tree: d19d88383d07c0ece911b91c983b9d00b690df1c [path history] [tgz]
  1. app/
  2. configs/
  3. frontend/
  4. internal/
  5. pbutil/
  6. proto/
  7. result-ingestion/
  8. rpc/
  9. server/
  10. service-api/
  11. .gcloudignore
  12. .golangci.yaml
  13. dispatch.yaml
  14. OWNERS

LUCI Analysis

LUCI Analysis is a system designed to understand and reduce the impact of test failures.


Commands below assume you are running in the infra environment. To enter the infra env (via the infra.git checkout), run:

eval infra/go/

Local Development flow

To run the server locally, first authorize as the correct GCP project (you should only need to do this once):

gcloud config set project luci-analysis-dev
gcloud auth application-default login

Authenticate in LUCI and in CIPD:

  1. In LUCI Analysis's frontend directory run:
    luci-auth login -scopes ""
  2. In the same directory run:
    cipd auth-login

Once the GCP project is authorized, in one terminal start esbuild to rebuild the UI code after any changes:

cd frontend/ui
npm run watch

To run the server, in another terminal use:

cd frontend
go run main.go \
 -cloud-project luci-analysis-dev \
 -spanner-database projects/luci-analysis-dev/instances/dev/databases/luci-analysis-dev \
 -auth-service-host \
 -luci-analysis-host \
 -default-request-timeout 10m0s \
 -buganizer-mode disable \
 -config-local-dir ../configs \

-default-request-timeout is needed if exercising cron jobs through the admin portal as cron jobs run through the /admin/ endpoint attract the default timeout of 1 minute, instead of the 10 minute timeout of the /internal/ endpoint (hit by GAE cron jobs when they are actually executing).

-buganizer-mode is needed when running cron jobs that create/update buganizer issues (e.g. update-analysis-and-bugs). Set the mode to disable to prevent the cron job from filing buganizer bugs.

Note that -config-local-dir is required only if you plan on modifying config and loading it into Cloud Datastore via the read-config cron job accessible via for testing. Omitting this, the server will fetch the current config from Cloud Datastore (as periodically refreshed from LUCI Config Service).

You may also be able to use an arbitrary cloud project (e.g. ‘dev’) if you setup Cloud Datastore emulator and setup a config for that project under configs.

Running UI tests

You can run the UI tests by:

cd frontend/ui
npm run test

Run Spanner integration tests using Cloud Spanner Emulator

Install Cloud Spanner Emulator


The Cloud Spanner Emulator is part of the bundled gcloud, to make sure it's installed:

cd infra
gclient runhooks
eval `./go/`
which gcloud # should show bundled gcloud
gcloud components list # should see cloud-spanner-emulator is installed

Run tests

From command line, first set environment variables:


Then run go test as usual. For example:

go test

Run UI linter

To run the UI code linter (note: this will also try to auto-fix issues), run:

cd frontend/ui
npm run lint

To additionally auto-fix issues, run:

cd frontend/ui
npm run lint-fix

Regenerating UI proto bindings

You can regenerate typescript bindings for proto files by running:

cd frontend/ui
npm run gen_proto


Developer Testing

LUCI Analysis uses for deployment of the GAE instances for developer testing (e.g. of local changes).

First, enter the infra env (via the infra.git checkout):

eval infra/go/

Then use the following commands to deploy:

cd frontend/ui
npm run build upload -A luci-analysis-dev default api

Dev and Prod Instances

The dev and prod instances are managed via LUCI GAE Automatic Deployment (Googlers-only).

Make a production release

  1. Make sure that you have an infra_internal checkout.
  2. Navigate to data/gae directory under your base checkout directory, should be ~/infra.
  3. Pull the latest with git rebase-update or git checkout main && git pull.
  4. Create a new branch git new-branch <NAME> or git -b <NAME>.
  5. run ./scripts/ luci-analysis --canary --stable --commit.
  6. Upload the CL git cl upload.
  7. Request approval from space: LUCI Test War Room.