blob: 666e795efb9cd5e747841a4ffb098262e730c508 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package services
import (
ds ""
logdog ""
ct ""
. ""
. ""
func TestArchiveStream(t *testing.T) {
Convey(`With a testing configuration`, t, func() {
c, env := ct.Install(true)
svr := New(ServerSettings{NumQueues: 2})
// Register a testing log stream with an archive tasked.
env.AddProject(c, "proj-foo")
tls := ct.MakeStream(c, "proj-foo", "some-realm", "testing/+/foo")
tls.State.ArchivalKey = []byte("archival key")
So(tls.State.ArchivalState(), ShouldEqual, coordinator.ArchiveTasked)
if err := tls.Put(c); err != nil {
// Advance the clock to differentiate updates from new stream.
now := ds.RoundTime(env.Clock.Now().UTC())
req := &logdog.ArchiveStreamRequest{
Project: string(tls.Project),
Id: string(tls.Stream.ID),
TerminalIndex: 13,
LogEntryCount: 14,
StreamUrl: "gs://",
StreamSize: 10,
IndexUrl: "gs://fake.index",
IndexSize: 20,
Convey(`Returns Forbidden error if not a service.`, func() {
_, err := svr.ArchiveStream(c, req)
So(err, ShouldBeRPCPermissionDenied)
Convey(`When logged in as a service`, func() {
Convey(`Will mark the stream as archived.`, func() {
_, err := svr.ArchiveStream(c, req)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(tls.Get(c), ShouldBeNil)
So(tls.State.Terminated(), ShouldBeTrue)
So(tls.State.ArchivalState(), ShouldEqual, coordinator.ArchivedComplete)
So(tls.State.Updated, ShouldResemble, now)
So(tls.State.ArchivalKey, ShouldBeNil)
So(tls.State.TerminatedTime, ShouldResemble, now)
So(tls.State.ArchivedTime, ShouldResemble, now)
So(tls.State.TerminalIndex, ShouldEqual, 13)
So(tls.State.ArchiveLogEntryCount, ShouldEqual, 14)
So(tls.State.ArchiveStreamURL, ShouldEqual, "gs://")
So(tls.State.ArchiveStreamSize, ShouldEqual, 10)
So(tls.State.ArchiveIndexURL, ShouldEqual, "gs://fake.index")
So(tls.State.ArchiveIndexSize, ShouldEqual, 20)
Convey(`Will mark the stream as partially archived if not complete.`, func() {
req.LogEntryCount = 13
_, err := svr.ArchiveStream(c, req)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(tls.Get(c), ShouldBeNil)
So(tls.State.Terminated(), ShouldBeTrue)
So(tls.State.ArchivalState(), ShouldEqual, coordinator.ArchivedPartial)
So(tls.State.Updated, ShouldResemble, now)
So(tls.State.ArchivalKey, ShouldBeNil)
So(tls.State.TerminatedTime, ShouldResemble, now)
So(tls.State.ArchivedTime, ShouldResemble, now)
So(tls.State.TerminalIndex, ShouldEqual, 13)
So(tls.State.ArchiveLogEntryCount, ShouldEqual, 13)
So(tls.State.ArchiveStreamURL, ShouldEqual, "gs://")
So(tls.State.ArchiveStreamSize, ShouldEqual, 10)
So(tls.State.ArchiveIndexURL, ShouldEqual, "gs://fake.index")
So(tls.State.ArchiveIndexSize, ShouldEqual, 20)
Convey(`Will refuse to process an invalid stream hash.`, func() {
req.Id = "!!!invalid!!!"
_, err := svr.ArchiveStream(c, req)
So(err, ShouldBeRPCInvalidArgument, "Invalid ID")
Convey(`If index URL is missing, will refuse to mark the stream archived.`, func() {
req.IndexUrl = ""
_, err := svr.ArchiveStream(c, req)
So(err, ShouldBeRPCInvalidArgument)
Convey(`If stream URL is missing, will refuse to mark the stream archived.`, func() {
req.StreamUrl = ""
_, err := svr.ArchiveStream(c, req)
So(err, ShouldBeRPCInvalidArgument)
Convey(`If stream is already archived, will not update and return success.`, func() {
tls.State.TerminalIndex = 1337
tls.State.ArchiveLogEntryCount = 42
tls.State.ArchivedTime = now
tls.State.TerminatedTime = now
So(tls.State.Terminated(), ShouldBeTrue)
So(tls.State.ArchivalState(), ShouldEqual, coordinator.ArchivedPartial)
So(tls.Put(c), ShouldBeNil)
_, err := svr.ArchiveStream(c, req)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
tls.State.TerminalIndex = -1 // To make sure it reloaded.
So(tls.Get(c), ShouldBeNil)
So(tls.State.Terminated(), ShouldBeTrue)
So(tls.State.ArchivalState(), ShouldEqual, coordinator.ArchivedPartial)
So(tls.State.TerminalIndex, ShouldEqual, 1337)
So(tls.State.ArchiveLogEntryCount, ShouldEqual, 42)
Convey(`If the archive has failed, it is archived as an empty stream.`, func() {
req.Error = "archive error"
_, err := svr.ArchiveStream(c, req)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(tls.Get(c), ShouldBeNil)
So(tls.State.ArchivalState(), ShouldEqual, coordinator.ArchivedComplete)
So(tls.State.ArchivalKey, ShouldBeNil)
So(tls.State.TerminalIndex, ShouldEqual, -1)
So(tls.State.ArchiveLogEntryCount, ShouldEqual, 0)
Convey(`When datastore Get fails, returns internal error.`, func() {
c, fb := featureBreaker.FilterRDS(c, nil)
fb.BreakFeatures(errors.New("test error"), "GetMulti")
_, err := svr.ArchiveStream(c, req)
So(err, ShouldBeRPCInternal)
Convey(`When datastore Put fails, returns internal error.`, func() {
c, fb := featureBreaker.FilterRDS(c, nil)
fb.BreakFeatures(errors.New("test error"), "PutMulti")
_, err := svr.ArchiveStream(c, req)
So(err, ShouldBeRPCInternal)