blob: deec3e15d381213be5a8878a50717c4719697241 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# that can be found in the LICENSE file.
"""This module defines `StepData` which is the object returned from executing
a single step (subprocess), usually via the `recipe_engine/step` recipe module.
from past.builtins import basestring
import attr
from .internal.attr_util import attr_type
from .engine_types import StepPresentation
class _AttributeRaiser:
_step_name = attr.ib(validator=attr_type(basestring))
_namespace = attr.ib(validator=attr_type(str))
# `_finalized` doesn't use `attr.s` because of the shenanigans we do with
# `__getattr__`.
def __getattr__(self, name):
raise AttributeError('StepData(%r)%s has no attribute %r.' % (
self._step_name, self._namespace, name))
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
# Directly access the instance's __dict__ since this logic is called during
# __init__ and _finalized may not actually be set yet. Calling
# hasattr/getattr will result in __getattr__ being called which will fail
# because it accesses `self._step_name` and `self._namespace` which ALSO
# might not exist yet.
if not self.__dict__.get('_finalized', False):
return object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
raise AttributeError('Cannot assign to StepData(%r)%s.%s' % (
self._step_name, self._namespace, name))
class ExecutionResult:
# retcode is the integer returncode of the step, if the step ran and the
# engine was able to wait() for it. Otherwise this is None.
retcode = attr.ib(validator=attr_type((int, type(None))), default=None)
# had_exception is set to True if this step had some exceptional circumstance
# which prevented it from running, or a failure while evaluating the output
# Placeholders for this step. e.g.
# * Failed to resolve cmd0 / executable doesn't exist
# * Input placeholders raised an exception prior to running the step
# * Output placeholders raised an exception after running the step
had_exception = attr.ib(validator=attr_type(bool), default=False)
# had_timeout is only set to True if this specific step had a timeout
# requested for it.
# Steps killed due to e.g. LUCI_CONTEXT['deadline'] will have `was_cancelled`
# set to True instead.
had_timeout = attr.ib(validator=attr_type(bool), default=False)
# was_cancelled is set if the step was canceled by:
# * GLOBAL_SHUTDOWN due to an interrupt signal from outside
# the recipe engine or due to the engine hitting it's
# LUCI_CONTEXT['deadline']['soft_deadline']
# * The step being part of a greenlet which is kill'd via
# Future.cancel().
was_cancelled = attr.ib(validator=attr_type(bool), default=False)
class StepData:
"""StepData represents the result of running a step.
For historical reasons, this object has dynamic properties depending on the
OutputPlaceholders used with the step.
Every Placeholder has a 'namespace', which is a tuple consisting of the recipe
module name and function name from however the placeholder was created. For
example, the namespace of a `api.json.output(...)` placeholder is ('json',
Somewhat confusingly, Placeholders can also have a 'name', which is set by the
user (like "script_data").
The namespace and the name are used by the engine to assign the result of the
Placeholder into this StepData object at a number of places:
* If the placeholder does not have a name, then the namespace is used to
assign into the StepData like `StepData.namespace.part = result`. It's not
valid to have two nameless placeholders with the same namespace.
* If the placeholder DOES have a name, then it's assigned to (note the `s`
on `parts`):[name] = result
* Additionally, if there's exactly one named placeholder, then it's result
is also assigned to `StepData.namespace.part`.
# TODO(iannucci): This is all rubbish; change this so that:
# * All placeholders are given an explicit name by the caller.
# * All placeholder results are mapped to StepData.placeholders[name].
# * Remove 'clever' dynamic assignment and _AttributeRaiser.
Example 1:
// Input
api.step('...', ['...', api.json.output()])
// Output
StepData.json.output = json.output().result()
StepData.json.outputs = {}
Example 2:
// Input
api.step('...', ['...', api.json.output(), api.other.placeholder()])
// Output
StepData.json.output = json.output().result()
StepData.json.outputs = {}
StepData.json.placeholder = other.placeholder().result()
StepData.json.placeholders = {}
Example 3:
// Input
api.step('...', ['...', api.json.output(), api.json.output()])
// Invalid; two unnamed placeholders with the same namespace
Example 4:
// Input
api.step('...', ['...', api.json.output(name='bob')])
// Output
StepData.json.output = json.output(name='bob').result()
StepData.json.outputs = {'bob': json.output(name='bob').result()}
Example 5:
// Input
api.step('...', ['...', api.json.output(name='bob'), api.json.output()])
// Output
StepData.json.output = json.output().result()
StepData.json.outputs = {'bob': json.output(name='bob').result()}
Example 6:
// Input
api.step('...', ['...', api.json.output(name='bob'),
// Output
# No 'json.output' because they all have names, and there's more than one
# with a name.
StepData.json.outputs = {
'bob': json.output(name='bob')
'charlie': json.output(name='charlie')
# The name of this step as a tuple of strings.
# Each entry in the tuple represents a nesting namespace, and the final value
# in the tuple represents the step's leaf name.
# Example:
# ('step name') # a top level step
# ('parent', 'step name') # a step named "step name" under "parent"
name_tokens = attr.ib(validator=attr_type(tuple))
# The execution result of the step.
exc_result = attr.ib(validator=attr_type(ExecutionResult))
# The result of the `stdout` Placeholder, if the step had one.
# Unless you set the `stdout` kwarg when running the step, this will be None.
stdout = attr.ib(default=None)
# The result of the `stderr` Placeholder, if the step had one.
# Unless you set the `stderr` kwarg when running the step, this will be None.
stderr = attr.ib(default=None)
# Dict[
# namespace: Tuple[str],
# Dict[
# name: str,
# result: object]]
# namespace tuple: the tuple of namespace strings for this placeholder. e.g.
# `('json', 'output')`.
# name: the "name" of the placeholder (within its namespace) or None for
# an unnamed placeholder. The name is user-specified to disambiguate between
# multiple placeholders in the same namespace on the same step (e.g.
# multiple `json.output()`).
# result: Anything the OutputPlaceholder.result() method returned.
_staged_placeholders = attr.ib(
validator=attr_type(dict, type(None)), factory=dict)
# When set to True, all future assignments to this object are prevented.
_finalized = attr.ib(validator=attr_type(bool), default=False)
def name(self):
"""Returns the build.proto step name (i.e. name_tokens joined with '|')."""
return '|'.join(self.name_tokens)
def retcode(self):
"""DEPRECATED: use .exc_result directly."""
return self.exc_result.retcode
def _populate_placeholders(self):
if self._finalized:
# Grab all staged placeholders, set _staged_placeholders to None so that no
# more placeholders could be staged.
staged = self._staged_placeholders
self._staged_placeholders = None
# If we don't have any work, return
if not staged:
def _deep_set(namespace, value):
"""Sets `value` at `namespace` on self.
Populates intermediate tiers of namespace with _AttributeRaiser objects.
* namespace (Tuple[str]) - A tuple of python identifiers. e.g.
`('json', 'output')`.
* value (object) - Arbitrary data to set at the given namespace.
last_token = namespace[-1]
obj = self
namespace_so_far = ''
for part in namespace[:-1]:
namespace_so_far += '.%s' % part
if not hasattr(obj, part):
subval = _AttributeRaiser(, namespace_so_far)
setattr(obj, part, subval)
subval = getattr(obj, part)
obj = subval
setattr(obj, last_token, value)
# A singleton object used in the loop below to indicate that a data item was
# not set. Pylint is dumb and doesn't like uppercase function variables.
UNSET = object() # pylint: disable=invalid-name
# For every staged placeholder namespace.
for namespace, name_to_result in staged.items():
# The default is defined as the result from the Placeholder with no name
default = name_to_result.pop(None, UNSET)
# OR the Placeholder (if there was only one in this namespace)
if default is UNSET and len(name_to_result) == 1:
default = list(name_to_result.values())[0]
if default is not UNSET:
# This sets e.g. 'json.output' to `default`
_deep_set(namespace, default)
if name_to_result:
# This sets e.g. 'json.outputs' to
# {"user_provided_name": value, "other_name": other_value}
plural_namespace = namespace[:-1] + (namespace[-1] + 's',)
_deep_set(plural_namespace, name_to_result)
# Now set `_finalized` on all _AttributeRaiser objects to prevent further
# assignments.
objs = list(self.__dict__.values())
while objs:
obj = objs.pop()
if not isinstance(obj, _AttributeRaiser):
obj._finalized = True # pylint: disable=protected-access
def finalize(self):
"""Fills all user-accessible placeholder results, and prevents accidental
assignment to this StepData.
Used by the Recipe Engine. You don't need to worry about this :)
if self._finalized:
self._finalized = True
def assign_placeholder(self, placeholder, result):
"""Used by the Recipe Engine to stage placeholder data in this StepData.
May only be called on a non-finalized StepData instance.
The placeholder will become user-accessible once this StepData is finalized.
* placeholder (Placeholder) - The placeholder instance to stage. This
function extracts the namespaces and name.
* result (object) - The final result of this placeholder.
if self._finalized:
raise ValueError(
'Cannot assign placeholder %r (%r) on finalized StepData from step %r'
% (placeholder.namespaces,,
placeholder.namespaces, {})[] = result
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
# Directly access the instance's __dict__ since this logic is called during
# __init__ and _finalized may not actually be set yet. Calling
# hasattr/getattr will result in __getattr__ being called which will fail
# because it accesses `` which ALSO might not exist yet.
if self.__dict__.get('_finalized', False):
raise ValueError('Cannot assign to %r on finalized StepData from step %r'
% (name,
return object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
def __getattr__(self, name):
return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
except AttributeError:
raise AttributeError(
'StepData from step %r has no attribute %r.' % (, name))