blob: f701be5caa7b556c8823af8328dfb704ce92ed54 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package tokenserver;
option go_package = ";tokenserver";
// TokenFile is representation of a token file on disk (serialized as JSON).
// The token file is consumed by whoever wishes to use machine tokens. It is
// intentionally made as simple as possible (e.g. uses unix timestamps instead
// of fancy protobuf ones).
message TokenFile {
// Google OAuth2 access token of a machine service account.
string access_token = 1 [json_name="access_token"];
// OAuth2 access token type, usually "Bearer".
string token_type = 2 [json_name="token_type"];
// Machine token understood by LUCI backends (alternative to access_token).
string luci_machine_token = 3 [json_name="luci_machine_token"];
// Unix timestamp (in seconds) when this token expires.
// The token file is expected to be updated before the token expires, see
// 'next_update' for next expected update time.
int64 expiry = 4 [json_name="expiry"];
// Unix timestamp of when this file was updated the last time.
int64 last_update = 5 [json_name="last_update"];
// Unix timestamp of when this file is expected to be updated next time.
int64 next_update = 6 [json_name="next_update"];
// Email of the associated service account.
string service_account_email = 7 [json_name="service_account_email"];
// Unique stable ID of the associated service account.
string service_account_unique_id = 8 [json_name="service_account_unique_id"];
// Any information tokend daemon wishes to associate with the token.
// Consumers of the token file should ignore this field. It is used
// exclusively by tokend daemon.
bytes tokend_state = 50 [json_name="tokend_state"];