blob: 7e2732bef3ade3e7ebda7ec588e3015f19b43620 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package application contains the base framework to build `vpython` binaries
// for different python versions or bundles.
package application
import (
vpythonAPI ""
const (
// VirtualEnvRootENV is an environment variable that, if set, will be used
// as the default VirtualEnv root.
// This value overrides the default (~/.vpython-root), but can be overridden
// by the "-vpython-root" flag.
// Like "-vpython-root", if this value is present but empty, a tempdir will be
// used for the VirtualEnv root.
// DefaultSpecENV is an environment variable that, if set, will be used as the
// default VirtualEnv spec file if none is provided or found through probing.
// LogTraceENV is an environment variable that, if set, will set the default
// log level to Debug.
// This is useful when debugging scripts that invoke "vpython" internally,
// where adding the "-vpython-log-level" flag is not straightforward. The
// flag is preferred when possible.
// BypassENV is an environment variable that is used to detect if we shouldn't
// do any vpython stuff at all, but should instead directly invoke the next
// `python` on PATH.
// InterpreterENV is an environment variable that override the default
// searching behaviour for the bundled interpreter. It should only be used
// for testing and debugging purpose.
// BypassSentinel must be the BypassENV value (verbatim) in order to trigger
// vpython bypass.
BypassSentinel = "manually managed python not supported by chrome operations"
// Application contains the basic configuration for the application framework.
type Application struct {
// PruneThreshold, if > 0, is the maximum age of a VirtualEnv before it
// becomes candidate for pruning. If <= 0, no pruning will be performed.
PruneThreshold time.Duration
// MaxPrunesPerSweep, if > 0, is the maximum number of VirtualEnv that should
// be pruned passively. If <= 0, no limit will be applied.
MaxPrunesPerSweep int
// Bypass, if true, instructs vpython to completely bypass VirtualEnv
// bootstrapping and execute with the local system interpreter.
Bypass bool
// Loglevel is used to configure the default logger set in the context.
LogLevel logging.Level
// Help, if true, displays the usage from both vpython and python
Help bool
Usage string
// Path to environment specification file to load. Default probes for one.
SpecPath string
// Path to default specification file to load if no specification is found.
DefaultSpecPath string
// Pattern of default specification file. If empty, uses .vpython3.
DefaultSpecPattern string
// Path to virtual environment root directory.
// If explicitly set to empty string, a temporary directory will be used and
// cleaned up on completion.
VpythonRoot string
// Path to cipd cache directory.
CIPDCacheDir string
// Tool mode, if it's not empty, vpython will execute the tool instead of
// python.
ToolMode string
// WorkDir is the Python working directory. If empty, the current working
// directory will be used.
WorkDir string
// InterpreterPath is the path to the python interpreter cipd package. If
// empty, uses the bundled python from paths relative to the vpython binary.
InterpreterPath string
Environments []string
Arguments []string
VpythonSpec *vpythonAPI.Spec
PythonCommandLine *python.CommandLine
PythonExecutable string
// Use os.UserCacheDir by default.
userCacheDir func() (string, error)
// close() is usually unnecessary since resources will be released after
// process exited. However we need to release them manually in the tests.
close func()
// Initialize logger first to make it available for all steps after.
func (a *Application) Initialize(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
a.LogLevel = logging.Error
if os.Getenv(LogTraceENV) != "" {
a.LogLevel = logging.Debug
a.close = func() {}
a.userCacheDir = os.UserCacheDir
ctx = gologger.StdConfig.Use(ctx)
return logging.SetLevel(ctx, a.LogLevel)
// SetLogLevel sets log level to the provided context.
func (a *Application) SetLogLevel(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
return logging.SetLevel(ctx, a.LogLevel)
// ParseEnvs parses arguments from environment variables.
func (a *Application) ParseEnvs(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
e := environ.New(a.Environments)
// Determine our VirtualEnv base directory.
if v, ok := e.Lookup(VirtualEnvRootENV); ok {
a.VpythonRoot = v
} else if a.VpythonRoot == "" {
cdir, err := a.userCacheDir()
if err != nil {
logging.Infof(ctx, "failed to get user cache dir: %s", err)
} else {
a.VpythonRoot = filepath.Join(cdir, ".vpython-root")
// Get default spec path
a.DefaultSpecPath = e.Get(DefaultSpecENV)
// Get interpreter path
if p := e.Get(InterpreterENV); p != "" {
p, err = filepath.Abs(p)
if err != nil {
return err
a.InterpreterPath = p
// Check if it's in bypass mode
if e.Get(BypassENV) == BypassSentinel {
a.Bypass = true
// Get CIPD cache directory
a.CIPDCacheDir = e.Get(cipd.EnvCacheDir)
return nil
// ParseArgs parses arguments from command line.
func (a *Application) ParseArgs(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
var fs flag.FlagSet
fs.BoolVar(&a.Help, "help", a.Help,
"Display help for 'vpython' top-level arguments.")
fs.BoolVar(&a.Help, "h", a.Help,
"Display help for 'vpython' top-level arguments (same as -help).")
fs.StringVar(&a.VpythonRoot, "vpython-root", a.VpythonRoot,
"Path to virtual environment root directory. "+
"If explicitly set to empty string, a temporary directory will be used and cleaned up "+
"on completion.")
fs.StringVar(&a.SpecPath, "vpython-spec", a.SpecPath,
"Path to environment specification file to load. Default probes for one.")
fs.StringVar(&a.ToolMode, "vpython-tool", a.ToolMode,
"Tools for vpython command:\n"+
"install: installs the configured virtual environment.\n"+
"verify: verifies that a spec and its wheels are valid.")
fs.Var(&a.LogLevel, "vpython-log-level",
"The logging level. Valid options are: debug, info, warning, error.")
vpythonArgs, pythonArgs, err := extractFlagsForSet("vpython-", a.Arguments, &fs)
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to extract flags").Err()
if err := fs.Parse(vpythonArgs); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to parse flags").Err()
if a.VpythonRoot == "" {
// Using temporary directory is only for a last resort and shouldn't be
// considered as part of the normal workflow.
// We won't be able to cleanup this temporary directory after execve.
logging.Warningf(ctx, "fallback to temporary directory for vpython root")
if a.VpythonRoot, err = os.MkdirTemp("", "vpython"); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to create temporary vpython root").Err()
if a.VpythonRoot, err = filepath.Abs(a.VpythonRoot); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to get absolute vpython root path").Err()
// Set CIPD CacheDIR
if a.CIPDCacheDir == "" {
a.CIPDCacheDir = filepath.Join(a.VpythonRoot, "cipd")
if a.PythonCommandLine, err = python.ParseCommandLine(pythonArgs); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to parse python commandline").Err()
if a.Help {
var usage strings.Builder
fmt.Fprintln(&usage, "Usage of vpython:")
a.Usage = usage.String()
a.PythonCommandLine = &python.CommandLine{
Target: python.NoTarget{},
return nil
// LoadSpec searches and load vpython spec from path or script.
func (a *Application) LoadSpec(ctx context.Context) error {
// default spec
if a.VpythonSpec == nil {
a.VpythonSpec = &vpythonAPI.Spec{}
if a.SpecPath != "" {
var sp vpythonAPI.Spec
if err := spec.Load(a.SpecPath, &sp); err != nil {
return err
a.VpythonSpec = sp.Clone()
return nil
if a.DefaultSpecPath != "" {
a.VpythonSpec = &vpythonAPI.Spec{}
if err := spec.Load(a.DefaultSpecPath, a.VpythonSpec); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to load default spec: %#v", a.DefaultSpecPath).Err()
specPattern := a.DefaultSpecPattern
if specPattern == "" {
specPattern = ".vpython3"
specLoader := &spec.Loader{
CommonFilesystemBarriers: []string{
CommonSpecNames: []string{
PartnerSuffix: specPattern,
workDir := a.WorkDir
if workDir == "" {
wd, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to get working directory").Err()
workDir = wd
if err := filesystem.AbsPath(&workDir); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to resolve absolute path of WorkDir").Err()
if spec, err := spec.ResolveSpec(ctx, specLoader, a.PythonCommandLine.Target, workDir); err != nil {
return err
} else if spec != nil {
a.VpythonSpec = spec.Clone()
return nil
// BuildVENV builds the derivation for the venv and updates applications'
// PythonExecutable to the python binary in the venv.
func (a *Application) BuildVENV(ctx context.Context, ap *actions.ActionProcessor, venv generators.Generator) error {
pm, err := workflow.NewLocalPackageManager(filepath.Join(a.VpythonRoot, "store"))
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to load storage").Err()
// Generate derivations
curPlat := generators.CurrentPlatform()
plats := generators.Platforms{
Build: curPlat,
Host: curPlat,
Target: curPlat,
b := workflow.NewBuilder(plats, pm, ap)
pe := workflow.NewPackageExecutor("", nil, nil)
pkg, err := b.Build(ctx, pe, venv)
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to generate venv derivation").Err()
a.close = func() {
// Prune used packages
if a.PruneThreshold > 0 {
pm.Prune(ctx, a.PruneThreshold, a.MaxPrunesPerSweep)
a.PythonExecutable = common.PythonVENV(pkg.Handler.OutputDirectory(), a.PythonExecutable)
return nil
// ExecutePython executes the python with arguments. It uses execve on linux and
// simulates execve's behavior on windows.
func (a *Application) ExecutePython(ctx context.Context) error {
if a.Bypass {
var err error
if a.PythonExecutable, err = exec.LookPath(a.PythonExecutable); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to find python in path").Err()
// The python and venv packages used here has been referenced after they are
// built at the end BuildVENV(). workflow.LocalPackageManager uses fslock and
// ensure CLOEXEC is cleared from fd so the the references can be kept after
// execve.
if err := cmdExec(ctx, a.GetExecCommand()); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to execute python").Err()
return nil
// GetExecCommand returns the equivalent command when python is executed using
// ExecutePython.
func (a *Application) GetExecCommand() *exec.Cmd {
env := environ.New(a.Environments)
cl := a.PythonCommandLine.Clone()
return &exec.Cmd{
Path: a.PythonExecutable,
Args: append([]string{a.PythonExecutable}, cl.BuildArgs()...),
Env: env.Sorted(),
Dir: a.WorkDir,