blob: 1a2f55e08f79e5b25c10c9dbf4f9f49b93071e4a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cipd
import (
. ""
. ""
func TestResolve(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
const iid1 = "11111xXp26LpDqWLjKOUmpGorZXaEJGryJO1-Nkp5t0C"
const iid2 = "22222xXp26LpDqWLjKOUmpGorZXaEJGryJO1-Nkp5t0C"
exp := template.Expander{"var": "zzz"}
file, err := ensure.ParseFile(strings.NewReader(fmt.Sprintf(`
@Subdir 1
pkg1/${var} ref1
@Subdir 2
pkg1/zzz ref2
pkg2 %s
`, iid2)))
if err != nil {
Convey("Happy path", t, func() {
mc := newMockedClient()
mc.mockResolve("pkg1/zzz", "ref1", iid1)
mc.mockResolve("pkg1/zzz", "ref2", iid1) // same iid
mc.mockPin("pkg2", iid2)
Convey("With VerifyPresence == true and visitor", func() {
mu := sync.Mutex{}
visited := []string{}
r := Resolver{
Client: mc,
VerifyPresence: true,
Visitor: func(pkg, ver, iid string) {
visited = append(visited, fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s => %s", pkg, ver, iid))
res, err := r.Resolve(ctx, file, exp)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(res.PackagesBySubdir, ShouldResemble, common.PinSliceBySubdir{
"1": common.PinSlice{
{"pkg1/zzz", iid1},
"2": common.PinSlice{
{"pkg1/zzz", iid1},
{"pkg2", iid2},
So(mc.resolveCalls, ShouldEqual, 2) // only two refs
So(mc.describeCalls, ShouldEqual, 2) // refs resolve into 1 iid + pkg2 iid
So(visited, ShouldResemble, []string{
"pkg1/zzz@ref1 => " + iid1,
"pkg1/zzz@ref2 => " + iid1,
fmt.Sprintf("pkg2@%s => %s", iid2, iid2),
Convey("With VerifyPresence == false", func() {
r := Resolver{Client: mc, VerifyPresence: false}
res, err := r.Resolve(ctx, file, exp)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(res.PackagesBySubdir, ShouldResemble, common.PinSliceBySubdir{
"1": common.PinSlice{
{"pkg1/zzz", iid1},
"2": common.PinSlice{
{"pkg1/zzz", iid1},
{"pkg2", iid2},
So(mc.resolveCalls, ShouldEqual, 2) // only two refs
So(mc.describeCalls, ShouldEqual, 0) // nothing is described
Convey("ResolveVersion error", t, func() {
mc := newMockedClient()
mc.mockResolve("pkg1/zzz", "ref1", iid1) // no ref2
mc.mockPin("pkg2", iid2)
r := Resolver{Client: mc, VerifyPresence: true}
res, err := r.Resolve(ctx, file, exp)
So(res, ShouldBeNil)
So(err, ShouldErrLike, `failed to resolve pkg1/zzz@ref2 (line 6): no version "ref2"`)
Convey("DescribeInstance error", t, func() {
mc := newMockedClient()
mc.mockResolve("pkg1/zzz", "ref1", iid1)
mc.mockResolve("pkg1/zzz", "ref2", iid1) // same iid
r := Resolver{Client: mc, VerifyPresence: true}
res, err := r.Resolve(ctx, file, exp)
So(res, ShouldBeNil)
So(err, ShouldErrLike,
fmt.Sprintf(`failed to resolve pkg2@%s (line 7): no such instance`, iid2))
Convey("Many errors", t, func() {
mc := newMockedClient()
r := Resolver{Client: mc, VerifyPresence: true}
res, err := r.Resolve(ctx, file, exp)
So(res, ShouldBeNil)
// Errors are sorted by line
merr := err.(errors.MultiError)
So(merr, ShouldHaveLength, 3)
So(merr[0], ShouldErrLike, `(line 3): no version "ref1"`)
So(merr[1], ShouldErrLike, `(line 6): no version "ref2"`)
So(merr[2], ShouldErrLike, `(line 7): no such instance`)
func TestResolveAllPlatforms(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
const iid1 = "11111xXp26LpDqWLjKOUmpGorZXaEJGryJO1-Nkp5t0C"
const iid2 = "22222xXp26LpDqWLjKOUmpGorZXaEJGryJO1-Nkp5t0C"
const iid3 = "33333xXp26LpDqWLjKOUmpGorZXaEJGryJO1-Nkp5t0C"
const iid4 = "44444xXp26LpDqWLjKOUmpGorZXaEJGryJO1-Nkp5t0C"
file, err := ensure.ParseFile(strings.NewReader(`
$VerifiedPlatform windows-amd64 linux-amd64
pkg1/${platform} latest
pkg2/${platform} latest
if err != nil {
Convey("Happy path", t, func() {
mc := newMockedClient()
mc.mockResolve("pkg1/windows-amd64", "latest", iid1)
mc.mockResolve("pkg1/linux-amd64", "latest", iid2)
mc.mockResolve("pkg2/windows-amd64", "latest", iid3)
mc.mockResolve("pkg2/linux-amd64", "latest", iid4)
r := Resolver{Client: mc}
res, err := r.ResolveAllPlatforms(ctx, file)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(res, ShouldHaveLength, 2)
So(res[template.Platform{"linux", "amd64"}].PackagesBySubdir, ShouldResemble, common.PinSliceBySubdir{
"": common.PinSlice{
{"pkg1/linux-amd64", iid2},
{"pkg2/linux-amd64", iid4},
So(res[template.Platform{"windows", "amd64"}].PackagesBySubdir, ShouldResemble, common.PinSliceBySubdir{
"": common.PinSlice{
{"pkg1/windows-amd64", iid1},
{"pkg2/windows-amd64", iid3},
Convey("Unhappy path", t, func() {
mc := newMockedClient()
r := Resolver{Client: mc}
res, err := r.ResolveAllPlatforms(ctx, file)
So(res, ShouldBeNil)
// Errors order is stable.
var lines []string
for _, err := range err.(errors.MultiError) {
lines = append(lines, err.Error())
So(lines, ShouldResemble, []string{
`when resolving windows-amd64: failed to resolve pkg1/windows-amd64@latest (line 3): no version "latest"`,
`when resolving windows-amd64: failed to resolve pkg2/windows-amd64@latest (line 4): no version "latest"`,
`when resolving linux-amd64: failed to resolve pkg1/linux-amd64@latest (line 3): no version "latest"`,
`when resolving linux-amd64: failed to resolve pkg2/linux-amd64@latest (line 4): no version "latest"`,
type mockedClient struct {
Client // to implement the rest of Client interface by nil-panicing
resolved map[string]common.Pin
pins map[common.Pin]struct{}
l sync.Mutex
resolveCalls int
describeCalls int
func newMockedClient() *mockedClient {
return &mockedClient{
resolved: map[string]common.Pin{},
pins: map[common.Pin]struct{}{},
func (mc *mockedClient) mockResolve(pkg, ver, iid string) {
mc.resolved[pkg+"@"+ver] = common.Pin{pkg, iid}
mc.mockPin(pkg, iid)
func (mc *mockedClient) mockPin(pkg, iid string) {
mc.pins[common.Pin{pkg, iid}] = struct{}{}
func (mc *mockedClient) BeginBatch(ctx context.Context) {}
func (mc *mockedClient) EndBatch(ctx context.Context) {}
func (mc *mockedClient) ResolveVersion(ctx context.Context, pkg, ver string) (common.Pin, error) {
p, ok := mc.resolved[pkg+"@"+ver]
if !ok {
return common.Pin{}, fmt.Errorf("no version %q", ver)
return p, nil
func (mc *mockedClient) DescribeInstance(ctx context.Context, pin common.Pin, opts *DescribeInstanceOpts) (*InstanceDescription, error) {
if _, ok := mc.pins[pin]; ok {
return &InstanceDescription{}, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no such instance")