blob: 826094151586ff92e30ee995f14df6b44b0050d6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package testresults
import (
pb ""
// AllFields is a field mask that selects all TestResults fields.
var AllFields = mask.All(&pb.TestResult{})
// limitedFields is a field mask for TestResult to use when the caller only
// has the listLimited permission for test results.
var limitedFields = mask.MustFromReadMask(&pb.TestResult{},
// limitedReasonLength is the length to which the failure reason's primary error
// message will be truncated for a TestResult when the caller only has the
// listLimited permission for test results.
const limitedReasonLength = 140
// defaultListMask is the default field mask to use for QueryTestResults and
// ListTestResults requests.
var defaultListMask = mask.MustFromReadMask(&pb.TestResult{},
// ListMask returns mask.Mask converted from field_mask.FieldMask.
// It returns a default mask with all fields except summary_html if readMask is
// empty.
func ListMask(readMask *field_mask.FieldMask) (*mask.Mask, error) {
if len(readMask.GetPaths()) == 0 {
return defaultListMask, nil
return mask.FromFieldMask(readMask, &pb.TestResult{}, false, false)
// Query specifies test results to fetch.
type Query struct {
InvocationIDs invocations.IDSet
Predicate *pb.TestResultPredicate
PageSize int // must be positive
PageToken string
Mask *mask.Mask
func (q *Query) run(ctx context.Context, f func(*pb.TestResult) error) (err error) {
ctx, ts := tracing.Start(ctx, "",
attribute.Int("", len(q.InvocationIDs)),
defer func() { tracing.End(ts, err) }()
switch {
case q.PageSize < 0:
panic("PageSize < 0")
case q.Predicate.GetExcludeExonerated() && q.Predicate.GetExpectancy() == pb.TestResultPredicate_ALL:
panic("ExcludeExonerated and Expectancy=ALL are mutually exclusive")
columns, parser := q.selectClause()
params, err := q.baseParams()
if err != nil {
return err
err = invocations.TokenToMap(q.PageToken, params, "afterInvocationId", "afterTestId", "afterResultId")
if err != nil {
return err
_, filterByTestIdOrVariant := params["literalPrefix"]
if !filterByTestIdOrVariant {
_, filterByTestIdOrVariant = params["variant"]
// Execute the query.
st := q.genStatement("testResults", map[string]any{
"params": params,
"columns": strings.Join(columns, ", "),
"onlyUnexpected": q.Predicate.GetExpectancy() == pb.TestResultPredicate_VARIANTS_WITH_ONLY_UNEXPECTED_RESULTS,
"withUnexpected": q.Predicate.GetExpectancy() == pb.TestResultPredicate_VARIANTS_WITH_UNEXPECTED_RESULTS || q.Predicate.GetExpectancy() == pb.TestResultPredicate_VARIANTS_WITH_ONLY_UNEXPECTED_RESULTS,
"excludeExonerated": q.Predicate.GetExcludeExonerated(),
"filterByTestIdOrVariant": filterByTestIdOrVariant,
return spanutil.Query(ctx, st, func(row *spanner.Row) error {
tr, err := parser(row)
if err != nil {
return err
return f(tr)
// select returns the SELECT clause of the SQL statement to fetch test results,
// as well as a function to convert a Spanner row to a TestResult message.
// The returned SELECT clause assumes that the TestResults has alias "tr".
// The returned parser is stateful and must not be called concurrently.
func (q *Query) selectClause() (columns []string, parser func(*spanner.Row) (*pb.TestResult, error)) {
columns = []string{
// Select extra columns depending on the mask.
var extraColumns []string
readMask := q.Mask
if readMask.IsEmpty() {
readMask = defaultListMask
selectIfIncluded := func(column, field string) {
switch inc, err := readMask.Includes(field); {
case err != nil:
case inc != mask.Exclude:
extraColumns = append(extraColumns, column)
columns = append(columns, column)
selectIfIncluded("SummaryHtml", "summary_html")
selectIfIncluded("Tags", "tags")
selectIfIncluded("TestMetadata", "test_metadata")
selectIfIncluded("Variant", "variant")
selectIfIncluded("VariantHash", "variant_hash")
selectIfIncluded("FailureReason", "failure_reason")
selectIfIncluded("Properties", "properties")
selectIfIncluded("SkipReason", "skip_reason")
// Build a parser function.
var b spanutil.Buffer
var summaryHTML spanutil.Compressed
var tmd spanutil.Compressed
var fr spanutil.Compressed
var properties spanutil.Compressed
parser = func(row *spanner.Row) (*pb.TestResult, error) {
var invID invocations.ID
var maybeUnexpected spanner.NullBool
var micros spanner.NullInt64
var skipReason spanner.NullInt64
tr := &pb.TestResult{}
ptrs := []any{
for _, v := range extraColumns {
switch v {
case "SummaryHtml":
ptrs = append(ptrs, &summaryHTML)
case "Tags":
ptrs = append(ptrs, &tr.Tags)
case "TestMetadata":
ptrs = append(ptrs, &tmd)
case "Variant":
ptrs = append(ptrs, &tr.Variant)
case "VariantHash":
ptrs = append(ptrs, &tr.VariantHash)
case "FailureReason":
ptrs = append(ptrs, &fr)
case "Properties":
ptrs = append(ptrs, &properties)
case "SkipReason":
ptrs = append(ptrs, &skipReason)
err := b.FromSpanner(row, ptrs...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Generate test result name now in case tr.TestId and tr.ResultId become
// empty after q.Mask.Trim(tr).
trName := pbutil.TestResultName(string(invID), tr.TestId, tr.ResultId)
tr.SummaryHtml = string(summaryHTML)
PopulateExpectedField(tr, maybeUnexpected)
PopulateDurationField(tr, micros)
PopulateSkipReasonField(tr, skipReason)
if err := populateTestMetadata(tr, tmd); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "error unmarshalling test_metadata for %s", trName).Err()
if err := populateFailureReason(tr, fr); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "error unmarshalling failure_reason for %s", trName).Err()
if err := populateProperties(tr, properties); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to unmarshal properties").Err()
if err := q.Mask.Trim(tr); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "error trimming fields for %s", trName).Err()
// Always include name in tr because name is needed to calculate
// page token.
tr.Name = trName
return tr, nil
// Fetch returns a page of test results matching q.
// Returned test results are ordered by parent invocation ID, test ID and result
// ID.
func (q *Query) Fetch(ctx context.Context) (trs []*pb.TestResult, nextPageToken string, err error) {
if q.PageSize <= 0 {
panic("PageSize <= 0")
err =, func(tr *pb.TestResult) error {
trs = append(trs, tr)
return nil
if err != nil {
trs = nil
// If we got pageSize results, then we haven't exhausted the collection and
// need to return the next page token.
if len(trs) == q.PageSize {
last := trs[q.PageSize-1]
invID, testID, resultID := MustParseName(last.Name)
nextPageToken = pagination.Token(string(invID), testID, resultID)
// Run calls f for test results matching the query.
// The test results are ordered by parent invocation ID, test ID and result ID.
func (q *Query) Run(ctx context.Context, f func(*pb.TestResult) error) error {
if q.PageSize > 0 {
panic("PageSize is specified when Query.Run")
return, f)
func (q *Query) baseParams() (map[string]any, error) {
params := map[string]any{
"invIDs": q.InvocationIDs,
"limit": q.PageSize,
if re := q.Predicate.GetTestIdRegexp(); re != "" && re != ".*" {
params["testIdRegexp"] = fmt.Sprintf("^%s$", re)
r, err := regexp.Compile(re)
if err != nil {
return params, err
// We're trying to match the invocation's CommonTestIDPrefix with re,
// so re should have a literal prefix, otherwise the match likely
// fails.
// For example if an invocation's CommonTestIDPrefix is "ninja://" and
// re is ".*browser_tests.*", we wouldn't know if that invocation contains
// any test results with matching test ids or not.
params["literalPrefix"], _ = r.LiteralPrefix()
PopulateVariantParams(params, q.Predicate.GetVariant())
return params, nil
// PopulateVariantParams populates variantHashEquals and variantContains
// parameters based on the predicate.
func PopulateVariantParams(params map[string]any, variantPredicate *pb.VariantPredicate) {
switch p := variantPredicate.GetPredicate().(type) {
case *pb.VariantPredicate_Equals:
params["variantHashEquals"] = pbutil.VariantHash(p.Equals)
params["variant"] = pbutil.VariantToStrings(p.Equals)
case *pb.VariantPredicate_Contains:
if len(p.Contains.Def) > 0 {
params["variantContains"] = pbutil.VariantToStrings(p.Contains)
params["variant"] = params["variantContains"]
case nil:
// No filter.
panic(errors.Reason("unexpected variant predicate %q", variantPredicate).Err())
// queryTmpl is a set of templates that generate the SQL statements used
// by Query type.
var queryTmpl = template.Must(template.New("").Parse(`
{{define "testResults"}}
{{if .filterByTestIdOrVariant}}
invs AS (
FROM Invocations i
WHERE i.InvocationId IN UNNEST(@invIDs)
{{if .params.literalPrefix}}
( i.CommonTestIDPrefix IS NOT NULL
-- For the cases where literalPrefix is long and specific, for example:
-- literalPrefix = "ninja://chrome/test:browser_tests/AutomationApiTest"
-- i.CommonTestIDPrefix = "ninja://chrome/test:browser_tests/"
STARTS_WITH(@literalPrefix, i.CommonTestIDPrefix) OR
-- For the cases where literalPrefix is short, likely because predicate.TestIdRegexp
-- contains non-literal regexp, for example:
-- predicate.TestIdRegexp = "ninja://.*browser_tests/" which makes literalPrefix
-- to be "ninja://".
-- This condition is not very useful to improve the performance of test
-- result history API, but without it will make the results incomplete.
STARTS_WITH(i.CommonTestIDPrefix, @literalPrefix)
-- To make sure the query can still work for the old invocations
-- that were created without CommonTestIDPrefix.
OR (i.CommonTestIDPrefix IS NULL AND i.CreateTime < "2021-4-13")
{{if .params.variant}}
(SELECT LOGICAL_AND(kv IN UNNEST(i.TestResultVariantUnion)) FROM UNNEST(@variant) kv)
-- To make sure the query can still work for the old invocations
-- that were created without TestResultVariantUnion.
OR (i.TestResultVariantUnion IS NULL AND i.CreateTime < "2021-4-13")
invs AS (
AS InvocationId
{{if .excludeExonerated}}
testVariants AS (
{{template "variantsWithUnexpectedResults" .}}
exonerated AS (
FROM TestExonerations
WHERE InvocationId IN UNNEST(@invIDs)
{{template "testIDAndVariantFilter" .}}
variantsWithUnexpectedResults AS (
FROM testVariants tv
LEFT JOIN exonerated USING(TestId, VariantHash)
WHERE exonerated.TestId IS NULL
variantsWithUnexpectedResults AS (
{{template "variantsWithUnexpectedResults" .}}
withUnexpected AS (
SELECT {{.columns}}
FROM invs
variantsWithUnexpectedResults vur
) USING(InvocationId)
Don't have to use testIDAndVariantFilter because
variantsWithUnexpectedResults is already filtered
{{if .onlyUnexpected}}
, withOnlyUnexpected AS (
FROM withUnexpected tr
GROUP BY TestId, VariantHash
All results of the TestID and VariantHash are unexpected.
IFNULL() is significant because LOGICAL_AND() skips nulls.
FROM withOnlyUnexpected owu, owu.trs tr
WHERE true {{/* For optional conditions below */}}
{{else if .withUnexpected}}
SELECT * FROM withUnexpected
WHERE true {{/* For optional conditions below */}}
SELECT {{.columns}}
FROM invs
JOIN TestResults tr USING(InvocationId)
WHERE TRUE -- placeholder of the fist where clause, so that testIDAndVariantFilter can always start with "AND".
{{template "testIDAndVariantFilter" .}}
{{/* Apply the page token */}}
{{if .params.afterInvocationId}}
(InvocationId > @afterInvocationId) OR
(InvocationId = @afterInvocationId AND TestId > @afterTestId) OR
(InvocationId = @afterInvocationId AND TestId = @afterTestId AND ResultId > @afterResultId)
ORDER BY InvocationId, TestId, ResultId
{{if .params.limit}}LIMIT @limit{{end}}
{{define "variantsWithUnexpectedResults"}}
FROM invs
JOIN TestResults@{FORCE_INDEX=UnexpectedTestResults, spanner_emulator.disable_query_null_filtered_index_check=true} USING(InvocationId)
WHERE IsUnexpected
{{template "testIDAndVariantFilter" .}}
{{define "testIDAndVariantFilter"}}
{{/* Filter by Test ID */}}
{{if .params.testIdRegexp}}
AND REGEXP_CONTAINS(TestId, @testIdRegexp)
{{/* Filter by Variant */}}
{{if .params.variantHashEquals}}
AND VariantHash = @variantHashEquals
{{if .params.variantContains }}
AND (SELECT LOGICAL_AND(kv IN UNNEST(Variant)) FROM UNNEST(@variantContains) kv)
func (*Query) genStatement(templateName string, input map[string]any) spanner.Statement {
var sql bytes.Buffer
err := queryTmpl.ExecuteTemplate(&sql, templateName, input)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to generate a SQL statement: %s", err))
return spanner.Statement{SQL: sql.String(), Params: input["params"].(map[string]any)}
// ToLimitedData limits the given TestResult to the fields allowed when
// the caller only has the listLimited permission for test results.
func ToLimitedData(ctx context.Context, tr *pb.TestResult) error {
if err := limitedFields.Trim(tr); err != nil {
return err
if tr.FailureReason != nil {
tr.FailureReason.PrimaryErrorMessage = truncateErrorMessage(
tr.FailureReason.PrimaryErrorMessage, limitedReasonLength)
for i := range tr.FailureReason.Errors {
tr.FailureReason.Errors[i].Message = truncateErrorMessage(
tr.FailureReason.Errors[i].Message, limitedReasonLength)
tr.IsMasked = true
return nil
// truncateErrorMessage truncates the error message if its length exceeds the
// limit.
func truncateErrorMessage(errorMessage string, maxLength int) string {
if len(errorMessage) <= maxLength {
return errorMessage
runes := []rune(errorMessage)
return string(runes[:maxLength]) + "..."