blob: 1c0cd6bbdc66508520fcb1f264022813eeec51c7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package bigtable
import (
const (
logColumnFamily = "log"
// The data column stores raw low row data (RecordIO blob).
logColumn = "data"
logColName = logColumnFamily + ":" + logColumn
// Limits taken from here:
const (
// bigTableRowMaxBytes is the maximum number of bytes that a single BigTable
// row may hold.
bigTableRowMaxBytes = 1024 * 1024 * 10 // 10MB
// btGetCallback is a callback that is invoked for each log data row returned
// by getLogData.
// If an error is encountered, no more log data will be fetched. The error will
// be propagated to the getLogData call.
type btGetCallback func(*rowKey, []byte) error
// btIface is a general interface for BigTable operations intended to enable
// unit tests to stub out BigTable.
type btIface interface {
// putLogData adds new log data to BigTable.
// If data already exists for the named row, it will return storage.ErrExists
// and not add the data.
putLogData(context.Context, *rowKey, []byte) error
// getLogData retrieves rows belonging to the supplied stream record, starting
// with the first index owned by that record. The supplied callback is invoked
// once per retrieved row.
// rk is the starting row key.
// If the supplied limit is nonzero, no more than limit rows will be
// retrieved.
// If keysOnly is true, then the callback will return nil row data.
getLogData(c context.Context, rk *rowKey, limit int, keysOnly bool, cb btGetCallback) error
// Drops all rows given the path prefix of rk.
dropRowRange(c context.Context, rkPrefix *rowKey) error
// getMaxRowSize returns the maximum row size that this implementation
// supports.
getMaxRowSize() int
// prodBTIface is a production implementation of a "btIface".
type prodBTIface struct {
func (bti prodBTIface) getLogTable() (*bigtable.Table, error) {
if bti.Client == nil {
return nil, errors.New("no client configured")
return bti.Client.Open(bti.LogTable), nil
func (bti prodBTIface) putLogData(c context.Context, rk *rowKey, data []byte) error {
logTable, err := bti.getLogTable()
if err != nil {
return err
m := bigtable.NewMutation()
m.Set(logColumnFamily, logColumn, bigtable.ServerTime, data)
cm := bigtable.NewCondMutation(bigtable.RowKeyFilter(rk.encode()), nil, m)
rowExists := false
if err := logTable.Apply(c, rk.encode(), cm, bigtable.GetCondMutationResult(&rowExists)); err != nil {
return wrapIfTransientForApply(err)
if rowExists {
return storage.ErrExists
return nil
func (bti prodBTIface) dropRowRange(c context.Context, rk *rowKey) error {
logTable, err := bti.getLogTable()
if err != nil {
return err
// ApplyBulk claims to be able to apply 100k mutations. Keep it small here to
// stay well within the stated guidelines.
const maxBatchSize = 100000 / 4
del := bigtable.NewMutation()
allMuts := make([]*bigtable.Mutation, maxBatchSize)
for i := range allMuts {
allMuts[i] = del
prefix, upperBound := rk.pathPrefix(), rk.pathPrefixUpperBound()
rng := bigtable.NewRange(prefix, upperBound)
// apply paranoia mode
if rng.Contains("") || prefix == "" || upperBound == "" {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("NOTHING MAKES SENSE: %q %q %q", rng, prefix, upperBound))
keyC := make(chan string)
// TODO(iannucci): parallelize row scan?
// buffered to avoid deadlocking main thread below
readerC := make(chan error, 1)
go func() {
defer close(readerC)
defer close(keyC)
readerC <- logTable.ReadRows(c, rng, func(row bigtable.Row) bool {
keyC <- row.Key()
return true
keys := make([]string, maxBatchSize)
batchNum := 0
var totalDropped int64
for {
batch := keys[:0]
for key := range keyC {
batch = append(batch, key)
if len(batch) >= maxBatchSize {
if len(batch) == 0 {
err, _ := <-readerC
return err
errs, err := logTable.ApplyBulk(c, batch, allMuts[:len(batch)])
if err != nil {
logging.WithError(err).Errorf(c, "dropRowRange: ApplyBulk failed")
return errors.Annotate(err, "ApplyBulk failed on batch %d", batchNum).Err()
if len(errs) > 0 {
logging.Warningf(c, "ApplyBulk: got %d errors: first: %q", len(errs), errs[0])
totalDropped += int64(len(batch) - len(errs))
func (bti prodBTIface) getLogData(c context.Context, rk *rowKey, limit int, keysOnly bool, cb btGetCallback) error {
logTable, err := bti.getLogTable()
if err != nil {
return err
// Construct read options based on Get request.
ropts := []bigtable.ReadOption{
if keysOnly {
ropts = append(ropts, bigtable.RowFilter(bigtable.StripValueFilter()))
if limit > 0 {
ropts = append(ropts, bigtable.LimitRows(int64(limit)))
// This will limit the range to the immediate row key ("ASDF~INDEX") to
// immediately after the row key ("ASDF~~"). See rowKey for more information.
rng := bigtable.NewRange(rk.encode(), rk.pathPrefixUpperBound())
var innerErr error
err = logTable.ReadRows(c, rng, func(row bigtable.Row) bool {
data, err := getLogRowData(row)
if err != nil {
innerErr = storage.ErrBadData
return false
drk, err := decodeRowKey(row.Key())
if err != nil {
innerErr = err
return false
if err := cb(drk, data); err != nil {
innerErr = err
return false
return true
}, ropts...)
if err != nil {
return grpcutil.WrapIfTransient(err)
if innerErr != nil {
return innerErr
return nil
func (bti prodBTIface) getMaxRowSize() int { return bigTableRowMaxBytes }
// getLogRowData loads the []byte contents of the supplied log row.
// If the row doesn't exist, storage.ErrDoesNotExist will be returned.
func getLogRowData(row bigtable.Row) (data []byte, err error) {
items, ok := row[logColumnFamily]
if !ok {
err = storage.ErrDoesNotExist
for _, item := range items {
switch item.Column {
case logColName:
data = item.Value
// If no fields could be extracted, the rows does not exist.
err = storage.ErrDoesNotExist
// getReadItem retrieves a specific RowItem from the supplied Row.
func getReadItem(row bigtable.Row, family, column string) *bigtable.ReadItem {
// Get the row for our family.
items, ok := row[logColumnFamily]
if !ok {
return nil
// Get the specific ReadItem for our column
colName := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", family, column)
for _, item := range items {
if item.Column == colName {
return &item
return nil
func wrapIfTransientForApply(err error) error {
if err == nil {
return nil
// For Apply, assume that anything other than InvalidArgument (bad data) is
// transient. We exempt InvalidArgument because our data construction is
// deterministic, and so this request can never succeed.
switch code := grpcutil.Code(err); code {
case codes.InvalidArgument:
return err
return transient.Tag.Apply(err)