blob: e692533502fe2c13ea9e407867b03ac3cc4ba741 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import logging
from components import auth
from components import config
from components import utils
from components.config.proto import service_config_pb2
import common
import projects
import services
import storage
_PERMISSION_READ = auth.Permission('')
_PERMISSION_VALIDATE = auth.Permission('configs.configSets.validate')
_PERMISSION_REIMPORT = auth.Permission('configs.configSets.reimport')
def can_reimport(config_set):
project_id = _extract_project_id(config_set)
if project_id:
return _can_reimport_project_cs(project_id)
service_id = _extract_service_id(config_set)
if service_id:
return _can_reimport_service_cs(service_id)
raise ValueError('invalid config_set %r' % config_set)
def _can_reimport_project_cs(project_id):
return _check_project_acl(
def _can_reimport_service_cs(service_id):
return _check_service_acl(
def can_validate(config_set):
project_id = _extract_project_id(config_set)
if project_id:
return _can_validate_project_cs(project_id)
service_id = _extract_service_id(config_set)
if service_id:
return _can_validate_service_cs(service_id)
raise ValueError('invalid config_set %r' % config_set)
def _can_validate_project_cs(project_id):
return _check_project_acl(
def _can_validate_service_cs(service_id):
return _check_service_acl(
def can_read_config_sets(config_sets):
"""Returns a mapping {config_set: has_access}.
has_access is True if current requester has access to the config set.
ValueError if any config_set is malformed.
assert isinstance(config_sets, list)
project_ids = set()
service_ids = set()
check_via = {} # config set -> (PROJECT|SERVICE, id)
for cs in config_sets:
project_id = _extract_project_id(cs)
if project_id:
check_via[cs] = (PROJECT, project_id)
service_id = _extract_service_id(cs)
if service_id:
check_via[cs] = (SERVICE, service_id)
raise ValueError('invalid config_set %r' % cs)
access_map = {}
for project_id, access in has_projects_access(list(project_ids)).items():
access_map[(PROJECT, project_id)] = access
for service_id, access in has_services_access(list(service_ids)).items():
access_map[(SERVICE, service_id)] = access
return {cs: access_map[check_via[cs]] for cs in config_sets}
def has_services_access(service_ids):
"""Returns a mapping {service_id: has_access}.
has_access is True if the current requester can read service configs.
assert isinstance(service_ids, list)
if not service_ids:
return {}
# If allowed through a global group, no need to check per-service permissions.
if _check_global_acl_cfg('service_access_group'):
return {sid: True for sid in service_ids}
cfgs = { cfg for cfg in services.get_services_async().get_result()}
return _check_service_config_acl({sid: cfgs.get(sid) for sid in service_ids})
def has_service_access(service_id):
return has_services_access([service_id])[service_id]
def has_projects_access(project_ids):
"""Returns a mapping {project_id: has_access}.
has_access is True if the current requester can read project configs.
assert isinstance(project_ids, list)
if not project_ids:
return {}
# If allowed through a global group, no need to check per-project permissions.
if _check_global_acl_cfg('project_access_group'):
return {pid: True for pid in project_ids}
return {
pid: auth.has_permission(_PERMISSION_READ, realms=[auth.root_realm(pid)])
for pid in project_ids
def has_project_access(project_id):
return has_projects_access([project_id])[project_id]
def _check_service_acl(service_id, global_acl_group):
"""Checks global ACLs and per-service permissions for an action.
service_id: a service whose config set is being acted on.
global_acl_group: a field name in AclCfg with the global group to check.
True to allow the action, False to deny.
# If the service is not visible, no actions are allowed.
if not has_service_access(service_id):
return False
# Unlike projects, service config sets use only global ACLs for actions.
return _check_global_acl_cfg(global_acl_group)
def _check_project_acl(project_id, perm, global_acl_group):
"""Checks service ACLs and per-project permissions for an action.
project_id: a project whose config set is being acted on.
perm: a permission to check.
global_acl_group: a field name in AclCfg with the global group to check.
True to allow the action, False to deny.
# If the project is not visible, no actions are allowed.
if not has_project_access(project_id):
return False
# If allowed through a global group, no need to check per-project permissions.
if _check_global_acl_cfg(global_acl_group):
return True
return auth.has_permission(perm, realms=[auth.root_realm(project_id)])
# Cache acl.cfg for 10min. It never changes.
@utils.cache_with_expiration(10 * 60)
def _get_acl_cfg():
return storage.get_self_config_async(
common.ACL_FILENAME, service_config_pb2.AclCfg).get_result()
def _check_global_acl_cfg(group_id):
"""Checks the caller is a member of a group from acl.cfg."""
assert group_id in (
acl_cfg = _get_acl_cfg()
return (
acl_cfg and
getattr(acl_cfg, group_id) and
auth.is_group_member(getattr(acl_cfg, group_id)))
def _check_service_config_acl(configs):
"""Checks `access` fields in a bunch of Service configs at once.
configs: {id => service_config_pb2.Service}.
{id => True|False}.
# Collect a set of strings like "group:X" to check them only once.
access_values = set()
for cfg in configs.values():
if cfg:
# Do all the checks and get a dict e.g. {"group:X" => True|False}.
identity = auth.get_current_identity()
has_access = {a: _check_access_entry(a, identity) for a in access_values}
# Use results of the checks to construct the final output.
return {
rid: bool(cfg) and any(has_access[a] for a in cfg.access)
for rid, cfg in configs.items()
def _check_access_entry(access, identity):
"""Checks a single access entry like "group:X" or "user:Y"."""
if access.startswith('group:'):
group = access.split(':', 2)[1]
return auth.is_group_member(group, identity)
ac_identity_str = access
if ':' not in ac_identity_str:
ac_identity_str = 'user:%s' % ac_identity_str
return identity.to_bytes() == ac_identity_str
def _extract_project_id(config_set):
"""Returns a project ID for projects/... config sets or None for the rest."""
ref_match = config.REF_CONFIG_SET_RGX.match(config_set)
if ref_match:
project_match = config.PROJECT_CONFIG_SET_RGX.match(config_set)
if project_match:
return None
def _extract_service_id(config_set):
"""Returns a service ID for services/... config sets or None for the rest."""
service_match = config.SERVICE_CONFIG_SET_RGX.match(config_set)
if service_match:
return None