LUCI Bisection (formerly GoFindit) is the culprit finding service for compile and test failures for Chrome Browser.
This is the rewrite in Golang of the Python2 version of Findit (
To run the server locally, firstly you need to authenticate
gcloud config set project luci-bisection-dev gcloud auth application-default login
luci-auth login -scopes ""
The frontend code under the root bisection directory has been deprecated. See milo/ui/src/bisection
for bisection frontend code.
In the root bisection directory, run
go run main.go -cloud-project luci-bisection-dev -primary-tink-aead-key sm://tink-aead-primary -config-service-host -luci-analysis-project luci-analysis-dev
This will start a web server running at http://localhost:8800.
LUCI Bisection uses
for manual deployment of the GAE instances for developer testing (e.g. of local changes).
In the root bisection directory, run
eval `../../../../` make deploy
The dev and prod instances are managed via LUCI GAE Automatic Deployment (Googlers-only).
Releases are automatically pushed to luci-bisection-dev on commit by the gae-deploy builder.
To push to prod:
directory:cd data/gae
branch:git checkout main && git pull
git checkout -b <local-branch-name>
./scripts/ luci-bisection --canary --stable --commit
git cl upload