blob: 2aa66d1058e10bbcfd813fabd9a11ab88ed4b0b7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package multiflag is a package providing a flag.Value implementation capable
// of switching between multiple registered sub-flags, each of which have their
// own set of parameter flags.
// Example
// This can be used to construct complex option flags. For example:
// -backend mysql,address="",port="12345"
// -backend sqlite3,path="/path/to/database"
// In this example, a MultiFlag is defined and bound to the option name,
// "backend". This MultiFlag has (at least) two registered Options:
// 1) mysql, whose FlagSet binds "address" and "port" options.
// 2) sqlite3, whose FlagSet binds "path".
// The MultiFlag Option that is selected (e.g., "mysql") has the remainder of
// its option string parsed into its FlagSet, populating its "address" and
// "port" parameters. If "sqlite3" is selected, the remainder of the option
// string would be parsed into its FlagSet, which hosts the "path" parameter.
package multiflag
import (
// OptionDescriptor is a collection of common Option properties.
type OptionDescriptor struct {
Name string
Description string
Pinned bool
// Option is a single option entry in a MultiFlag. An Option is responsible
// for parsing a FlagSet from an option string.
type Option interface {
Descriptor() *OptionDescriptor
Run(string) error // Parses the Option from a configuration string.
// MultiFlag is a flag.Value-like object that contains multiple sub-options.
// Each sub-option presents itself as a flag.FlagSet. The sub-option that gets
// selected will have its FlagSet be evaluated against the accompanying options.
// For example, one can construct flag that, depending on its options, chooses
// one of two sets of sub-properties:
// -myflag foo,foovalue=123
// -myflag bar,barvalue=456,barothervalue="hello"
// "myflag" is the name of the MultiFlag's top-level flag, as registered with a
// flag.FlagSet. The first token in the flag's value selects which Option should
// be configured. If "foo" is configured, the remaining configuration is parsed
// by the "foo" Option's FlagSet, and the equivalent is true for "bar".
type MultiFlag struct {
Description string
Options []Option
Output io.Writer // Output writer, or nil to use STDERR.
// The selected Option, populated after Parsing.
Selected Option
var _ flag.Value = (*MultiFlag)(nil)
// GetOutput returns the output Writer used for help output.
func (mf *MultiFlag) GetOutput() io.Writer {
if w := mf.Output; w != nil {
return w
return os.Stderr
// Parse applies a value string to a MultiFlag.
// For example, if the value string is:
// foo,option1=test
// Parse will identify the MultiFlag option named "foo" and have it parse the
// string, "option1=test".
func (mf *MultiFlag) Parse(value string) error {
option, params := parseOptionParams(value)
if len(option) == 0 {
return errors.New("option cannot be empty")
mf.Selected = mf.GetOptionFor(option)
if mf.Selected == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid option: %v", option)
return mf.Selected.Run(params)
// Set implements flag.Value
func (mf *MultiFlag) Set(value string) error {
return mf.Parse(value)
// String implements flag.Value
func (mf *MultiFlag) String() string {
return strings.Join(mf.OptionNames(), ",")
// GetOptionFor returns the Option associated with the specified name, or nil
// if one isn't defined.
func (mf *MultiFlag) GetOptionFor(name string) Option {
for _, option := range mf.Options {
if option.Descriptor().Name == name {
return option
return nil
// OptionNames returns a list of the option names registered with a MultiFlag.
func (mf MultiFlag) OptionNames() []string {
optionNames := make([]string, 0, len(mf.Options))
for _, opt := range mf.Options {
optionNames = append(optionNames, opt.Descriptor().Name)
return optionNames
// PrintHelp prints a formatted help string for a MultiFlag. This help string
// details the Options registered with the MultiFlag.
func (mf *MultiFlag) PrintHelp() error {
descriptors := make(optionDescriptorSlice, len(mf.Options))
for idx, opt := range mf.Options {
descriptors[idx] = opt.Descriptor()
fmt.Fprintln(mf.Output, mf.Description)
return writeAlignedOptionDescriptors(mf.Output, []*OptionDescriptor(descriptors))
// FlagOption is an implementation of Option that is describes a single
// nestedflagset option. This option has sub-properties that
type FlagOption struct {
Name string
Description string
Pinned bool
flags nestedflagset.FlagSet
var _ Option = (*FlagOption)(nil)
// IsPinned implements Option.
func (o *FlagOption) IsPinned() bool {
return o.Pinned
// Descriptor implements Option.
func (o *FlagOption) Descriptor() *OptionDescriptor {
return &OptionDescriptor{
Name: o.Name,
Description: o.Description,
Pinned: o.Pinned,
// PrintHelp implements Option.
func (o *FlagOption) PrintHelp(output io.Writer) {
flags := o.Flags()
// Flags returns this Option's nested FlagSet for configuration.
func (o *FlagOption) Flags() *flag.FlagSet {
return &o.flags.F
// Run implements Option.
func (o *FlagOption) Run(value string) error {
if err := o.flags.Parse(value); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// optionDescriptorSlice is a slice of Option interfaces.
type optionDescriptorSlice []*OptionDescriptor
var _ sort.Interface = optionDescriptorSlice(nil)
// Implement sort.Interface
func (s optionDescriptorSlice) Len() int {
return len(s)
// Implement sort.Interface
func (s optionDescriptorSlice) Less(i, j int) bool {
// Pinned items are always less than unpinned items.
if s[i].Pinned {
if !s[j].Pinned {
return true
} else if s[j].Pinned {
return false
return s[i].Name < s[j].Name
// Implement sort.Interface
func (s optionDescriptorSlice) Swap(i, j int) {
s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i]
// Option implementation that displays help for a configured MultiFlag.
type helpOption struct {
mf *MultiFlag
var helpOptionDescriptor = OptionDescriptor{
Name: "help",
Description: `Displays this help message. Can be run as "help,<option>" to display help for an option.`,
Pinned: true,
// HelpOption instantiates a new Option instance that prints a help string when
// parsed.
func HelpOption(mf *MultiFlag) Option {
return &helpOption{mf}
func (o *helpOption) Descriptor() *OptionDescriptor {
return &helpOptionDescriptor
func (o *helpOption) PrintHelp(io.Writer) {}
func (o *helpOption) Run(value string) error {
if value == "" {
output :=
opt :=
if opt != nil {
desc := opt.Descriptor()
fmt.Fprintf(output, "Help for '%s': %s\n", desc.Name, desc.Description)
return nil
fmt.Fprintf(output, "Unknown option '%s'\n", value)
return nil
// parseOptionParams parses an input parameter into its option name (first
// component) and optional parameter data.
// For example:
// "option" => option="option", params=""
// "option,params,foo,bar" => option="option", params="params,foo,bar"
func parseOptionParams(value string) (option, params string) {
// Strip off the first component; use this as the option name.
idx := strings.IndexRune(value, ',')
if idx == -1 {
option, params = value, ""
} else {
option, params = value[:idx], value[(idx+1):]
// writeAlignedOptionDescriptors writes help entries for a series of Options.
func writeAlignedOptionDescriptors(w io.Writer, descriptors []*OptionDescriptor) error {
tw := tabwriter.NewWriter(w, 0, 4, 2, ' ', 0)
for _, desc := range descriptors {
fmt.Fprintf(tw, "%s\t%s\n", desc.Name, desc.Description)
if err := tw.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
return nil