blob: aafc965ade1a2d4c6532b8967b400d05a02ae4d0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# that can be found in the LICENSE file.
"""Defines validation rules for configuration files.
Configurations requested with store_last_good=True are automatically validated
against rules defined using this module. Otherwise, validation.is_defined_for
and validation.validate can be used to validate configs in your code.
# Configs foo.cfg in all project config sets must be valid protobuf messages.
validation.project_config_rule('foo.cfg', config_pb2.FooCfg)
validation.validate('projects/bar', 'foo.cfg', 'invalid content')
# Will raise ValueError
Example with custom validation:
@validation.project_config_rule('foo.cfg', config_pb2.FooCfg)
def validate_foo(cfg, ctx):
if < 0:
ctx.error('bar must be non-negative: %d',
validation.validate('projects/baz', 'foo.cfg', 'bar: -1')
# Will raise ValueError
import collections
import re
from six.moves import urllib
from . import common
from . import validation_context
__all__ = [
Message = validation_context.Message
class Context(validation_context.Context):
"""A validation context with config metadata information."""
config_set = None
path = None
def service_id(self):
if self.config_set:
m = common.SERVICE_CONFIG_SET_RGX.match(self.config_set)
if m:
return None
def project_id(self):
if self.config_set:
m = common.PROJECT_CONFIG_SET_RGX.match(self.config_set)
if m:
m = common.REF_CONFIG_SET_RGX.match(self.config_set)
if m:
return None
def ref(self):
if self.config_set:
m = common.REF_CONFIG_SET_RGX.match(self.config_set)
if m:
return None
def is_valid_service_id(service_id):
return bool(common.SERVICE_ID_RGX.match(service_id))
def is_valid_project_id(service_id):
return bool(common.PROJECT_ID_RGX.match(service_id))
def is_valid_ref_name(ref):
return bool(common.REF_NAME_RGX.match(ref))
def is_valid_secure_url(url):
"""Returns True if the URL is valid and secure, except for localhost."""
parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(url)
if not parsed.netloc:
return False
if parsed.hostname in ('localhost', '', '::1'):
return parsed.scheme in ('http', 'https')
return parsed.scheme == 'https'
ConfigPattern = collections.namedtuple(
'config_set', # config_set pattern, see compile_pattern().
'path', # path pattern, see compile_pattern().
def rule(config_set, path, dest_type=None, rule_set=None):
"""Creates a validation rule, that can act as a decorator.
Just calling the function defines a validation rule that verifies that a
config file is convertible to |dest_type|. Usage:
validation.rule('projects/chromium', 'foo.cfg', myconfig_pb2.FooCfg)
If the rule is used as decorator, the function being decorated is used for
further validation. It should have the following parameters:
* cfg: the converted config to be validated.
* ctx (Context): used to report validation errors. It may have
"config_set" and/or "path" attributes set.
@validation.rule('projects/chromium', 'foo.cfg', myconfig_pb2.FooCfg)
def validate_foo(cfg, ctx):
if < 0:
ctx.error('bar cannot be negative: %d',
|config_set| and |path| are patterns that determine if a rule is applicable
to a config. Both |config_set| and |path| patterns must match. See
compile_pattern's docstring for the definition of "pattern".
config_set (str): pattern for config set, see compile_pattern.
path (str): pattern for path, see compile_pattern.
dest_type (type): if specified, config contents will be converted to
|dest_type| before calling the decorated function.
Currently only protobuf messages are supported. If a config cannot be
converted, it is considered invalid.
rule_set (RuleSet): target rule set, defaults to the global
A rule. Calling rule.remove() will remove the rule from the rule set.
rule_set = rule_set or DEFAULT_RULE_SET
new_rule = Rule(config_set, path, dest_type)
return new_rule
def project_config_rule(*args, **kwargs):
"""Shortcut for rule() for project configs."""
return rule(
'regex:%s' % common.PROJECT_CONFIG_SET_RGX.pattern,
*args, **kwargs)
def ref_config_rule(*args, **kwargs):
"""Shortcut for rule() for ref configs."""
return rule(
'regex:%s' % common.REF_CONFIG_SET_RGX.pattern,
*args, **kwargs)
def self_rule(*args, **kwargs):
"""Shortcut for rule() for current appid."""
return rule(common.self_config_set(), *args, **kwargs)
def is_defined_for(config_set, path):
"""Returns True if validation is defined for given config_set and path."""
return DEFAULT_RULE_SET.is_defined_for(config_set, path)
def validate(config_set, path, content, ctx=None):
"""Validates a config.
If ctx is not specified, raises a ValueError on a first validation error.
DEFAULT_RULE_SET.validate(config_set, path, content, ctx=ctx)
def is_valid(config_set, path, content):
"""Returns True if the config is valid."""
validate(config_set, path, content)
return True
except ValueError:
return False
class Rule(object):
"""Validates a config if config_set and path match a predicate.
See rule()'s docstring for more info.
rule_set = None
def __init__(self, config_set, path, dest_type=None):
self.config_set = config_set
self.path = path
self.config_set_fn = compile_pattern(config_set)
self.path_fn = compile_pattern(path)
self.dest_type = dest_type
self.validator_funcs = []
def match(self, config_set, path):
"""Returns True if this rule is applicable to |config_set| and |path|."""
return self.config_set_fn(config_set) and self.path_fn(path)
def validate(self, config_set, path, content, ctx):
cfg = common._convert_config(content, self.dest_type)
except common.ConfigFormatError as ex:
ctx.error('%s', ex)
ctx.config_set = config_set
ctx.path = path
for f in self.validator_funcs:
f(cfg, ctx)
def __call__(self, func):
"""Adds |func| to the list of validation functions. Used as a decorator."""
assert func
assert hasattr(func, '__call__')
func.rule = self
return func
def remove(self):
"""Removes this rule from its ruleset."""
if self.rule_set:
if self in self.rule_set.rules:
self.rule_set = None
class RuleSet(object):
def __init__(self):
self.rules = []
def add(self, new_rule):
assert isinstance(new_rule, Rule)
new_rule.rule_set = self
def validate(self, config_set, path, content, ctx=None):
ctx = ctx or Context.raise_on_error()
assert config_set
assert path
assert content is not None
assert isinstance(ctx, Context)
for r in self.rules:
if r.match(config_set, path):
r.validate(config_set, path, content, ctx)
def is_defined_for(self, config_set, path):
return any(r.match(config_set, path) for r in self.rules)
def patterns(self):
"""Returns a set of all config patterns that this rule_set can validate.
A set of ConfigPattern objects.
return set(
ConfigPattern(config_set=r.config_set, path=r.path)
for r in self.rules
def compile_pattern(pattern):
"""Compiles a pattern to a predicate function.
A pattern is a "<kind>:<value>" pair, where kind can be "text" (default) or
"regex" and value interpretation depends on the kind:
regex: value must be a regular expression. If it does not start/end with
^/$, they are added automatically.
text: exact string.
If colon is not present in the pattern, it is treated as "text:<pattern>".
func (s: string): bool
ValueError if |pattern| is malformed.
if not isinstance(pattern, basestring):
raise ValueError('Pattern must be a string')
if ':' in pattern:
kind, value = pattern.split(':', 2)
kind = 'text'
value = pattern
if kind in ('text', 'exact'):
return lambda s: s == value
if kind == 'regex':
if not value.startswith('^'):
value = '^' + value
if not value.endswith('$'):
value = value + '$'
regex = re.compile(value)
except re.error as ex:
raise ValueError(ex.message)
return regex.match
raise ValueError('Invalid pattern kind: %s' % kind)