blob: da5668fbbf97331084c3bbe042125168014e7948 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package dsmapper
import (
// ErrNoSuchJob is returned by GetJob if there's no Job with requested ID.
var ErrNoSuchJob = errors.New("no such mapping job", tq.Fatal)
// Query is a representation of datastore queries supported by the
// mapper.
// A query defines a set of entities the mapper operates on.
// This struct can be embedded into entities as is.
type Query struct {
Kind string // entity kind to limit the query, "" for kindless
Ancestor *datastore.Key // entity group to limit the query to (or nil)
// ToDatastoreQuery returns corresponding datastore.Query.
func (q *Query) ToDatastoreQuery() *datastore.Query {
dq := datastore.NewQuery(q.Kind)
if q.Ancestor != nil {
dq = dq.Ancestor(q.Ancestor)
return dq
// JobConfig defines what a new mapping job should do.
// It should be supplied by the users of the mapper library.
type JobConfig struct {
Query Query // a query identifying a set of entities
Mapper ID // ID of a registered mapper to apply to entities
Params []byte // arbitrary user-provided data to pass to the mapper
ShardCount int // number of shards to split the key range into
PageSize int // how many entities to process at once in each shard
// Optional parameters below for fine tunning. They have reasonable defaults,
// and should generally be not touched.
// PagesPerTask is how many pages (each of PageSize entities) to process
// inside a TQ task.
// Default is unlimited: process until the deadline.
PagesPerTask int
// TaskDuration is how long to run a single mapping TQ task before
// checkpointing the state and launching the next mapping TQ task.
// Small values (e.g. 1 min) makes each processing TQ task relatively small,
// so it doesn't eat a lot of memory, or produces gigantic unreadable logs.
// It also makes TQ's "Pause queue" button more handy.
// Default is 1 min.
TaskDuration time.Duration
// TrackProgress enables calculating number of entities per shard before
// launching mappers, and using it to calculate completion ETA.
// May be VERY slow if processing large amount of entities. Slowness manifests
// as a delay between job's launch and it actual start of shards processing.
// Enable only if shards are relatively small (< 100K entities per shard).
TrackProgress bool
// Validate returns an error of the config is invalid.
// Mapper existence is not checked.
func (jc *JobConfig) Validate() error {
switch {
case jc.ShardCount < 1:
return errors.Reason("ShardCount should be >= 1, try 8").Err()
case jc.PageSize <= 0:
return errors.Reason("PageSize should be > 0, try 256").Err()
case jc.PagesPerTask < 0:
return errors.Reason("PagesPerTask should be >= 0, keep 0 for default").Err()
case jc.TaskDuration < 0:
return errors.Reason("TaskDuration should be >= 0, keep 0 for default").Err()
return nil
// JobID identifies a mapping job.
type JobID int64
// Job is datastore representation of a mapping job (either active or not).
// It is a root entity with autogenerated key.
// Use Controller and Job methods to work with jobs. Attempting to use datastore
// API directly results in an undefined behavior.
type Job struct {
_kind string `gae:"$kind,mapper.Job"`
_extra datastore.PropertyMap `gae:"-,extra"`
// ID is auto-generated unique identifier of the job.
ID JobID `gae:"$id"`
// Config is the configuration of this job. Doesn't change once set.
Config JobConfig `gae:",noindex"`
// State is used to track job's lifecycle, see the enum.
State dsmapperpb.State
// Created is when the job was created, FYI.
Created time.Time
// Updated is when the job was last touched, FYI.
Updated time.Time
// shardList is an entity with a list of shard IDs associated with a job.
// A "static" singleton child entity of Job. Stored separately to allow callers
// to skip loading (potentially huge) list of shards if they are not interested
// in it.
type shardList struct {
_kind string `gae:"$kind,mapper.ShardList"`
_id int64 `gae:"$id,1"`
_extra datastore.PropertyMap `gae:"-,extra"`
Parent *datastore.Key `gae:"$parent"`
Shards []int64 `gae:",noindex"`
// fetchShardIDs fetches IDs of the job shards.
func (j *Job) fetchShardIDs(ctx context.Context) ([]int64, error) {
l := shardList{Parent: datastore.KeyForObj(ctx, j)}
switch err := datastore.Get(ctx, &l); {
case err == datastore.ErrNoSuchEntity:
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "broken state, no ShardList entity for job %d", j.ID).Tag(tq.Fatal).Err()
case err != nil:
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "when fetching list of shards of job %d", j.ID).Tag(transient.Tag).Err()
return l.Shards, nil
// fetchShards fetches all job shards.
func (j *Job) fetchShards(ctx context.Context) ([]shard, error) {
ids, err := j.fetchShardIDs(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
shards := make([]shard, len(ids))
for idx, sid := range ids {
shards[idx].ID = sid
if err := datastore.Get(ctx, shards); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to fetch some shards of job %d", j.ID).Tag(transient.Tag).Err()
return shards, nil
// FetchInfo fetches information about the job (including all shards).
func (j *Job) FetchInfo(ctx context.Context) (*dsmapperpb.JobInfo, error) {
info := &dsmapperpb.JobInfo{
Id: int64(j.ID),
State: j.State,
Created: timestamppb.New(j.Created),
Updated: timestamppb.New(j.Updated),
TotalEntities: -1, // assume unknown, will be replaced below if known
// Jobs in STARTING state have no shards yet.
if j.State == dsmapperpb.State_STARTING {
return info, nil
shards, err := j.fetchShards(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
haveProgress := true // false if at least one shard has unknown ETA
updated := j.Updated // will be max(Updated of each shard)
info.Shards = make([]*dsmapperpb.ShardInfo, len(shards))
for i, s := range shards {
sh :=
info.Shards[i] = sh
info.ProcessedEntities += sh.ProcessedEntities
if ts := sh.Updated.AsTime(); ts.After(updated) {
updated = ts
if sh.TotalEntities == -1 {
haveProgress = false
// Calculate the overall rate from scratch, do NOT sum rates of shards,
// since it will also sum estimation errors too (which can be wild).
info.Updated = timestamppb.New(updated)
if runtime := updated.Sub(j.Created); runtime > 0 {
info.EntitiesPerSec = float32(float64(info.ProcessedEntities) / runtime.Seconds())
if haveProgress {
maxETA := time.Time{}
info.TotalEntities = 0
for _, s := range info.Shards {
info.TotalEntities += s.TotalEntities
if s.Eta != nil {
if ts := s.Eta.AsTime(); maxETA.IsZero() || ts.After(maxETA) {
maxETA = ts
// The job completes when its longest shard does. Shards do not pass work
// to each other.
if !maxETA.IsZero() {
info.Eta = timestamppb.New(maxETA)
return info, nil
// getJob fetches a Job entity.
// Recognizes and tags transient errors.
func getJob(ctx context.Context, id JobID) (*Job, error) {
job := &Job{ID: id}
switch err := datastore.Get(ctx, job); {
case err == datastore.ErrNoSuchEntity:
return nil, ErrNoSuchJob
case err != nil:
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "transient datastore error").Tag(transient.Tag).Err()
return job, nil
// getJobInState fetches a Job entity and checks its state.
// Returns:
// (*Job, nil) if the job is there and its state matches one of given states.
// (nil, nil) if the job is there, but in a different state.
// (nil, transient error) on datastore fetch errors.
// (nil, fatal error) if there's no such job at all.
func getJobInState(ctx context.Context, id JobID, states ...dsmapperpb.State) (*Job, error) {
job, err := getJob(ctx, id)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Reason("failed to fetch job with ID %d", id).Err()
for _, s := range states {
if job.State == s {
return job, nil
logging.Infof(ctx, "Skipping the job: its state is %s, expecting one of %q", job.State, states)
return nil, nil
// shard represents a key range being worked on by a single worker (Start, End].
// Shard entities are written to when workers checkpoint progress or finish.
// They are read when calculating overall progress of the job.
// It is a root entity with autogenerated key. Shards are associated with jobs
// via ShardList entity (owned by Job, for Job -> [Shard] queries), and via
// JobID property (for Shard -> Job queries). They are purposefully not a part
// of Job entity group, to avoid exceeding O(1) entity group write limit.
type shard struct {
_kind string `gae:"$kind,mapper.Shard"`
_extra datastore.PropertyMap `gae:"-,extra"`
// ID is auto-generated unique identifier of the shard.
ID int64 `gae:"$id"`
// JobID is ID of a job that owns this shard.
// Index is the index of the shard in the job's shards list.
Index int `gae:",noindex"`
// State is used to track shard's lifecycle, see the enum.
State dsmapperpb.State
// Error is an error message for failed shards.
Error string `gae:",noindex"`
// ProcessTaskNum is next expected ProcessShard task number.
ProcessTaskNum int64 `gae:",noindex"`
// Range is an entity key range covered by this shard.
Range splitter.Range `gae:",noindex"`
// ExpectedCount is expected number of entities in the shard, -1 if unknown.
ExpectedCount int64 `gae:",noindex"`
// ProcessedCount is number entities processed by the shard thus far.
ProcessedCount int64 `gae:",noindex"`
// ResumeFrom is the last processed key or nil if just starting.
ResumeFrom *datastore.Key `gae:",noindex"`
// Created is when the shard was created, FYI.
Created time.Time
// Updated is when the shard was last touched, FYI.
Updated time.Time
// info returns a proto message with information about the shard.
func (s *shard) info() *dsmapperpb.ShardInfo {
var rate float64
var eta *timestamppb.Timestamp
if runtime := s.Updated.Sub(s.Created); runtime > 0 {
rate = float64(s.ProcessedCount) / runtime.Seconds()
if s.ExpectedCount != -1 && rate > 0.0001 {
secs := float64(s.ExpectedCount) / rate
eta = timestamppb.New(s.Created.Add(time.Duration(float64(time.Second) * secs)))
return &dsmapperpb.ShardInfo{
Index: int32(s.Index),
State: s.State,
Error: s.Error,
Created: timestamppb.New(s.Created),
Updated: timestamppb.New(s.Updated),
Eta: eta, // nil if unknown
ProcessedEntities: s.ProcessedCount,
TotalEntities: s.ExpectedCount, // -1 if unknown
EntitiesPerSec: float32(rate), // 0 if unknown
// getActiveShard returns shard entity with given ID if its still in active
// state and its ProcessTaskNum matches the given taskNum.
// Returns:
// (*shard, nil) if the shard is there and matches the criteria.
// (nil, nil) if the shard is there, but it doesn't match the criteria.
// (nil, transient error) on datastore fetch errors.
// (nil, fatal error) if there's no such shard at all.
func getActiveShard(ctx context.Context, shardID, taskNum int64) (*shard, error) {
sh := &shard{ID: shardID}
switch err := datastore.Get(ctx, sh); {
case err == datastore.ErrNoSuchEntity:
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "no such shard, aborting").Tag(tq.Fatal).Err() // fatal, no retries
case err != nil:
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to fetch the shard").Tag(transient.Tag).Err()
case isFinalState(sh.State):
logging.Warningf(ctx, "The shard is finished already")
return nil, nil
case sh.ProcessTaskNum != taskNum:
logging.Warningf(ctx, "The task is stale (shard's task_num is %d, but task's is %d). Skipping it", sh.ProcessTaskNum, taskNum)
return nil, nil
return sh, nil
// shardTxnCb examines and optionally mutates the shard.
// It returns (true, nil) to instruct shardTxn to store the shard, (false, nil)
// to skip storing, and (..., err) to return the error.
type shardTxnCb func(ctx context.Context, sh *shard) (save bool, err error)
// shardTxn fetches the shard and calls the callback to examine or mutate it.
// Silently skips finished shards.
func shardTxn(ctx context.Context, shardID int64, cb shardTxnCb) error {
return runTxn(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
sh := shard{ID: shardID}
switch err := datastore.Get(ctx, &sh); {
case err == datastore.ErrNoSuchEntity:
return errors.Annotate(err, "when fetching shard %d", shardID).Tag(tq.Fatal).Err()
case err != nil:
return errors.Annotate(err, "when fetching shard %d", shardID).Tag(transient.Tag).Err()
case isFinalState(sh.State):
return nil // the shard is already marked as done
switch save, err := cb(ctx, &sh); {
case err != nil:
return err
case !save:
return nil
sh.Updated = clock.Now(ctx).UTC()
return transient.Tag.Apply(datastore.Put(ctx, &sh))