blob: 4f9c11324bfd097fc6b012bc32bcd99878f1371c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package isolate
import (
var osPathSeparator = string(os.PathSeparator)
// LoadIsolateAsConfig parses one .isolate file and returns a Configs instance.
// Arguments:
// isolateDir: only used to load relative includes so it doesn't depend on
// cwd.
// value: is the loaded dictionary that was defined in the gyp file.
// The expected format is strict, anything diverting from the format below will
// result in error:
// {
// 'includes': [
// 'foo.isolate',
// ],
// 'conditions': [
// ['OS=="vms" and foo=42', {
// 'variables': {
// 'files': [
// ...
// ],
// },
// }],
// ...
// ],
// 'variables': {
// ...
// },
// }
func LoadIsolateAsConfig(isolateDir string, content []byte) (*Configs, error) {
// isolateDir must be in native style.
if !filepath.IsAbs(isolateDir) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s is not an absolute path", isolateDir)
processedIsolate, err := processIsolate(content)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to process isolate (isolateDir: %s)", isolateDir).Err()
out := processedIsolate.toConfigs()
// Add global variables. The global variables are on the empty tuple key.
globalconfigName := make([]variableValue, len(out.ConfigVariables))
out.setConfig(globalconfigName, newConfigSettings(processedIsolate.variables, isolateDir))
// Add configuration-specific variables.
allConfigs, err := processedIsolate.getAllConfigs(out.ConfigVariables)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
configVariablesIndex := makeConfigVariableIndex(out.ConfigVariables)
for _, cond := range processedIsolate.conditions {
newConfigs := newConfigs(out.ConfigVariables)
configs := cond.matchConfigs(configVariablesIndex, allConfigs)
for _, config := range configs {
newConfigs.setConfig(configName(config), newConfigSettings(cond.variables, isolateDir))
if out, err = out.union(newConfigs); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Load the includes. Process them in reverse so the last one take precedence.
for i := len(processedIsolate.includes) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
included, err := loadIncludedIsolate(isolateDir, processedIsolate.includes[i])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if out, err = out.union(included); err != nil {
return nil, err
return out, nil
// LoadIsolateForConfig loads the .isolate file and returns
// the information unprocessed but filtered for the specific OS.
// Returns:
// dependencies, relDir, error.
// relDir and dependencies are fixed to use os.PathSeparator.
func LoadIsolateForConfig(isolateDir string, content []byte, configVariables map[string]string) (
[]string, string, error) {
// Load the .isolate file, process its conditions, retrieve dependencies.
isolate, err := LoadIsolateAsConfig(isolateDir, content)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
cn := configName{}
var missingVars []string
for _, variable := range isolate.ConfigVariables {
if value, ok := configVariables[variable]; ok {
cn = append(cn, makeVariableValue(value))
} else {
missingVars = append(missingVars, variable)
if len(missingVars) > 0 {
return nil, "", errors.Reason("these configuration variables were missing from the command line: %v", missingVars).Err()
// A configuration is to be created with all the combinations of free variables.
config, err := isolate.GetConfig(cn)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
dependencies := config.Files
relDir := config.IsolateDir
if os.PathSeparator != '/' {
dependencies = make([]string, len(config.Files))
for i, f := range config.Files {
dependencies[i] = strings.Replace(f, "/", osPathSeparator, -1)
relDir = strings.Replace(relDir, "/", osPathSeparator, -1)
return dependencies, relDir, nil
func loadIncludedIsolate(isolateDir, include string) (*Configs, error) {
if filepath.IsAbs(include) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to load configuration; absolute include path %s", include)
includedIsolate := filepath.Clean(filepath.Join(isolateDir, include))
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" && (strings.ToLower(includedIsolate)[0] != strings.ToLower(isolateDir)[0]) {
return nil, errors.New("can't reference a .isolate file from another drive")
content, err := os.ReadFile(includedIsolate)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return LoadIsolateAsConfig(filepath.Dir(includedIsolate), content)
// Configs represents a processed .isolate file.
// Stores the file in a processed way, split by configuration.
// At this point, we don't know all the possibilities. So mount a partial view
// that we have.
// This class doesn't hold isolateDir, since it is dependent on the final
// configuration selected.
type Configs struct {
// ConfigVariables contains names only, sorted by name; the order is same as in byConfig.
ConfigVariables []string
// The config key are lists of values of vars in the same order as ConfigSettings.
byConfig map[string]configPair
func newConfigs(configVariables []string) *Configs {
c := &Configs{configVariables, map[string]configPair{}}
return c
func (c *Configs) getSortedConfigPairs() configPairs {
pairs := make([]configPair, 0, len(c.byConfig))
for _, pair := range c.byConfig {
pairs = append(pairs, pair)
out := configPairs(pairs)
return out
// GetConfig returns all configs that matches this config as a single ConfigSettings.
// Returns nil if none apply.
func (c *Configs) GetConfig(cn configName) (*ConfigSettings, error) {
// Order byConfig according to configNames ordering function.
out := &ConfigSettings{}
for _, pair := range c.getSortedConfigPairs() {
ok := true
for i, confKey := range cn {
if pair.key[i].isBound() && pair.key[i].compare(confKey) != 0 {
ok = false
if ok {
var err error
if out, err = out.union(pair.value); err != nil {
return nil, err
return out, nil
// setConfig sets the ConfigSettings for this key.
// The key is a tuple of bounded or unbounded variables. The global variable
// is the key where all values are unbounded.
func (c *Configs) setConfig(cn configName, value *ConfigSettings) {
assert(len(cn) == len(c.ConfigVariables))
assert(value != nil)
key := cn.key()
pair, ok := c.byConfig[key]
assert(!ok, "setConfig must not override existing keys (%s => %v)", key, pair.value)
c.byConfig[key] = configPair{cn, value}
// union returns a new Configs instance, the union of variables from self and rhs.
// It keeps ConfigVariables sorted in the output.
func (c *Configs) union(rhs *Configs) (*Configs, error) {
// Merge the keys of ConfigVariables for each Configs instances. All the new
// variables will become unbounded. This requires realigning the keys.
configVariables := uniqueMergeSortedStrings(
c.ConfigVariables, rhs.ConfigVariables)
out := newConfigs(configVariables)
byConfig := configPairs(append(
if len(byConfig) == 0 {
return out, nil
// Take union of ConfigSettings with the same configName (key),
// in order left, right.
// Thus, preserve the order between left, right while sorting.
last := byConfig[0]
for _, curr := range byConfig[1:] {
if == 0 {
val, err := last.value.union(curr.value)
if err != nil {
return out, err
last.value = val
} else {
out.setConfig(last.key, last.value)
last = curr
out.setConfig(last.key, last.value)
return out, nil
// expandConfigVariables returns new configPair list for newConfigVars.
func (c *Configs) expandConfigVariables(newConfigVars []string) []configPair {
// Get mapping from old config vars list to new one.
mapping := make([]int, len(newConfigVars))
i := 0
for n, nk := range newConfigVars {
if i == len(c.ConfigVariables) || c.ConfigVariables[i] > nk {
mapping[n] = -1
} else if c.ConfigVariables[i] == nk {
mapping[n] = i
} else {
// Must never happen because newConfigVars and c.configVariables are sorted ASC,
// and newConfigVars contain c.configVariables as a subset.
panic("unreachable code")
// Expands configName to match newConfigVars.
getNewconfigName := func(old configName) configName {
newConfig := make(configName, len(mapping))
for k, v := range mapping {
if v != -1 {
newConfig[k] = old[v]
return newConfig
// Compute new byConfig.
out := make([]configPair, 0, len(c.byConfig))
for _, pair := range c.byConfig {
out = append(out, configPair{getNewconfigName(pair.key), pair.value})
return out
// ConfigSettings represents the dependency variables for a single build configuration.
// The structure is immutable.
type ConfigSettings struct {
// Files is the list of dependencies. The items use '/' as a path separator.
Files []string
// IsolateDir is the path where to start the command from.
// It uses the OS' native path separator and it must be an absolute path.
IsolateDir string
func newConfigSettings(variables variables, isolateDir string) *ConfigSettings {
if isolateDir == "" {
// It must be an empty object if isolateDir is not set.
assert(variables.isEmpty(), variables)
} else {
c := &ConfigSettings{
make([]string, len(variables.Files)),
copy(c.Files, variables.Files)
return c
// union merges two config settings together into a new instance.
// A new instance is not created and self or rhs is returned if the other
// object is the empty object.
// Dependencies listed in rhs are patch adjusted ONLY if they don't start with
// a path variable, e.g. the characters '<('.
func (lhs *ConfigSettings) union(rhs *ConfigSettings) (*ConfigSettings, error) {
// When an object has IsolateDir == "", it means it is the empty object.
if lhs.IsolateDir == "" {
return rhs, nil
if rhs.IsolateDir == "" {
return lhs, nil
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" && strings.ToLower(lhs.IsolateDir)[0] != strings.ToLower(rhs.IsolateDir)[0] {
return nil, errors.New("All .isolate files must be on same drive")
// Takes the difference between the two isolateDir. Note that while
// isolateDir is in native path case, all other references are in posix.
// If self doesn't define any file, use rhs.
useRHS := len(lhs.Files) == 0
lRelCwd, rRelCwd := lhs.IsolateDir, rhs.IsolateDir
lFiles, rFiles := lhs.Files, rhs.Files
if useRHS {
// Rebase files in rhs.
lRelCwd, rRelCwd = rhs.IsolateDir, lhs.IsolateDir
lFiles, rFiles = rhs.Files, lhs.Files
rebasePath, err := filepath.Rel(lRelCwd, rRelCwd)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rebasePath = strings.Replace(rebasePath, osPathSeparator, "/", -1)
filesSet := map[string]bool{}
for _, f := range lFiles {
filesSet[f] = true
for _, f := range rFiles {
// Rebase item.
if !(strings.HasPrefix(f, "<(") || rebasePath == ".") {
// paths are posix here.
trailingSlash := strings.HasSuffix(f, "/")
f = path.Join(rebasePath, f)
if trailingSlash {
f += "/"
filesSet[f] = true
// Remove duplicates.
files := make([]string, 0, len(filesSet))
for f := range filesSet {
files = append(files, f)
return &ConfigSettings{files, lRelCwd}, nil
// Private details.
// isolate represents contents of the isolate file.
// The main purpose is (de)serialization.
type isolate struct {
Includes []string `json:"includes,omitempty"`
Conditions []condition `json:"conditions"`
Variables variables `json:"variables,omitempty"`
// condition represents conditional part of an isolate file.
type condition struct {
Condition string
Variables variables
// MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler interface.
func (p *condition) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
d := [2]json.RawMessage{}
var err error
if d[0], err = json.Marshal(&p.Condition); err != nil {
return nil, err
m := map[string]variables{"variables": p.Variables}
if d[1], err = json.Marshal(&m); err != nil {
return nil, err
return json.Marshal(&d)
// UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler interface.
func (p *condition) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
var d []json.RawMessage
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &d); err != nil {
return err
if len(d) != 2 {
return errors.New("condition must be a list with two items")
if err := json.Unmarshal(d[0], &p.Condition); err != nil {
return err
m := map[string]variables{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(d[1], &m); err != nil {
return err
var ok bool
if p.Variables, ok = m["variables"]; !ok {
return errors.New("variables item is required in condition")
return nil
// variables represents variable as part of condition or top level in an isolate file.
type variables struct {
Files []string `json:"files"`
// variableValue holds a single value of a string or an int,
// otherwise it is unbound.
type variableValue struct {
S *string
I *int
func makeVariableValue(s string) variableValue {
v := variableValue{}
if i, err := strconv.Atoi(s); err == nil {
v.I = &i
} else {
v.S = &s
return v
func (v variableValue) String() string {
if v.S != nil {
return *v.S
} else if v.I != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", *v.I)
return ""
// compare returns 0 if equal, 1 if lhs < right, else -1.
// Order: unbound < 1 < 2 < "abc" < "cde" .
func (v variableValue) compare(rhs variableValue) int {
if v.I != nil {
if rhs.I != nil {
// Both integers.
if *v.I < *rhs.I {
return 1
} else if *v.I > *rhs.I {
return -1
return 0
} else if rhs.S != nil {
// int vs string
return 1
// int vs Unbound.
return -1
} else if v.S != nil {
if rhs.S != nil {
// Both strings.
if *v.S < *rhs.S {
return 1
} else if *v.S > *rhs.S {
return -1
return 0
// string vs (int | unbound)
return -1
} else if rhs.isBound() {
// unbound vs (int|string)
return 1
// unbound vs unbound
return 0
func (v variableValue) isBound() bool {
return v.S != nil || v.I != nil
// variableValueKey is for indexing by variableValue in a map.
type variableValueKey string
func (v variableValue) key() variableValueKey {
if v.S != nil {
return variableValueKey("~" + *v.S)
if v.I != nil {
return variableValueKey(strconv.Itoa(*v.I))
return variableValueKey("")
// variablesValueSet maps variable name to set of possible values
// found in condition strings.
type variablesValuesSet map[string]map[variableValueKey]variableValue
func (v variablesValuesSet) cartesianProductOfValues(orderedKeys []string) ([][]variableValue, error) {
if len(orderedKeys) == 0 {
return [][]variableValue{}, nil
// Prepare ordered by orderedKeys list of variableValue
allValues := make([][]variableValue, 0, len(orderedKeys))
for _, key := range orderedKeys {
valuesSet := v[key]
values := make([]variableValue, 0, len(valuesSet))
for _, value := range valuesSet {
values = append(values, value)
allValues = append(allValues, values)
// Precompute length of output for alloc and for assertion at the end.
length := 1
for _, values := range allValues {
length *= len(values)
if length <= 0 {
return nil, errors.New("some variable had empty valuesSet?")
out := make([][]variableValue, 0, length)
// indices[i] points to index in allValues[i]; stop once indices[-1] == len(allValues[-1]).
indices := make([]int, len(orderedKeys))
for {
next := make([]variableValue, len(orderedKeys))
for i, values := range allValues {
if indices[i] == len(values) {
if i+1 == len(orderedKeys) {
if length != len(out) {
return nil, errors.New("internal error")
return out, nil
indices[i] = 0
next[i] = values[indices[i]]
out = append(out, next)
// unreachable
// processedIsolate is verified Isolate ready for further processing.
// Immutable once created.
type processedIsolate struct {
includes []string
conditions []*processedCondition
variables variables
varsValsSet variablesValuesSet
// convertIsolateToJSON5 cleans up isolate content to be json5.
func convertIsolateToJSON5(content []byte) io.Reader {
out := &bytes.Buffer{}
for _, l := range strings.Split(string(content), "\n") {
l = strings.TrimSpace(l)
if len(l) == 0 || l[0] == '#' {
l = strings.Replace(l, "\"", "\\\"", -1)
l = strings.Replace(l, "'", "\"", -1)
_, _ = io.WriteString(out, l+"\n")
return out
func parseIsolate(content []byte) (*isolate, error) {
isolate := &isolate{}
// Try to decode json without any modification first.
if err := json5.Unmarshal(content, &isolate); err == nil {
return isolate, nil
// TODO: remove single quotation usage from isolate user.
// if err := json5.NewDecoder(json5src).Decode(isolate); err != nil {
var data interface{}
if err := json5.NewDecoder(convertIsolateToJSON5(content)).Decode(&data); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to decode json %s", string(content)).Err()
buf, _ := json.Marshal(&data)
if err := json.Unmarshal(buf, isolate); err != nil {
return nil, err
return isolate, nil
// processIsolate loads isolate, then verifies and returns it as
// a processedIsolate for faster further processing.
func processIsolate(content []byte) (*processedIsolate, error) {
isolate, err := parseIsolate(content)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to parse isolate").Err()
out := &processedIsolate{
make([]*processedCondition, len(isolate.Conditions)),
for i, cond := range isolate.Conditions {
out.conditions[i], err = processCondition(cond, out.varsValsSet)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return out, nil
func (p *processedIsolate) toConfigs() *Configs {
configVariables := make([]string, 0, len(p.varsValsSet))
for varName := range p.varsValsSet {
configVariables = append(configVariables, varName)
return newConfigs(configVariables)
func (p *processedIsolate) getAllConfigs(configVariables []string) ([][]variableValue, error) {
return p.varsValsSet.cartesianProductOfValues(configVariables)
// processedCondition is a verified Condition ready for evaluation.
type processedCondition struct {
condition string
variables variables
expr ast.Expr
// equalityValues are cached values of literals in "id==val" parts of
// Condition, uniquely indexed by their position.
equalityValues map[token.Pos]variableValue
// processCondition ensures condition is in correct format, and converts it
// to processedCondition for further evaluation.
func processCondition(c condition, varsAndValues variablesValuesSet) (*processedCondition, error) {
goCond, err := pythonToGoCondition(c.Condition)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
out := &processedCondition{condition: c.Condition, variables: c.Variables}
if out.expr, err = parser.ParseExpr(goCond); err != nil {
return nil, err
if out.equalityValues, err = processConditionAst(out.expr, varsAndValues); err != nil {
return nil, err
return out, nil
func processConditionAst(expr ast.Expr, varsAndValues variablesValuesSet) (map[token.Pos]variableValue, error) {
err := error(nil)
equalityValues := map[token.Pos]variableValue{}
ast.Inspect(expr, func(n ast.Node) bool {
if n == nil {
return true
if err != nil {
return false
switch n := n.(type) {
case *ast.BinaryExpr:
if n.Op == token.LAND || n.Op == token.LOR {
return true
if n.Op != token.EQL {
err = fmt.Errorf("unknown binary operator %s", n.Op)
return false
id, value, tmpErr := verifyIDEqualValue(n)
if tmpErr != nil {
err = tmpErr
return false
equalityValues[n.Pos()] = value
if _, exists := varsAndValues[id]; !exists {
varsAndValues[id] = map[variableValueKey]variableValue{}
varsAndValues[id][value.key()] = value
return false
case *ast.ParenExpr:
return true
err = fmt.Errorf("unknown expression type %T", n)
return false
// unreachable
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid Condition: %s", err)
return equalityValues, nil
func (c *processedCondition) matchConfigs(configVariablesIndex map[string]int, allConfigs [][]variableValue) [][]variableValue {
// Brute force: try all possible subsets of boundVariables and their values
// (config) from allConfigs for which condition is True.
// Runs in O(2^len(configVariables) * len(allConfigs)), but in practice it
// is fast enough.
if len(configVariablesIndex) > 60 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("isolate doesn't scale to %d ConfigVariables", len(configVariablesIndex)))
boundSubsetsCount := int64(1) << uint(len(configVariablesIndex))
okConfigs := map[string][]variableValue{}
// boundBits represents current subset of configVariables which are bound.
for boundBits := int64(0); boundBits < boundSubsetsCount; boundBits++ {
for _, config := range allConfigs {
isTrue, err := c.evaluate(func(varName string) variableValue {
i := configVariablesIndex[varName]
if (boundBits & (int64(1) << uint(i))) != 0 {
return config[i]
return variableValue{}
if err == nil && isTrue {
okConfig := make([]variableValue, len(config))
for i := 0; i < len(config); i++ {
if (boundBits & (int64(1) << uint(i))) != 0 {
okConfig[i] = config[i]
okConfigs[configName(okConfig).key()] = okConfig
out := make([][]variableValue, 0, len(okConfigs))
for _, okConfig := range okConfigs {
out = append(out, okConfig)
return out
type funcGetVariableValue func(varName string) variableValue
var errUnbound = errors.New("required variable is unbound")
func (c *processedCondition) evaluate(getValue funcGetVariableValue) (bool, error) {
ce := conditionEvaluator{cond: c, getVarValue: getValue, stop: false}
isTrue := ce.eval(c.expr)
if ce.stop {
return false, errUnbound
return isTrue, nil
type conditionEvaluator struct {
cond *processedCondition
getVarValue funcGetVariableValue
stop bool
func (c *conditionEvaluator) eval(e ast.Expr) bool {
if c.stop {
return false
switch e := e.(type) {
case *ast.ParenExpr:
return c.eval(e.X)
case *ast.BinaryExpr:
if e.Op == token.LAND {
return c.eval(e.X) && c.eval(e.Y)
} else if e.Op == token.LOR {
return c.eval(e.X) || c.eval(e.Y)
assert(e.Op == token.EQL)
value := c.getVarValue(e.X.(*ast.Ident).Name)
if !value.isBound() {
c.stop = true
return false
eqValue := c.cond.equalityValues[e.Pos()]
return[e.Pos()]) == 0
panic(errors.New("processCondition must have ensured condition is evaluatable"))
// unreachable
func makeConfigVariableIndex(configVariables []string) map[string]int {
out := map[string]int{}
for i, name := range configVariables {
out[name] = i
return out
// verifyIDEqualValue processes identifier == (int | string) part of Condition.
func verifyIDEqualValue(expr *ast.BinaryExpr) (name string, value variableValue, err error) {
id, ok := expr.X.(*ast.Ident)
if !ok {
err = errors.New("left operand of == must be identifier")
name = id.Name
val, ok := expr.Y.(*ast.BasicLit)
if ok && val.Kind == token.INT {
if i, parseErr := strconv.Atoi(val.Value); parseErr != nil {
err = errors.New("right operand of == must be int or string value")
} else {
value.I = &i
} else if ok && val.Kind == token.STRING {
// val.Value includes quotation marks, but we need just pure string.
s := val.Value[1 : len(val.Value)-1]
value.S = &s
} else {
err = errors.New("right operand of == must be int or string value")
// pythonToGoCondition converts Python code into valid Go code.
func pythonToGoCondition(pyCond string) (string, error) {
// Isolate supported grammar is:
// expr ::= expr ( "or" | "and" ) expr
// | identifier "==" ( string | int )
// and parentheses.
// We convert this to equivalent Go expression by:
// * replacing all 'string' to "string"
// * replacing `and` and `or` to `&&` and `||` operators, respectively.
// We work with runes to be safe against unicode.
left := []rune(pyCond)
var err error
goChunk := ""
var out []string
for len(left) > 0 {
// Process non-string tokens till next string token.
goChunk, left = pythonToGoNonString(left)
out = append(out, goChunk)
if len(left) != 0 {
if goChunk, left, err = pythonToGoString(left); err != nil {
return "", err
out = append(out, goChunk)
return strings.Join(out, ""), nil
var rePythonAnd = regexp.MustCompile(`(\band\b)`)
var rePythonOr = regexp.MustCompile(`(\bor\b)`)
func pythonToGoNonString(left []rune) (string, []rune) {
end := len(left)
for i, r := range left {
if r == '\'' || r == '"' {
end = i
out := string(left[:end])
out = rePythonAnd.ReplaceAllString(out, "&&")
out = rePythonOr.ReplaceAllString(out, "||")
return out, left[end:]
var errParseCondition = errors.New("failed to parse Condition string")
func pythonToGoString(left []rune) (string, []rune, error) {
quoteRune := left[0]
if quoteRune != '"' && quoteRune != '\'' {
panic(fmt.Errorf("pythonToGoString must be called with ' or \" as first rune: %s", string(left)))
left = left[1:]
escaped := false
goRunes := []rune{'"'}
for i, c := range left {
if c == quoteRune && !escaped {
goRunes = append(goRunes, '"')
return string(goRunes), left[i+1:], nil
if c == '\'' && escaped {
// Python allows "\'a", which is the same as "'a", but Go
// doesn't allow this, so remove redundant escape before '.
goRunes = goRunes[:len(goRunes)-1]
} else if c == '"' && !escaped {
// Either " is first char, or " is unescaped inside a string.
goRunes = append(goRunes, '\\')
goRunes = append(goRunes, c)
if c == '\\' {
escaped = !escaped
} else {
escaped = false
return string(goRunes), left, errParseCondition
func (v *variables) isEmpty() bool {
return len(v.Files) == 0
// configName defines a config as an ordered set of bound and unbound variable values.
type configName []variableValue
func (c configName) compare(rhs configName) int {
// Bound value is less than unbound one.
assert(len(c) == len(rhs))
for i, l := range c {
if r :=[i]); r != 0 {
return r
return 0
func (c configName) Equals(o configName) bool {
if len(c) != len(o) {
return false
return == 0
func (c configName) key() string {
parts := make([]string, 0, len(c))
for _, v := range c {
if !v.isBound() {
parts = append(parts, "∀")
} else {
parts = append(parts, "∃", v.String())
return strings.Join(parts, "\x00")
type configPair struct {
key configName
value *ConfigSettings
// configPairs implements interface for sort package sorting.
type configPairs []configPair
func (c configPairs) Len() int {
return len(c)
func (c configPairs) Less(i, j int) bool {
return c[i][j].key) > 0
func (c configPairs) Swap(i, j int) {
c[i], c[j] = c[j], c[i]