blob: e4f1a0d40cbbde052514fd7f253ad88eb5a06f81 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package reader
import (
api ""
. ""
. ""
func stringCounts(values []string) map[string]int {
counts := make(map[string]int)
for _, v := range values {
return counts
// shouldContainSameStrings checks if the left and right side are slices that
// contain the same strings, regardless of the ordering.
func shouldContainSameStrings(actual any, expected ...any) string {
if len(expected) != 1 {
return "Too many arguments for shouldContainSameStrings"
return ShouldResemble(stringCounts(actual.([]string)), stringCounts(expected[0].([]string)))
func normalizeJSON(s string) (string, error) {
// Round trip through default json marshaller to normalize indentation.
var x map[string]any
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(s), &x); err != nil {
return "", err
blob, err := json.Marshal(x)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return string(blob), nil
func shouldBeSameJSONDict(actual any, expected ...any) string {
if len(expected) != 1 {
return "Too many arguments for shouldBeSameJSONDict"
actualNorm, err := normalizeJSON(actual.(string))
if err != nil {
return err.Error()
expectedNorm, err := normalizeJSON(expected[0].(string))
if err != nil {
return err.Error()
return ShouldEqual(actualNorm, expectedNorm)
type bytesSource struct {
func (bytesSource) Close(context.Context, bool) error { return nil }
func bytesFile(buf *bytes.Buffer) pkg.Source {
return bytesSource{bytes.NewReader(buf.Bytes())}
func TestPackageReading(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
Convey("Open empty package works", t, func() {
// Build an empty package.
out := bytes.Buffer{}
pin, err := builder.BuildInstance(ctx, builder.Options{
Output: &out,
PackageName: "testing",
CompressionLevel: 5,
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(pin, ShouldResemble, Pin{
PackageName: "testing",
InstanceID: "PPM180-5i-V1q5554ewKGO4jq4cWB-cOwTuyhoCv3joC",
// Open it.
inst, err := OpenInstance(ctx, bytesFile(&out), OpenInstanceOpts{
VerificationMode: CalculateHash,
HashAlgo: api.HashAlgo_SHA256,
So(inst, ShouldNotBeNil)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
defer inst.Close(ctx, false)
So(inst.Pin(), ShouldResemble, pin)
So(len(inst.Files()), ShouldEqual, 1)
// CalculatePin also agrees with the value of the pin.
calcedPin, err := CalculatePin(ctx, pkg.NewBytesSource(out.Bytes()), api.HashAlgo_SHA256)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(calcedPin, ShouldResemble, pin)
// Contains single manifest file.
f := inst.Files()[0]
So(f.Name(), ShouldEqual, ".cipdpkg/manifest.json")
So(f.Executable(), ShouldBeFalse)
r, err := f.Open()
if r != nil {
defer r.Close()
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
manifest, err := io.ReadAll(r)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
goodManifest := `{
"format_version": "1.1",
"package_name": "testing"
So(string(manifest), shouldBeSameJSONDict, goodManifest)
Convey("Open empty package with unexpected instance ID", t, func() {
// Build an empty package.
out := bytes.Buffer{}
_, err := builder.BuildInstance(ctx, builder.Options{
Output: &out,
PackageName: "testing",
CompressionLevel: 5,
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// Attempt to open it, providing correct instance ID, should work.
inst, err := OpenInstance(ctx, bytesFile(&out), OpenInstanceOpts{
VerificationMode: VerifyHash,
InstanceID: "PPM180-5i-V1q5554ewKGO4jq4cWB-cOwTuyhoCv3joC",
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(inst, ShouldNotBeNil)
defer inst.Close(ctx, false)
So(inst.Pin(), ShouldResemble, Pin{
PackageName: "testing",
InstanceID: "PPM180-5i-V1q5554ewKGO4jq4cWB-cOwTuyhoCv3joC",
// Attempt to open it, providing incorrect instance ID.
inst, err = OpenInstance(ctx, bytesFile(&out), OpenInstanceOpts{
VerificationMode: VerifyHash,
InstanceID: "ZZZZZZZZ_LlIHZUsZlTzpmiCs8AqvAhz9TZzN96Qpx4C",
So(err, ShouldEqual, ErrHashMismatch)
So(inst, ShouldBeNil)
// Open with incorrect instance ID, but skipping the verification..
inst, err = OpenInstance(ctx, bytesFile(&out), OpenInstanceOpts{
VerificationMode: SkipHashVerification,
InstanceID: "ZZZZZZZZ_LlIHZUsZlTzpmiCs8AqvAhz9TZzN96Qpx4C",
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(inst, ShouldNotBeNil)
defer inst.Close(ctx, false)
So(inst.Pin(), ShouldResemble, Pin{
PackageName: "testing",
InstanceID: "ZZZZZZZZ_LlIHZUsZlTzpmiCs8AqvAhz9TZzN96Qpx4C",
Convey("OpenInstanceFile works", t, func() {
// Open temp file.
tempFile, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "cipdtest")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
tempFilePath := tempFile.Name()
defer os.Remove(tempFilePath)
// Write empty package to it.
_, err = builder.BuildInstance(ctx, builder.Options{
Output: tempFile,
PackageName: "testing",
CompressionLevel: 5,
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// Read the package.
inst, err := OpenInstanceFile(ctx, tempFilePath, OpenInstanceOpts{
VerificationMode: CalculateHash,
HashAlgo: api.HashAlgo_SHA256,
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(inst, ShouldNotBeNil)
So(inst.Close(ctx, false), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("ExtractFiles works", t, func() {
testMTime := time.Date(2018, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
inFiles := []fs.File{
fs.NewTestFile("testing/qwerty", "12345", fs.TestFileOpts{}),
fs.NewTestFile("abc", "duh", fs.TestFileOpts{Executable: true}),
fs.NewTestFile("writable", "write me", fs.TestFileOpts{Writable: true}),
fs.NewTestFile("timestamped", "I'm old", fs.TestFileOpts{ModTime: testMTime}),
fs.NewTestSymlink("rel_symlink", "abc"),
fs.NewTestSymlink("abs_symlink", "/abc/def"),
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
inFiles = append(inFiles,
fs.NewWinTestFile("secret", "ninja", fs.WinAttrHidden),
fs.NewWinTestFile("system", "machine", fs.WinAttrSystem),
out := bytes.Buffer{}
_, err := builder.BuildInstance(ctx, builder.Options{
Input: inFiles,
Output: &out,
PackageName: "testing",
VersionFile: "subpath/version.json",
CompressionLevel: 5,
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// Extract files.
inst, err := OpenInstance(ctx, bytesFile(&out), OpenInstanceOpts{
VerificationMode: CalculateHash,
HashAlgo: api.HashAlgo_SHA256,
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
defer inst.Close(ctx, false)
dest := &testDestination{}
_, err = ExtractFilesTxn(ctx, inst.Files(), dest, 16, pkg.WithManifest, "")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(dest.beginCalls, ShouldEqual, 1)
So(dest.endCalls, ShouldEqual, 1)
// Verify file list, file data and flags are correct.
names := make([]string, len(dest.files))
for i, f := range dest.files {
names[i] =
if runtime.GOOS != "windows" {
So(names, shouldContainSameStrings, []string{
} else {
So(names, shouldContainSameStrings, []string{
So(string(dest.fileByName("testing/qwerty").Bytes()), ShouldEqual, "12345")
So(dest.fileByName("abc").executable, ShouldBeTrue)
So(dest.fileByName("abc").writable, ShouldBeFalse)
So(dest.fileByName("writable").writable, ShouldBeTrue)
So(dest.fileByName("writable").modtime.IsZero(), ShouldBeTrue)
So(dest.fileByName("timestamped").modtime, ShouldEqual, testMTime)
So(dest.fileByName("rel_symlink").symlinkTarget, ShouldEqual, "abc")
So(dest.fileByName("abs_symlink").symlinkTarget, ShouldEqual, "/abc/def")
// Verify version file is correct.
goodVersionFile := `{
"instance_id": "OvNF-MsVw1eXYJtjkiq7pXCm6mLYYSaN9qSqsMT3DEAC",
"package_name": "testing"
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
goodVersionFile = `{
"instance_id": "ZM2WksvyI1lQiHnYcuLLXQSNquBPexuH-t57CkJPVDoC",
"package_name": "testing"
shouldBeSameJSONDict, goodVersionFile)
// Verify manifest file is correct.
goodManifest := `{
"format_version": "1.1",
"package_name": "testing",
"version_file": "subpath/version.json",
"files": [
"name": "testing/qwerty",
"size": 5,
"hash": "WZRHGrsBESr8wYFZ9sx0tPURuZgG2lmzyvWpwXPKz8UC"
"name": "abc",
"size": 3,
"executable": true,
"hash": "i_jQPvLtCYwT3iPForJuG9tFWRu9c3ndgjxk7nXjY2kC"
"name": "writable",
"size": 8,
"writable": true,
"hash": "QeUFaPVoXLyp7lPHwnWGgBD5Wo-buja_bBGTx4s3jkkC"
"name": "timestamped",
"size": 7,
"hash": "M2fO8ZiWvyqNVmp_Nu5QZo80JXSjkqHz60zRlhqNHzgC"
"name": "rel_symlink",
"size": 0,
"symlink": "abc"
"name": "abs_symlink",
"size": 0,
"symlink": "/abc/def"
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
goodManifest = fmt.Sprintf(goodManifest, `{
"name": "secret",
"size": 5,
"win_attrs": "H",
"hash": "VEgllRdxFuYQOwdtvzBkjl0FN90e2c9a5FYvqKcA1HsC"
"name": "system",
"size": 7,
"win_attrs": "S",
"hash": "vAIKNbf5yxOC57U0xo48Ux2EmxGb8U913erWzEXDzMEC"
"name": "subpath/version.json",
"size": 96,
"hash": "LQ25MuK852zm7GjAUcBIzWpAzhcXV7L4pEVl2LCUz8YC"
} else {
goodManifest = fmt.Sprintf(goodManifest, `{
"name": "subpath/version.json",
"size": 96,
"hash": "XD6QlRyLX4Cj09wtPLAEQGacygrySk317U38Ku2d9zIC"
shouldBeSameJSONDict, goodManifest)
Convey("ExtractFiles handles v1 packages correctly", t, func() {
// ZipInfos in packages with format_version "1" always have the writable bit
// set, and always have 0 timestamp. During the extraction of such package,
// the writable bit should be cleared, and the timestamp should not be reset
// to 0 (it will be set to whatever the current time is).
inFiles := []fs.File{
fs.NewTestFile("testing/qwerty", "12345", fs.TestFileOpts{Writable: true}),
fs.NewTestFile("abc", "duh", fs.TestFileOpts{Executable: true, Writable: true}),
fs.NewTestSymlink("rel_symlink", "abc"),
fs.NewTestSymlink("abs_symlink", "/abc/def"),
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
inFiles = append(inFiles,
fs.NewWinTestFile("secret", "ninja", fs.WinAttrHidden),
fs.NewWinTestFile("system", "machine", fs.WinAttrSystem),
out := bytes.Buffer{}
_, err := builder.BuildInstance(ctx, builder.Options{
Input: inFiles,
Output: &out,
PackageName: "testing",
VersionFile: "subpath/version.json",
CompressionLevel: 5,
OverrideFormatVersion: "1",
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// Extract files.
inst, err := OpenInstance(ctx, bytesFile(&out), OpenInstanceOpts{
VerificationMode: CalculateHash,
HashAlgo: api.HashAlgo_SHA256,
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
defer inst.Close(ctx, false)
dest := &testDestination{}
_, err = ExtractFilesTxn(ctx, inst.Files(), dest, 16, pkg.WithManifest, "")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(dest.beginCalls, ShouldEqual, 1)
So(dest.endCalls, ShouldEqual, 1)
// Verify file list, file data and flags are correct.
names := make([]string, len(dest.files))
for i, f := range dest.files {
names[i] =
if runtime.GOOS != "windows" {
So(names, shouldContainSameStrings, []string{
} else {
So(names, shouldContainSameStrings, []string{
So(string(dest.fileByName("testing/qwerty").Bytes()), ShouldEqual, "12345")
So(dest.fileByName("abc").executable, ShouldBeTrue)
So(dest.fileByName("abc").writable, ShouldBeFalse)
So(dest.fileByName("rel_symlink").symlinkTarget, ShouldEqual, "abc")
So(dest.fileByName("abs_symlink").symlinkTarget, ShouldEqual, "/abc/def")
// Verify version file is correct.
goodVersionFile := `{
"instance_id": "TFCuWXMWQSAoTRwjHXIu9ZTRTNrkwxuXXNKg_HTFQn0C",
"package_name": "testing"
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
goodVersionFile = `{
"instance_id": "JtKHZQLjvjsDbo2bRjfkCXCdlE4PZ-mRA7c2fAx09hkC",
"package_name": "testing"
shouldBeSameJSONDict, goodVersionFile)
// Verify manifest file is correct.
goodManifest := `{
"format_version": "1",
"package_name": "testing",
"version_file": "subpath/version.json",
"files": [
"name": "testing/qwerty",
"size": 5,
"hash": "WZRHGrsBESr8wYFZ9sx0tPURuZgG2lmzyvWpwXPKz8UC"
"name": "abc",
"size": 3,
"executable": true,
"hash": "i_jQPvLtCYwT3iPForJuG9tFWRu9c3ndgjxk7nXjY2kC"
"name": "rel_symlink",
"size": 0,
"symlink": "abc"
"name": "abs_symlink",
"size": 0,
"symlink": "/abc/def"
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
goodManifest = fmt.Sprintf(goodManifest, `{
"name": "secret",
"size": 5,
"win_attrs": "H",
"hash": "VEgllRdxFuYQOwdtvzBkjl0FN90e2c9a5FYvqKcA1HsC"
"name": "system",
"size": 7,
"win_attrs": "S",
"hash": "vAIKNbf5yxOC57U0xo48Ux2EmxGb8U913erWzEXDzMEC"
"name": "subpath/version.json",
"size": 96,
"hash": "NktdGybrepm6oPSqjFG_qrNZDeaY_KbP4elWDz4ww48C"
} else {
goodManifest = fmt.Sprintf(goodManifest, `{
"name": "subpath/version.json",
"size": 96,
"hash": "JlgQS4Xa4D7f94PYzpQcvgPsDfQqySYVlUBBYfF6x8sC"
shouldBeSameJSONDict, goodManifest)
type testDestination struct {
beginCalls int
endCalls int
files []*testDestinationFile
registerFileLock sync.Mutex
type testDestinationFile struct {
name string
executable bool
writable bool
modtime time.Time
symlinkTarget string
winAttrs fs.WinAttrs
func (d *testDestinationFile) Close() error { return nil }
func (d *testDestination) Begin(context.Context) error {
return nil
func (d *testDestination) CreateFile(ctx context.Context, name string, opts fs.CreateFileOptions) (io.WriteCloser, error) {
f := &testDestinationFile{
name: name,
executable: opts.Executable,
writable: opts.Writable,
modtime: opts.ModTime,
winAttrs: opts.WinAttrs,
return f, nil
func (d *testDestination) CreateSymlink(ctx context.Context, name string, target string) error {
f := &testDestinationFile{
name: name,
symlinkTarget: target,
return nil
func (d *testDestination) End(ctx context.Context, success bool) error {
return nil
func (d *testDestination) fileByName(name string) *testDestinationFile {
for _, f := range d.files {
if == name {
return f
return nil
func (d *testDestination) registerFile(f *testDestinationFile) {
d.files = append(d.files, f)