blob: ea0dcd7a5a232013c3aad30cdbb756fa9788e9aa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package config
import (
. ""
. ""
func TestValidation(t *testing.T) {
Convey(`Test Environment for validateProjectConfig`, t, func() {
testValidation := func(env, config, expectFormat string, expectArgs ...interface{}) {
Convey(env, func() {
cfg, err := testutil.ParseProjectConfig(config)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
ctx := &validation.Context{Context: context.Background()}
validateProjectConfig(ctx, cfg)
err = ctx.Finalize()
if expectFormat == "" {
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
expect := fmt.Sprintf(expectFormat, expectArgs...)
So(err, assertions.ShouldErrLike, expect)
testValidation(`empty`, ``, "")
testValidation(`builder missing name`, `
notifiers {
name: "good-name"
builders {
bucket: "test.bucket"
requiredFieldError, "name")
testValidation(`builder missing bucket`, `
notifiers {
name: "good-name"
builders {
name: "i-am-a-builder"
requiredFieldError, "bucket")
testValidation(`builder bad repo`, `
notifiers {
name: "good-name"
builders {
name: "i-am-a-builder"
bucket: "test.bucket"
repository: "bad://"
badRepoURLError, "bad://")
testValidation(`bad email address`, `
notifiers {
name: "good-name"
notifications {
on_new_status: SUCCESS
on_new_status: FAILURE
on_new_status: INFRA_FAILURE
email {
recipients: "@@@@@"
builders {
name: "i-am-a-builder"
bucket: "test.bucket"
badEmailError, "@@@@@")
testValidation(`duplicate builders in notifier`, `
notifiers {
name: "good-name"
builders {
name: "i-am-a-builder"
bucket: "test.bucket"
builders {
name: "i-am-a-builder"
bucket: "test.bucket"
duplicateBuilderError, "test.bucket/i-am-a-builder")
testValidation(`duplicate builders in project`, `
notifiers {
name: "good-name"
builders {
name: "i-am-a-builder"
bucket: "test.bucket"
notifiers {
name: "good-name-again"
builders {
name: "i-am-a-builder"
bucket: "test.bucket"
duplicateBuilderError, "test.bucket/i-am-a-builder")
testValidation(`different bucketname same builders OK`, `
notifiers {
name: "good-name"
builders {
name: "i-am-a-builder"
bucket: "test.bucket"
builders {
name: "i-am-a-builder"
bucket: "test.bucket3"
notifiers {
name: "good-name-again"
builders {
name: "i-am-a-builder"
bucket: "test.bucket2"
"", "")
testValidation(`bad failed_step_regexp in notification`, `
notifiers {
name: "invalid"
notifications: {
failed_step_regexp: "["
badRegexError, "failed_step_regexp", "error parsing regexp: missing closing ]: `[`")
testValidation(`bad failed_step_regexp_exclude in notification`, `
notifiers {
name: "invalid"
notifications: {
failed_step_regexp_exclude: "x{3,2}"
badRegexError, "failed_step_regexp_exclude", "error parsing regexp: invalid repeat count: `{3,2}`")
testValidation(`bad failed_step_regexp in tree_closer`, `
notifiers {
name: "invalid"
tree_closers: {
tree_status_host: ""
failed_step_regexp: ")"
badRegexError, "failed_step_regexp", "error parsing regexp: unexpected ): `)`")
testValidation(`bad failed_step_regexp_exclude in tree_closer`, `
notifiers {
name: "invalid"
tree_closers: {
tree_status_host: ""
failed_step_regexp_exclude: "[z-a]"
badRegexError, "failed_step_regexp_exclude", "error parsing regexp: invalid character class range: `z-a`")
testValidation(`missing tree_status_host in tree_closer`, `
notifiers {
name: "invalid"
tree_closers {
template: "foo"
requiredFieldError, "tree_status_host")
testValidation(`duplicate tree_status_host within notifier`, `
notifiers {
name: "invalid"
tree_closers {
tree_status_host: ""
tree_closers {
tree_status_host: ""
duplicateHostError, "")
testValidation(`duplicate tree_status_host, different notifiers`, `
notifiers {
name: "fine"
tree_closers {
tree_status_host: ""
notifiers {
name: "also fine"
tree_closers {
tree_status_host: ""
"", "")
Convey(`Test Environment for validateSettings`, t, func() {
testValidation := func(env, config, expectFormat string, expectArgs ...interface{}) {
Convey(env, func() {
cfg, err := testutil.ParseSettings(config)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
ctx := &validation.Context{Context: context.Background()}
validateSettings(ctx, cfg)
err = ctx.Finalize()
if expectFormat == "" {
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
expect := fmt.Sprintf(expectFormat, expectArgs...)
So(err, assertions.ShouldErrLike, expect)
testValidation(`empty`, ``, requiredFieldError, "milo_host")
testValidation(`bad hostname`, `milo_host: "9mNRn29%^^%#"`, invalidFieldError, "milo_host")
testValidation(`good`, `milo_host: ""`, "")
Convey("email template filename validation", t, func() {
ctx := &validation.Context{Context: gaetesting.TestingContextWithAppID("luci-notify")}
validFileContent := []byte("a\n\nb")
Convey("valid", func() {
validateEmailTemplateFile(ctx, "projects/x", "luci-notify/email-templates/a.template", validFileContent)
So(ctx.Finalize(), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("invalid char", func() {
validateEmailTemplateFile(ctx, "projects/x", "luci-notify/email-templates/A.template", validFileContent)
So(ctx.Finalize(), ShouldErrLike, "does not match")