blob: 001fe83908e70437ebe2a32116f34fb8ca9eba91 [file] [log] [blame]
# coding: utf-8
# Copyright 2014 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# that can be found in the LICENSE file.
"""Tasks definition.
Each user request creates a new TaskRequest. The TaskRequest instance saves the
metadata of the request, e.g. who requested it, when why, etc. It links to the
actual data of the request in a TaskProperties. The TaskProperties represents
everything needed to run the task.
This means if two users request an identical task, it can be deduped
accordingly and efficiently by the scheduler.
Note that the mere existence of a TaskRequest in the db doesn't mean it will be
scheduled, see for the actual scheduling. Registering tasks
and scheduling are kept separated to keep the immutable and mutable models in
separate files.
Overview of transactions:
- TaskRequest() are created inside a transaction.
Graph of the schema:
|TaskRequest |
| +--------------+ +----------------+ +----------------+ |
| |TaskProperties| |TaskSlice | |TaskSlice | |
| | +--------+ | |+--------------+| ... |+--------------+| |
| | |FilesRef| | *or* ||TaskProperties|| ... ||TaskProperties|| |
| | +--------+ | |+--------------+| |+--------------+| |
| +--------------+ +----------------+ +----------------+ |
|id=<based on epoch> |
| | |
v | v
+-----------+ | +----------+
|SecretBytes| | |BuildTask|
|id=1 | | |build_id |
+-----------+ | |token |
| |bb_host |
| +----------+
<See and>
TaskProperties is embedded in TaskRequest. TaskProperties is still declared as a
separate entity to clearly declare the boundary for task request deduplication.
import datetime
import hashlib
import logging
import posixpath
import random
import re
import sys
import six
from google.appengine import runtime
from google.appengine.api import datastore_errors
from google.appengine.ext import ndb
from components import auth
from components import cipd
from components import datastore_utils
from components import pubsub
from components import utils
from components.config import validation
from proto.api import swarming_pb2
from proto.config import pools_pb2
from server import config
from server import directory_occlusion
from server import pools_config
from server import service_accounts_utils
from server import task_pack
from server import task_queues
from server.constants import OR_DIM_SEP
# Maximum acceptable priority value, which is effectively the lowest priority.
# Enum singletons controlling the application of the pool task templates in
# init_new_request. This is the counterpart of
# swarming_rpcs.PoolTaskTemplateField
class TemplateApplyEnum(str):
# Default value to wait for pings from bot.
# Default value for grace_period for task cancellation.
# Maximum allowed grace_period for task cancellation.
# This is the maximum amount the bot will spend waiting for a canceled or
# timed out task to react to SIGTERM before forcefully killing it. For timed out
# tasks it applies after `execution_timeout_secs` has already passed.
# Maximum allowed timeout for I/O and hard timeouts.
# The overall timeout including the grace period and all overheads must fit
# under 7 days (per RBE limits). So this value is slightly less than 7 days.
MAX_TIMEOUT_SECS = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 - MAX_GRACE_PERIOD_SECS - 60
# Maximum allowed expiration for a pending task.
# Seven days in seconds.
MAX_EXPIRATION_SECS = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60
# Minimum value for timeouts.
# The rationale for 1s on local dev server is to enable quicker testing in
_MIN_TIMEOUT_SECS = 1 if utils.is_local_dev_server() else 30
# The world started on 2010-01-01 at 00:00:00 UTC. The rationale is that using
# EPOCH (1970) means that 40 years worth of keys are wasted.
# Note: This creates a 'naive' object instead of a formal UTC object. Note that
# datetime.datetime.utcnow() also return naive objects. That's python.
_BEGINING_OF_THE_WORLD = datetime.datetime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
# 1 is for ':'.
# Used for isolated files.
_HASH_CHARS = frozenset('0123456789abcdef')
# Keep synced with
_CACHE_NAME_RE = re.compile(r'^[a-z0-9_]{1,4096}$')
# Early verification of environment variable key name.
_ENV_KEY_RE = re.compile(r'^[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*$')
# If no update is received from bot after max seconds lapsed from its last ping
# to the server, it will be considered dead.
# Min time to keep the bot alive before it is declared dead.
# Full CAS instance name verification.
# The name should be `projects/{project}/instances/{instance}`.
_CAS_INSTANCE_RE = re.compile(r'^projects/[a-z0-9-]+/instances/[a-z0-9-_]+$')
# Tag keys that can't be set via public API because they are used internally by
# Swarming and have some extra meaning.
_RESERVED_TAGS = frozenset([
'swarming.terminate', # used to identify tasks created by TerminateBot RPC
### Properties validators must come before the models.
def _validate_length(prop_name, value, maximum):
if len(value) > maximum:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError('too long %s: %d > %d' %
(prop_name, len(value), maximum))
def _get_validate_length(maximum):
return lambda prop, value: _validate_length(prop._name, value, maximum)
def _validate_url(prop, value):
_validate_length(prop, value, 1024)
if value and not validation.is_valid_secure_url(value):
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError('%s must be valid HTTPS URL, not %s' %
(prop._name, value))
def _validate_dimensions(_prop, value):
"""Validates TaskProperties.dimensions."""
maxkeys = 32
maxvalues = 16
if not value:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(u'dimensions must be specified')
if len(value) > maxkeys:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(u'dimensions can have up to %d keys' %
normalized = {}
or_dimensions_num = 1
max_or_dimensions_num = 8
for k, values in value.items():
# Validate the key.
if not config.validate_dimension_key(k):
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
u'dimension key must a string that fits %r: %r is invalid' %
(config.DIMENSION_KEY_RE, k))
# Validate the values.
if not values:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
u'dimensions must be a dict of strings or list of string, not %r' %
if not isinstance(values, (list, tuple)):
# Internal bug.
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
u'dimensions must be a dict of strings or list of string, not %r' %
for val in values:
if not val:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
u'dimensions value must be a string, not None')
or_dimensions_num *= len(val.split(OR_DIM_SEP))
if or_dimensions_num > max_or_dimensions_num:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
'possible dimension subset for \'or\' dimensions '
'should not be more than %d, but %d' %
(max_or_dimensions_num, or_dimensions_num))
if len(values) > maxvalues:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
u'dimension key %r has too many values; maximum is %d' %
(k, maxvalues))
if len(values) > 1:
'DEPRECATED: task contains multi-valued dimension for %r.', k)
if len(values) != len(set(values)):
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
u'dimension key %r has repeated values' % k)
normalized_values = []
for val in values:
or_values = val.split(OR_DIM_SEP)
for v in or_values:
if not config.validate_dimension_value(v):
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
u'dimension key %r has invalid value %r' % (k, val))
# sorts OR's operands, so that dimension_hash for semantically equivalent
# dimension values will be the same.
values = normalized_values
# Key specific checks.
if k == u'id' and len(values) != 1:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
u'\'id\' cannot be specified more than once in dimensions')
# Do not allow a task to be triggered in multiple pools, as this could
# cross a security boundary.
if k == u'pool' and (len(values) != 1 or OR_DIM_SEP in values[0]):
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
u'\'pool\' cannot be specified more than once in dimensions %s' %
# Always store the values sorted, that simplifies the code.
normalized[k] = sorted(values)
return normalized
def _validate_env_key(prop, key):
"""Validates TaskProperties.env."""
maxlen = 64
if not isinstance(key, unicode):
raise TypeError('%s must have string key, not %r' % (prop._name, key))
if not key:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError('valid key are required in %s' %
if len(key) > maxlen:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError('key in %s is too long: %d > %d' %
(prop._name, len(key), maxlen))
if not _ENV_KEY_RE.match(key):
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError('key in %s is invalid: %r' %
(prop._name, key))
def _validate_env(prop, value):
# pylint: disable=protected-access
if not all(isinstance(v, unicode) for v in value.values()):
raise TypeError('%s must be a dict of strings, not %r' %
(prop._name, value))
maxlen = 1024
for k, v in value.items():
_validate_env_key(prop, k)
if len(v) > maxlen:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
'%s: key %r has too long value: %d > %d' %
(prop._name, k, len(v), maxlen))
if len(value) > 64:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError('%s can have up to 64 keys' %
def _validate_env_prefixes(prop, value):
# pylint: disable=protected-access
maxlen = 1024
for k, values in value.items():
_validate_env_key(prop, k)
if (not isinstance(values, list) or
not all(isinstance(v, unicode) for v in values)):
raise TypeError('%s must have list unicode value for key %r, not %r' %
(prop._name, k, values))
for path in values:
if len(path) > maxlen:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
'%s: value for key %r is too long: %d > %d' %
(prop._name, k, len(path), maxlen))
_validate_rel_path('Env Prefix', path)
if len(value) > 64:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError('%s can have up to 64 keys' %
def _check_expiration_secs(name, value):
"""Validates expiration_secs."""
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
'%s (%s) must be between %ds and %ds' %
def _validate_expiration_ts(prop, value):
"""Validates TaskRequest.expiration_ts."""
# pylint: disable=protected-access
offset = int(round((value - utils.utcnow()).total_seconds()))
_check_expiration_secs(prop._name, offset)
def _validate_expiration_secs(prop, value):
"""Validates TaskSlice.expiration_secs."""
# pylint: disable=protected-access
_check_expiration_secs(prop._name, value)
def _validate_grace(prop, value):
"""Validates grace_period_secs in TaskProperties."""
# pylint: disable=protected-access
if not (0 <= value <= MAX_GRACE_PERIOD_SECS):
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
'%s (%ds) must be between 0s and %ds' %
(prop._name, value, MAX_GRACE_PERIOD_SECS))
def _validate_priority(_prop, value):
"""Validates TaskRequest.priority."""
return value
def _validate_task_run_id(prop, value):
"""Validates a task_id looks valid without fetching the entity."""
if not value:
return None
validate_task_run_id(prop._name, value)
return value
def _validate_hard_timeout(prop, value):
"""Validates execution_timeout_secs in seconds in TaskProperties."""
# pylint: disable=protected-access
if value and not (_MIN_TIMEOUT_SECS <= value <= MAX_TIMEOUT_SECS):
# 0 is tolerated for termination task, but we don't advertize that, that's
# an internal detail.
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
'%s (%ds) must be between %ds and %ds' %
(prop._name, value, _MIN_TIMEOUT_SECS, MAX_TIMEOUT_SECS))
def _validate_io_timeout(prop, value):
"""Validates io_timeout_secs in seconds in TaskProperties."""
# pylint: disable=protected-access
if value and not (_MIN_TIMEOUT_SECS <= value <= MAX_TIMEOUT_SECS):
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
'%s (%ds) must be 0 or between %ds and %ds' %
(prop._name, value, _MIN_TIMEOUT_SECS, MAX_TIMEOUT_SECS))
def _validate_tags(prop, value):
"""Validates TaskRequest.tags."""
# pylint: disable=protected-access
_validate_length(prop._name, value, _TAG_LENGTH)
if ':' not in value:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError('%s must be key:value form, not %s' %
(prop._name, value))
def _validate_pubsub_topic(prop, value):
"""Validates TaskRequest.pubsub_topic."""
# pylint: disable=protected-access
_validate_length(prop._name, value, 1024)
if value and '/' not in value:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
'%s must be a well formatted pubsub topic' % (prop._name))
def _validate_package_name_template(prop, value):
"""Validates a CIPD package name template."""
validate_package_name_template(prop._name, value)
def _validate_package_version(prop, value):
"""Validates a CIPD package version."""
validate_package_version(prop._name, value)
def _validate_cache_name(prop, value):
_validate_length(prop._name, value, 128)
if not _CACHE_NAME_RE.match(value):
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
'%s %r does not match %s' % (prop._name, value, _CACHE_NAME_RE.pattern))
def _validate_cache_path(prop, value):
_validate_length(prop._name, value, 256)
_validate_rel_path('Cache path', value)
def _validate_package_path(prop, value):
"""Validates a CIPD installation path."""
_validate_length(prop._name, value, 256)
if not value:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
'CIPD package path is required. Use "." to install to run dir.')
_validate_rel_path('CIPD package path', value)
def _validate_output_path(prop, value):
"""Validates a path for an output file."""
_validate_length(prop._name, value, 512)
_validate_rel_path('output file', value)
def _validate_rel_path(value_name, path):
"""Validates a relative path to be valid.
Length have to be validated first.
if not path:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError('No argument provided for %s.' %
if '\\' in path:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
'%s cannot contain \\. On Windows forward-slashes '
'will be replaced with back-slashes.' % value_name)
if '..' in path.split('/'):
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError('%s cannot contain "..".' % value_name)
normalized = posixpath.normpath(path)
if path != normalized:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
'%s is not normalized. Normalized is "%s".' % (value_name, normalized))
if path.startswith('/'):
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError('%s cannot start with "/".' %
def _validate_service_account(prop, value):
"""Validates that 'service_account' field is 'bot', 'none' or email."""
if not value:
return None
validate_service_account(prop._name, value)
return value
def _validate_ping_tolerance(prop, value):
"""Validates the range of input tolerance for bot to be declared dead."""
validate_ping_tolerance(prop._name, value)
def _validate_realm(_prop, value):
if not value:
except ValueError:
_, e, tb = sys.exc_info()
six.reraise(datastore_errors.BadValueError, e.message, tb)
def _validate_cas_instance(_prop, value):
if not value:
if _CAS_INSTANCE_RE.match(value):
return value
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError('invalid cas_instance: %s' % value)
### Models.
class FilesRef(ndb.Model):
"""Defines a data tree reference for Swarming task inputs or outputs.
It can either be:
- a reference to an isolated file on an isolate server
- a reference to an isolated file on a RBE CAS server
In the RBE CAS case, the isolatedserver must be set to GCP name, and namespace
must be set to "sha256-GCP". For the moment, RBE CAS requires SHA-256 and
doesn't support precompressed data.
# The hash of an isolated archive.
isolated = ndb.StringProperty(indexed=False)
# The hostname of the isolated server with scheme to use or the Google Cloud
# Project name.
isolatedserver = ndb.StringProperty(indexed=False)
# Namespace on the isolate server or "sha256-GCP" for a RBE CAS.
namespace = ndb.StringProperty(indexed=False)
def to_proto(self, out):
"""Converts self to a swarming_pb2.CASTree."""
if self.isolated:
out.digest = self.isolated
if self.isolatedserver:
out.server = self.isolatedserver
if self.namespace:
out.namespace = self.namespace
def _pre_put_hook(self):
super(FilesRef, self)._pre_put_hook()
if not self.isolatedserver or not self.namespace:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
'isolate server and namespace are required')
if self.namespace == 'sha256-GCP':
# Minimally validate GCP project name. For now, just assert length and
# that it doesn't contain '://'.
if ((not 3 <= len(self.isolatedserver) <= 30) or
'://' in self.isolatedserver):
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
'isolatedserver must be valid GCP project')
_validate_url(self.__class__.isolatedserver, self.isolatedserver)
_validate_length(self.__class__.namespace._name, self.namespace, 128)
if not pools_config.NAMESPACE_RE.match(self.namespace):
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError('malformed namespace')
if self.isolated:
if not _HASH_CHARS.issuperset(self.isolated):
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError('isolated must be lowercase hex')
length = len(self.isolated)
expected = 40
if self.namespace.startswith('sha256-'):
expected = 64
if self.namespace.startswith('sha512-'):
expected = 128
if length != expected:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
'isolated must be lowercase hex of length %d, but length is %d' %
(expected, length))
class Digest(ndb.Model):
# This is a [Digest][build.bazel.remote.execution.v2.Digest] of a blob on
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
# See
hash = ndb.StringProperty(required=True, indexed=False)
size_bytes = ndb.IntegerProperty(required=True, indexed=False)
def to_proto(self, out):
"""Converts self to a swarming_pb2.Digest."""
out.hash = self.hash
out.size_bytes = self.size_bytes
class CASReference(ndb.Model):
# Full name of RBE-CAS instance. `projects/{project_id}/instances/{instance}`.
# e.g. projects/chromium-swarm/instances/default_instance
cas_instance = ndb.StringProperty(
required=True, indexed=False, validator=_validate_cas_instance)
# CAS Digest consists of hash and size bytes.
digest = ndb.LocalStructuredProperty(Digest, required=True)
def to_proto(self, out):
"""Converts self to a swarming_pb2.CASReference."""
out.cas_instance = self.cas_instance
def create_from_json(cls, json):
"""Create a CASReference from JSON input"""
cas_instance = json.get('instance')
digest = json.get('digest')
h = ''
size = 0
if digest:
h, size = digest.split('/')
return cls(cas_instance=cas_instance,
digest=Digest(hash=h, size_bytes=int(size)))
class SecretBytes(ndb.Model):
"""Defines an optional secret byte string logically defined with the
Stored separately for size and data-leakage reasons.
_use_memcache = False
secret_bytes = ndb.BlobProperty(
validator=_get_validate_length(20 * 1024), indexed=False)
class BuildTask(ndb.Model):
"""Stores the buildbucket related fields sent by buildbucket.
Also stores latest task state.
# Disable in-process per-request cache and memcache, since Go service will
# perform some writes and cannot update the same caches.
_use_cache = False
_use_memcache = False
build_id = ndb.StringProperty(required=True, indexed=False)
buildbucket_host = ndb.StringProperty(required=True, indexed=False)
# A monotonically increasing integer that is used to compare when updates
# (state changes) have occured. A timestamp measured in ms is used.
update_id = ndb.IntegerProperty(required=True, indexed=False)
# A TaskResult.State that will keep the latest task status
# that has been converted to a common_pb2.Status sent to buildbucket.
latest_task_status = ndb.IntegerProperty(required=True, indexed=False)
# The pubsub topic name that will be used to send UpdateBuildTask
# messages to buildbucket.
pubsub_topic = ndb.StringProperty(required=True, indexed=False)
# Bot dimensions for the task. Stored when bot_update_task is first called for
# a task backend build, thus that bot_update_task does not have to make any
# more extra datastore calls in subsequent bot_update_task calls.
bot_dimensions = datastore_utils.DeterministicJsonProperty(json_type=dict,
class CipdPackage(ndb.Model):
"""A CIPD package to install in the run dir before task execution.
A part of TaskProperties.
# Package name template. May use cipd.ALL_PARAMS.
# Most users will specify ${platform} parameter.
package_name = ndb.StringProperty(
indexed=False, validator=_validate_package_name_template)
# Package version that is valid for all packages matched by package_name.
# Most users will specify tags.
version = ndb.StringProperty(
indexed=False, validator=_validate_package_version)
# Path to dir, relative to the run dir, where to install the package.
# If empty, the package will be installed in the run dir.
path = ndb.StringProperty(indexed=False, validator=_validate_package_path)
def to_proto(self, out):
"""Converts self to a swarming_pb2.CIPDPackage."""
if self.package_name:
out.package_name = self.package_name
if self.version:
out.version = self.version
if self.path:
out.dest_path = self.path
def __str__(self):
return '%s:%s' % (self.package_name, self.version)
def _pre_put_hook(self):
super(CipdPackage, self)._pre_put_hook()
if not self.package_name:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError('CIPD package name is required')
if not self.version:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError('CIPD package version is required')
def create_from_json(cls, json):
result = {}
for name in ('package_name', 'version', 'path'):
result[name] = json.get(name)
return cls(**result)
class CipdInput(ndb.Model):
"""Specifies which CIPD client and packages to install, from which server.
A part of TaskProperties.
# URL of the CIPD server. Must start with "https://" or "http://".
server = ndb.StringProperty(indexed=False, validator=_validate_url)
# CIPD package of CIPD client to use.
# client_package.version is required.
# client_package.path must be None.
client_package = ndb.LocalStructuredProperty(CipdPackage)
# List of packages to install.
packages = ndb.LocalStructuredProperty(CipdPackage, repeated=True)
def to_proto(self, out):
"""Converts self to a swarming_pb2.CIPDInputs."""
if self.server:
out.server = self.server
for c in self.packages:
dst = out.packages.add()
def _pre_put_hook(self):
if not self.server:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError('cipd server is required')
if not self.client_package:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError('client_package is required')
if self.client_package.path:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError('client_package.path must be unset')
# _pre_put_hook() doesn't recurse correctly into
# ndb.LocalStructuredProperty. Call the function manually.
if not self.packages:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
'cipd_input cannot have an empty package list')
if len(self.packages) > 64:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
'Up to 64 CIPD packages can be listed for a task')
# Make sure we don't install multiple versions of the same package at the
# same path.
package_path_names = set()
for p in self.packages:
# _pre_put_hook() doesn't recurse correctly into
# ndb.LocalStructuredProperty. Call the function manually.
if not p.path:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError('package %s:%s: path is required' %
(p.package_name, p.version))
path_name = (p.path, p.package_name)
if path_name in package_path_names:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
'package %r is specified more than once in path %r' %
(p.package_name, p.path))
self.packages.sort(key=lambda p: (p.path, p.package_name))
class CacheEntry(ndb.Model):
"""Describes a named cache that should be present on the bot."""
name = ndb.StringProperty(validator=_validate_cache_name)
path = ndb.StringProperty(validator=_validate_cache_path)
def to_proto(self, out):
"""Converts self to a swarming_pb2.NamedCacheEntry.""" =
out.dest_path = self.path
def _pre_put_hook(self):
if not
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError('name is not specified')
class ContainmentType(object):
NONE = 1
AUTO = 2
class ContainmentTypeProperty(ndb.IntegerProperty):
"""See ../proto/api/swarming.proto for details."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(ContainmentTypeProperty, self).__init__(
choices=ContainmentType.values, **kwargs)
class Containment(ndb.Model):
"""Describes the task process containment.
See ../proto/api/swarming.proto for details.
lower_priority = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=False)
containment_type = ContainmentTypeProperty()
limit_processes = ndb.IntegerProperty()
limit_total_committed_memory = ndb.IntegerProperty()
def to_proto(self, out):
"""Converts self to a swarming_pb2.Containment."""
out.lower_priority = self.lower_priority
out.containment_type = self.containment_type or 0
out.limit_processes = self.limit_processes or 0
out.limit_total_committed_memory = self.limit_total_committed_memory or 0
class ResultDBCfg(ndb.Model):
"""Swarming:ResultDB integration configuration for a task.
See swarming_rpcs.ResultDBCfg for more details.
enable = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=False)
def to_proto(self, out):
"""Converts self to a swarming_pb2.ResultDBCfg."""
out.enable = self.enable
class TaskProperties(ndb.Model):
"""Defines all the properties of a task to be run on the Swarming
This entity is not saved in the DB as a standalone entity, instead it is
embedded in a TaskSlice.
This model is immutable.
caches = ndb.LocalStructuredProperty(CacheEntry, repeated=True)
# Command to run. This overrides the command in the isolated file if any.
command = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True, indexed=False)
# Relative working directory to run 'command' in, defaults to one specified
# in an isolated file, if any, else the root mapped directory.
relative_cwd = ndb.StringProperty(indexed=False)
# DEPRECATED. Isolate server has been migrated to RBE-CAS.
# Use `cas_input_root` to specify the input root reference to CAS.
inputs_ref = ndb.LocalStructuredProperty(FilesRef)
# Digest of the input root uploaded to RBE-CAS.
# This MUST be digest of [build.bazel.remote.execution.v2.Directory].
cas_input_root = ndb.LocalStructuredProperty(CASReference)
# CIPD packages to install.
cipd_input = ndb.LocalStructuredProperty(CipdInput)
# Filter to use to determine the required properties on the bot to run on. For
# example, Windows or hostname. Encoded as json. 'pool' dimension is required
# for all tasks except terminate (see _pre_put_hook).
dimensions_data = datastore_utils.DeterministicJsonProperty(
# Environment variables. Encoded as json. Optional.
env = datastore_utils.DeterministicJsonProperty(
validator=_validate_env, json_type=dict, indexed=False)
# Environment path prefix variables. Encoded as json. Optional.
# Env key -> [list, of, rel, paths, to, prepend]
env_prefixes = datastore_utils.DeterministicJsonProperty(
validator=_validate_env_prefixes, json_type=dict, indexed=False)
# Maximum duration the bot can take to run this task. It's named hard_timeout
# in the bot.
execution_timeout_secs = ndb.IntegerProperty(
validator=_validate_hard_timeout, required=True, indexed=False)
# Grace period is the time between signaling the task it timed out and killing
# the process. During this time the process should clean up itself as quickly
# as possible, potentially uploading partial results back.
grace_period_secs = ndb.IntegerProperty(validator=_validate_grace,
# Bot controlled timeout for new bytes from the subprocess. If a subprocess
# doesn't output new data to stdout for .io_timeout_secs, consider the command
# timed out. Optional.
io_timeout_secs = ndb.IntegerProperty(
validator=_validate_io_timeout, indexed=False)
# If True, the task can safely be served results from a previously succeeded
# task.
idempotent = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=False, indexed=False)
# A list of outputs expected. If empty, all files written to
# ${ISOLATED_OUTDIR} will be returned; otherwise, the files in this list
# will be added to those in that directory.
outputs = ndb.StringProperty(
repeated=True, indexed=False, validator=_validate_output_path)
# If True, the TaskRequest embedding these TaskProperties has an associated
# SecretBytes entity.
has_secret_bytes = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=False, indexed=False)
# Task process containment. Highly OS specific.
containment = ndb.LocalStructuredProperty(Containment)
def pool(self):
"""Returns the pool that this TaskProperties has in dimensions, or None if
no pool dimension exists."""
return self.dimensions.get('pool', [None])[0]
def bot_id(self):
"""Returns the bot ID that this TaskProperties has in dimensions, or None if
no id dimension exists."""
return self.dimensions.get('id', [None])[0]
def dimensions(self):
"""Returns dimensions as a dict(unicode, list(unicode)), even for older
# Just look at the first one. The property is guaranteed to be internally
# consistent.
data = self.dimensions_data or {}
for v in data.values():
if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)):
return self.dimensions_data
# Compatibility code for old entities.
return {k: [v] for k, v in data.items()}
def dimensions_hash(self):
"""Returns a dimensions hash."""
return task_queues.hash_dimensions(self.dimensions)
def is_terminate(self):
"""If True, it is a terminate request."""
# Check dimensions last because it's a bit slower.
return (not self.caches and not self.command
and not self.cipd_input and not self.env and not self.env_prefixes
and not self.execution_timeout_secs and not self.grace_period_secs
and not self.io_timeout_secs and not self.idempotent
and not self.outputs and not self.has_secret_bytes
and self.dimensions_data.keys() == [u'id'])
def to_dict(self):
out = super(TaskProperties, self).to_dict(exclude=['dimensions_data'])
# TODO( deprecated.
# Use the data stored as-is, so properties_hash doesn't change.
out['dimensions'] = self.dimensions_data
return out
def to_proto(self, out):
"""Converts self to a swarming_pb2.TaskProperties."""
if self.cas_input_root:
if self.cipd_input:
# It's possible for self.cipd_input to be None.
for c in self.cipd_input.packages:
dst = out.cipd_inputs.add()
for c in self.caches:
dst = out.named_caches.add()
if self.command:
if self.containment:
if self.relative_cwd:
out.relative_cwd = self.relative_cwd
out.has_secret_bytes = self.has_secret_bytes
for key, values in sorted(self.dimensions.items()):
v = out.dimensions.add()
v.key = key
for key, value in sorted((self.env or {}).items()):
v = out.env.add()
v.key = key
v.value = value
for key, values in sorted((self.env_prefixes or {}).items()):
v = out.env_paths.add()
v.key = key
if self.execution_timeout_secs:
out.execution_timeout.seconds = self.execution_timeout_secs
if self.io_timeout_secs:
out.io_timeout.seconds = self.io_timeout_secs
if self.grace_period_secs:
out.grace_period.seconds = self.grace_period_secs
out.idempotent = self.idempotent
if self.outputs:
def _pre_put_hook(self):
super(TaskProperties, self)._pre_put_hook()
if self.is_terminate:
# Most values are not valid with a terminate task. self.is_terminate
# already check those. Terminate task can only use 'id'.
if u'pool' not in self.dimensions_data:
# Only terminate task may not use 'pool'. Others must specify one.
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
u'\'pool\' must be used as dimensions')
if not self.command:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(u'\'command\' must be specified')
if len(self.command) > 128:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
'command can have up to 128 arguments')
if not self.execution_timeout_secs:
# Unlike I/O timeout, hard timeout is required.
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
u'\'execution_timeout_secs\' must be specified')
# Validate caches.
if len(self.caches) > 32:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
'Up to 64 caches can be listed for a task')
cache_names = set()
cache_paths = set()
for c in self.caches:
# _pre_put_hook() doesn't recurse correctly into
# ndb.LocalStructuredProperty. Call the function manually.
if in cache_names:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
'Cache name %s is used more than once' %
if c.path in cache_paths:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
'Cache path "%s" is mapped more than once' % c.path)
self.caches.sort(key=lambda c:
# Validate CIPD Input.
if self.cipd_input:
# _pre_put_hook() doesn't recurse correctly into
# ndb.LocalStructuredProperty. Call the function manually.
for p in self.cipd_input.packages:
if p.path in cache_paths:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
'Path "%s" is mapped to a named cache and cannot be a target '
'of CIPD installation' % p.path)
if self.idempotent:
pinned = lambda p: cipd.is_pinned_version(p.version)
assert self.cipd_input.packages # checked by cipd_input._pre_put_hook
not_pinned = [p for p in self.cipd_input.packages if not pinned(p)]
if not_pinned:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
'an idempotent task cannot have unpinned packages; '
'use tags or instance IDs as package versions for %s' %
if len(self.outputs) > 4096:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
'Up to 4096 outputs can be listed for a task')
class TaskSlice(ndb.Model):
"""Defines all the various possible sets of properties that a task request
will use; the task will fallback from one slice to the next until it finds a
matching bot.
This entity is not saved in the DB as a standalone entity, instead it is
embedded in a TaskRequest.
This model is immutable.
# Hashing algorithm used to hash TaskProperties to create its key.
HASHING_ALGO = hashlib.sha256
# The actual properties are embedded in this model.
properties = ndb.LocalStructuredProperty(TaskProperties, required=True)
# If this task request slice is not scheduled by this moment, the next one
# will be processed.
expiration_secs = ndb.IntegerProperty(
validator=_validate_expiration_secs, required=True)
# When a task is scheduled and there are currently no bots available to run
# the task, the TaskSlice can either be PENDING, or be denied immediately.
# When denied, the next TaskSlice is enqueued, and if there's no following
# TaskSlice, the task state is set to NO_RESOURCE. This should normally be
# set to False to avoid unnecessary waiting.
wait_for_capacity = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=False)
# Precalculated properties hash for deduplication and BQ exports.
# Populated in task_scheduler.schedule_request(...) before storing the entity.
properties_hash = ndb.BlobProperty(indexed=False)
def precalculate_properties_hash(self, secret_bytes):
"""Calculates the hash of properties for this slice.
Populates self.properties_hash.
secret_bytes: SecretBytes entity for the request, if any.
props =
if secret_bytes:
props['secret_bytes'] = secret_bytes.secret_bytes.encode('hex')
self.properties_hash = self.HASHING_ALGO(
def get_properties_hash(self, request):
"""Returns the hash of properties for this slice.
For newer entities, this just returns the precalculated `properties_hash`
value. For older entities it calculates the hash on the fly, potentially
fetching the SecretBytes entity if necessary.
request: the parent TaskRequest.
Raw digest as a byte string.
if not self.properties_hash:
secret_bytes = None
secret_bytes = task_pack.request_key_to_secret_bytes_key(
return self.properties_hash
def to_dict(self):
# to_dict() doesn't recurse correctly into ndb.LocalStructuredProperty! It
# will call the default method and not the overridden one. :(
out = super(TaskSlice,
self).to_dict(exclude=['properties', 'properties_hash'])
out['properties'] =
return out
def to_proto(self, out, request):
"""Converts self to a swarming_pb2.TaskSlice."""
out.properties_hash = self.get_properties_hash(request).encode('hex')
out.wait_for_capacity = self.wait_for_capacity
if self.expiration_secs:
out.expiration.seconds = self.expiration_secs
def _pre_put_hook(self):
# _pre_put_hook() doesn't recurse correctly into
# ndb.LocalStructuredProperty. Call the function manually.
super(TaskSlice, self)._pre_put_hook()
if self.wait_for_capacity is None:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError('wait_for_capacity is required')
class TaskRequestID(ndb.Model):
"""Defines a mapping between request_id and task_id.
request_id is passed to create_key to create the key for this entity.
This model is immutable.
# Disable memcache and in-memory cache since this entity is almost
# always written and read only once.
_use_cache = False
_use_memcache = False
# The task_id (TaskResultSummay packed key) from a task that was created from
# a request_id.
task_id = ndb.StringProperty(required=True, indexed=False)
# When this entity should expire and be removed from datastore.
expire_at = ndb.DateTimeProperty(indexed=False)
def create_key(cls, request_id):
return ndb.Key(cls, request_id)
class TaskRequest(ndb.Model):
"""Contains a user request.
Key id is a decreasing integer based on time since utils.EPOCH plus some
randomness on lower order bits. See new_request_key() for the complete gory
This model is immutable.
# Time this request was registered. It is set manually instead of using
# auto_now_add=True so that expiration_ts can be set very precisely relative
# to this property.
# The index is used in BQ exports and when cleaning up old tasks.
created_ts = ndb.DateTimeProperty(required=True)
# Used to make the transaction that creates TaskRequest idempotent.
# Just a random string. Should not be used for anything else. Should not show
# up anywhere.
txn_uuid = ndb.StringProperty(indexed=False, required=False)
## What
# The TaskSlice describes what to run. When the list has more than one item,
# this is to enable task fallback.
task_slices = ndb.LocalStructuredProperty(TaskSlice, repeated=True)
# Old way of specifying task properties. Only one of properties or
# task_slices can be set.
properties_old = ndb.LocalStructuredProperty(
TaskProperties, name='properties')
# If the task request is not scheduled by this moment, it will be aborted by a
# cron job. It is saved instead of scheduling_expiration_secs so finding
# expired jobs is a simple query.
# When task_slices is used, this value is the same as
# self.task_slices[-1].expiration_ts.
expiration_ts = ndb.DateTimeProperty(indexed=False, required=True)
## Why and other contexts
# The name for this task request. It's only for description.
name = ndb.StringProperty(indexed=False, required=True)
# Authenticated client that triggered this task.
authenticated = auth.IdentityProperty(indexed=False)
# Which user to blame for this task. Can be arbitrary, not asserted by any
# credentials.
user = ndb.StringProperty(default='', indexed=False)
# Indicates what OAuth2 credentials the task uses when calling other services.
# Possible values are: 'none', 'bot' or <email>. For more information see
# swarming_rpcs.NewTaskRequest.
service_account = ndb.StringProperty(
indexed=False, validator=_validate_service_account)
# Priority of the task to be run. A lower number is higher priority, thus will
# preempt requests with lower priority (higher numbers).
priority = ndb.IntegerProperty(
indexed=False, validator=_validate_priority, required=True)
# Scheduling algorithm set in pools.cfg at the time the request was created.
# The value is pools_pb2.Pool.SchedulingAlgorithm enum (including UNKNOWN).
scheduling_algorithm = ndb.IntegerProperty(
# RBE instance to send the task to or None to use Swarming native scheduler.
# Initialized in process_task_request based on the target pool config.
rbe_instance = ndb.StringProperty(indexed=False, required=False)
# Tags that specify the category of the task. This property contains both the
# tags specified by the user and the tags for every TaskSlice.
tags = ndb.StringProperty(
indexed=False, repeated=True, validator=_validate_tags)
# Tags that are provided by the user. This is used to regenerate the list of
# tags for TaskResultSummary based on the actual TaskSlice used.
manual_tags = ndb.StringProperty(
indexed=False, repeated=True, validator=_validate_tags)
# Set when a task (the parent) reentrantly create swarming tasks. Must be set
# to a valid task_id pointing to a TaskRunResult or be None.
# The index is used to find children of a particular parent task to cancel
# them when the parent task dies.
parent_task_id = ndb.StringProperty(validator=_validate_task_run_id)
# Identifies the task run that started the tree of Swarming tasks.
# If a new task doesn't have a parent, this is set to None. Otherwise if
# the parent task has `root_task_id`, this value is used in the new task.
# Otherwise `parent_task_id` itself is used.
# That way all tasks from the same task tree (except the root one itself) will
# have `root_task_id` populated.
# This is used in BQ exported. Not clear if anyone actually consumes this
# information.
root_task_id = ndb.StringProperty(indexed=False,
# PubSub topic to send task completion notification to.
pubsub_topic = ndb.StringProperty(
indexed=False, validator=_validate_pubsub_topic)
# Secret token to send as 'auth_token' attribute with PubSub messages.
pubsub_auth_token = ndb.StringProperty(indexed=False)
# Data to send in 'userdata' field of PubSub messages.
pubsub_userdata = ndb.StringProperty(
indexed=False, validator=_get_validate_length(1024))
# Maximum delay between bot pings before the bot is considered dead
# while running a task. Some processes, like for ChromeOS are highly
# I/O bound, so they would require higher threshold specified by the
# user request.
bot_ping_tolerance_secs = ndb.IntegerProperty(
# The ResultDB invocation's update token for the task run that was created for
# this request.
# This is None if the task was deduplicated, or if ResultDB integration
# was not enabled for this task.
resultdb_update_token = ndb.StringProperty(indexed=False)
# Task realm.
# See api/swarming.proto for more details.
realm = ndb.StringProperty(indexed=False, validator=_validate_realm)
# Realm enforcement flag.
# Use Realm-aware ACLs if True is set.
realms_enabled = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=False, indexed=False)
# ResultDB property in task new request.
resultdb = ndb.LocalStructuredProperty(ResultDBCfg)
# If True, the TaskRequest has an associated BuildTask.
has_build_task = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=False, indexed=False)
def num_task_slices(self):
"""Returns the number of TaskSlice, supports old entities."""
if self.properties_old:
return 1
return len(self.task_slices)
def task_slice(self, index):
"""Returns the TaskSlice at this index, supports old entities."""
if self.properties_old:
assert index == 0, index
t = TaskSlice(
properties=self.properties_old, expiration_secs=self.expiration_secs)
t = self.task_slices[index]
return t
def pool(self):
# all task_slices must have the same pool, and we must have at least one
# task slice, so just return the 0th's pool.
return self.task_slice(0).properties.pool
def bot_id(self):
return self.task_slice(0).properties.bot_id
def secret_bytes_key(self):
if self.properties_old:
if self.properties_old.has_secret_bytes:
return task_pack.request_key_to_secret_bytes_key(self.key)
for t in self.task_slices:
return task_pack.request_key_to_secret_bytes_key(self.key)
def build_task_key(self):
if self.has_build_task:
return task_pack.request_key_to_build_task_key(self.key)
def task_id(self):
"""Returns the TaskResultSummary packed id, not the task request key."""
# There's only one case where it's not set: when using evaluate_only in the
# task creation API.
if self.key:
return task_pack.pack_result_summary_key(
def expiration_secs(self):
"""Reconstructs this value from expiration_ts and created_ts. Integer."""
return int((self.expiration_ts - self.created_ts).total_seconds())
def max_lifetime_secs(self):
"""Calculates the maximum latency at which the task may still be running
user code.
max_lifetime_secs = 0
offset = 0
for i in range(self.num_task_slices):
t = self.task_slice(i)
offset += t.expiration_secs
props =
mls = offset + props.execution_timeout_secs + props.grace_period_secs
if mls > max_lifetime_secs:
max_lifetime_secs = mls
return max_lifetime_secs
def execution_deadline(self):
"""Calculates the latest time where this task can be in PENDING or RUNNING
return self.created_ts + datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.max_lifetime_secs)
def to_dict(self):
"""Supports both old and new format."""
# to_dict() doesn't recurse correctly into ndb.LocalStructuredProperty! It
# will call the default method and not the overridden one. :(
out = super(TaskRequest, self).to_dict(exclude=[
if self.properties_old:
out['properties'] = self.properties_old.to_dict()
if self.task_slices:
out['task_slices'] = [t.to_dict() for t in self.task_slices]
return out
def to_proto(self, out, append_root_ids=False):
"""Converts self to a swarming_pb2.TaskRequest.
When append_root_ids is True, fills up root_task_id/root_run_id.
This should not be used in transaction since this implicitly does
a cross-group transaction.
# Scheduling.
for task_slice in self.task_slices:
t = out.task_slices.add()
task_slice.to_proto(t, self)
if self.priority:
out.priority = self.priority
if self.service_account:
out.service_account = self.service_account
# Information.
if self.created_ts:
if =
if self.user:
out.user = self.user
if self.authenticated:
out.authenticated = self.authenticated.to_bytes()
if self.realm:
out.realm = self.realm
if self.resultdb:
# Hierarchy and notifications.
if self.key:
# The task_id can only be set if the TaskRequest entity has a valid key.
out.task_id = self.task_id
if self.parent_task_id:
parent_id = self.parent_task_id
out.parent_run_id = parent_id
out.parent_task_id = parent_id[:-1] + '0'
if append_root_ids:
while True:
run_result_key = task_pack.unpack_run_result_key(parent_id)
result_summary_key = task_pack.run_result_key_to_result_summary_key(
request_key = task_pack.result_summary_key_to_request_key(
parent = request_key.get()
if not parent.parent_task_id:
parent_id = parent.parent_task_id
out.root_run_id = parent_id
out.root_task_id = parent_id[:-1] + '0'
if self.pubsub_topic:
out.pubsub_notification.topic = self.pubsub_topic
# self.pubsub_auth_token cannot be retrieved.
if self.pubsub_userdata:
out.pubsub_notification.userdata = self.pubsub_userdata
def _pre_put_hook(self):
super(TaskRequest, self)._pre_put_hook()
if self.properties_old:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
'old style is not supported anymore')
if not self.task_slices:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError('task_slices is missing')
if not
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError('name is missing')
if len(self.task_slices) > 8:
# The objects are large so use a low limit to start, and increase if
# there's user request.
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
'A maximum of 8 task_slices is supported')
for tslice in self.task_slices:
# _pre_put_hook() doesn't recurse correctly into
# ndb.LocalStructuredProperty. Call the function manually.
terminate_count = sum(
1 for t in self.task_slices if
if terminate_count > 1 or (terminate_count and len(self.task_slices) > 1):
# Revisit this if this becomes a use case, e.g. "try to run this,
# otherwise terminate the bot". In any case, terminate must be last.
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
'terminate request must be used alone')
if terminate_count:
if not self.priority == 0:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
'terminate request must be priority 0')
if self.priority == 0:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
'priority 0 can only be used for terminate request')
if len(self.task_slices) > 1:
# Make sure there is no duplicate task. It is likely an error from the
# user. Compare dictionary so it works even if idempotent is False.
num_unique = len(
for t in self.task_slices))
if len(self.task_slices) != num_unique:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
'cannot request duplicate task slice')
# All task slices in a single TaskRequest must use the exact same 'pool'.
# It is fine to use different 'id' values; one bot is targetting in the
# first TaskSlice, a second bot is targetted as a fallback on the second
# TaskSlice.
v = self.task_slice(0).properties.dimensions.get(u'pool')
for i in range(1, self.num_task_slices):
t = self.task_slice(i)
w ='pool')
if v != w:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
u'each task slice must use the same pool dimensions; %s != %s' %
(v, w))
if len(self.manual_tags) > 256:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
'up to 256 tags can be specified for a task request')
if (self.pubsub_topic and
not pubsub.validate_full_name(self.pubsub_topic, 'topics')):
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError('bad pubsub topic name - %s' %
if self.pubsub_auth_token and not self.pubsub_topic:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
'pubsub_auth_token requires pubsub_topic')
if self.pubsub_userdata and not self.pubsub_topic:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
'pubsub_userdata requires pubsub_topic')
### Private stuff.
def _get_automatic_tags_from_slice(task_slice):
"""Returns tags from the information of a given task slice.
tags = set()
for key, values in
for value in values:
for v in value.split(OR_DIM_SEP):
tags.add(u'%s:%s' % (key, v))
return tags
def _get_automatic_tags(request):
"""Returns tags that should automatically be added to the TaskRequest.
This includes generated tags from all TaskSlice.
tags = set((
u'priority:%s' % request.priority,
u'realm:%s' % (request.realm or u'none'),
u'service_account:%s' % (request.service_account or u'none'),
u'user:%s' % (request.user or u'none'),
u'authenticated:%s' % request.authenticated.to_bytes(),
if request.parent_task_id:
tags.add(u'parent_task_id:%s' % request.parent_task_id)
for i in range(request.num_task_slices):
return tags
### Public API.
def is_reserved_tag(tag):
"""Returns True if this task tag is not allowed to be set via public API."""
return tag.split(':', 1)[0] in _RESERVED_TAGS
def get_automatic_tags(request, index):
"""Returns tags that should automatically be added to the TaskRequest for one
specific TaskSlice.
tags = set((
u'priority:%s' % request.priority,
u'service_account:%s' % (request.service_account or u'none'),
u'user:%s' % (request.user or u'none'),
return tags
def create_termination_task(bot_id, rbe_instance=None, reason=None):
"""Returns a task to terminate the given bot.
ACL check and the check that the bot exists must have been done before.
TaskRequest for priority 0 (highest) termination task.
properties = TaskProperties(
dimensions_data={u'id': [unicode(bot_id)]},
now = utils.utcnow()
if reason:
name = u'Terminate %s: %s' % (bot_id, reason)
name = u'Terminate %s' % bot_id
request = TaskRequest(
expiration_ts=now + datetime.timedelta(days=5),
TaskSlice(expiration_secs=5 * 24 * 60 * 60,
u'rbe:%s' % (rbe_instance or 'none'),
assert request.task_slice(0).properties.is_terminate
init_new_request(request, True, TEMPLATE_SKIP)
return request
def new_request_key():
"""Returns a valid ndb.Key for this entity.
Task id is a 64 bits integer represented as a string to the user:
- 1 highest order bits set to 0 to keep value positive.
- 43 bits is time since _BEGINING_OF_THE_WORLD at 1ms resolution.
It is good for 2**43 / 365.3 / 24 / 60 / 60 / 1000 = 278 years or 2010+278 =
2288. The author will be dead at that time.
- 16 bits set to a random value or a server instance specific value. Assuming
an instance is internally consistent with itself, it can ensure to not reuse
the same 16 bits in two consecutive requests and/or throttle itself to one
request per millisecond.
Using random value reduces to 2**-15 the probability of collision on exact
same timestamp at 1ms resolution, so a maximum theoretical rate of 65536000
requests/sec but an effective rate in the range of ~64k requests/sec without
much transaction conflicts. We should be fine.
- 4 bits set to 0x1. This is to represent the 'version' of the entity schema.
Previous version had 0. Note that this value is XOR'ed in the DB so it's
stored as 0xE. When the TaskRequest entity tree is modified in a breaking
way that affects the packing and unpacking of task ids, this value should be
The key id is this value XORed with task_pack.TASK_REQUEST_KEY_ID_MASK. The
reason is that increasing key id values are in decreasing timestamp order.
# TODO(maruel): Use real randomness.
suffix = random.getrandbits(16)
return convert_to_request_key(utils.utcnow(), suffix)
def datetime_to_request_base_id(now):
"""Converts a datetime into a TaskRequest key base value.
Used for query order().
raise ValueError('Time %s is set to before %s' %
delta = now - _BEGINING_OF_THE_WORLD
return int(round(delta.total_seconds() * 1000.)) << 20
def convert_to_request_key(date, suffix=0):
assert 0 <= suffix <= 0xffff
request_id_base = datetime_to_request_base_id(date)
return request_id_to_key(int(request_id_base | suffix << 4 | 0x1))
def request_id_to_key(request_id):
"""Converts a request id into a TaskRequest key.
Note that this function does NOT accept a task id. This functions is primarily
meant for limiting queries to a task creation range.
return ndb.Key(TaskRequest, request_id ^ task_pack.TASK_REQUEST_KEY_ID_MASK)
def validate_request_key(request_key):
if request_key.kind() != 'TaskRequest':
raise ValueError('Expected key to TaskRequest, got %s' % request_key.kind())
task_id = request_key.integer_id()
if not task_id:
raise ValueError('Invalid null TaskRequest key')
if (task_id & 0xF) == 0xE:
# New style key.
# Check the shard.
# TODO(maruel): Remove support 2015-02-01.
request_shard_key = request_key.parent()
if not request_shard_key:
raise ValueError('Expected parent key for TaskRequest, got nothing')
if request_shard_key.kind() != 'TaskRequestShard':
raise ValueError('Expected key to TaskRequestShard, got %s' %
root_entity_shard_id = request_shard_key.string_id()
if (not root_entity_shard_id or
len(root_entity_shard_id) != task_pack.DEPRECATED_SHARDING_LEVEL):
raise ValueError(
'Expected root entity key (used for sharding) to be of length %d but '
'length was only %d (key value %r)' %
(task_pack.DEPRECATED_SHARDING_LEVEL, len(root_entity_shard_id or
''), root_entity_shard_id))
def _select_task_template(pool, template_apply):
"""Selects the task template to apply from the given pool config.
pool (str) - The name of the pool to select a task template from.
template_apply (swarming_rpcs.PoolTaskTemplate) - The PoolTaskTemplate
enum controlling application of the deployment.
(TaskTemplate, extra_tags) if there's a template to apply or else
(None, extra_tags).
if not pool:
# It shouldn't actually be possible, but here for consistency so that tasks
# always get a swarming.pool.template tag with SOME value.
return None, ('swarming.pool.template:no_pool',)
assert isinstance(template_apply, TemplateApplyEnum)
pool_cfg = pools_config.get_pool_config(pool)
if not pool_cfg:
return None, ('swarming.pool.template:no_config',)
tags = ('swarming.pool.version:%s' % (pool_cfg.rev,),)
if template_apply == TEMPLATE_SKIP:
tags += ('swarming.pool.template:skip',)
return None, tags
deployment = pool_cfg.task_template_deployment
if not deployment:
tags += ('swarming.pool.template:none',)
return None, tags
canary = deployment.canary and (
(template_apply == TEMPLATE_CANARY_PREFER) or
(template_apply == TEMPLATE_AUTO and
random.randint(1, 9999) < deployment.canary_chance))
to_apply = deployment.canary if canary else
tags += ('swarming.pool.template:%s' % ('canary' if canary else 'prod'),)
return to_apply, tags
def _apply_task_template(task_template, props):
"""Applies this template to the indicated properties.
Modifies `props` in-place.
task_template (pools_config.TaskTemplate|None) - The template to apply. If
None, then this function returns without modifying props.
props (TaskProperties) - The task properties to modify.
if task_template is None:
assert isinstance(task_template, pools_config.TaskTemplate)
assert isinstance(props, TaskProperties)
for envvar in task_template.env:
var_name = envvar.var
if not envvar.soft:
if var_name in (props.env or {}):
raise ValueError('request.env[%r] conflicts with pool\'s template' %
if var_name in (props.env_prefixes or {}):
raise ValueError(
'request.env_prefixes[%r] conflicts with pool\'s template' %
if envvar.value:
props.env = props.env or {}
props.env[var_name] = props.env.get(var_name, '') or envvar.value
if envvar.prefix:
props.env_prefixes = props.env_prefixes or {}
props.env_prefixes[var_name] = (
list(envvar.prefix) + props.env_prefixes.get(var_name, []))
reserved_cache_names = set()
occlude_checker = directory_occlusion.Checker()
# Add all task template paths.
for cache in task_template.cache:
occlude_checker.add(cache.path, 'task template cache %r' %, '')
for cp in task_template.cipd_package:
occlude_checker.add(cp.path, 'task template cipd',
'%s:%s' % (cp.pkg, cp.version))
# Add all task paths, avoiding spurious initializations in the underlying
# TaskProperties (repeated fields auto-initialize to [] when looped over).
for cache in (props.caches or ()):
if in reserved_cache_names:
raise ValueError('request.cache[%r] conflicts with pool\'s template' %
occlude_checker.add(cache.path, 'task cache %r' %, '')
for cp in (props.cipd_input.packages or () if props.cipd_input else ()):
if not cp.package_name:
raise ValueError('package name of cipd package is not set for %s' % cp)
if not cp.path:
raise ValueError('path for cipd package is not set for %s' %
if not cp.version:
raise ValueError('verson for cipd package is not set for %s' %
occlude_checker.add(cp.path, 'task cipd',
'%s:%s' % (cp.package_name, cp.version))
ctx = validation.Context()
if occlude_checker.conflicts(ctx):
raise ValueError('\n'.join(m.text for m in ctx.result().messages))
for cache in task_template.cache:
props.caches.append(CacheEntry(, path=cache.path))
if task_template.cipd_package:
# Only initialize TaskProperties.cipd_input if we have something to add
props.cipd_input = props.cipd_input or CipdInput()
for cp in task_template.cipd_package:
CipdPackage(package_name=cp.pkg, path=cp.path, version=cp.version))
def init_new_request(request, allow_high_priority, template_apply):
"""Initializes a new TaskRequest but doesn't store it.
ACL check must have been done before, except for high priority task.
Fills up some values and does minimal checks.
If parent_task_id is set, properties for the parent are used:
- priority: defaults to parent.priority - 1
- user: overridden by parent.user
template_apply must be one of the TEMPLATE_* singleton values above.
ValueError: if given values are not valid or missing.
datastore_errors.BadValueError: if the updated TaskRequest is not valid.
assert request.__class__ is TaskRequest, request
if not request.num_task_slices:
raise ValueError('Either properties or task_slices must be provided')
if request.parent_task_id:
# Note that if the child task is _likely_ blocking the parent task, unless
# the parent task did a fire-and-forget. Make sure to setup the priority and
# pool allocation accordingly.
run_result_key = task_pack.unpack_run_result_key(request.parent_task_id)
result_summary_key = task_pack.run_result_key_to_result_summary_key(
request_key = task_pack.result_summary_key_to_request_key(
parent = request_key.get()
# Terminate request can only be requested as a single TaskProperties.
if not parent or parent.task_slice(0).properties.is_terminate:
raise ValueError('parent_task_id is not a valid task')
# Drop the previous user.
request.user = parent.user
# Propagate `root_task_id`.
request.root_task_id = parent.root_task_id or request.parent_task_id
# If the priority is below 20, make sure the user has right to do so.
if request.priority < 20 and not allow_high_priority:
# Special case for terminate request.
# Terminate request can only be requested as a single TaskProperties.
if not request.task_slice(0).properties.is_terminate:
# Silently drop the priority of normal users.
request.priority = 20
request.authenticated = auth.get_current_identity()
# Convert None to 'none', to make it indexable. Here request.service_account
# can be 'none', 'bot' or an <email>.
request.service_account = request.service_account or u'none'
task_template, extra_tags = _select_task_template(request.pool,
if request.task_slices:
exp = 0
for t in request.task_slices:
if not t.expiration_secs:
raise ValueError('missing expiration_secs')
exp += t.expiration_secs
# Always clobber the overall value.
# message_conversion.new_task_request_from_rpc() ensures both task_slices
# and expiration_secs cannot be used simultaneously.
request.expiration_ts = request.created_ts + datetime.timedelta(seconds=exp)
# This is useful to categorize the task.
all_tags = set(request.manual_tags).union(_get_automatic_tags(request))
request.tags = sorted(all_tags)
# Apply server defaults after general values are computed and set.
for t in request.task_slices:
# Confirm the request itself is valid.
def _apply_server_property_defaults(properties):
# type: (TaskProperties) -> None
"""Fills ndb task properties with default values read from server settings.
- If a property is set by the task explicitly, use that. Else:
- If a property is set by the task's template, use that. Else:
- If a property is set by the server's settings.cfg, use that.
settings = config.settings()
# TODO(iannucci): This was an artifact of the existing test harnesses;
# get_pool_config raises on None, but the way it's mocked in
# ./ allows `get_pool_config` to return None in this case.
# This try/except will be cleaned up in a subsequent CL, once I remove these
# default services from `config`.
pool_cfg = pools_config.get_pool_config(properties.pool)
except ValueError:
pool_cfg = None
if not settings and not pool_cfg:
_apply_cipd_defaults(properties, settings, pool_cfg)
def _apply_cipd_defaults(properties, settings, pool_cfg):
cipd_server = settings.cipd.default_server
cipd_client = settings.cipd.default_client_package.package_name
cipd_vers = settings.cipd.default_client_package.version
if pool_cfg and pool_cfg.default_cipd:
cipd_server = pool_cfg.default_cipd.server
cipd_client = pool_cfg.default_cipd.package_name
cipd_vers = pool_cfg.default_cipd.client_version
if cipd_server and properties.cipd_input:
properties.cipd_input.server = (properties.cipd_input.server or cipd_server)
properties.cipd_input.client_package = (
properties.cipd_input.client_package or CipdPackage())
# TODO(iannucci) - finish removing 'client_package' as a task-configurable
# setting.
properties.cipd_input.client_package.package_name = (
properties.cipd_input.client_package.package_name or cipd_client)
properties.cipd_input.client_package.version = (
properties.cipd_input.client_package.version or cipd_vers)
# Shared validate_foo() methods.
def validate_priority(priority):
"""Throws BadValueError if priority is not a valid value."""
if not isinstance(priority, int):
raise TypeError('priority (%s) must be int type, got %s' %
(priority, type(priority)))
if 0 > priority or MAXIMUM_PRIORITY < priority:
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
'priority (%d) must be between 0 and %d (inclusive)' %
return priority
def validate_ping_tolerance(prop_name, ping_tolerance):
# type: (str, int) -> None
"""Throws BadValueError if ping_tolerance is not a valid value."""
if (ping_tolerance > _MAX_BOT_PING_TOLERANCE_SECS
or ping_tolerance < _MIN_BOT_PING_TOLERANCE_SECS):
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
'%s (%d) must range between %d and %d' %
(prop_name, ping_tolerance, _MIN_BOT_PING_TOLERANCE_SECS,
def validate_service_account(prop_name, service_account):
# type: (str, str) -> None
"""Throws BadValueError if service_account is not a valid value."""
_validate_length(prop_name, service_account, 128)
if not (service_account in (
'bot', 'none') or
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
'%s must be an email, "bot" or "none" string, got %r' %
(prop_name, service_account))
def validate_task_run_id(prop_name, run_id):
# type: (str, str) -> None
"""Throws ValueError if the run_id is not a valid value."""
except ValueError as e:
raise ValueError(
'%s (%s) got error: %s' % (prop_name, run_id, e.message))
def validate_package_name_template(prop_name, name):
# type: (str, str) -> None
_validate_length(prop_name, name, 1024)
if not cipd.is_valid_package_name_template(name):
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
'%s must be a valid CIPD package name template, got "%s"' %
(prop_name, name))
def validate_package_version(prop_name, version):
# type: (str, str) -> None
_validate_length(prop_name, version, 1024)
if not cipd.is_valid_version(version):
raise datastore_errors.BadValueError(
'%s must be a valid package version, got "%s"' % (prop_name, version))
def yield_request_keys_by_parent_task_id(parent_task_id):
"""Returns an iterator of child TaskRequest keys."""
parent_summary_key = task_pack.unpack_result_summary_key(parent_task_id)
run_result_key = task_pack.result_summary_key_to_run_result_key(
run_result_id = task_pack.pack_run_result_key(run_result_key)
return TaskRequest.query(TaskRequest.parent_task_id == run_result_id).iter(