blob: f5722a379650c55fc0e477d5ebc9dda47d708c5d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package tasktest
import (
// TimerSpec corresponds to single AddTimer call.
type TimerSpec struct {
Delay time.Duration
Name string
Payload []byte
// TestController implements task.Controller and can be used in unit tests.
type TestController struct {
OverrideJobID string // return value of JobID() if not ""
OverrideInvID int64 // return value of InvocationID() if not 0
OverrideRealmID string // return value of RealmID if not ""
Req task.Request // return value of Request
TaskMessage proto.Message // return value of Task
TaskState task.State // return value of State(), mutated in place
Client *http.Client // return value by GetClient()
Log []string // individual log lines passed to DebugLog()
SaveCallback func() error // mock for Save()
PrepareTopicCallback func(string) (string, string, error) // mock for PrepareTopic()
Timers []TimerSpec
Triggers []*internal.Trigger
// JobID is part of Controller interface.
func (c *TestController) JobID() string {
if c.OverrideJobID != "" {
return c.OverrideJobID
return "some-project/some-job"
// InvocationID is part of Controller interface.
func (c *TestController) InvocationID() int64 {
if c.OverrideInvID != 0 {
return c.OverrideInvID
return 1
// RealmID is part of Controller interface.
func (c *TestController) RealmID() string {
if c.OverrideRealmID != "" {
return c.OverrideRealmID
return realms.Join("some-project", "some-realm")
// Request is part of Controller interface.
func (c *TestController) Request() task.Request {
return c.Req
// Task is part of Controller interface.
func (c *TestController) Task() proto.Message {
return c.TaskMessage
// State is part of Controller interface.
func (c *TestController) State() *task.State {
return &c.TaskState
// AddTimer is part of Controller interface.
func (c *TestController) AddTimer(ctx context.Context, delay time.Duration, name string, payload []byte) {
c.Timers = append(c.Timers, TimerSpec{
Delay: delay,
Name: name,
Payload: payload,
// DebugLog is part of Controller interface.
func (c *TestController) DebugLog(format string, args ...interface{}) {
c.Log = append(c.Log, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
// Save is part of Controller interface.
func (c *TestController) Save(ctx context.Context) error {
if c.SaveCallback != nil {
return c.SaveCallback()
return errors.New("Save must not be called (not mocked)")
// PrepareTopic is part of Controller interface.
func (c *TestController) PrepareTopic(ctx context.Context, publisher string) (topic string, token string, err error) {
if c.PrepareTopicCallback != nil {
return c.PrepareTopicCallback(publisher)
return "", "", errors.New("PrepareTopic must not be called (not mocked)")
// GetClient is part of Controller interface.
func (c *TestController) GetClient(ctx context.Context, opts ...auth.RPCOption) (*http.Client, error) {
if c.Client != nil {
return c.Client, nil
return nil, errors.New("GetClient must not be called (not mocked)")
func (c *TestController) EmitTrigger(ctx context.Context, trigger *internal.Trigger) {
c.Triggers = append(c.Triggers, trigger)
var _ task.Controller = (*TestController)(nil)