blob: de5eec66cd6fe3d3e6a6f063528d7b69a3a60e7c [file] [log] [blame]
export SHELL = /bin/bash
export PATH := $(CURDIR)/nodejs/bin:$(PATH)
export npm_config_cache := $(CURDIR)/.npm
files_no_dist := $(shell git ls-files "[^dist]*.js")
default: _packages-lock.json.done
npx webpack --mode=development
release: _packages-lock.json.done
npx webpack --mode=production
serve: _packages-lock.json.done
npx webpack-dev-server --mode=development
live_demo: _packages-lock.json.done
npx webpack-dev-server --mode=development --env=demo_type=live
test: _packages-lock.json.done
npx karma start
# Good for debugging/developing tests.
# Starts up the server so one can navigate to and run the
# tests there, seeing the results. Unfortunately, due to how karma needs to
# concatenate the _test.js files and run them through webpack, it doesn't
# autodetect changes and needs to be re-run manually :(
npx karma start --single-run=false --auto-watch=true
# Good for debugging/developing tests.
# Runs the tests every time a file changes in ./modules/
# Works on linux only, with an apt-get install inotify-tools
make test
while inotifywait -e modify ./modules/*; do
make test
format: _packages-lock.json.done
npx prettier --write $(files_no_dist)
npx eslint --fix --quiet $(files_no_dist)
_packages-lock.json.done: package-lock.json
npm ci
touch _packages-lock.json.done
.PHONY: docs
docs: package-lock.json
npx jsdoc -c jsdoc.config.js -d docs
xdg-open docs/index.html
npm install