blob: af2565890b0b1f01c4cf2f7647d375b3c53ed28c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# that can be found in the LICENSE file.
"""Bot interface used in bot own code and in"""
import contextlib
import copy
import hashlib
import inspect
import logging
import os
import struct
import sys
import threading
import time
from api import os_utilities
class Bot(object):
def __init__(self, remote, attributes, server, server_version, base_dir,
assert server is None or not server.endswith('/'), server
# TODO(vadimsh): Make bot ID immutable. Changing it after the handshake is
# undefined behavior on Swarming and an error on RBE.
# Immutable.
self._base_dir = base_dir
self._remote = remote
self._server = server
self._server_version = server_version
self._shutdown_hook = shutdown_hook
# Mutable, see BotMutator.
self._lock = threading.Lock()
self._exit_hook = None
self._idle = False
self._dimensions = (attributes or {}).get('dimensions') or {}
self._state = (attributes or {}).get('state') or {}
self._bot_version = (attributes or {}).get('version') or 'unknown'
self._bot_group_cfg_ver = None
self._server_side_dimensions = {}
self._bot_restart_msg = None
self._bot_config = {}
self._rbe_instance = None
self._rbe_worker_properties = None
self._rbe_hybrid_mode = False
self._rbe_session = None
# Mutable in response to other Bot calls.
self._shutdown_event_posted = False
# Populate parts of self._dimensions and self._state that depend on other
# fields with default values.
with self.mutate_internals() as mut:
def base_dir(self):
"""The working directory.
It is normally the current working directory, e.g. os.getcwd() but it is
preferable to not assume that.
return self._base_dir
def config_dir(self):
"""The directory used for configuration files on the machine."""
if sys.platform == 'win32':
return 'C:\\swarming_config'
if sys.platform == 'cygwin':
return '/cygdrive/c/swarming_config'
return '/etc/swarming_config'
def dimensions(self):
"""A copy of bot's current dimensions dict.
Dimensions are relatively static and not expected to change much. They
should change only when it effectively affects the bot's capacity to execute
Includes both bot supplied dimensions (as returned by get_dimensions hook) and server defined ones (as obtained during handshake
with the server).
Server defined dimensions are specified in bots.cfg configuration file on
the server side. They completely override corresponding bot supplied
For example, if bot_config.get_dimensions() returns "pool:Foo"
and bots.cfg defines "pool:Bar", then the bot will have "pool:Bar"
dimension. It will NOT be a joined "pool:[Foo,Bar]" dimension.
That way server can be sure that 'pool' dimension used for the bot is what
it should be, even if the bot is misbehaving or maliciously trying to move
itself to a different pool. By forcefully overriding dimensions on the
server side we can use them as security boundaries.
with self._lock:
return copy.deepcopy(self._dimensions)
def id(self):
"""The bot's ID."""
with self._lock:
return self._dimensions.get('id', ['unknown'])[0]
def remote(self):
"""RemoteClient to talk to the server.
Should not be normally used by for now.
return self._remote
def server(self):
"""URL of the swarming server this bot is connected to.
It includes the https:// prefix but without trailing /, so it looks like
return self._server
def server_version(self):
"""Version of the server's implementation.
The form is nnn-hhhhhhh for pristine version and nnn-hhhhhhh-tainted-uuuu
for non-upstreamed code base:
nnn: revision pseudo number
hhhhhhh: git commit hash
uuuu: username
return self._server_version
def bot_version(self):
"""Version of the running file."""
return self._bot_version
def rbe_worker_properties(self):
"""Worker properties to report to RBE, if any."""
return self._rbe_worker_properties
def state(self):
"""A copy of the current bot state dict, as sent to the server.
It is accessible from the UI and usually contains various helpful info about
the bot status.
The state may change often, but it can't be used in scheduling decisions.
with self._lock:
return copy.deepcopy(self._state)
def attributes(self):
"""A copy of the dict with bot attributes to send to the server."""
with self._lock:
return {
'dimensions': copy.deepcopy(self._dimensions),
'state': copy.deepcopy(self._state),
'version': self._bot_version,
def swarming_bot_zip(self):
"""Absolute path to the file.
The bot itself is run as or Always
return since this is the script that must be used when
starting up.
This is generally used by bot_config.setup_bot() when setting up the bot to
automatically start upon boot.
return os.path.join(self.base_dir, '')
def shutdown_event_posted(self):
"""True if already submitted `bot_shutdown` or `bot_rebooting` events."""
return self._shutdown_event_posted
def get_pseudo_rand(self, width):
"""Returns a constant pseudo-random factor for the bot within +/-width.
This is useful when we want to desynchronise a global operation, like when
the bot reboot on a period.
float between [-width, +width] rounded to 4 decimals.
b = struct.unpack('h',
return round(b / 32768. * width, 4)
def post_event(self, event_type, message):
"""Posts an event to the server."""
self._remote.post_bot_event(event_type, message, self.attributes)
if event_type in ('bot_shutdown', 'bot_rebooting'):
self._shutdown_event_posted = True
def post_error(self, message):
"""Posts given string as a failure.
This is used in case of internal code error. It traps exception.
Include a full stack trace, because sometimes the error is not sufficient
by itself.
logging.error('post_error(%s)', message)
stack = '\nCalling stack:\n%s' % _make_stack()
self.post_event('bot_error', '%s%s' % (message.rstrip(), stack))
except Exception:
logging.exception('post_error(%s) failed.%s', message, stack)
def host_reboot(self, message):
"""Reboots the machine.
If the reboot is successful, never returns: the process should just be
killed by OS.
If reboot fails, logs the error to the server and moves the bot to
quarantined mode.
self.post_event('bot_rebooting', message)
# The shutdown hook is called when the host machine is restarting.
if self._shutdown_hook:
except Exception as e:
logging.exception('shutdown hook failed: %s', e)
# The exit hook is called when the bot process itself is exiting (which
# also happens when the machine is restarting).
exit_hook = self._exit_hook
if exit_hook:
except Exception as e:
logging.exception('exit hook failed: %s', e)
# os_utilities.host_reboot should never return, unless the reboot is not
# happening (e.g. sudo shutdown requires a password). If rebooting the host
# is taking longer than N minutes, it probably not going to finish at all.
# Report this to the server.
os_utilities.host_reboot(message, timeout=15 * 60)
except LookupError:
# This is a special case where OSX is deeply hosed. In that case the disk
# is likely in read-only mode and there isn't much that can be done. This
# exception is deep inside So notify the server then hang in
# there.
self.post_error('This host partition is bad; please fix the host')
while True:
self.post_error('Host is stuck rebooting for: %s' % message)
# Compatibility code. TODO(maruel): Remove once all call sites are updated.
restart = host_reboot
def bot_restart(self, message):
"""Instructs the bot to restart its own process as soon as possible.
This can be done when the dimensions need to be updated in a way that cannot
be done within the process lifetime.
This is done asynchronously.
assert isinstance(message, str), message
with self._lock:
if self._bot_restart_msg:
self._bot_restart_msg += '\n' + message
self._bot_restart_msg = message
def bot_restart_msg(self):
"""Returns the current reason to restart the bot process, if any."""
with self._lock:
return self._bot_restart_msg
def mutate_internals(self):
"""Executes a mutation of the internal bot state under a lock.
Must never be used from hooks, only from Swarming bot code itself.
Inside the context manager it is generally unsafe to call Bot methods
directly. Instead use the emitted BotMutator methods (for both reads and
with self._lock:
yield BotMutator(self)
class BotMutator(object):
"""Exposes methods to mutate the internal state of a bot."""
def __init__(self, bot):
self._bot = bot
def update_bot_group_cfg(self, cfg_version, cfg):
"""Picks up the server-provided per-bot config.
This is called once, right after the handshake and it may modify values of
'state' and 'dimensions' (by augmenting them with server-provided details).
It is done only to make this information available to hooks.
The server would still enforce the dimensions with each '/poll' call.
See docs for '/handshake' call for the format of 'cfg' dict.
self._bot._bot_group_cfg_ver = cfg_version
self._bot._server_side_dimensions = (cfg or {}).get('dimensions')
def update_bot_config(self, name, rev):
"""Picks up bot_config script name and revision.
This is called at start, and after handshake if a custom script is injected.
self._bot._bot_config = {'name': name, 'revision': rev}
def update_idleness(self, idle):
"""Changes the idleness state of the bot, returns the previous value."""
idle = bool(idle)
if self._bot._idle == idle:
return idle
prev, self._bot._idle = self._bot._idle, idle
return prev
def update_auto_cleanup(self, auto_cleanup):
"""Asks Swarming to cleanup after this bot once it's gone."""
# TODO: Implement.
_ = auto_cleanup
def update_rbe_state(self, instance, hybrid_mode, session):
self._bot._rbe_instance = instance
self._bot._rbe_hybrid_mode = hybrid_mode
self._bot._rbe_session = session
def update_rbe_worker_properties(self, worker_properties):
self._bot._rbe_worker_properties = worker_properties
def update_dimensions(self, new_dimensions):
"""Updates `bot.dimensions` by merging-in automatically set dimensions."""
dimensions = new_dimensions.copy()
bot_config_name = self._bot._bot_config.get('name')
if bot_config_name:
dimensions['bot_config'] = [bot_config_name]
self._bot._dimensions = dimensions
if self._bot._remote:
self._bot._remote.bot_id = dimensions.get('id', [None])[0]
def update_state(self, new_state):
"""Updates `bot.state` by merging-in automatically set keys."""
state = new_state.copy()
state['rbe_instance'] = self._bot._rbe_instance
if self._bot._rbe_instance:
state['rbe_session'] = self._bot._rbe_session
state['rbe_hybrid_mode'] = self._bot._rbe_hybrid_mode
state['rbe_idle'] = self._bot._idle
state.pop('rbe_session', None)
state.pop('rbe_hybrid_mode', None)
state.pop('rbe_idle', None)
if self._bot._rbe_worker_properties:
state['rbe_worker_props'] = self._bot._rbe_worker_properties.to_dict()
state.pop('rbe_worker_props', None)
state['bot_group_cfg_version'] = self._bot._bot_group_cfg_ver
if self._bot._bot_config:
state['bot_config'] = self._bot._bot_config
self._bot._state = state
def set_exit_hook(self, hook):
"""Registers a hook called before the bot process terminates.
If the bot is very broken (e.g. can't reboot), this hook can be called
multiple times or even periodically. It must be idempotent.
self._bot._exit_hook = hook
def get_exit_hook(self):
"""Returns the registered exit hook."""
return self._bot._exit_hook
def _refresh_attributes(self):
"""Updates automatically set keys in `bot.dimensions` and `bot.state`."""
### Private stuff.
def _get_stripper(paths):
"""Returns a function to strip common path prefixes.
There are 3 kinds of paths:
- relative paths
- absolute paths
- absolute paths in stdlib
if not paths:
return lambda f: f
stdlib = os.path.dirname(os.__file__)
# Find the common root for paths not in stdlib and not relative.
split_paths = [[c for c in p.split(os.path.sep) if c] for p in paths
if os.path.isabs(p) and not p.startswith(stdlib)]
common = None
if split_paths:
common = []
for c1, c2 in zip(min(split_paths), max(split_paths)):
if c1 != c2:
if common:
if sys.platform == 'win32':
common = os.path.sep.join(common)
common = os.path.sep + os.path.sep.join(common)
def stripper(f):
if f.startswith(stdlib):
return f[len(stdlib) + 1:]
if os.path.isabs(f) and common:
return f[len(common) + 1:]
if f.startswith('./'):
return f[2:]
return f
return stripper
def _make_stack():
"""Returns a well formatted call stack."""
frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back
frames = []
while frame and len(frames) < 50:
frame = frame.f_back
strip = _get_stripper(f.f_code.co_filename for f in frames)
return '\n'.join(
' %-2d %s:%s:%s()' %
(i, strip(f.f_code.co_filename), f.f_lineno, f.f_code.co_name)
for i, f in enumerate(frames))