
Lightweight distribution server with a legion of dumb bots.

One line description: Running all tests concurrently, not be impacted by network or device flakiness.


Most task distribution systems involve a DB (MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc) and a task distribution server where the bots connect to. This means managing these. It's not too bad, until a drive fills up, RAM needs to be added, more CPU is needed, connectivity to a second lab is needed, then a hard drive fails...

The authors of this project decided to try to create a completely stateless service, with no single server, where everything is written to the DB. That was not a given that it would work at all, making all states go through the DB require a very scalable DB, very scalable frontends and well thought out schemas so that the DB can sustain the load. We had a lot of funny looks. Most people thought it'd fail. It worked out and it is used by the Chromium project at scale.

We also wanted to go “outside the lab” so that everything would be encrypted over HTTPS and accessible from the internet by default. Network management, like NAT'ing switches, vlan, etc can take a significant amount of time to do and to do proper bookkeeping. By having the service accessible from the internet with one way connections always initiated from the bot, it saves a lot of network topology configuration.

That's not enough, bot management is also a huge pain. So Swarming bots are continuously self-updating from the server. Since the server is stateless, multiple versions can run simultaneously on the same DB and switching the default AppEngine version will instantly tell the idle bots to self update immediately.

Choosing the right bot for the right task is tedious, so Swarming use an evolved technique using list based properties to do task request -> bot matching using a priority queue of time based queues. These can be either FIFO or LIFO depending on configuration.

All 4 combined result in an incredible reduction of maintenance, where there's no server to maintain, not much network to setup beside having HTTPS access to the internet and bots manage their version by themselves.


  • Transparently handle flakiness at all layers; unreliable network, unreliable hardware, flaky DB, etc.
  • Elastic fleet; seamlessly use bots are they come and disappear.
  • Low maintenance; no server at all, no DB server, everything is embedded in the AppEngine server. Bots self-configure themselves.
  • Secure; SSL certificate is verified to detect MITM attacks. All communications are encrypted. Strong ACLs with authentication via OAuth2.
  • Multi-project aware; seamlessly distribute tasks across an heterogeneous fleet with priority queue of FIFO or LIFO queues.
  • Task deduplication; do not run the same task twice, returns the results from previous requests if possible.

Non Goals

  • Very low latency (<5s) tasks distribution.
  • File distribution. Use the RBE-CAS (google internal) for that.
  • Leasing a bot. There's no connectivity between the clients and the bot.

Use case

Here's an hypothetical build as people normally do:

|Sync and compile (5 minutes)|
    |Test Foo (1 minute)|
   |Test Bar (5 minutes)|
 |Test Enlarge (30 minutes)|

That‘s a 5+1+5+30 = 41 minutes build. You may find this acceptable, we don’t.

Here's how it looks like once running via Swarming:

                            |Sync and compile (5 minutes)|
                         |Archive to RBE-CAS Server (30 secs)|
       +-----------------------+---------+-------------+-------------------------+---------- ... --------+
       |                       |                       |                         |                       |
       v                       v                       v                         v                       v
+-------------------+ +--------------------+ +-------------------------+ +----------------+      +----------------+
|Test Foo (1 minute)| |Test Bar (5 minutes)| |Test Enlarge Shard 1 (5m)| |... Shard 2 (5m)|  ... |... Shard 6 (5m)|
+-------------------+ +--------------------+ +-------------------------+ +----------------+      +----------------+

That‘s a 5+0.5+5 = 10.5 minutes build. What happens if you want to run a new test named “Test Extra Slow”? It’s still a 10 minutes builds. Run tests in O(1).

What's the secret sauce to make it work efficiently in practice and lower file transfer overhead? The RBE-CAS (google internal).

No single point of failure

In general, a normal task distribution mechanism looks like:

          +-------+  +----+
          |Clients|  |Bots|
          +---+---+  +-+--+
              |        |
              v        v
         |Load Balancer(s)|
           |Front end(s)|
    |            |             |
    v            v             v
+--------+ +------------+ +----------------+
|Memcache| |DB server(s)| |Task distributor|
+--------+ +------------+ +----------------+

That's a lots of server to maintain, and that if any of them goes down, you are SOL.

Running on AppEngine

Here's how it looks like on AppEngine:

+-------+  +----+
|Clients|  |Bots|
+---+---+  +-+--+
    |        |
    v        v
  | AppEngine |

Benefits from this design

Things you don't have to care about anymore:

  • Having to manage a single server. It's managed by Google SREs.
    • No server to restart.
    • No server's hard drive full.
    • No server CPU usage/RAM usage to care about.
  • Having to handle scaling. Need 500 frontends? Fine.
  • Having cache sizing. Need 15gb memcache? Fine.
  • Having to handle DB size. Want to save 20Tb worth of logs? Fine.
  • One of the frontend crashes? No problem, the client will retry.
  • DB is unavailable for 10s? Clients will retry.
  • NoSQL means no schema update.
  • No upfront cost, usage based cost.
  • Because there's no single server, all the states are always, and by definition, saved in the Cloud DB.

Performance expectations

The current design has the following runtime parameters:

  • Number of task queues (different kind of task request dimensions) in the 1000s range.
  • Task creation rate below 20tps (task per second).
  • ~20000 bots live.

Detailed Design

See Detailed design.