serialized to JSON it's an empty list,
// not null.
tasks := make([]*swarmingv2.TaskResultResponse, 0, limit)
cursor := ""
// Keep calling as long as there's a cursor indicating more tasks to list.
for {
var pageSize int32
if limit < defaultPageSize {
pageSize = limit
} else {
pageSize = defaultPageSize
req := &swarmingv2.BotTasksRequest{
BotId: botID,
Cursor: cursor,
Limit: pageSize,
State: state,
IncludePerformanceStats: false,
if start > 0 {
req.Start = &timestamppb.Timestamp{
Seconds: int64(start),
lbt, err := s.botsClient.ListBotTasks(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return tasks, err
limit -= int32(len(lbt.Items))
tasks = append(tasks, lbt.Items...)
cursor = lbt.Cursor
if cursor == "" || limit <= 0 {
return tasks, nil