RTS evaluation

RTS algorithm evaluation is a process of measuring a candidate algorithm‘s safety and efficiency. It is done by emulating CQ behavior with the candidate algorithm, based on CQ’s historial records.


A safe RTS algorithm doesn't let bad code into the repository. There are two safety scores: change recall and test recall.

Change recall

Change recall is the ratio preserved_rejections/total_rejections, where

  • total_rejections is the number of patchsets rejected by CQ due to test failures. More generally, a single rejection may span multiple patchsets.
  • preserved_rejections is how many of them would still be rejected if the candidate RTS algorithm was deployed.

A rejection is considered preserved if and only if the RTS algorithm selects at least one test that caused the rejection. For example, if 10 tests failed out of 1000, it is sufficient to select just 2 to preserve the rejection.

Test recall

Test recall is the ratio preserved_test_failures/total_test_failures, where

  • total_test_failures is the number of test failures that caused a CQ rejection.
  • preserved_test_failures is how many of them the RTS algorithm would preserve. If the algorithm does not select a test, its failure is not preserved.


An efficient RTS algorithm reduces resources spent on testing. Efficiency is scored as a ratio saved_duration/total_duration, where

  • total_duration is the sum of test durations found in the historical records.
  • saved_duration is the duration sum for those tests that the RTS algorithm did not select.

Why evaluate

  • Evaluation is mandatory before deploying an RTS algorithm into production; otherwise it might let bad code into the repository and create a havoc for sheriffs. Evaluation predicts what would happen if the candidate algorithm was deployed.
  • There are many possible RTS algorithms and we need objective metrics to rank them.
  • An algorithm developer needs objective metrics in order to fine tune the algorithm.

History files

.hist files contain CQ historical records (file format). Subcommand rts-chromium presubmit-history can be used to fetch history files for Chromium:

# Inside infra's go env: https://chromium.googlesource.com/infra/infra/+/master/go/README.md
go install go.chromium.org/luci/rts/cmd/rts-chromium
rts-chromium presubmit-history \
  -from 2020-10-01 -to 2020-10-02 \
  -out 2020-10-01.hist

This fetches historical records for 2020-10-01. This example is purely illustrative; the sections below provide much more useful examples.

Evaluation framework

To evaluate an algorithm, it must be plugged into the evaluation framework. It compiles into an executable that accepts a .hist file, emulates CQ by playing the history back and prints safety/efficiency scores.

There are two examples of framework usages:

  • rts-random flips a coin to decide whether to run a test. It is a Hello World of RTS algorithms.
  • rts-chromium is Chromium's RTS algorithm.

To evaluate rts-random:

go run ../cmd/rts-random/main.go -history 2020-10-01.hist

As it runs, it will print all unpreserved rejections as they are discovered. When done, it will print something like this:

Change recall:
  Score: 69%
  Eligible rejections:                       722
  Eligible rejections preserved by this RTS: 500
Test recall:
  Score: 50%
  Eligible test failures:                       1357767
  Eligible test failures preserved by this RTS: 679198
  Saved: 50%
  Test results analyzed: 157728
  Compute time in the sample: 166h4m4.127344853s
  Forecasted compute time:    83h10m13.081573441s
Total records: 1516227

Practical tips

Safety first

Safety should be evaluated before efficiency because:

  • Safety evaluation is much faster because there is less data to analyze.
  • The output of safety evaluation is actionable, unlike efficiency. This is because safety evaluation prints the CLs where the algorithm failed to select affected tests.
  • Data for efficiency evaluation takes much longer to fetch.

Fine tune your algorithm until it reaches a satisfactory safety score; then evaluate efficiency. To evaluate only safety, tell the presubmit-history subcommand not to fetch test durations by passing -duration-data-frac 0. As a convention, use .safety.hist extension for history files. TODO(nodir): define “satisfactory safety score”, or perhaps switch to machine learning.

To iterate even quicker, narrow the evaluation down to one builder using -builder flag.

Omitting test durations and reducing the scope makes it practical to use much wider time window. The following example fetches all rejections from September 2020:

rts-chromium presubmit-history \
  -from 2020-09-01 -to 2020-10-01 \
  -data-duration-frac 0 \
  -builder linux-rel \
  -out linux-rel-2020-sept.safety.hist

Safety at the builder level

Some builders, such as linux-rel, are used by developers as representative of other builders. In such case, it is important to preserve rejections at the builder level, in addition to CQ at large. For each such builder, produce a .safety.hist file using -builder flag. Ensure the algorithm is safe for each file.

Do not perfect safety

Ideally the algorithm preserves all rejections, but it is often impractical because sometimes test flakes creep in, despite the efforts to exclude them. The recommended strategy is to preserve most rejections and manually analyze the rest. Some of them will turn out to be “OK”, and others might provide insight into further tuning.

Efficiency evaluation

Efficiency is evaluated only after you are satisfied with safety.

Efficiency and safety evaluations do not have to use the exact same time window. For example, it would be excessive to fetch all of September's test durations, given that there is ~1B per day. Instead, consider fetching only the last day of the time window that was used for safety evaluation.

To speed up efficiency evaluation, play with the following flags:

  • -duration-data-frac is the fraction of test durations to fetch, defaulting to 0.001 (0.1%). Reduce it to get faster and less precise evaluation for quicker iteration.
  • -min-duration is the minimum duration to fetch (default is 1s). In practice, quick tests are dwarfed by slow tests. Increase it to have focus on slow tests.