blob: a4447182e8da17ca8a977004a14cc560f35dcb7e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package build
import (
. ""
. ""
func TestPropertiesNoop(t *testing.T) {
// Intentionally forgo t.Parallel() due to global reservation structures.
Convey(`Properties Noop`, t, func() {
// reset `reservations` after each test
defer propReaderReservations.clear()
defer propModifierReservations.clear()
Convey(`MakePropertyReader`, func() {
Convey(`simple`, func() {
var fn func(context.Context) *testpb.Module
MakePropertyReader("ns", &fn)
So(fn, ShouldNotBeNil)
msg := fn(context.Background())
So(msg, ShouldBeNil)
Convey(`bad args`, func() {
Convey(`empty ns`, func() {
var fn func(context.Context) *testpb.Module
So(func() {
MakePropertyReader("", &fn)
}, ShouldPanicLike, "empty namespace not allowed")
Convey(`duplicate namespace`, func() {
var fn func(context.Context) *testpb.Module
MakePropertyReader("ns", &fn)
So(func() {
MakePropertyReader("ns", &fn)
}, ShouldPanicLike, "cannot reserve PropertyReader namespace")
Convey(`not pointer`, func() {
var fn func(context.Context) *testpb.Module
So(func() {
MakePropertyReader("ns", fn)
}, ShouldPanicLike, "fnptr is not")
Convey(`not function`, func() {
var fn int
So(func() {
MakePropertyReader("ns", &fn)
}, ShouldPanicLike, "fnptr is not")
Convey(`bad in arg count`, func() {
var fn func()
So(func() {
MakePropertyReader("ns", &fn)
}, ShouldPanicLike, "fnptr is not")
Convey(`bad out arg count`, func() {
var fn func(context.Context)
So(func() {
MakePropertyReader("ns", &fn)
}, ShouldPanicLike, "fnptr is not")
Convey(`bad in arg type`, func() {
var fn func(int)
So(func() {
MakePropertyReader("ns", &fn)
}, ShouldPanicLike, "fnptr is not")
Convey(`bad proto type`, func() {
// testpb.Module doesn't implement proto.Message (missing *)
var fn func(context.Context) testpb.Module
So(func() {
MakePropertyReader("ns", &fn)
}, ShouldPanicLike, "fnptr is not")
Convey(`MakePropertyModifier`, func() {
ctx := memlogger.Use(context.Background())
logs := logging.Get(ctx).(*memlogger.MemLogger)
Convey(`working`, func() {
var writer func(context.Context, *testpb.Module)
var merger func(context.Context, *testpb.Module)
So(func() {
MakePropertyModifier("ns", &writer, &merger)
}, ShouldNotPanic)
Convey(`write nil`, func() {
writer(ctx, nil)
So(logs.Messages(), ShouldBeEmpty)
Convey(`merge nil`, func() {
merger(ctx, nil)
So(logs.Messages(), ShouldBeEmpty)
Convey(`write msg`, func() {
writer(ctx, &testpb.Module{Field: "hidey-ho"})
So(logs, memlogger.ShouldHaveLog, logging.Info,
"writing output property \"ns\": \"{\\\"field\\\":\\\"hidey-ho\\\"}\"")
Convey(`merge msg`, func() {
merger(ctx, &testpb.Module{Field: "hidey-ho"})
So(logs, memlogger.ShouldHaveLog, logging.Info, "merging output property \"ns\"")