blob: 7985624ad15a81e5e23f2e96ddf26a1a64041f35 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package mask
import (
// path models the parsed path which consists of a slice of segments
type path []string
const pathDelimiter = '.'
// parsePath parses a path string to a slice of segments (See grammar in pkg
// doc).
// If isJSONName is true, parsing the field name using JSON field name instead
// of its canonical form. However, the result segments in path will use
// canonical field name.
func parsePath(rawPath string, descriptor protoreflect.MessageDescriptor, isJSONName bool) (path, error) {
ctx := &parseCtx{
curDescriptor: descriptor,
return parsePathWithContext(rawPath, ctx, isJSONName)
func parsePathWithContext(rawPath string, ctx *parseCtx, isJSONName bool) (path, error) {
t := &tokenizer{
path: rawPath,
delimiter: pathDelimiter,
ret := path{}
for t.hasMoreTokens() {
if tok, err := t.nextToken(); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
seg, err := parseSegment(tok, isJSONName, ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ret = append(ret, seg)
return ret, nil
// parseCtx defines context during path parsing
type parseCtx struct {
curDescriptor protoreflect.MessageDescriptor
isList bool
mustBeLast bool
// advanceToField advances the context to the next field of current message.
// Returns the canonical form of field name. Returns error when the supplied
// field doesn't exist in message or the current message descriptor is nil
//(meaning scalar field).
// If isJSONName is true, we will assume the given field name is JSON name and
// look up the JSON name instead of the field name.
func (ctx *parseCtx) advanceToField(fieldName string, isJSONName bool) (string, error) {
msgDesc := ctx.curDescriptor
if msgDesc == nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("can't advance to field when current descriptor is nil")
var fieldDesc protoreflect.FieldDescriptor
if isJSONName {
fieldDesc = msgDesc.Fields().ByJSONName(fieldName)
} else {
fieldDesc = msgDesc.Fields().ByName(protoreflect.Name(fieldName))
if fieldDesc == nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("field %q does not exist in message %s", fieldName, msgDesc.Name())
ctx.curDescriptor = fieldDesc.Message()
ctx.isList = fieldDesc.IsList()
return string(fieldDesc.Name()), nil
// mapKeyKindToTokenType defines the mapping between the kind of mapkey
// and the expected token type of the token in path string.
var mapKeyKindToTokenType = map[protoreflect.Kind]tokenType{
protoreflect.Int32Kind: intLiteral,
protoreflect.Int64Kind: intLiteral,
protoreflect.Sint32Kind: intLiteral,
protoreflect.Sint64Kind: intLiteral,
protoreflect.Uint32Kind: intLiteral,
protoreflect.Uint64Kind: intLiteral,
protoreflect.Sfixed32Kind: intLiteral,
protoreflect.Fixed32Kind: intLiteral,
protoreflect.Sfixed64Kind: intLiteral,
protoreflect.Fixed64Kind: intLiteral,
protoreflect.BoolKind: boolLiteral,
protoreflect.StringKind: strLiteral,
// parseSegment parses a token to a segment string and updates the prase context
// accordingly.
// If isJSONName is true, the token value is expected to be JSON name of
// a field of a message instead of canonical name. However, the return segment
// will always be canonical name.
func parseSegment(tok token, isJSONName bool, ctx *parseCtx) (string, error) {
switch desc := ctx.curDescriptor; {
case ctx.mustBeLast:
return "", fmt.Errorf("expected end of string; got token: %q", tok.value)
case ctx.isList:
// The current segment corresponds to a list field (non-map entry repeated
// field). Only star is allowed
if tok.typ != star {
return "", fmt.Errorf("expected a star following a repeated field; got token: %q", tok.value)
ctx.isList = false
return "*", nil
case desc == nil:
return "", fmt.Errorf("scalar field cannot have subfield: %q", tok.value)
case desc.IsMapEntry():
if tok.typ != star {
keyKind := desc.Fields().ByName(protoreflect.Name("key")).Kind()
if expectTokenType, found := mapKeyKindToTokenType[keyKind]; !found {
return "", fmt.Errorf("unexpected map key kind %s", keyKind)
} else if expectTokenType != tok.typ {
return "", fmt.Errorf("expected map key kind %s; got token: %q", keyKind, tok.value)
if _, err := ctx.advanceToField("value", false); err != nil {
return "", err
return tok.value, nil
case tok.typ == star:
// a star cannot be followed by any subfields if it does not corresponds to
// a repeated field
ctx.mustBeLast = true
return "*", nil
case tok.typ != strLiteral:
return "", fmt.Errorf("expected a field name of type string; got token: %q", tok.value)
return ctx.advanceToField(tok.value, isJSONName)
// tokenizer breaks a path string into tokens(segments)
type tokenizer struct {
path string
delimiter byte
pos int
// token is a composite of token type and the raw string value. It represents
// a segment in the path
type token struct {
typ tokenType
value string
// tokenType models different types of segment defined in grammar (see pkg doc).
// Note that, quoted string will also be treated as string literal.
type tokenType int8
const (
star tokenType = iota
// hasMoreTokens tests if there are more tokens available from the path string
func (t tokenizer) hasMoreTokens() bool {
return t.pos < len(t.path)
// nextToken returns the next token in the path string. Always call
// hasMoreTokens before calling this function. Otherwise, This function call
// will panic with index out of range when there is no more token available.
func (t *tokenizer) nextToken() (token, error) {
if t.pos > 0 {
// if not reading the first token, expecting a delimiter
if t.path[t.pos] != t.delimiter {
return token{}, fmt.Errorf("expected delimiter: %c; got %c", t.delimiter, t.path[t.pos])
t.pos++ // swallow the delimiter
if t.pos == len(t.path) {
return token{}, fmt.Errorf("path can't end with delimiter: %c", t.delimiter)
switch b, pathLen := t.path[t.pos], len(t.path); {
case b == '`':
t.pos++ // swallow the starting backtick
sb := &strings.Builder{}
for {
nextBacktickRel := strings.IndexRune(t.path[t.pos:], '`')
if nextBacktickRel == -1 {
return token{}, fmt.Errorf("a quoted string is never closed; got: %q", sb)
nextBacktickAbs := t.pos + nextBacktickRel
t.pos = nextBacktickAbs + 1 // Swallow the discovered backtick as well
if t.pos >= pathLen || t.path[t.pos] != '`' {
// Stop if eof or the discovered backtick is not for escaping
t.pos++ // Swallow the escaped backtick
return token{
typ: strLiteral,
value: sb.String(),
}, nil
case b == '*':
t.pos++ // swallow the star
return token{
typ: star,
value: "*",
}, nil
// Check if '-' is the last character or look ahead to see if it is followed
// by a digit
case b == '-' && (t.pos+1 == pathLen || !unicode.IsDigit(rune(t.path[t.pos+1]))):
return token{}, fmt.Errorf("expected digit following minus sign for negative numbers; got minus sign only")
case b == '-' || unicode.IsDigit(rune(b)):
start := t.pos
t.pos++ // swallow the first digit or minus sign felled through
n := strings.IndexFunc(t.path[t.pos:], func(r rune) bool { return !unicode.IsDigit(r) })
if n == -1 {
t.pos = pathLen
} else {
t.pos += n
return token{
typ: intLiteral,
value: t.path[start:t.pos],
}, nil
case b == '_' || unicode.IsLetter(rune(b)):
start := t.pos
t.pos++ // swallow the underscore or first letter
n := strings.IndexFunc(t.path[t.pos:], isInvalidStringChar)
if n == -1 {
t.pos = pathLen
} else {
t.pos += n
typ, val := strLiteral, t.path[start:t.pos]
if val == "true" || val == "false" {
typ = boolLiteral
return token{
typ: typ,
value: val,
}, nil
return token{}, fmt.Errorf("unexpected token: %c", b)
// isInvalidStringChar tells whether the given rune represents an invalid
// character in a string literal according to the grammar.
func isInvalidStringChar(r rune) bool {
return !unicode.IsLetter(r) && !unicode.IsDigit(r) && r != '_'