Repo documentation for recipe_engine

Table of Contents

Recipe Modules

  • archive (Python3 ✅)
  • assertions (Python3 ✅)
  • buildbucket (Python3 ✅) — API for interacting with the buildbucket service.
  • cas (Python3 ✅) — API for interacting with cas client.
  • cas_input (Python3 ✅) — Simple API for handling CAS inputs to a recipe.
  • cipd (Python3 ✅) — API for interacting with CIPD.
  • commit_position (Python3 ✅)
  • context (Python3 ✅) — The context module provides APIs for manipulating a few pieces of ‘ambient’ data that affect how steps are run.
  • cq (Python3 ✅) — Recipe API for LUCI CQ, the pre-commit testing system.
  • file (Python3 ✅) — File manipulation (read/write/delete/glob) methods.
  • futures (Python3 ✅) — Implements in-recipe concurrency via green threads.
  • generator_script (Python3 ✅) — A simplistic method for running steps generated by an external script.
  • golang (Python3 ✅)
  • json (Python3 ✅) — Methods for producing and consuming JSON.
  • led (Python3 ✅) — An interface to call the led tool.
  • legacy_annotation (Python3 ✅) — Legacy Annotation module provides support for running a command emitting legacy @@@annotation@@@ in the new luciexe mode.
  • milo (Python3 ✅) — API for specifying Milo behavior.
  • nodejs (Python3 ✅)
  • path (Python3 ✅) — All functions related to manipulating paths in recipes.
  • platform (Python3 ✅) — Mockable system platform identity functions.
  • properties (Python3 ✅) — Provides access to the recipes input properties.
  • proto (Python3 ✅) — Methods for producing and consuming protobuf data to/from steps and the filesystem.
  • python (Python3 ✅) — Provides methods for running python scripts correctly.
  • random (Python3 ✅) — Allows randomness in recipes.
  • raw_io (Python3 ✅) — Provides objects for reading and writing raw data to and from steps.
  • resultdb (Python3 ✅) — API for interacting with the ResultDB service.
  • runtime (Python3 ✅)
  • scheduler (Python3 ✅) — API for interacting with the LUCI Scheduler service.
  • service_account (Python3 ✅) — API for getting OAuth2 access tokens for LUCI tasks or private keys.
  • step (Python3 ✅) — Step is the primary API for running steps (external programs, etc.
  • swarming (Python3 ✅)
  • time (Python3 ✅) — Allows mockable access to the current time.
  • tricium (Python3 ✅) — API for Tricium analyzers to use.
  • url (Python3 ✅) — Methods for interacting with HTTP(s) URLs.
  • uuid (Python3 ✅) — Allows test-repeatable access to a random UUID.
  • version (Python3 ✅) — Thin API for parsing semver strings into comparable object.
  • warning (Python3 ✅) — Allows recipe modules to issue warnings in simulation test.


Recipe Modules

recipe_modules / archive

DEPS: json, path, platform, python, step


class ArchiveApi(RecipeApi):

Provides steps to manipulate archive files (tar, zip, etc.).

def extract(self, step_name, archive_file, output, mode=‘safe’, include_files=(), archive_type=None):

Step to uncompress |archive_file| into |output| directory.

Archive will be unpacked to |output| so that root of an archive is in |output|, i.e. archive.tar/file.txt will become |output|/file.txt.

Step will FAIL if |output| already exists.


  • step_name (str): display name of a step.
  • archive_file (Path): path to an archive file to uncompress, MUST exist.
  • output (Path): path to a directory to unpack to. The output directory MAY exist, in which case the extract will unpack on-top-of the existing files. It's an error for one of the extracted files to overlap with an already-present file, however.
  • mode (str): Must be either ‘safe’ or ‘unsafe’. In safe mode, if the archive attempts to extract files which would escape the extraction output location, the extraction will fail (raise StepException) which contains a member StepException.archive_skipped_files (all other files will be extracted normally). If ‘unsafe’, then tarfiles containing paths escaping output will be extracted as-is.
  • include_files (List[str]) - A list of globs matching files within the archive. Any files not matching any of these globs will be skipped. If omitted, all files are extracted (the default). Globs are matched with the fnmatch module. If a file “filename” in the archive exists, include_files with “file*” will match it. All paths for the matcher are converted to posix style (forward slash).
  • archive_type (str): archive_file's archive type (“zip” or “tar”). This allows overriding the default detected type (based on file extension).

def package(self, root):

Returns Package object that can be used to compress a set of files.


# Archive root/file and root/directory/**
    archive('archive step', output, 'tbz'))

# Archive root/**
zip_path = (
  archive('archive step', api.path['start_dir'].join(''))


  • root: a directory that would become root of a package, all files added to an archive must be Paths which are under this directory. If no files or directories are added with ‘with_file’ or ‘with_dir’, the entire root directory is packaged.

Returns: Package object.

recipe_modules / assertions


class AssertionsApi(RecipeApi):

Provides access to the assertion methods of the python unittest module.

Asserting non-step aspects of code (return values, non-step side effects) is expressed more naturally by making assertions within the RunSteps function of the test recipe. This api provides access to the assertion methods of unittest.TestCase to be used within test recipes.

All non-deprecated assertion methods of unittest.TestCase can be used.

An enhancement to the assertion methods is that if a custom msg is used, values for the non-msg arguments can be substituted into the message using named substitution with the format method of strings. e.g. self.AssertEqual(0, 1, ‘{first} should be {second}’) will raise an AssertionError with the message: ‘0 should be 1’.

The attributes longMessage and maxDiff are supported and have the same behavior as the unittest module.

Example (.../recipe_modules/my_module/tests/

DEPS = [

def RunSteps(api):
  '''Behavior of foo depends on whether build is experimental'''
  value =
  expected_value ='expected_value')
  api.assertions.assertEqual(value, expected_value)

def GenTests(api):
  yield (
      +'normal value')

  yield (
      +'experimental value')
      + api.runtime(is_experimental=True)

recipe_modules / buildbucket

DEPS: json, path, platform, raw_io, resultdb, runtime, step, uuid


API for interacting with the buildbucket service.

Requires buildbucket command in $PATH:

url_title_fn parameter used in this module is a function that accepts a build_pb2.Build and returns a link title. If it returns None, the link is not reported. Default link title is build id.

class BuildbucketApi(RecipeApi):

A module for interacting with buildbucket.

def add_tags_to_current_build(self, tags):

Adds arbitrary tags during the runtime of a build.


  • tags(list of common_pb2.StringPair): tags to add. May contain duplicates. Empty tag values won't remove existing tags with matching keys, since tags can only be added.

def bucket_v1(self):

Returns bucket name in v1 format.

Mostly useful for scheduling new builds using V1 API.

def build(self):

Returns current build as a buildbucket.v2.Build protobuf message.

For value format, see Build message in build.proto.

DO NOT MODIFY the returned value. Do not implement conditional logic on returned tags; they are for indexing. Use returned build.input instead.

Pure Buildbot support: to simplify transition to buildbucket, returns a message even if the current build is not a buildbucket build. Provides as much information as possible. Some fields may be left empty, violating the rules described in the .proto files. If the current build is not a buildbucket build, returned is 0.

def build_id(self):

DEPRECATED: use instead.

def build_input(self):

DEPRECATED: use build.input instead.

def build_url(self, host=None, build_id=None):

Returns url to a build. Defaults to current build.

def builder_cache_path(self):

Path to the builder cache directory.

Such directory can be used to cache builder-specific data. It remains on the bot from build to build. See “Builder cache” in

def builder_id(self):

DEPRECATED: Use build.builder instead.

def builder_name(self):

Returns builder name. Shortcut for .build.builder.builder.

def builder_realm(self):

Returns the LUCI realm name of the current build.

Raises InfraFailure if the build proto doesn‘t have project or bucket set. This can happen in tests that don’t properly mock build proto.

def cancel_build(self, build_id, reason=' ', step_name=None):

Cancel the build associated with the provided build id.


  • build_id (int|str): a buildbucket build ID. It should be either an integer(e.g. 123456789 or ‘123456789’) or the numeric value in string format.
  • reason (str): reason for canceling the given build. Can't be None or Empty. Markdown is supported.

Returns: None if build is successfully canceled. Otherwise, an InfraFailure will be raised

def collect_build(self, build_id, **kwargs):

Shorthand for collect_builds below, but for a single build only.


  • build_id: Integer ID of the build to wait for.

Returns: Build. for the ended build.

def collect_builds(self, build_ids, interval=None, timeout=None, step_name=None, raise_if_unsuccessful=False, url_title_fn=None, mirror_status=False, fields=DEFAULT_FIELDS):

Waits for a set of builds to end and returns their details.


  • build_ids: List of build IDs to wait for.
  • interval: Delay (in secs) between requests while waiting for build to end. Defaults to 1m.
  • timeout: Maximum time to wait for builds to end. Defaults to 1h.
  • step_name: Custom name for the generated step.
  • raise_if_unsuccessful: if any build being collected did not succeed, raise an exception.
  • url_title_fn: generates build URL title. See module docstring.
  • mirror_status: mark the step as failed/infra-failed if any of the builds did not succeed. Ignored if raise_if_unsuccessful is True.
  • fields: a list of fields to include in the response, names relative to build_pb2.Build (e.g. [“tags”, “infra.swarming”]).

Returns: A map from integer build IDs to the corresponding Build for all specified builds.

def get(self, build_id, url_title_fn=None, step_name=None, fields=DEFAULT_FIELDS):

Gets a build.


  • build_id: a buildbucket build ID.
  • url_title_fn: generates build URL title. See module docstring.
  • step_name: name for this step.
  • fields: a list of fields to include in the response, names relative to build_pb2.Build (e.g. [“tags”, “infra.swarming”]).

Returns: A build_pb2.Build.

def get_multi(self, build_ids, url_title_fn=None, step_name=None, fields=DEFAULT_FIELDS):

Gets multiple builds.


  • build_ids: a list of build IDs.
  • url_title_fn: generates build URL title. See module docstring.
  • step_name: name for this step.
  • fields: a list of fields to include in the response, names relative to build_pb2.Build (e.g. [“tags”, “infra.swarming”]).

Returns: A dict {build_id: build_pb2.Build}.

def gitiles_commit(self):

Returns input gitiles commit. Shortcut for .build.input.gitiles_commit.

For value format, see GitilesCommit message.

Never returns None, but sub-fields may be empty.

def hide_current_build_in_gerrit(self):

Hides the build in UI

def host(self, value):

def is_critical(self, build=None):

Returns True if the build is critical. Build defaults to the current one.

def run(self, schedule_build_requests, collect_interval=None, timeout=None, url_title_fn=None, step_name=None, raise_if_unsuccessful=False):

Runs builds and returns results.

A shortcut for schedule() and collect_builds(). See their docstrings.

Returns: A list of completed Builds in the same order as schedule_build_requests.

def schedule(self, schedule_build_requests, url_title_fn=None, step_name=None, include_sub_invs=True):

Schedules a batch of builds.


    req = api.buildbucket.schedule_request(builder='linux')

Hint: when scheduling builds for CQ, let CQ know about them:

    api.cq.record_triggered_builds(*api.buildbucket.schedule([req1, req2]))


  • schedule_build_requests: a list of buildbucket.v2.ScheduleBuildRequest protobuf messages. Create one by calling schedule_request method.
  • url_title_fn: generates a build URL title. See module docstring.
  • step_name: name for this step.
  • include_sub_invs: flag for including the scheduled builds' ResultDB invocations into the current build's invocation. Default is True.

Returns: A list of Build messages in the same order as requests.

Raises: InfraFailure if any of the requests fail.

def schedule_request(self, builder, project=INHERIT, bucket=INHERIT, properties=None, experimental=INHERIT, experiments=None, gitiles_commit=INHERIT, gerrit_changes=INHERIT, tags=None, inherit_buildsets=True, swarming_parent_run_id=None, dimensions=None, priority=INHERIT, critical=INHERIT, exe_cipd_version=None, fields=DEFAULT_FIELDS):

Creates a new ScheduleBuildRequest message with reasonable defaults.

This is a convenient function to create a ScheduleBuildRequest message.

Among args, messages can be passed as dicts of the same structure.


request = api.buildbucket.schedule_request(
build = api.buildbucket.schedule([request])[0]


  • builder (str): name of the destination builder.
  • project (str|INHERIT): project containing the destinaiton builder. Defaults to the project of the current build.
  • bucket (str|INHERIT): bucket containing the destination builder. Defaults to the bucket of the current build.
  • properties (dict): input properties for the new build.
  • experimental (common_pb2.Trinary|INHERIT): whether the build is allowed to affect prod. Defaults to the value of the current build. Read more about [experimental field](“bool experimental”).
  • experiments (Dict[str, bool]|None): enabled and disabled experiments for the new build. Overrides the result computed from experiments defined in builder config.
  • gitiles_commit (common_pb2.GitilesCommit|INHERIT): input commit. Defaults to the input commit of the current build. Read more about gitiles_commit.
  • gerrit_changes (list of common_pb2.GerritChange|INHERIT): list of input CLs. Defaults to gerrit changes of the current build. Read more about gerrit_changes.
  • tags (list of common_pb2.StringPair): tags for the new build.
  • inherit_buildsets (bool): if True (default), the returned request will include buildset tags from the current build.
  • swarming_parent_run_id (str|NoneType): associate the new build as child of the given swarming run id. Defaults to None meaning no association. If passed, must be a valid swarming run id (specific execution of a task) for the swarming instance on which build will execute. Typically, you'd want to set it to api.swarming.task_id. Read more about parent_run_id.
  • dimensions (list of common_pb2.RequestedDimension): override dimensions defined on the server.
  • priority (int|NoneType|INHERIT): Swarming task priority. The lower the more important. Valid values are [20..255]. Defaults to the value of the current build. Pass None to use the priority of the destination builder.
  • critical (bool|common_pb2.Trinary|INHERIT): whether the build status should not be used to assess correctness of the commit/CL. Defaults to .build.critical. See also Build.critical in
  • exe_cipd_version (NoneType|str|INHERIT): CIPD version of the LUCI Executable (e.g. recipe) to use. Pass None to use the server configured one.
  • fields (list of strs): a list of fields to include in the response, names relative to build_pb2.Build (e.g. [“tags”, “infra.swarming”]).

def search(self, predicate, limit=None, url_title_fn=None, report_build=True, step_name=None, fields=DEFAULT_FIELDS):

Searches for builds.

Example: find all builds of the current CL.

from import rpc as       builds_service_pb2

related_builds =


  • predicate: a builds_service_pb2.BuildPredicate object or a list thereof. If a list, the predicates are connected with logical OR.
  • limit: max number of builds to return. Defaults to 1000.
  • url_title_fn: generates a build URL title. See module docstring.
  • report_build: whether to report build search results in step presentation. Defaults to True.
  • fields: a list of fields to include in the response, names relative to build_pb2.Build (e.g. [“tags”, “infra.swarming”]).

Returns: A list of builds ordered newest-to-oldest.

def set_buildbucket_host(self, host):

DEPRECATED: Use host property.

def set_output_gitiles_commit(self, gitiles_commit):

Sets buildbucket.v2.Build.output.gitiles_commit field.

This will tell other systems, consuming the build, what version of the code was actually used in this build and what is the position of this build relative to other builds of the same builder.


  • gitiles_commit(buildbucket.common_pb2.GitilesCommit): the commit that was actually checked out. Must have host, project and id. ID must match r'^[0-9a-f]{40}$' (git revision). If position is present, the build can be ordered along commits. Position requires ref. Ref, if not empty, must start with refs/.

Can be called at most once per build.

def tags(**tags):

Alias for tags in See doc there.

def tags_for_child_build(self):

A dict of tags (key -> value) derived from current (parent) build for a child build.

def use_service_account_key(self, key_path):

Tells this module to start using given service account key for auth.

Otherwise the module is using the default account (when running on LUCI or locally), or no auth at all (when running on Buildbot).

Exists mostly to support Buildbot environment. Recipe for LUCI environment should not use this.


  • key_path (str): a path to JSON file with service account credentials.

def with_host(self, host):

Set the buildbucket host while in context, then reverts it.

recipe_modules / cas

DEPS: cipd, context, file, path, raw_io, runtime, step


API for interacting with cas client.

class CasApi(RecipeApi):

A module for interacting with cas client.

def archive(self, step_name, root, *paths):

Archives given paths to a cas server.


  • step_name (str): name of the step.
  • root (str|Path): root directory of archived tree, should be absolute path.
  • paths (list(str|Path)): path to archived files/dirs, should be absolute path. If empty, [root] will be used.

Returns: digest (str): digest of uploaded root directory.

def download(self, step_name, digest, output_dir):

Downloads a directory tree from a cas server.


  • step_name (str): name of the step.
  • digest (str): the digest of a cas tree.
  • output_dir (Path): path to an output directory.

def instance(self):

def viewer_url(self, digest):

Return URL of cas viewer.

recipe_modules / cas_input

DEPS: cas, path


Simple API for handling CAS inputs to a recipe.

Recipes sometimes need files as part of their execution which don‘t live in source control (for example, they’re generated elsewhere but tested in the recipe). In that case, there needs to be an easy way to give these files as an input to a recipe, so that the recipe can use them somehow. This module makes this easy.

This module has input properties which contains a list of CAS inputs to download. These can easily be download to disk with the ‘download_caches’ method, and subsequently used by a recipe in whatever relevant manner.

class CasInputApi(RecipeApi):

A module for downloading CAS inputs to a recipe.

def download_caches(self, output_dir, caches=None):

Downloads RBE-CAS caches and puts them in a given directory.

Args: output_dir: The output directory to download the caches to. If you're unsure of what directory to use, self.m.path[‘start_dir’] is a directory the recipe engine sets up for you that you can use. caches: A CasCache proto message containing the caches which should be downloaded. See properties.proto for the message definition. If unset, it uses the caches in this recipe module properties. Returns: The output directory as a Path object which contains all the cache data.

def input_caches(self):

recipe_modules / cipd

DEPS: context, file, futures, json, path, platform, properties, python, raw_io, step, url


API for interacting with CIPD.

Depends on ‘cipd’ binary available in PATH:

class CIPDApi(RecipeApi):

CIPDApi provides basic support for CIPD.

This assumes that cipd (or cipd.exe or cipd.bat on windows) has been installed somewhere in $PATH.


  • max_threads (int) - Number of worker threads for extracting packages. If 0, uses CPU count.

def acl_check(self, pkg_path, reader=True, writer=False, owner=False):

Checks whether the caller has a given roles in a package.


  • pkg_path (str) - The package subpath.
  • reader (bool) - Check for READER role.
  • writer (bool) - Check for WRITER role.
  • owner (bool) - Check for OWNER role.

Returns True if the caller has given roles, False otherwise.

def add_instance_link(self, step_result):

def build(self, input_dir, output_package, package_name, compression_level=None, install_mode=None, preserve_mtime=False, preserve_writable=False):

Builds, but does not upload, a cipd package from a directory.


  • input_dir (Path) - The directory to build the package from.
  • output_package (Path) - The file to write the package to.
  • package_name (str) - The name of the cipd package as it would appear when uploaded to the cipd package server.
  • compression_level (None|[0-9]) - Deflate compression level. If None, defaults to 5 (0 - disable, 1 - best speed, 9 - best compression).
  • install_mode (None|‘copy’|‘symlink’) - The mechanism that the cipd client should use when installing this package. If None, defaults to the platform default (‘copy’ on windows, ‘symlink’ on everything else).
  • preserve_mtime (bool) - Preserve file's modification time.
  • preserve_writable (bool) - Preserve file's writable permission bit.

Returns the CIPDApi.Pin instance.

def build_from_pkg(self, pkg_def, output_package, compression_level=None):

Builds a package based on a PackageDefinition object.


  • pkg_def (PackageDefinition) - The description of the package we want to create.
  • output_package (Path) - The file to write the package to.
  • compression_level (None|[0-9]) - Deflate compression level. If None, defaults to 5 (0 - disable, 1 - best speed, 9 - best compression).

Returns the CIPDApi.Pin instance.

def build_from_yaml(self, pkg_def, output_package, pkg_vars=None, compression_level=None):

Builds a package based on on-disk YAML package definition file.


  • pkg_def (Path) - The path to the yaml file.
  • output_package (Path) - The file to write the package to.
  • pkg_vars (dict[str]str) - A map of var name -> value to use for vars referenced in package definition file.
  • compression_level (None|[0-9]) - Deflate compression level. If None, defaults to 5 (0 - disable, 1 - best speed, 9 - best compression).

Returns the CIPDApi.Pin instance.

def cache_dir(self, directory):

Sets the cache dir to use with CIPD by setting the $CIPD_CACHE_DIR environment variable.

If directory is “None”, will use no cache directory.

def create_from_pkg(self, pkg_def, refs=None, tags=None, metadata=None, compression_level=None, verification_timeout=None):

Builds and uploads a package based on a PackageDefinition object.

This builds and uploads the package in one step.


  • pkg_def (PackageDefinition) - The description of the package we want to create.
  • refs (list[str]) - A list of ref names to set for the package instance.
  • tags (dict[str]str) - A map of tag name -> value to set for the package instance.
  • metadata (list[Metadata]) - A list of metadata entries to attach.
  • compression_level (None|[0-9]) - Deflate compression level. If None, defaults to 5 (0 - disable, 1 - best speed, 9 - best compression).
  • verification_timeout (str) - Duration string that controls the time to wait for backend-side package hash verification. Valid time units are “s”, “m”, “h”. Default is “5m”.

Returns the CIPDApi.Pin instance.

def create_from_yaml(self, pkg_def, refs=None, tags=None, metadata=None, pkg_vars=None, compression_level=None, verification_timeout=None):

Builds and uploads a package based on on-disk YAML package definition file.

This builds and uploads the package in one step.


  • pkg_def (Path) - The path to the yaml file.
  • refs (list[str]) - A list of ref names to set for the package instance.
  • tags (dict[str]str) - A map of tag name -> value to set for the package instance.
  • metadata (list[Metadata]) - A list of metadata entries to attach.
  • pkg_vars (dict[str]str) - A map of var name -> value to use for vars referenced in package definition file.
  • compression_level (None|[0-9]) - Deflate compression level. If None, defaults to 5 (0 - disable, 1 - best speed, 9 - best compression).
  • verification_timeout (str) - Duration string that controls the time to wait for backend-side package hash verification. Valid time units are “s”, “m”, “h”. Default is “5m”.

Returns the CIPDApi.Pin instance.

def describe(self, package_name, version, test_data_refs=None, test_data_tags=None):

Returns information about a package instance given its version: who uploaded the instance and when and a list of attached tags.


  • package_name (str) - The name of the cipd package.
  • version (str) - The package version to point the ref to.
  • test_data_refs (seq[str]) - The list of refs for this call to return by default when in test mode.
  • test_data_tags (seq[str]) - The list of tags (in ‘name:val’ form) for this call to return by default when in test mode.

Returns the CIPDApi.Description instance describing the package.

def ensure(self, root, ensure_file, name=‘ensure_installed’):

Ensures that packages are installed in a given root dir.


  • root (Path) - Path to installation site root directory.
  • ensure_file (EnsureFile|Path) - List of packages to install.
  • name (str) - Step display name.

Returns the map of subdirectories to CIPDApi.Pin instances.

def ensure_tool(self, package, version, executable_path=None):

Downloads an executable from CIPD.

Given a package named “name/of/some_exe/${platform}” and version “someversion”, this will install the package at the directory “[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/name/of/some_exe/someversion”. It will then return the absolute path to the executable within that directory.

This operation is idempotent, and will only run steps to download the package if it hasn't already been installed in the same build.


  • package (str) - The full name of the CIPD package.
  • version (str) - The version of the package to download.
  • executable_path (str|None) - The path within the package of the desired executable. Defaults to the basename of the package (the final non-variable component of the package name). Must use forward-slashes, even on Windows.

Returns a Path to the executable.

Future-safe; Multiple concurrent calls for the same (package, version) will block on a single ensure step.

def executable(self):

def instances(self, package_name, limit=None):

Lists instances of a package, most recently uploaded first.


  • package_name (str) - The name of the cipd package.
  • limit (None|int) - The number of instances to return. 0 for all. If None, default value of ‘cipd’ binary will be used (20).

Returns the list of CIPDApi.Instance instance.

def pkg_deploy(self, root, package_file):

Deploys the specified package to root.

ADVANCED METHOD: You shouldn‘t need this unless you’re doing advanced things with CIPD. Typically you should use the ensure method here to fetch+install packages to the disk.


  • package_file (Path) - Path to a package file to install.
  • root (Path) - Path to a CIPD root.

Returns a Pin for the deployed package.

def pkg_fetch(self, destination, package_name, version):

Downloads the specified package to destination.

ADVANCED METHOD: You shouldn‘t need this unless you’re doing advanced things with CIPD. Typically you should use the ensure method here to fetch+install packages to the disk.


  • destination (Path) - Path to a file location which will be (over)written with the package file contents.
  • package_name (str) - The package name (or pattern with e.g. ${platform})
  • version (str) - The CIPD version to fetch

Returns a Pin for the downloaded package.

def register(self, package_name, package_path, refs=None, tags=None, metadata=None, verification_timeout=None):

Uploads and registers package instance in the package repository.


  • package_name (str) - The name of the cipd package.
  • package_path (Path) - The path to package instance file.
  • refs (list[str]) - A list of ref names to set for the package instance.
  • tags (dict[str]basestring) - A map of tag name -> value to set for the package instance.
  • metadata (list[Metadata]) - A list of metadata entries to attach.
  • verification_timeout (str) - Duration string that controls the time to wait for backend-side package hash verification. Valid time units are “s”, “m”, “h”. Default is “5m”.

Returns: The CIPDApi.Pin instance.

def search(self, package_name, tag, test_instances=None):

Searches for package instances by tag, optionally constrained by package name.


  • package_name (str) - The name of the cipd package.
  • tag (str) - The cipd package tag.
  • test_instances (None|int|List[str]) - Default test data for this step:
    • None - Search returns a single default pin.
    • int - Search generates test_instances number of testing ids instance_id_%d and returns pins for those.
    • List[str] - Returns pins for the given testing ids.

Returns the list of CIPDApi.Pin instances.

def set_metadata(self, package_name, version, metadata):

Attaches metadata to a package instance.


  • package_name (str) - The name of the cipd package.
  • version (str) - The package version to attach metadata to.
  • metadata (list[Metadata]) - A list of metadata entries to attach.

Returns the CIPDApi.Pin instance.

def set_ref(self, package_name, version, refs):

Moves a ref to point to a given version.


  • package_name (str) - The name of the cipd package.
  • version (str) - The package version to point the ref to.
  • refs (list[str]) - A list of ref names to set for the package instance.

Returns the CIPDApi.Pin instance.

def set_tag(self, package_name, version, tags):

Tags package of a specific version.


  • package_name (str) - The name of the cipd package.
  • version (str) - The package version to resolve. Could also be itself a tag or ref.
  • tags (dict[str]str) - A map of tag name -> value to set for the package instance.

Returns the CIPDApi.Pin instance.

recipe_modules / commit_position


class CommitPositionApi(RecipeApi):

Recipe module providing commit position parsing and formatting.

def format(cls, ref, revision_number):

Returns a commit position string.

ref must start with ‘refs/’.

def parse(cls, value):

Returns (ref, revision_number) tuple.

recipe_modules / context

DEPS: path


The context module provides APIs for manipulating a few pieces of ‘ambient’ data that affect how steps are run.

The pieces of information which can be modified are:

  • cwd - The current working directory.
  • env - The environment variables.
  • infra_step - Whether or not failures should be treated as infrastructure failures vs. normal failures.

The values here are all scoped using Python‘s with statement; there’s no mechanism to make an open-ended adjustment to these values (i.e. there's no way to change the cwd permanently for a recipe, except by surrounding the entire recipe with a with statement). This is done to avoid the surprises that typically arise with things like os.environ or os.chdir in a normal python program.


with api.context(cwd=api.path['start_dir'].join('subdir')):
  # this step is run inside of the subdir directory.
  api.step("cat subdir/foo", ['cat', './foo'])

class ContextApi(RecipeApi):

def __call__(self, cwd=None, env_prefixes=None, env_suffixes=None, env=None, infra_steps=None, luciexe=None, realm=None, deadline=None):

Allows adjustment of multiple context values in a single call.


  • cwd (Path) - the current working directory to use for all steps. To ‘reset’ to the original cwd at the time recipes started, pass api.path['start_dir'].
  • env_prefixes (dict) - Environmental variable prefix augmentations. See below for more info.
  • env_suffixes (dict) - Environmental variable suffix augmentations. See below for more info.
  • env (dict) - Environmental variable overrides. See below for more info.
  • infra_steps (bool) - if steps in this context should be considered infrastructure steps. On failure, these will raise InfraFailure exceptions instead of StepFailure exceptions.
  • luciexe (sections_pb2.LUCIExe) - The override value for ‘luciexe’ section in LUCI_CONTEXT. This is currently used to modify the cache_dir for all launched LUCI Executable (via api.step.sub_build(...)).
  • realm (str) - allows changing the current LUCI realm. It is used when creating new LUCI resources (e.g. spawning new Swarming tasks). Pass an empty string to disassociate the context from a realm, emulating an environment prior to LUCI realms. This is useful during the transitional period.
  • deadline (sections_pb2.Deadline) - Deadline information to set; See LUCI_CONTEXT documentation for how this section works. Automatically adjusted by steps with timeout set.

Environmental Variable Overrides:

Env is a mapping of environment variable name to the value you want that environment variable to have. The value is one of:

  • None, indicating that the environment variable should be removed from the environment when the step runs.
  • A string value. Note that string values will be %-formatted with the current value of the environment at the time the step runs. This means that you can have a value like: “/path/to/my/stuff:%(PATH)s” Which, at the time the step executes, will inject the current value of $PATH.

“env_prefix” and “env_suffix” are a list of Path or strings that get prefixed (or suffixed) to their respective environment variables, delimited with the system's path separator. This can be used to add entries to environment variables such as “PATH” and “PYTHONPATH”. If prefixes are specified and a value is also defined in “env”, the value will be installed as the last path component if it is not empty.

Look at the examples in “examples/” for examples of context module usage.

def cwd(self):

Returns the current working directory that steps will run in.

Returns (Path|None) - The current working directory. A value of None is equivalent to api.path[‘start_dir’], though only occurs if no cwd has been set (e.g. in the outermost context of RunSteps).

def deadline(self):

Returns the current value (sections_pb2.Deadline) of deadline section in the current LUCI_CONTEXT. Returns {grace_period: 30} if deadline is not defined, per LUCI_CONTEXT spec.

def env(self):

Returns modifications to the environment.

By default this is empty; There‘s no facility to observe the program’s startup environment. If you want to pass data to the recipe, it should be done with properties.

Returns (dict) - The env-key -> value mapping of current environment modifications.

def env_prefixes(self):

Returns Path prefix modifications to the environment.

This will return a mapping of environment key to Path tuple for Path prefixes registered with the environment.

Returns (dict) - The env-key -> value(Path) mapping of current environment prefix modifications.

def env_suffixes(self):

Returns Path suffix modifications to the environment.

This will return a mapping of environment key to Path tuple for Path suffixes registered with the environment.

Returns (dict) - The env-key -> value(Path) mapping of current environment suffix modifications.

def infra_step(self):

Returns the current value of the infra_step setting.

Returns (bool) - True iff steps are currently considered infra steps.

def initialize(self):

def luci_context(self):

Returns the currently tracked LUCI_CONTEXT sections as a dict of proto messages.

Only contains luciexe, realm, ‘resultdb’ and deadline.

def luciexe(self):

Returns the current value (sections_pb2.LUCIExe) of luciexe section in the current LUCI_CONTEXT. Returns None if luciexe is not defined.

def realm(self):

Returns the LUCI realm of the current context.

May return None if the task is not running in the realm-aware mode. This is a transitional period. Eventually all tasks will be associated with realms.

def resultdb_invocation_name(self):

Returns the ResultDB invocation name of the current context.

Returns None if resultdb is not defined.

recipe_modules / cq

DEPS: buildbucket, properties, step


Recipe API for LUCI CQ, the pre-commit testing system.

class CQApi(RecipeApi):

This module provides recipe API of LUCI CQ, aka pre-commit testing system.

The CQ service is being replaced with a service now named LUCI Change Verifier (CV); for more information see:

TODO(qyearsley): Rename parts of this from CQ -> CV as appropriate.

def active(self):

Returns whether CQ is active for this build.

def allow_reuse_for(self, *modes):

Instructs CQ that this build can be reused in a future Run if and only if its mode is in the provided modes.

Overwrites all previously set values.

def allowed_reuse_modes(self):

def cl_group_key(self):

Returns a string that is unique for a current set of Gerrit change patchsets (or, equivalently, buildsets).

The same cl_group_key will be used if another Attempt is made for the same set of changes at a different time.

Raises: CQInactive if CQ is not active for this build.

def do_not_retry_build(self):

def equivalent_cl_group_key(self):

Returns a string that is unique for a given set of Gerrit changes disregarding trivial patchset differences.

For example, when a new “trivial” patchset is uploaded, then the cl_group_key will change but the equivalent_cl_group_key will stay the same.

Raises: CQInactive if CQ is not active for this build.

def experimental(self):

Returns whether this build is triggered for a CQ experimental builder.

See Builder.experiment_percentage doc in CQ config

Raises: CQInactive if CQ is not active for this build.

def initialize(self):

def ordered_gerrit_changes(self):

Returns list[bb_common_pb2.GerritChange] in order in which CLs should be applied or submitted.

Raises: CQInactive if CQ is not active for this build.

def props_for_child_build(self):

Returns properties dict meant to be passed to child builds.

These will preserve the CQ context of the current build in the about-to-be-triggered child build.

properties = {'foo': bar, 'protolike': proto_message}
req = api.buildbucket.schedule_request(
child_builds = api.buildbucket.schedule([req])

The contents of returned dict should be treated as opaque blob, it may be changed without notice.

def record_triggered_build_ids(self, *build_ids):

Adds given Buildbucket build ids to the list of triggered builds for CQ to wait on corresponding build completion later.

Must be called after some step.


  • build_id (int or string): Buildbucket build id.

def record_triggered_builds(self, *builds):

Adds given Buildbucket builds to the list of triggered builds for CQ to wait on corresponding build completion later.

Must be called after some step.

Expected usage:

  api.cq.record_triggered_builds(*api.buildbucket.schedule([req1, req2]))


  • Build objects, typically returned by api.buildbucket.schedule.

def run_mode(self):

Returns the mode(str) of the CQ Run that triggers this build.

Raises: CQInactive if CQ is not active for this build.

def set_do_not_retry_build(self):

Instruct CQ to not retry this build.

This mechanism is used to reduce duration of CQ attempt and save testing capacity if retrying will likely return an identical result.

def top_level(self):

Returns whether CQ triggered this build directly.


Raises: CQInactive if CQ is not active for this build.

def triggered_build_ids(self):

Returns recorded Buildbucket build IDs as a list of integers.

recipe_modules / file

DEPS: json, path, proto, python, raw_io, step


File manipulation (read/write/delete/glob) methods.

class FileApi(RecipeApi):

def compute_hash(self, name, paths, base_path, test_data=''):

Computes hash of contents of a directory/file.

This function will compute hash by including following info of a file:

  • str(len(path)) // path is relative to base_path
  • path // path is relative to base_path
  • str(len(file))
  • file_content

Each of these components are separated by a newline character. For example, for file = “hello” and the contents “world” the hash would be over:






  • name (str): The name of the step.
  • paths (list[Path|str]): Path of directory/file(s) to compute hash.
  • base_path (Path|str): Base directory to calculating hash relative to absolute path. For e.g. start_dir of a recipe execution can be used.
  • test_data (str): Some default data for this step to return when running under simulation. If no test data is provided, we compute test_data as sha256 of concatenated relative paths passed.

Returns (str): Hex encoded hash of directory/file content.

Raises: file.Error and ValueError if passed paths input is not str or Path.

def copy(self, name, source, dest):

Copies a file (including mode bits) from source to destination on the local filesystem.

Behaves identically to shutil.copy.


  • name (str): The name of the step.
  • source (Path|Placeholder): The path to the file you want to copy.
  • dest (Path|Placeholder): The path to the destination file name. If this path exists and is a directory, the basename of source will be appended to derive a path to a destination file.

Raises: file.Error

def copytree(self, name, source, dest, symlinks=False):

Recursively copies a directory tree.

Behaves identically to shutil.copytree. dest must not exist.


  • name (str): The name of the step.
  • source (Path): The path of the directory to copy.
  • dest (Path): The place where you want the recursive copy to show up. This must not already exist.
  • symlinks (bool): Preserve symlinks. No effect on Windows.

Raises: file.Error

def ensure_directory(self, name, dest, mode=511):

Ensures that dest exists and is a directory.


  • name (str): The name of the step.
  • dest (Path): The directory to ensure.
  • mode (int): The mode to use if the directory doesn't exist. This method does not ensure the mode if the directory already exists (if you need that behaviour, file a bug).

Raises: file.Error if the path exists but is not a directory.

def file_hash(self, file_path, test_data=''):

Computes hash of contents of a single file.


  • file_path (Path|str): Path of file to compute hash.
  • test_data (str): Some default data for this step to return when running under simulation. If no test data is provided, we compute test_data as sha256 of path passed.

Returns (str): Hex encoded hash of file content.

Raises: file.Error and ValueError if passed paths input is not str or Path.

def filesizes(self, name, files, test_data=None):

Returns list of filesizes for the given files.


  • name (str): The name of the step.
  • files (list[Path]): Paths to files.

Returns list[int], size of each file in bytes.

def flatten_single_directories(self, name, path):

Flattens singular directories, starting at path.


$ mkdir -p dir/which_has/some/singular/subdirs/
$ touch dir/which_has/some/singular/subdirs/with
$ touch dir/which_has/some/singular/subdirs/files
$ flatten_single_directories(dir)
$ ls dir

This can be useful when you just want the ‘meat’ of a very sparse directory structure. For example, some tarballs like foo-1.2.tar.gz extract all their contents into a subdirectory foo-1.2/.

Using this function would essentially move all the actual contents of the extracted archive up to the top level directory, removing the need to e.g. hard-code/find the subfolder name after extraction (not all archives are even named after the subfolder they extract to).


  • name (str): The name of the step.
  • path (Path|str): The absolute path to begin flattening.

Raises: file.Error

def glob_paths(self, name, source, pattern, include_hidden=False, test_data=()):

Performs glob expansion on pattern.

glob rules for pattern follow the same syntax as for the python-glob2 module, which supports ‘**’ syntax.

e.g. 'a/**/*.py'

a/b/ => MATCH
a/b/c/ => MATCH
a/ => MATCH
a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h/i/j/ => MATCH
other/ => NO MATCH


  • name (str): The name of the step.
  • source (Path): The directory whose contents should be globbed.
  • pattern (str): The glob pattern to apply under source.
  • include_hidden (bool): Include files beginning with ..
  • test_data (iterable[str]): Some default data for this step to return when running under simulation. This should be the list of file items found in this directory.

Returns (list[Path]): All paths found.

Raises: file.Error.

def listdir(self, name, source, recursive=False, test_data=()):

Lists all files inside a directory.


  • name (str): The name of the step.
  • source (Path): The directory to list.
  • recursive (bool): If True, do not emit subdirectory entries but recurse into them instead, emitting paths relative to source. Doesn't follow symlinks. Very slow for large directories.
  • test_data (iterable[str]): Some default data for this step to return when running under simulation. This should be the list of relative paths found in this directory.

Returns list[Path]

Raises: file.Error.

def move(self, name, source, dest):

Moves a file or directory.

Behaves identically to shutil.move.


  • name (str): The name of the step.
  • source (Path): The path of the item to move.
  • dest (Path): The new name of the item.

Raises: file.Error

def read_json(self, name, source, test_data='', include_log=True):

Reads a file as UTF-8 encoded json.


  • name (str): The name of the step.
  • source (Path): The path of the file to read.
  • test_data (object): Some default json serializable data for this step to return when running under simulation.
  • include_log (bool): Include step log of read json.

Returns (object): The content of the file.

Raise file.Error

def read_proto(self, name, source, msg_class, codec, test_proto=None, include_log=True, encoding_kwargs=None):

Reads a file into a proto message.


  • name (str): The name of the step.
  • source (Path): The path of the file to read.
  • msg_class (protobuf Message subclass): The message type to be read.
  • codec (‘BINARY’|‘JSONPB’|‘TEXTPB’): The encoder to use.
  • test_proto (protobuf Message): A default proto message for this step to return when running under simulation.
  • include_log (bool): Include step log of read proto.
  • encoding_kwargs (dict): Passed directly to the chosen encoder. See proto module for details.

def read_raw(self, name, source, test_data=''):

Reads a file as raw data.


  • name (str): The name of the step.
  • source (Path): The path of the file to read.
  • test_data (str): Some default data for this step to return when running under simulation.

Returns (str): The unencoded (binary) contents of the file.

Raises: file.Error

def read_text(self, name, source, test_data='', include_log=True):

Reads a file as UTF-8 encoded text.


  • name (str): The name of the step.
  • source (Path): The path of the file to read.
  • test_data (str): Some default data for this step to return when running under simulation.
  • include_log (bool): Include step log of read text.

Returns (str): The content of the file.

Raises: file.Error

def remove(self, name, source):

Removes a file.

Does not raise Error if the file doesn't exist.


  • name (str): The name of the step.
  • source (Path): The file to remove.

Raises: file.Error.

def rmcontents(self, name, source):

Similar to rmtree, but removes only contents not the directory.

This is useful e.g. when removing contents of current working directory. Deleting current working directory makes all further getcwd calls fail until chdir is called. chdir would be tricky in recipes, so we provide a call that doesn't delete the directory itself.


  • name (str): The name of the step.
  • source (Path): The directory whose contents should be removed.

Raises: file.Error.

def rmglob(self, name, source, pattern, recursive=True, include_hidden=True):

Removes all entries in source matching the glob pattern.

glob rules for pattern follow the same syntax as for the python-glob2 module, which supports ‘**’ syntax.

e.g. 'a/**/*.py'

a/b/ => MATCH
a/b/c/ => MATCH
a/ => MATCH
a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h/i/j/ => MATCH
other/ => NO MATCH


  • name (str): The name of the step.
  • source (Path): The directory whose contents should be filtered and removed.
  • pattern (str): The glob pattern to apply under source. Anything matching this pattern will be removed.
  • recursive (bool): Recursively remove entries under source. TODO: Remove this option. Use ** syntax instead.
  • include_hidden (bool): Include files beginning with .. TODO: Set to False by default to be consistent with file.glob.

Raises: file.Error.

def rmtree(self, name, source):

Recursively removes a directory.

This uses a native python on Linux/Mac, and uses rd on Windows to avoid issues w.r.t. path lengths and read-only attributes. If the directory is gone already, this returns without error.


  • name (str): The name of the step.
  • source (Path): The directory to remove.

Raises: file.Error.

def symlink(self, name, source, linkname):

Creates a symlink on the local filesystem.

Behaves identically to os.symlink.


  • name (str): The name of the step.
  • source (Path|Placeholder): The path to link from.
  • linkname (Path|Placeholder): The destination to link to.

Raises: file.Error

def symlink_tree(self, root):

Creates a SymlinkTree, given a root directory.


  • root (Path): root of a tree of symlinks.

def truncate(self, name, path, size_mb=100):

Creates an empty file with path and size_mb on the local filesystem.


  • name (str): The name of the step.
  • path (Path|str): The absolute path to create.
  • size_mb (int): The size of the file in megabytes. Defaults to 100

Raises: file.Error

def write_json(self, name, dest, data, indent=None, include_log=True):

Write the given json serializable data to dest.


  • name (str): The name of the step.
  • dest (Path): The path of the file to write.
  • data (object): Json serializable data to write.
  • indent (None|int|str): The indent of the written JSON. See for more details.
  • include_log (bool): Include step log of written json.

Raises: file.Error.

def write_proto(self, name, dest, proto_msg, codec, include_log=True, encoding_kwargs=None):

Writes the given proto message to dest.


  • name (str): The name of thhe step.
  • dest (Path): The path of the file to write.
  • proto_msg (protobuf Message): Message to write.
  • codec (‘BINARY’|‘JSONPB’|‘TEXTPB’): The encoder to use.
  • include_log (bool): Include step log of written proto.
  • encoding_kwargs (dict): Passed directly to the chosen encoder. See proto module for details.

def write_raw(self, name, dest, data):

Write the given data to dest.


  • name (str): The name of the step.
  • dest (Path): The path of the file to write.
  • data (str): The data to write.

Raises: file.Error.

def write_text(self, name, dest, text_data, include_log=True):

Write the given UTF-8 encoded text_data to dest.


  • name (str): The name of the step.
  • dest (Path): The path of the file to write.
  • text_data (str): The UTF-8 encoded data to write.
  • include_log (bool): Include step log of written text.

Raises: file.Error.

recipe_modules / futures


Implements in-recipe concurrency via green threads.

class FuturesApi(RecipeApi):

Provides access to the Recipe concurrency primitives.

def iwait(futures, timeout=None, count=None):

Iteratively yield up to count Futures as they become done.

This is analogous to gevent.iwait.


for future in api.futures.iwait(futures):
  # consume future

If you are not planning to consume the entire iwait iterator, you can avoid the resource leak by doing, for example:

with api.futures.iwait(a, b, c) as iter:
  for future in iter:
    if future is a:

You might want to use iwait over wait if you want to process a group of Futures in the order in which they complete. Compare:

for task in iwait(swarming_tasks): # task is done, do something with it


while swarming_tasks: task = wait(swarming_tasks, count=1)[0] # some task is done swarming_tasks.remove(task) # do something with it


  • futures (List[Future]) - The Future objects to wait for.
  • timeout (None|seconds) - How long to wait for the Futures to be done.
  • count (None|int) - The number of Futures to yield. If None, yields all of them.

Yields futures in the order in which they complete until we hit the timeout or count. May also be used with a context manager to avoid leaking resources if you don't plan on consuming the entire iterable.

def make_bounded_semaphore(self, value=1):

Returns a gevent.BoundedSemaphore with depth value.

This can be used as a context-manager to create concurrency-limited sections like:

def worker(api, sem, i):
  with api.step.nest('worker %d' % i):
    with sem:
      api.step('one at a time', ...)

    api.step('unrestricted concurrency' , ...)

sem = api.future.make_semaphore()
for i in xrange(100):
  api.futures.spawn(fn, sem, i)
NOTE: If you use the BoundedSemaphore without the context-manager syntax, it could lead to difficult-to-debug deadlocks in your recipe.
NOTE: This method will raise ValueError if used with @@@annotation@@@ mode.

def make_channel(self):

Returns a single-slot communication device for passing data and control between concurrent functions.

This is useful for running ‘background helper’ type concurrent processes.

NOTE: It is strongly discouraged to pass Channel objects outside of a recipe module. Access to the channel should be mediated via a class/contextmanager/function which you return to the caller, and the caller can call in a makes-sense-for-your-moudle's-API way.

See ./tests/ for an example of how to use a Channel correctly.

It is VERY RARE to need to use a Channel. You should avoid using this unless you carefully consider and avoid the possibility of introducing deadlocks.

NOTE: This method will raise ValueError if used with @@@annotation@@@ mode.

def spawn(self, func, *args, **kwargs):

Prepares a Future to run func(*args, **kwargs) concurrently.

Any steps executed in func will only have manipulable StepPresentation within the scope of the executed function.

Because this will spawn a greenlet on the same OS thread (and not, for example a different OS thread or process), func can easily be an inner function, closure, lambda, etc. In particular, func, args and kwargs do not need to be pickle-able.

This function does NOT switch to the greenlet (you'll have to block on a future/step for that to happen). In particular, this means that the following pattern is safe:

# self._my_future check + spawn + assignment is atomic because
# no switch points occur.
if not self._my_future:
  self._my_future = api.futures.spawn(func)
NOTE: If used in @@@annotator@@@ mode, this will block on the completion of the Future before returning it.


  • __name (str) - If provided, will assign this name to the spawned greenlet. Useful if this greenlet ends up raising an exception, this name will appear in the stderr logging for the engine. See for more information.
  • __meta (any) - If provided, will assign this metadata to the returned Future. This field is for your exclusive use.
  • Everything else is passed to func.

Returns a Future of func's result.

def spawn_immediate(self, func, *args, **kwargs):

Returns a Future to the concurrently running func(*args, **kwargs).

This is like spawn, except that it IMMEDIATELY switches to the new Greenlet. You may want to use this if you want to e.g. launch a background step and then another step which waits for the daemon.


  • __name (str) - If provided, will assign this name to the spawned greenlet. Useful if this greenlet ends up raising an exception, this name will appear in the stderr logging for the engine. See for more information.
  • __meta (any) - If provided, will assign this metadata to the returned Future. This field is for your exclusive use.
  • Everything else is passed to func.

Returns a Future of func's result.

def wait(futures, timeout=None, count=None):

Blocks until count futures are done (or timeout occurs) then returns the list of done futures.

This is analogous to gevent.wait.


  • futures (List[Future]) - The Future objects to wait for.
  • timeout (None|seconds) - How long to wait for the Futures to be done. If we hit the timeout, wait will return even if we haven't reached count Futures yet.
  • count (None|int) - The number of Futures to wait to be done. If None, waits for all of them.

Returns the list of done Futures, in the order in which they were done.

recipe_modules / generator_script

DEPS: context, json, path, python, step


A simplistic method for running steps generated by an external script.

This module was created before there was a way to put recipes directly into another repo. It is not recommended to use this, and it will be removed in the near future.

class GeneratorScriptApi(RecipeApi):

def __call__(self, path_to_script, *args):

Run a script and generate the steps emitted by that script.

The script will be invoked with --output-json /path/to/file.json. The script is expected to exit 0 and write steps into that file. Once the script outputs all of the steps to that file, the recipe will read the steps from that file and execute them in order. Any *args specified will be additionally passed to the script.

The step data is formatted as a list of JSON objects. Each object corresponds to one step, and contains the following keys:

  • name: the name of this step.
  • cmd: a list of strings that indicate the command to run (e.g. argv)
  • env: a {key:value} dictionary of the environment variables to override. every value is formatted with the current environment with the python % operator, so a value of “%(PATH)s:/some/other/path” would resolve to the current PATH value, concatenated with “:/some/other/path”
  • cwd: an absolute path to the current working directory for this script.
  • always_run: a bool which indicates that this step should run, even if some previous step failed.
  • outputs_presentation_json: a bool which indicates that this step will emit a presentation json file. If this is True, the cmd will be extended with a --presentation-json /path/to/file.json. This file will be used to update the step's presentation on the build status page. The file will be expected to contain a single json object, with any of the following keys:
    • logs: {logname: [lines]} specifies one or more auxiliary logs.
    • links: {link_name: link_content} to add extra links to the step.
    • step_summary_text: A string to set as the step summary.
    • step_text: A string to set as the step text.
    • properties: {prop: value} build_properties to add to the build status page. Note that these are write-only: The only way to read them is via the status page. There is intentionally no mechanism to read them back from inside of the recipes.

recipe_modules / golang

DEPS: cipd, context, path, platform


class GolangApi(RecipeApi):

def __call__(self, version, path=None, cache=None):

Installs a Golang SDK and activates it in the environment.

Installs it under the given path, defaulting to [CACHE]/golang. Various cache directories used by Go are placed under cache, defaulting to [CACHE]/gocache.

version will be used to construct CIPD package version for packages under

To reuse the Go SDK deployment and caches across builds, declare the corresponding named caches in Buildbucket configs. E.g. when using defaults:

    caches = [

Note: CGO is disabled on Windows currently, since Windows doesn't have a C compiler available by default.


  • version (str) - a Go version to install (e.g. 1.16.10).
  • path (Path) - a path to install Go into.
  • cache (Path) - a path to put Go caches under.

recipe_modules / json

DEPS: python, raw_io


Methods for producing and consuming JSON.

class JsonApi(RecipeApi):

def dumps(*args, **kwargs):

Works like json.dumps.

def input(self, data):

A placeholder which will expand to a file path containing .

def is_serializable(self, obj):

Returns True if the object is JSON-serializable.

def loads(data, **kwargs):

Works like json.loads, but:

  • strips out unicode objects (replacing them with utf8-encoded str objects).
  • replaces ‘int-like’ floats with ints. These are floats whose magnitude is less than (2**53-1) and which don't have a decimal component.

def output(self, add_json_log=True, name=None, leak_to=None):

A placeholder which will expand to ‘/tmp/file’.

If leak_to is provided, it must be a Path object. This path will be used in place of a random temporary file, and the file will not be deleted at the end of the step.


  • add_json_log (True|False|‘on_failure’) - Log a copy of the output json to a step link named name. If this is ‘on_failure’, only create this log when the step has a non-SUCCESS status.

def read(self, name, path, add_json_log=True, output_name=None, **kwargs):

Returns a step that reads a JSON file.

DEPRECATED: Use file.read_json instead.

recipe_modules / led

DEPS: cipd, context, json, path, proto, step, swarming


An interface to call the led tool.

class LedApi(RecipeApi):

Interface to the led tool.

“led” stands for LUCI editor. It allows users to debug and modify LUCI jobs. It can be used to modify many aspects of a LUCI build, most commonly including the recipes used.

The main interface this module provides is a direct call to the led binary:

led_result = api.led( ‘get-builder’, [‘luci.chromium.try:chromium_presubmit’]) final_data = led_result.then(‘edit-recipe-bundle’).result

See the led binary for full documentation of commands.

def __call__(self, *cmd):

Runs led with the given arguments. Wraps result in a LedResult.

def cipd_input(self):

The versioned CIPD package containing the recipes code being run.

If set, it will be an InputProperties.CIPDInput protobuf; otherwise None.

def initialize(self):

def inject_input_recipes(self, led_result):

Sets the version of recipes used by led to correspond to the version currently being used.

If neither the rbe_cas_input nor the cipd_input property is set, this is a no-op.


  • led_result: The LedResult whose job.Definition will be passed into the edit command.

def launched_by_led(self):

Whether the current build is a led job.

def rbe_cas_input(self):

The location of the rbe-cas containing the recipes code being run.

If set, it will be a swarming.v1.CASReference protobuf; otherwise, None.

def run_id(self):

A unique string identifier for this led job.

If the current build is not a led job, value will be an empty string.

recipe_modules / legacy_annotation

DEPS: cipd, context, step


Legacy Annotation module provides support for running a command emitting legacy @@@annotation@@@ in the new luciexe mode.

The output annotations is converted to a build proto and all steps in the build will appear as the child steps of the launched cmd/step in the current running build (using the Merge Step feature from luciexe protocol). This is the replacement for allow_subannotation feature in the legacy annotate mode.

class LegacyAnnotationApi(RecipeApiPlain):

def __call__(self, name, cmd, timeout=None, step_test_data=None, cost=_ResourceCost()):

Runs cmd that is emitting legacy @@@annotation@@@.

Currently, it will run the command as sub_build if running in luciexe mode or simulation mode. Otherwise, it will fall back to launch a step with allow_subannotation set to true.

recipe_modules / milo

DEPS: json, path, platform, raw_io, runtime, step, uuid


API for specifying Milo behavior.

class MiloApi(RecipeApi):

A module for interacting with Milo.

def show_blamelist_for(self, gitiles_commits):

Specifies which commits and repos Milo should show a blamelist for.

If not set, Milo will only show a blamelist for the main repo in which this build was run.

Args: gitiles_commits: A list of buildbucket.common_pb2.GitilesCommit messages or dicts of the same structure. Each commit must have host, project and id. ID must match r'^[0-9a-f]{40}$' (git revision).

recipe_modules / nodejs

DEPS: cipd, context, path, platform


class NodeJSApi(RecipeApi):

def __call__(self, version, path=None, cache=None):

Installs a Node.js toolchain and activates it in the environment.

Installs it under the given path, defaulting to [CACHE]/nodejs. Various cache directories used by npm are placed under cache, defaulting to [CACHE]/npmcache.

version will be used to construct CIPD package version for packages under

To reuse the Node.js toolchain deployment and npm caches across builds, declare the corresponding named caches in Buildbucket configs. E.g. when using defaults:

    caches = [


  • version (str) - a Node.js version to install (e.g. 17.1.0).
  • path (Path) - a path to install Node.js into.
  • cache (Path) - a path to put Node.js caches under.

recipe_modules / path

DEPS: platform


All functions related to manipulating paths in recipes.

Recipes handle paths a bit differently than python does. All path manipulation in recipes revolves around Path objects. These objects store a base path (always absolute), plus a list of components to join with it. New paths can be derived by calling the .join method with additional components.

In this way, all paths in Recipes are absolute, and are constructed from a small collection of anchor points. The built-in anchor points are:

  • api.path['start_dir'] - This is the directory that the recipe started in. it‘s similar to cwd, except that it’s constant.
  • api.path['cache'] - This directory is provided by whatever's running the recipe. Files and directories created under here /may/ be evicted in between runs of the recipe (i.e. to relieve disk pressure).
  • api.path['cleanup'] - This directory is provided by whatever's running the recipe. Files and directories created under here /are guaranteed/ to be evicted in between runs of the recipe. Additionally, this directory is guaranteed to be empty when the recipe starts.
  • api.path['tmp_base'] - This directory is the system-configured temp dir. This is a weaker form of ‘cleanup’, and its use should be avoided. This may be removed in the future (or converted to an alias of ‘cleanup’).
  • api.path['checkout'] - This directory is set by various ‘checkout’ modules in recipes. It was originally intended to make recipes easier to read and make code somewhat generic or homogeneous, but this was a mistake. New code should avoid ‘checkout’, and instead just explicitly pass paths around. This path may be removed in the future.

There are other anchor points which can be defined (e.g. by the depot_tools/infra_paths module). Refer to those modules for additional documentation.

class PathApi(RecipeApi):

def __getitem__(self, name):

Gets the base path named name. See module docstring for more information.

def abs_to_path(self, abs_string_path):

Converts an absolute path string string_path to a real Path object, using the most appropriate known base path.

  • abs_string_path MUST be an absolute path
  • abs_string_path MUST be rooted in one of the configured base paths known to the path module.

This method will find the longest match in all the following:

  • module resource paths
  • recipe resource paths
  • repo paths
  • dynamic_paths
  • base_paths


# assume [START_DIR] == "/basis/dir/for/recipe"
api.path.abs_to_path("/basis/dir/for/recipe/some/other/dir") ->

Raises an ValueError if the preconditions are not met, otherwise returns the Path object.

def abspath(self, path):

Equivalent to os.path.abspath.

def assert_absolute(self, path):

Raises AssertionError if the given path is not an absolute path.


  • path (Path|str) - The path to check.

def basename(self, path):

Equivalent to os.path.basename.

def dirname(self, path):

For “foo/bar/baz”, return “foo/bar”.

This corresponds to os.path.dirname().

The type of the return value matches the type of the argument.

Args: path (Path or str): path to take directory name of

Returns dirname of path

def exists(self, path):

Equivalent to os.path.exists.

The presence or absence of paths can be mocked during the execution of the recipe by using the mock_* methods.

def expanduser(self, path):

Do not use this, use api.path['home'] instead.

This ONLY handles path == “~”, and returns str(api.path['home']).

def get(self, name, default=None):

Gets the base path named name. See module docstring for more information.

def get_config_defaults(self):

Internal recipe implementation function.

def initialize(self):

Internal recipe implementation function.

def isdir(self, path):

Equivalent to os.path.isdir.

The presence or absence of paths can be mocked during the execution of the recipe by using the mock_* methods.

def isfile(self, path):

Equivalent to os.path.isfile.

The presence or absence of paths can be mocked during the execution of the recipe by using the mock_* methods.

def join(self, path, *paths):

Equivalent to os.path.join.

Note that Path objects returned from this module (e.g. api.path[‘start_dir’]) have a built-in join method (e.g. new_path = p.join(‘some’, ‘name’)). Many recipe modules expect Path objects rather than strings. Using this join method gives you raw path joining functionality and returns a string.

If your path is rooted in one of the path module's root paths (i.e. those retrieved with api.path[something]), then you can convert from a string path back to a Path with the abs_to_path method.

def mkdtemp(self, prefix=tempfile.template):

Makes a new temporary directory, returns Path to it.


  • prefix (str) - a tempfile template for the directory name (defaults to “tmp”).

Returns a Path to the new directory.

def mkstemp(self, prefix=tempfile.template):

Makes a new temporary file, returns Path to it.


  • prefix (str) - a tempfile template for the file name (defaults to “tmp”).

Returns a Path to the new file. Unlike tempfile.mkstemp, the file's file descriptor is closed.

def mock_add_directory(self, path):

For testing purposes, mark that directory |path| exists.

def mock_add_file(self, path):

For testing purposes, mark that file |path| exists.

def mock_add_paths(self, path, kind=FILE):

For testing purposes, mark that |path| exists.

def mock_copy_paths(self, source, dest):

For testing purposes, copy |source| to |dest|.

def mock_remove_paths(self, path, filt=(lambda p: True)):

For testing purposes, assert that |path| doesn't exist.


  • path (str|Path): The path to remove.
  • filt (func[str] bool): Called for every candidate path. Return True to remove this path.

def pardir(self):

Equivalent to os.path.pardir.

def pathsep(self):

Equivalent to os.path.pathsep.

def realpath(self, path):

Equivalent to os.path.realpath.

def relpath(self, path, start):

Roughly equivalent to os.path.relpath.

Unlike os.path.relpath, start is required. If you want the ‘current directory’, use the recipe_engine/context module's cwd property.

def sep(self):

Equivalent to os.path.sep.

def split(self, path):

For “foo/bar/baz”, return (“foo/bar”, “baz”).

This corresponds to os.path.split().

The type of the first item in the return value matches the type of the argument.

Args: path (Path or str): path to split into directory name and basename

Returns (dirname(path), basename(path)).

def splitext(self, path):

For “foo/bar.baz”, return (“foo/bar”, “.baz”).

This corresponds to os.path.splitext().

The type of the first item in the return value matches the type of the argument.

Args: path (Path or str): path to split into name and extension

Returns (name, extension_including_dot).

recipe_modules / platform

DEPS: version


Mockable system platform identity functions.

class PlatformApi(RecipeApi):

Provides host-platform-detection properties.


  • name (str): A value equivalent to something that might be returned by sys.platform.
  • bits (int): Either 32 or 64.

def arch(self):

Returns the current CPU architecture.

Can return “arm” or “intel”.

def bits(self):

Returns the bitness of the userland for the current system (either 32 or 64 bit).

TODO: If anyone needs to query for the kernel bitness, another accessor should be added.

def cpu_count(self):

The number of logical CPU cores (i.e. including hyper-threaded cores), according to psutil.cpu_count(True).

def initialize(self):

def is_linux(self):

Returns True iff the recipe is running on Linux.

def is_mac(self):

Returns True iff the recipe is running on OS X.

def is_win(self):

Returns True iff the recipe is running on Windows.

def mac_release(self):

The current OS X release version number (like “10.13.5”) as a pkg_resources Version object, or None, if the current platform is not mac.

Use the “recipe_engine/version” module to parse symvers to compare to this Version object.

def name(self):

Returns the current platform name which will be in:

  • win
  • mac
  • linux

def normalize_platform_name(plat):

One of python's sys.platform values -> ‘win’, ‘linux’ or ‘mac’.

def total_memory(self):

The total physical memory in MiB.

Return type is int. This is equivalent to psutil.virtual_memory().total / (1024 ** 2).

recipe_modules / properties


Provides access to the recipes input properties.

Every recipe is run with a JSON object called “properties”. These contain all inputs to the recipe. Some common examples would be properties like “revision”, which the build scheduler sets to tell a recipe to build/test a certain revision.

The properties that affect a particular recipe are defined by the recipe itself, and this module provides access to them.

Recipe properties are read-only; the values obtained via this API reflect the values provided to the recipe engine at the beginning of execution. There is intentionally no API to write property values (lest they become a kind of random-access global variable).

class PropertiesApi(RecipeApiPlain, collections.Mapping):

PropertiesApi implements all the standard Mapping functions, so you can use it like a read-only dict.

def legacy(self):

DEPRECATED: Returns a set of properties, possibly used by legacy scripts.

This excludes any recipe module-specific properties (i.e. those beginning with $).

Instead of passing all of the properties as a blob, please consider passing specific arguments to scripts that need them. Doing this makes it much easier to debug and diagnose which scripts use which properties.

def thaw(self):

Returns a read-write copy of all of the properties.

recipe_modules / proto

DEPS: raw_io


Methods for producing and consuming protobuf data to/from steps and the filesystem.

class ProtoApi(RecipeApi):

def decode(data, msg_class, codec, **decoding_kwargs):

Decodes a proto message from a string.


  • msg_class (protobuf Message subclass) - The message type to decode.
  • codec (‘BINARY’|‘JSONPB’|‘TEXTPB’) - The encoder to use.
  • decoding_kwargs - Passed directly to the chosen decoder. See input placeholder for details.

Returns the decoded proto object.

def encode(proto_msg, codec, **encoding_kwargs):

Encodes a proto message to a string.


  • codec (‘BINARY’|‘JSONPB’|‘TEXTPB’) - The encoder to use.
  • encoding_kwargs - Passed directly to the chosen encoder. See output placeholder for details.

Returns the encoded proto message.

def input(self, proto_msg, codec, **encoding_kwargs):

A placeholder which will expand to a file path containing the encoded proto_msg.

Example: proto_msg = MyMessage(field=10) api.step(‘step name’, [‘some_cmd’, api.proto.input(proto_msg)])

some_cmd sees “/path/to/random.pb”


  • proto_msg (message.Message) - The message data to encode.
  • codec (‘BINARY’|‘JSONPB’|‘TEXTPB’) - The encoder to use.
  • encoding_kwargs - Passed directly to the chosen encoder. See:
    • BINARY: google.protobuf.message.Message.SerializeToString
      • ‘deterministic’ defaults to True.
    • JSONPB: google.protobuf.json_format.MessageToJson
      • ‘preserving_proto_field_name’ defaults to True.
      • ‘sort_keys’ defaults to True.
      • ‘indent’ defaults to 0.
    • TEXTPB: google.protobuf.text_format.MessageToString

Returns an InputPlaceholder.

def output(self, msg_class, codec, add_json_log=True, name=None, leak_to=None, **decoding_kwargs):

A placeholder which expands to a file path and then reads an encoded proto back from that location when the step finishes.


  • msg_class (protobuf Message subclass) - The message type to decode.
  • codec (‘BINARY’|‘JSONPB’|‘TEXTPB’) - The encoder to use.
  • add_json_log (True|False|‘on_failure’) - Log a copy of the parsed proto in JSONPB form to a step link named name. If this is ‘on_failure’, only create this log when the step has a non-SUCCESS status.
  • leak_to (Optional[Path]) - This path will be used in place of a random temporary file, and the file will not be deleted at the end of the step.
  • decoding_kwargs - Passed directly to the chosen decoder. See:
    • BINARY: google.protobuf.message.Message.Parse
    • JSONPB: google.protobuf.json_format.Parse
      • ‘ignore_unknown_fields’ defaults to True.
    • TEXTPB: google.protobuf.text_format.Parse

recipe_modules / python

DEPS: context, raw_io, step, warning


Provides methods for running python scripts correctly.

This includes support for vpython, and knows how to specify parameters correctly for bots (e.g. ensuring that python is working on Windows, passing the unbuffered flag, etc.)

class PythonApi(RecipeApi):

def __call__(self, name, script, args=None, unbuffered=True, venv=None, **kwargs):

Return a step to run a python script with arguments.

TODO: We should just use a single “args” list. Having “script” separate but required/first leads to weird things like:

(... script='-m', args=['module'])


  • name (str): The name of the step.
  • script (str or Path): The Path of the script to run, or the first command-line argument to pass to Python.
  • args (list or None): If not None, additional arguments to pass to the Python command.
  • unbuffered (bool): If True, run Python in unbuffered mode.
  • venv (None or False or True or Path): If True, run the script through “vpython”. This will, by default, probe the target script for a configured VirtualEnv and, failing that, use an empty VirtualEnv. If a Path, this is a path to an explicit “vpython” VirtualEnv spec file to use. If False or None (default), the script will be run through the standard Python interpreter.
  • kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to forward to “step”.

Returns (step_data.StepData) - The StepData object as returned by api.step.

def failing_step(self, name, text, as_log=None):

Runs a failing step (exits 1).


def infra_failing_step(self, name, text, as_log=None):

Runs an infra-failing step (exits 1).


def inline(self, name, program, add_python_log=True, **kwargs):

Run an inline python program as a step.

Program is output to a temp file and run when this step executes.


  • name (str) - The name of the step
  • program (str) - The literal python program text. This will be dumped to a file and run like python /path/to/
  • add_python_log (bool) - Whether to add a ‘python.inline’ link on this step on the build page. If true, the link will point to a log with a copy of program.

Returns (step_data.StepData) - The StepData object as returned by api.step.

def result_step(self, name, text, retcode, as_log=None, **kwargs):

Runs a no-op step that exits with a specified return code.


The recipe engine will raise an exception when seeing a return code != 0.

The text is expected to be str. Passing a list of lines(str) works but is discouraged and may be deprecated in the future. Please concatenate the lines with newline character instead.

def succeeding_step(self, name, text, as_log=None):

Runs a succeeding step (exits 0).


recipe_modules / random


Allows randomness in recipes.

This module sets up an internal instance of ‘random.Random’. In tests, this is seeded with 1234, or a seed of your choosing (using the test_api's seed() method)

All members of random.Random are exposed via this API with getattr.

NOTE: This is based on the python random module, and so all caveats which apply there also apply to this (i.e. don't use it for anything resembling crypto).


def RunSteps(api):
  my_list = range(100)
  # my_list is now random!

class RandomApi(RecipeApi):

def __getattr__(self, name):

Access a member of random.Random.

recipe_modules / raw_io

DEPS: path


Provides objects for reading and writing raw data to and from steps.

class RawIOApi(RecipeApi):

def input(data, suffix='', name=None):

Returns a Placeholder for use as a step argument.

This placeholder can be used to pass data to steps. The recipe engine will dump the ‘data’ into a file, and pass the filename to the command line argument.

data MUST be either of type ‘bytes’ (recommended) or type ‘str’ in Python 3. Respectively, ‘str’ or ‘unicode’ in Python 2.

If the provided data is of type ‘str’, it is encoded to bytes assuming utf-8 encoding. Please switch to input_text(...) instead in this case.

If ‘suffix’ is not '', it will be used when the engine calls tempfile.mkstemp.

See examples/ for usage example.

def input_text(data, suffix='', name=None):

Returns a Placeholder for use as a step argument.

Similar to input(), but ensures that ‘data’ is valid utf-8 text. Any non-utf-8 characters will be replaced with �.

data MUST be either of type ‘bytes’ or type ‘str’ (recommended) in Python 3. Respectively, ‘str’ or ‘unicode’ in Python 2.

If the provided data is of type ‘bytes’, it is expected to be valid utf-8 encoded data. Note that, the support of type ‘bytes’ is for backwards compatibility to Python 2, we may drop this support in the future after recipe becomes Python 3 only.

def output(suffix='', leak_to=None, name=None, add_output_log=False):

Returns a Placeholder for use as a step argument, or for std{out,err}.

If ‘leak_to’ is None, the placeholder is backed by a temporary file with a suffix ‘suffix’. The file is deleted when the step finishes.

If ‘leak_to’ is not None, then it should be a Path and placeholder redirects IO to a file at that path. Once step finishes, the file is NOT deleted (i.e. it's ‘leaking’). ‘suffix’ is ignored in that case.


  • add_output_log (True|False|‘on_failure’) - Log a copy of the output to a step link named name. If this is ‘on_failure’, only create this log when the step has a non-SUCCESS status.

def output_dir(self, leak_to=None, name=None):

Returns a directory Placeholder for use as a step argument.

If leak_to is None, the placeholder is backed by a temporary dir.

Otherwise leak_to must be a Path; if the path doesn't exist, it will be created.

The placeholder value attached to the step will be a dictionary-like mapping of relative paths to the contents of the file. The actual reading of the file data is done lazily (i.e. on first access).

Relative paths are stored with the native slash delimitation (i.e. forward slash on *nix, backslash on Windows).


result = api.step('name', [..., api.raw_io.output_dir()])

# some time later; The read of 'some/file' happens now:
some_file = api.path.join('some', 'file')
assert result.raw_io.output_dir[some_file] == 'contents of some/file'

# data for 'some/file' is cached now; To free it from memory (and make
# all further reads of 'some/file' an error):
del result.raw_io.output_dir[some_file]

result.raw_io.output_dir[some_file] -> raises KeyError

def output_text(suffix='', leak_to=None, name=None, add_output_log=False):

Returns a Placeholder for use as a step argument, or for std{out,err}.

Similar to output(), but uses an OutputTextPlaceholder, which expects utf-8 encoded text. Similar to input(), but tries to decode the resulting data as utf-8 text, replacing any decoding errors with �.


  • add_output_log (True|False|‘on_failure’) - Log a copy of the output to a step link named name. If this is ‘on_failure’, only create this log when the step has a non-SUCCESS status.

recipe_modules / resultdb

DEPS: context, futures, json, raw_io, step, time, uuid


API for interacting with the ResultDB service.

Requires rdb command in $PATH:

class ResultDBAPI(RecipeApi):

A module for interacting with ResultDB.

def assert_enabled(self):

def config_test_presentation(self, column_keys=(), grouping_keys=(‘status’,)):

Specifies how the test results should be rendered.

Args: column_keys: A list of keys that will be rendered as ‘columns’. status is always the first column and name is always the last column (you don't need to specify them). A key must be one of the following: 1. ‘v.{variant_key}’: variant.def[variant_key] of the test variant (e.g. v.gpu).

grouping_keys: A list of keys that will be used for grouping tests. A key must be one of the following: 1. ‘status’: status of the test variant. 2. ‘name’: name of the test variant. 3. ‘v.{variant_key}’: variant.def[variant_key] of the test variant (e.g. v.gpu). Caveat: test variants with only expected results are not affected by this setting and are always in their own group.

def current_invocation(self):

def enabled(self):

def exclude_invocations(self, invocations, step_name=None):

Shortcut for resultdb.update_included_invocations().

def exonerate(self, test_exonerations, step_name=None):

Exonerates test variants in the current invocation.

Args: test_exonerations (list): A list of test_result_pb2.TestExoneration. step_name (str): name of the step.

def get_included_invocations(self, inv_name=None, step_name=None):

Returns names of included invocations of the input invocation.

Args: inv_name (str): the name of the input invocation. If input is None, will use current invocation. step_name (str): name of the step.

Returns: A list of invocation name strs.

def get_test_result_history(self, realm, test_id_regexp, variant_predicate=None, time_range=None, page_size=10, page_token=None, step_name=None):

Receive test results for a given configuration.

Makes a call to GetTestResultHistory rpc. Allows for test retrieval for all invocations with the specified configurations.

Args: realm (str): the realm that the data being queried exists in. Example: “chromium:ci”. test_id_regexp (str): the subset of test ids to request history for. variant_predicate (resultdb.proto.v1.predicate.VariantPredicate): the subset of test variants to request history for. Defaults to None, but specifying will improve runtime. time_range (common_v1.TimeRange): a range of timestamps in which to request history from. If no time_range is specified, it defaults to the past day. page_size (int): the number of results per page in the response. If the number of results satisfying the given configuration exceeds this number, only the page_size results will be available in the response. Defaults to 10 results. page_token (str): for instances in which the results span multiple pages, each response will contain a page token for the next page, which can be passed in to the next request. Defaults to None, which returns the first page. step_name (str): name of the step.

Returns: A GetTestResultHistoryResponse proto message with entries for each test matching the configuration.

For value format, see [GetTestResultHistoryResponse message] (

def include_invocations(self, invocations, step_name=None):

Shortcut for resultdb.update_included_invocations().

def invocation_ids(self, inv_names):

Returns invocation ids by parsing invocation names.

Args: inv_names (list of str): resultdb invocation names.

Returns: A list of invocation_ids.

def query(self, inv_ids, variants_with_unexpected_results=False, merge=False, limit=None, step_name=None, tr_fields=None):

Returns test results in the invocations.

Most users will be interested only in results of test variants that had unexpected results. This can be achieved by passing variants_with_unexpected_results=True. This significantly reduces output size and latency.

Example: results = api.resultdb.query( [ # invocation id for a swarming task. ‘’, # invocation id for a buildbucket build. ‘build-234298374982’ ], variants_with_unexpected_results=True, )

Args: inv_ids (list of str): ids of the invocations. variants_with_unexpected_results (bool): if True, return only test results from variants that have unexpected results. merge (bool): if True, return test results as if all invocations are one, otherwise, results will be ordered by invocation. limit (int): maximum number of test results to return. Unlimited if 0. Defaults to 1000. step_name (str): name of the step. tr_fields (list of str): test result fields in the response. Test result name will always be included regardless of this param value. Returns: A dict {invocation_id: api.Invocation}.

def query_test_result_statistics(self, invocations=None, step_name=None):

Retrieve stats of test results for the given invocations.

Makes a call to the QueryTestResultStatistics API. Returns stats for all given invocations, including those included indirectly.

Args: invocations (list): A list of the invocations to query statistics for. If None, the current invocation will be used. step_name (str): name of the step.

Returns: A QueryTestResultStatisticsResponse proto message with statistics for the queried invocations.

def update_included_invocations(self, add_invocations=None, remove_invocations=None, step_name=None):

Add and/or remove included invocations to/from the current invocation.

Args: add_invocations (list of str): invocation id‘s to add to the current invocation. remove_invocations (list of str): invocation id’s to remove from the current invocation.

This updates the inclusions of the current invocation specified in the LUCI_CONTEXT.

def upload_invocation_artifacts(self, artifacts, parent_inv=None, step_name=None):

Create artifacts with the given content type and contents.

Makes a call to the BatchCreateArtifacts API. Returnes the created artifacts.

Args: artifacts (dict): a collection of artifacts to create. Each key is an artifact id, with the correponsing value being a dict containing: ‘content_type’ (optional) ‘contents’ parent_inv (str): the name of the invocation to create the artifacts under. If None, the current invocation will be used. step_name (str): name of the step.

Returns: A BatchCreateArtifactsResponse proto message listing the artifacts that were created.

def wrap(self, cmd, test_id_prefix=‘‘, base_variant=None, test_location_base=’’, base_tags=None, coerce_negative_duration=False, include=False, realm=‘‘, location_tags_file=’’, require_build_inv=True, exonerate_unexpected_pass=False):

Wraps the command with ResultSink.

Returns a command that, when executed, runs cmd in a go/result-sink environment. For example:

api.step(‘test’, api.resultdb.wrap([‘./my_test’]))

Args: cmd (list of strings): the command line to run. test_id_prefix (str): a prefix to prepend to test IDs of test results reported by cmd. base_variant (dict): variant key-value pairs to attach to all test results reported by cmd. If both base_variant and a reported variant have a value for the same key, the reported one wins. Example: base_variant={ ‘bucket’:, ‘builder’: api.buildbucket.builder_name, } test_location_base (str): the base path to prepend to the test location file name with a relative path. The value must start with “//”. base_tags (list of (string, string)): tags to attach to all test results reported by cmd. Each element is a tuple of (key, value), and a key may be repeated. coerce_negative_duration (bool): If true, negative duration values will be coerced to 0. If false, tests results with negative duration values will be rejected with an error. include (bool): If true, a new invocation will be created and included in the parent invocation. realm (str): realm used for the new invocation created if include=True. Default is the current realm used in buildbucket. location_tags_file (str): path to the file that contains test location tags in JSON format. require_build_inv(bool): flag to control if the build is required to have an invocation. exonerate_unexpected_pass(bool): flag to control if automatically exonerate unexpected passes.

recipe_modules / runtime


class RuntimeApi(RecipeApi):

This module assists in experimenting with production recipes.

For example, when migrating builders from Buildbot to pure LUCI stack.

def in_global_shutdown(self):

True iff this recipe is currently in the ‘grace_period’ specified by LUCI_CONTEXT['deadline'].

This can occur when:

  • The LUCI_CONTEXT has hit the ‘soft_deadline’; OR
  • The LUCI_CONTEXT has been ‘canceled’ and the recipe_engine has recieved a SIGTERM (on *nix) or Ctrl-Break (on Windows).

As of 2021Q2, while the recipe is in the grace_period, it can do anything except for starting new steps (but it can e.g. update presentation of open steps, or return RawResult from RunSteps). Attempting to start a step while in the grace_period will cause the step to skip execution. When a signal is recieved or the soft_deadline is hit, all currently running steps will be signaled in turn (according to the LUCI_CONTEXT['deadline'] protocol).

It is good practice to ensure that recipes exit cleanly when canceled or time out, and this could be used anywhere to skip ‘cleanup’ behavior in ‘finally’ clauses or context managers.

def is_experimental(self):

True if this recipe is currently running in experimental mode.

Typical usage is to modify steps which produce external side-effects so that non-production runs of the recipe do not affect production data.


  • Uploading to an alternate google storage file name when in non-prod mode
  • Appending a ‘non-production’ tag to external RPCs

recipe_modules / scheduler

DEPS: buildbucket, json, platform, raw_io, step, time


API for interacting with the LUCI Scheduler service.

Depends on ‘prpc’ binary available in $PATH: Documentation for scheduler API is in RPCExplorer available at

class SchedulerApi(RecipeApi):

A module for interacting with LUCI Scheduler service.

def emit_trigger(self, trigger, project, jobs, step_name=None):

Emits trigger to one or more jobs of a given project.

Args: trigger (Trigger): defines payload to trigger jobs with. project (str): name of the project in LUCI Config service, which is used by LUCI Scheduler instance. See jobs (iterable of str): job names per LUCI Scheduler config for the given project. These typically are the same as builder names.

def emit_triggers(self, trigger_project_jobs, timestamp_usec=None, step_name=None):

Emits a batch of triggers spanning one or more projects.

Up to date documentation is at

Args: trigger_project_jobs (iterable of tuples(trigger, project, jobs)): each tuple corresponds to parameters of emit_trigger API above. timestamp_usec (int): unix timestamp in microseconds. Useful for idempotency of calls if your recipe is doing its own retries.

def host(self):

Returns the backend hostname used by this module.

def set_host(self, host):

Changes the backend hostname used by this module.

Args: host (str): server host (e.g. ‘’).

def triggers(self):

Returns a list of triggers that triggered the current build.

A trigger is an instance of triggers_pb2.Trigger.

recipe_modules / service_account

DEPS: path, platform, raw_io, step


API for getting OAuth2 access tokens for LUCI tasks or private keys.

This is a thin wrapper over the luci-auth go executable (

Depends on luci-auth to be in PATH.

class ServiceAccountApi(RecipeApi):

def default(self):

Returns an account associated with the task.

On LUCI, this is default account exposed through LUCI_CONTEXT[“local_auth”] protocol. When running locally this is an account the user logged in via “luci-auth login ...” command prior to running the recipe.

def from_credentials_json(self, key_path):

Returns a service account based on a JSON credentials file.

This is the file generated by Cloud Console when creating a service account key. It contains the private key inside.

Args: key_path: (str|Path) object pointing to a service account JSON key.

recipe_modules / step

DEPS: context, path, platform, proto


Step is the primary API for running steps (external programs, etc.)

class StepApi(RecipeApiPlain):

def InfraFailure(self):

InfraFailure is a subclass of StepFailure, and will translate to a purple build.

This exception is raised from steps which are marked as infra_steps when they fail.

def MAX_CPU(self):

Returns the maximum number of millicores this system has.

def MAX_MEMORY(self):

Returns the maximum amount of memory on the system in MB.

def ResourceCost(self, cpu=500, memory=50, disk=0, net=0):

A structure defining the resources that a given step may need.

The four resources are:

  • cpu (measured in millicores): The amount of cpu the step is expected to take. Defaults to 500.
  • memory (measured in MB): The amount of memory the step is expected to take. Defaults to 50.
  • disk (as percentage of max disk bandwidth): The amount of “disk bandwidth” the step is expected to take. This is a very simplified percentage covering IOPS, read/write bandwidth, seek time, etc. At 100, the step will run exclusively w.r.t. all other steps having a disk cost. At 0, the step will run regardless of other steps with disk cost.
  • net (as percentage of max net bandwidth): The amount of “net bandwidth” the step is expected to take. This is a very simplified percentage covering bandwidth, latency, etc. and is indescriminate of the remote hosts, network conditions, etc. At 100, the step will run exclusively w.r.t. all other steps having a net cost. At 0, the step will run regardless of other steps with net cost.

A step will run when ALL of the resources are simultaneously available. The Recipe Engine currently uses a greedy scheduling algorithm for picking the next step to run. If multiple steps are waiting for resources, this will pick the largest (cpu, memory, disk, net) step which fits the currently available resources and run that. The theory is that, assuming:

  • Recipes are finite tasks, which aim to run ALL of their steps, and want to do so as quickly as possible. This is not a typical OS scheduling scenario where there's some window of time over which the recipe needs to be ‘fair’. Additionally, recipes run with finite timeouts attached.
  • The duration of a given step is the same regardless of when during the build it runs (i.e. running a step now vs later should take roughly the same amount of time).

It's therefore optimal to run steps as quickly as possible, to avoid wasting the timeout attached to the build.

Note that bool(ResourceCost(...)) is defined to be True if the ResourceCost has at least one non-zero cost, and False otherwise.


  • cpu (int): Millicores that this step will take to run. See MAX_CPU helper. A value higher than the maximum number of millicores on the system is equivalent to MAX_CPU.
  • memory (int): Number of Mebibytes of memory this step will take to run. See MAX_MEMORY as a helper. A value higher than the maximum amount of memory on the system is equivalent to MAX_MEMORY.
  • disk (int [0..100]): The disk IO resource this step will take as a percentage of the maximum system disk IO.
  • net (int [0..100]): The network IO resource this step will take as a percentage of the maximum system network IO.

Returns: a ResourceCost suitable for use with api.step(...)'s cost kwarg. Note that passing None to api.step for the cost kwarg is equivalent to ResourceCost(0, 0, 0, 0).

def StepFailure(self):

This is the base Exception class for all step failures.

It can be manually raised from recipe code to cause the build to turn red.


  • raise api.StepFailure("some reason")
  • except api.StepFailure:

def StepWarning(self):

StepWarning is a subclass of StepFailure, and will translate to a yellow build.

def __call__(self, name, cmd, ok_ret=(0,), infra_step=False, raise_on_failure=True, wrapper=(), timeout=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, stdin=None, step_test_data=None, cost=_ResourceCost()):

Runs a step (subprocess).


  • name (string): The name of this step.
  • cmd (None|List[int|string|Placeholder|Path]): The program arguments to run. If None or an empty list, then this step just shows up in the UI but doesn't run anything.
    • Numbers and strings are used as-is.
    • Placeholders are ‘rendered’ to a string (using their render() method). Placeholders are e.g. api.json.input() or api.raw_io.output(). Typically rendering these turns into an absolute path to a file on disk, which the program is expected to read from/write to.
    • Paths are rendered to an OS-native absolute path.
  • ok_ret (tuple or set of ints, ‘any’, ‘all’): allowed return codes. Any unexpected return codes will cause an exception to be thrown. If you pass in the value ‘any’ or ‘all’, the engine will allow any return code to be returned. Defaults to {0}.
  • infra_step: Whether or not this is an infrastructure step. Failing infrastructure steps will place the step in an EXCEPTION state and if raise_on_failure is True an InfraFailure will be raised.
  • raise_on_failure: Whether or not the step will raise on failure. If True, a StepFailure will be raised if the step‘s status is FAILURE, an InfraFailure will be raised if the step’s status is EXCEPTION and a StepWarning will be raised if the step's status is WARNING. Regardless of the value of this argument, an InfraFailure will be raised if the step is canceled.
  • wrapper: If supplied, a command to prepend to the executed step as a command wrapper.
  • timeout: If supplied, the recipe engine will kill the step after the specified number of seconds. Also accepts a datetime.timedelta.
  • stdout: Placeholder to put step stdout into. If used, stdout won‘t appear in annotator’s stdout.
  • stderr: Placeholder to put step stderr into. If used, stderr won‘t appear in annotator’s stderr.
  • stdin: Placeholder to read step stdin from.
  • step_test_data (func -> recipe_test_api.StepTestData): A factory which returns a StepTestData object that will be used as the default test data for this step. The recipe author can override/augment this object in the GenTests function.
  • cost (None|ResourceCost): The estimated system resource cost of this step. See ResourceCost(). The recipe_engine will prevent more than the machine‘s maximum resources worth of steps from running at once (i.e. steps will wait until there’s enough resource available before starting). Waiting subprocesses are unblocked in capacity-available order. This means it's possible for pending tasks with large requirements to ‘starve’ temporarily while other smaller cost tasks run in parallel. Equal-weight tasks will start in FIFO order. Steps with a cost of None will NEVER wait (which is the equivalent of ResourceCost()). Defaults to ResourceCost(cpu=500, memory=50).

Returns a step_data.StepData for the running step.

def active_result(self):

The currently active (open) result from the last step that was run. This is a step_data.StepData object.

Allows you to do things like:

  api.step('run test', [..., api.json.output()])
  result = api.step.active_result
  if result.json.output:
    new_step_text = result.json.output['step_text']
    api.step.active_result.presentation.step_text = new_step_text

This will update the step_text of the test, even if the test fails. Without this api, the above code would look like:

  result = api.step('run test', [..., api.json.output()])
except api.StepFailure as f:
  result = f.result
  if result.json.output:
    new_step_text = result.json.output['step_text']
    api.step.active_result.presentation.step_text = new_step_text

def close_non_nest_step(self):

Call this to explicitly terminate the currently open non-nest step.

After calling this, api.step.active_step will return the current nest step context (if any).

No-op if there's no currently active non-nest step.

def defer_results(self):

See for docs.

def empty(self, name, status=‘SUCCESS’, step_text=None, log_text=None, log_name=‘stdout’, raise_on_failure=True):

Runs an “empty” step (one without any command).

This can be useful to insert a status step/message in the UI, or summarize some computation which occurred inside the recipe logic.

Args: name (str) - The name of the step. status step.(INFRA_FAILURE|FAILURE|SUCCESS) - The initial status for this step. step_text (str) - Some text to set for the “step_text” on the presentation of this step. log_text (str|list(str)) - Some text to set for the log of this step. If this is a list(str), will be treated as separate lines of the log. Otherwise newlines will be respected. log_name (str) - The name of the log to output log_text to. raise_on_failure (bool) - If set, and status is not SUCCESS, raise the appropriate exception.

Returns step_data.StepData.

def nest(self, name, status=‘worst’):

Nest allows you to nest steps hierarchically on the build UI.

This generates a dummy step with the provided name in the current namespace. All other steps run within this with statement will be nested inside of this dummy step. Nested steps can also nest within each other.

The presentation for the dummy step can be updated (e.g. to add step_text, step_links, etc.) or set the step‘s status. If you do not set the status, it will be calculated from the status’ of all the steps run within this one according to the status algorithm selected.

  1. If there's an active exception when leaving the with statement, the status will be one of FAILURE, WARNING or EXCEPTION (depending on the type of exception).
  2. Otherwise:
    1. If the status algorithm is ‘worst’, it will assume the status of the worst child step. This is useful for when your nest step runs e.g. a bunch of test shards. If any shard fails, you want the nest step to fail as well.
    2. If the status algorithm is ‘last’, it will assume the status of the last child step. This is useful for when you‘re using the nest step to encapsulate a sequence operation where only the last step’s status really matters.
NOTE: Because the nest step allows action on the result of all steps run within it, a nest step will wait for ALL recipe code within it (including greenlets spawned with api.future.spawn!).


# status='worst'
with api.step.nest('run test'):
  with api.step.defer_results():
    for shard in range(4):
      run_shard('test', shard)

# status='last'
with api.step.nest('do upload'):
  for attempt in range(4):
      do_upload()  # first one fails, but second succeeds.
    except api.step.StepFailure:

# manually adjust status
with api.step.nest('custom thing') as presentation:
  # stuff!
  presentation.status = 'FAILURE'  # or whatever
DEPRECATED: The object yielded also has a ‘.presentation’ field to be compatible with code that treats the yielded object as a StepData object. If you see such code, please update it to treat the yielded object directly as StepPresentation instead.


  • name (str): The name of this step.
  • status (‘worst’|‘last’): The algorithm to use to pick a presentation.status if the recipe doesn't set one explicitly.

Yields a StepPresentation for this dummy step, which you may update as you please.

def raise_on_failure(self, result, status_override=None):

Raise an appropriate exception if a step is not successful.


  • result - The step result.
  • status_override - An optional status value to override the status present on the result of the step. This allows for the exception to include information about the result and be based off of the initial status even if the step‘s status has subsequently been changed, which aligns with the behavior that would occur if a step was executed with raise_on_failure=True and a step’s status was changed in a finally block.

Returns: If the step's status is SUCCESS, the step result will be returned.


  • StepFailure if the step's status is FAILURE
  • StepWarning if the step's status is WARNING
  • InfraFailure if the step's status is EXCEPTION or CANCELED

def sub_build(self, name, cmd, build, raise_on_failure=True, output_path=None, timeout=None, step_test_data=None, cost=_ResourceCost()):

Launch a sub-build by invoking a LUCI executable. All steps in the sub-build will appear as child steps of this step (Merge Step).

See protocol:


run_exe = api.cipd.ensure_tool(...) # Install LUCI executable `run_exe`

# Basic Example: launch `run_exe` with empty initial build and
# default options.
ret = api.sub_build("launch sub build", [run_exe], build_pb2.Build())
sub_build = ret.step.sub_build #  access final build proto result

# Example: launch `run_exe` with input build to recipe and customized
# output path, cwd and cache directory.
with api.context(
    # Change the cwd of the launched LUCI executable
    # Change the cache_dir of the launched LUCI executable. Defaults to
    # api.path['cache'] if unchanged.
  # Command executed:
  #   `/path/to/run_exe --output [CLEANUP]/build.json --foo bar baz`
  ret = api.sub_build("launch sub build",
                      [run_exe, '--foo', 'bar', 'baz'],
sub_build = ret.step.sub_build  # access final build proto result


  • name (str): The name of this step.
  • cmd (List[int|string|Placeholder|Path]): Same as the cmd parameter in __call__ method except that None is NOT allowed. cmd[0] MUST denote a LUCI executable. The --output flag and its value should NOT be provided in the list. It should be provided via keyword arg output_path instead.
  • build (build_pb2.Build): The initial build state that the launched luciexe will start with. This method will clone the input build, modify the clone's fields and pass the clone to luciexe (see ‘Invocation’ section in for what modification will be done).
  • raise_on_failure: Whether or not the step will raise on failure. If True, a StepFailure will be raised if the step‘s status is FAILURE, an InfraFailure will be raised if the step’s status is EXCEPTION and a StepWarning will be raised if the step's status is WARNING. Regardless of the value of this argument, an InfraFailure will be raised if the step is canceled.
  • output_path (None|str|Path): The value of the --output flag. If provided, it should be a path to a non-existent file (its directory MUST exist). The extension of the path dictates the encoding format of final build proto (See EXT_TO_CODEC). If not provided, the output will be a temp file with binary encoding.
  • timeout (None|int|float|datetime.timedelta): Same as the timeout parameter in __call__ method.
  • step_test_data(Callable[[], recipe_test_api.StepTestData]): Same as the step_test_data parameter in __call__ method.
  • cost (None|ResourceCost): Same as the cost parameter in __call__ method.

Returns a step_data.StepData for the finished step. The final build proto object can be accessed via ret.step.sub_build. The build is guaranteed to be present (i.e. not None) with a terminal build status.

Raises StepFailure if the sub-build reports FAILURE status. Raises InfraFailure if the sub-build reports INFRA_FAILURE or CANCELED status.

recipe_modules / swarming

DEPS: buildbucket, cas, cipd, context, json, path, properties, raw_io, step


class SwarmingApi(RecipeApi):

API for interacting with swarming.

The tool's source lives at

This module will deploy the client to [CACHE]/swarming_client/; users should add this path to the named cache for their builder.

def bot_id(self):

Swarming bot ID executing this task.

def collect(self, name, tasks, output_dir=None, task_output_stdout=‘json’, timeout=None, eager=False, verbose=False):

Waits on a set of Swarming tasks.

Args: name (str): The name of the step. tasks (Iterable(str|TaskRequestMetadata)): A list of ids or metadata objects corresponding to tasks to wait output_dir (Path|None): Where to download the tasks' isolated outputs. If set to None, they will not be downloaded; else, a given task‘s outputs will be downloaded to output_dir//. task_output_stdout (str): Where to output each task’s output. Must be one of ‘none’, ‘json’, ‘console’ or ‘all’. timeout (str|None): The duration for which to wait on the tasks to finish. If set to None, there will be no timeout; else, timeout follows the format described by eager (bool): Whether to return as soon as the first task finishes, instead of waiting for all tasks to finish. verbose (bool): Whether to use verbose logs.

Returns: A list of TaskResult objects.

def current_server(self):

Swarming server executing this task.

def ensure_client(self):

def initialize(self):

def on_path(self):

This context manager ensures the go swarming client is available on $PATH.


with api.swarming.on_path():
  # do your steps which require the swarming binary on path

def task_id(self):

This task's Swarming ID.

def task_request(self):

Creates a new TaskRequest object.

See documentation for TaskRequest/TaskSlice to see how to build this up into a full task.

Once your TaskRequest is complete, you can pass it to trigger in order to have it start running on the swarming server.

def task_request_from_jsonish(self, json_d):

Creates a new TaskRequest object from a JSON-serializable dict.

The input argument should match the schema as the output of TaskRequest.to_jsonish().

def trigger(self, step_name, requests, verbose=False):

Triggers a set of Swarming tasks.

Args: step_name (str): The name of the step. requests (seq[TaskRequest]): A sequence of task request objects representing the tasks we want to trigger. verbose (bool): Whether to use verbose logs.

Returns: A list of TaskRequestMetadata objects.

recipe_modules / time

DEPS: python


Allows mockable access to the current time.

class TimeApi(RecipeApi):

def ms_since_epoch(self):

Returns current timestamp as an int number of milliseconds since epoch.

def sleep(self, secs):

Suspend execution of |secs| (float) seconds. Does nothing in testing.

If secs > 60 (sleep longer than one minute), run a step to do the sleep, so that if a user looks at a build, they know what the recipe is doing.

def time(self):

Returns current timestamp as a float number of seconds since epoch.

def utcnow(self):

Returns current UTC time as a datetime.datetime.

recipe_modules / tricium

DEPS: cipd, context, file, json, path, properties, proto, step


API for Tricium analyzers to use.

This recipe module is intended to support different kinds of analyzer recipes, including:

  • Recipes that wrap one or more legacy analyzers.
  • Recipes that accumulate comments one by one.
  • Recipes that wrap other tools and parse their output.

class TriciumApi(RecipeApi):

TriciumApi provides basic support for Tricium.

def __init__(self, **kwargs):

Sets up the API.

Initializes an empty list of comments for use with add_comment and write_comments.

def add_comment(self, category, message, path, start_line=0, end_line=0, start_char=0, end_char=0, suggestions=()):

Adds one comment to accumulate.

For semantics of start_line, start_char, end_line, end_char, see Gerrit doc

def run_legacy(self, analyzers, input_base, affected_files, commit_message, emit=True):

Runs legacy analyzers.

This function internally accumulates the comments from the analyzers it runs to the same global storage used by add_comment(). By default it emits comments from legacy analyzers to the tricium output property, along with any comments previously created by calling add_comment() directly, after running all the specified analyzers.


  • analyzers (List(LegacyAnalyer)): Analyzers to run.
  • input_base (Path): The Tricium input dir, generally a checkout base.
  • affected_files (List(str)): Paths of files in the change, relative to input_base.
  • commit_message (str): Commit message from Gerrit.
  • emit (bool): Whether to write results to the tricium output property. If unset, the caller will be responsible for calling write_comments to emit the comments added by the legacy analyzers. This is useful for recipes that need to run a mixture of custom analyzers (using add_comment() to store comments) and legacy analyzers.

def validate_comment(comment):

Validates comment to comply with Tricium/Gerrit requirements.

Raise ValueError on the first detected problem.

def write_comments(self):

Emit the results accumulated by add_comment and run_legacy.

recipe_modules / url

DEPS: context, json, path, python, raw_io


Methods for interacting with HTTP(s) URLs.

class UrlApi(RecipeApi):

def get_file(self, url, path, step_name=None, headers=None, transient_retry=True, strip_prefix=None, timeout=None):

GET data at given URL and writes it to file.


  • url: URL to request.
  • path (Path): the Path where the content will be written.
  • step_name: optional step name, ‘fetch ’ by default.
  • headers: a {header_name: value} dictionary for HTTP headers.
  • transient_retry (bool or int): Determines how transient HTTP errorts (>500) will be retried. If True (default), errors will be retried up to 10 times. If False, no transient retries will occur. If an integer is supplied, this is the number of transient retries to perform. All retries have exponential backoff applied.
  • strip_prefix (str or None): If not None, this prefix must be present at the beginning of the response, and will be stripped from the resulting content (e.g., GERRIT_JSON_PREFIX).
  • timeout: Timeout (see

Returns (UrlApi.Response): Response with “path” as its “output” value.


  • HTTPError, InfraHTTPError: if the request failed.
  • ValueError: If the request was invalid.

def get_json(self, url, step_name=None, headers=None, transient_retry=True, strip_prefix=None, log=False, timeout=None, default_test_data=None):

GET data at given URL and writes it to file.


  • url: URL to request.
  • step_name: optional step name, ‘fetch ’ by default.
  • headers: a {header_name: value} dictionary for HTTP headers.
  • transient_retry (bool or int): Determines how transient HTTP errorts (>500) will be retried. If True (default), errors will be retried up to 10 times. If False, no transient retries will occur. If an integer is supplied, this is the number of transient retries to perform. All retries have exponential backoff applied.
  • strip_prefix (str or None): If not None, this prefix must be present at the beginning of the response, and will be stripped from the resulting content (e.g., GERRIT_JSON_PREFIX).
  • log (bool): If True, emit the JSON content as a log.
  • timeout: Timeout (see
  • default_test_data (jsonish): If provided, use this as the unmarshalled JSON result when testing if no overriding data is available.

Returns (UrlApi.Response): Response with the JSON as its “output” value.


  • HTTPError, InfraHTTPError: if the request failed.
  • ValueError: If the request was invalid.

def get_text(self, url, step_name=None, headers=None, transient_retry=True, timeout=None, default_test_data=None):

GET data at given URL and writes it to file.


  • url: URL to request.
  • step_name: optional step name, ‘fetch ’ by default.
  • headers: a {header_name: value} dictionary for HTTP headers.
  • transient_retry (bool or int): Determines how transient HTTP errorts (>500) will be retried. If True (default), errors will be retried up to 10 times. If False, no transient retries will occur. If an integer is supplied, this is the number of transient retries to perform. All retries have exponential backoff applied.
  • timeout: Timeout (see
  • default_test_data (str): If provided, use this as the text output when testing if no overriding data is available.

Returns (UrlApi.Response): Response with the content as its output value.


  • HTTPError, InfraHTTPError: if the request failed.
  • ValueError: If the request was invalid.

def join(self, *parts):

Constructs a URL path from composite parts.


  • parts (str...): Strings to concastenate. Any leading or trailing slashes will be stripped from intermediate strings to ensure that they join together. Trailing slashes will not be stripped from the last part.

def validate_url(self, v):

Validates that “v” is a valid URL.

A valid URL has a scheme and netloc, and must begin with HTTP or HTTPS.


  • v (str): The URL to validate.

Returns (bool): True if the URL is considered secure, False if not.

Raises: ValueError: if “v” is not valid.

recipe_modules / uuid


Allows test-repeatable access to a random UUID.

class UuidApi(RecipeApi):

def random(self):

Returns a random UUID string.

recipe_modules / version


Thin API for parsing semver strings into comparable object.

class VersionApi(RecipeApi):

def parse(version):

Parse implements PEP 440 parsing for semvers.

If version is strictly parseable as PEP 440, this returns a Version object. Otherwise it does a ‘loose’ parse, just extracting numerals from version.

You can read more about how this works at:

recipe_modules / warning


Allows recipe modules to issue warnings in simulation test.

class WarningApi(RecipeApiPlain):

def issue(self, name):

Issues an execution warning.

name MAY either be a fully qualified “repo_name/WARNING_NAME” or a short “WARNING_NAME”. If it's a short name, then the “repo_name” will be determined from the location of the file issuing the warning (i.e. if the issue() comes from a file in repo_X, then “WARNING_NAME” will be transformed to “repo_X/WARNING_NAME”).

It is recommended to use the short name if the warning is defined in the same repo as the issue() call.


recipes / archive:examples/full

DEPS: archive, context, file, json, path, platform, raw_io, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / assertions:tests/assert-raises

DEPS: assertions, properties, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / assertions:tests/assert_count_equal

DEPS: assertions


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / assertions:tests/assertions

DEPS: assertions, properties, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / assertions:tests/attribute_error

DEPS: assertions, properties, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / assertions:tests/long_message

DEPS: assertions, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / assertions:tests/max_diff

DEPS: assertions, properties, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / buildbucket:examples/full

DEPS: buildbucket, json, platform, properties, raw_io, step


This file is a recipe demonstrating the buildbucket recipe module.

def RunSteps(api):

recipes / buildbucket:run/multi

DEPS: buildbucket, properties, swarming


Launches multiple builds at the same revision.

def RunSteps(api, build_requests, collect_builds):

recipes / buildbucket:tests/add_tags

DEPS: buildbucket, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / buildbucket:tests/build

DEPS: assertions, buildbucket, properties, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / buildbucket:tests/cancel

DEPS: buildbucket


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / buildbucket:tests/collect

DEPS: buildbucket, properties


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / buildbucket:tests/output_commit

DEPS: buildbucket, platform, properties, raw_io, step


This recipe tests the buildbucket.set_output_gitiles_commit function.

def RunSteps(api):

recipes / buildbucket:tests/schedule

DEPS: buildbucket, json, properties, runtime, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / buildbucket:tests/search

DEPS: buildbucket, properties, raw_io, runtime, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / cas:examples/full

DEPS: cas, file, path, properties, runtime, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / cas_input:examples/full

DEPS: cas_input, path, properties


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / cipd:examples/full

DEPS: cipd, json, path, platform, properties, step


def RunSteps(api, use_pkg, pkg_files, pkg_dirs, pkg_vars, ver_files, install_mode, refs, tags, metadata, max_threads):

recipes / commit_position:examples/full

DEPS: commit_position, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / context:examples/full

DEPS: context, path, raw_io, step, time


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / context:tests/cwd

DEPS: context, path, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / context:tests/env

DEPS: context, path, raw_io, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / context:tests/greenlet

DEPS: context, futures, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / context:tests/infra_step

DEPS: context, path, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / context:tests/luci_context

DEPS: assertions, context, path, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / cq:examples/ordered_cls

DEPS: assertions, buildbucket, cq, properties, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / cq:examples/trigger_child_builds

DEPS: assertions, buildbucket, cq, json, properties, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / cq:tests/cl_group_key

DEPS: buildbucket, cq


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / cq:tests/do_not_retry

DEPS: buildbucket, cq, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / cq:tests/experimental

DEPS: assertions, cq, properties, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / cq:tests/inactive

DEPS: assertions, cq, properties


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / cq:tests/mode_of_run

DEPS: cq, properties, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / cq:tests/reuse

DEPS: assertions, cq, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / cq:tests/triggered_build_ids

DEPS: buildbucket, cq, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / engine_tests/bad_subprocess

DEPS: platform, python


Tests that daemons that hang on to STDOUT can't cause the engine to hang.

def RunSteps(api):

recipes / engine_tests/comprehensive_ui

DEPS: python, raw_io, step


A fast-running recipe which comprehensively covers all StepPresentation features available in the recipe engine.

def RunSteps(api):

def named_step(api, name):

recipes / engine_tests/config_operations

DEPS: json, step


Tests that recipes can modify configuration options in various ways.

def BaseConfig(**_kwargs):

def DumpRecipeEngineTestConfig(api, config):

def RunSteps(api):

def test1(c):

def test2(c):

def test2a(c):

recipes / engine_tests/early_termination

DEPS: file, futures, path, platform, python


Simple recipe which runs a bunch of subprocesses which react to early termination in different ways.

def RunSteps(api, props):

recipes / engine_tests/expect_exception


Tests that step_data can accept multiple specs at once.

def RunSteps(api):

def my_function():

recipes / engine_tests/failure_results

DEPS: json, step


Tests that run_steps is handling recipe failures correctly.

def RunSteps(api):

recipes / engine_tests/functools_partial

DEPS: step


Engine shouldn't explode when step_test_data gets functools.partial.

This is a regression test for a bug caused by this revision:

When this recipe is run (by, the _print_step code is exercised.

def RunSteps(api):

recipes / engine_tests/incorrect_recipe_result

DEPS: json, properties, step


Tests that can handle unknown recipe results.

def RunSteps(api, props):

recipes / engine_tests/long_sleep

DEPS: futures, properties, step


Simple recipe which sleeps in a subprocess forever to facilitate early termination tests.

def RunSteps(api, props):

recipes / engine_tests/missing_start_dir

DEPS: path, step


Tests that deleting the current working directory doesn't immediately fail

def RunSteps(api):

recipes / engine_tests/module_injection_site

DEPS: path, step


This test serves to demonstrate that the ModuleInjectionSite object on recipe modules (i.e. the .m) also contains a reference to the module which owns it.

This was implemented to aid in refactoring some recipes (

def RunSteps(api):

recipes / engine_tests/multi_test_data

DEPS: raw_io, step


Tests that step_data can accept multiple specs at once.

def RunSteps(api):

recipes / engine_tests/multiple_placeholders

DEPS: assertions, json, step


Tests error checking around multiple placeholders in a single step.

def RunSteps(api):

recipes / engine_tests/nonexistent_command

DEPS: step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / engine_tests/placeholder_exception

DEPS: step


Tests that placeholders can't wreck the world by exhausting the step stack.

def RunSteps(api):

recipes / engine_tests/proto_output_properties

DEPS: step


Tests that output properties can be a proto message.

def RunSteps(api):

recipes / engine_tests/proto_properties

DEPS: assertions, properties


def RunSteps(api, properties, env_props):

recipes / engine_tests/recipe_paths

DEPS: path, python, step


Tests that recipes have access to names, resources and their repo.

def RunSteps(api):

recipes / engine_tests/sort_properties

DEPS: step


Tests that step presentation properties can be ordered.

def RunSteps(api):

recipes / engine_tests/undeclared_method

DEPS: properties, python, step


def RunSteps(api, from_recipe, attribute, module):

recipes / engine_tests/unicode

DEPS: properties, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / engine_tests/whitelist_steps

DEPS: context, properties, step


Tests that step_data can accept multiple specs at once.

def RunSteps(api, fakeit):

recipes / file:examples/compute_hash

DEPS: assertions, file, path


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / file:examples/copy

DEPS: file, json, path


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / file:examples/copytree

DEPS: file, path


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / file:examples/error

DEPS: file, path


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / file:examples/file_hash

DEPS: assertions, file, path


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / file:examples/flatten_single_directories

DEPS: file, path


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / file:examples/glob

DEPS: file, json, path


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / file:examples/handle_json_file

DEPS: file, path


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / file:examples/listdir

DEPS: file, path


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / file:examples/raw_copy

DEPS: file, json, path


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / file:examples/read_write_proto

DEPS: file, path, proto


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / file:examples/symlink

DEPS: file, json, path


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / file:examples/truncate

DEPS: file, path


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / futures:examples/background_helper

DEPS: futures, json, path, python, raw_io, step


def RunSteps(api):

def manage_helper(api, chn):

def run_helper(api):

Runs the background helper.

Yields control once helper is ready. Kills helper once leaving the context manager.

This is an example of what your recipe module code would look like. Note that we don't pass the channel to the ‘user’ code (i.e. RunSteps).

recipes / futures:examples/extreme_namespaces

DEPS: context, futures, path, step


def Level1(api, i):

def Level2(api, i):

def RunSteps(api):

recipes / futures:examples/fan_out_in

DEPS: futures, python, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / futures:examples/lazy_fan_out_in

DEPS: futures, python, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / futures:examples/lazy_fan_out_in_early_abort

DEPS: futures, python, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / futures:examples/lottasteps

DEPS: futures, properties, step


This tests the engine's ability to handle many simultaneously-started steps.

Prior to this, logdog butler and the recipe engine would run out of file handles, because every spawn_immediate would immediately generate all log handles for the step, instead of waiting for the step's cost to be available.

def RunSteps(api, props):

recipes / futures:examples/metadata

DEPS: futures, step


This tests metadata features of the Future object.

def RunSteps(api):

recipes / futures:examples/result

DEPS: futures, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / futures:examples/semaphore

DEPS: futures, python, step


def RunSteps(api):

def worker(api, sem, i, N):

recipes / generator_script:examples/full

DEPS: generator_script, json, path, properties, step


def RunSteps(api, script_name):

recipes / golang:examples/full

DEPS: golang, platform, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / json:examples/full

DEPS: json, path, properties, python, raw_io, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / json:tests/add_json_log

DEPS: json, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / led:tests/full

DEPS: buildbucket, led, properties, proto, step


def RunSteps(api, get_cmd, child_properties, sloppy_child_properties, do_bogus_edits):

recipes / led:tests/no_exist

DEPS: led, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / legacy_annotation:examples/full

DEPS: legacy_annotation, raw_io, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / milo:examples/full

DEPS: milo


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / nodejs:examples/full

DEPS: nodejs, platform, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / path:examples/full

DEPS: json, path, platform, properties, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / placeholder

DEPS: properties, step


def RunSteps(api, properties):

def fakeSleep(api, duration):

recipes / platform:examples/full

DEPS: platform, step, version


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / properties:examples/full

DEPS: json, properties, step


def RunSteps(api, props, env_props):

recipes / proto:tests/encode_decode

DEPS: assertions, path, proto, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / proto:tests/placeholders

DEPS: path, proto, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / python:examples/full

DEPS: path, python, raw_io, step


Launches the repo bundler.

def RunSteps(api):

recipes / random:tests/full

DEPS: random, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / raw_io:examples/full

DEPS: path, platform, properties, python, raw_io, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / raw_io:tests/output_mismatch

DEPS: assertions, raw_io, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / resultdb:examples/exonerate

DEPS: context, json, properties, resultdb, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / resultdb:examples/get_included_invocations

DEPS: assertions, resultdb


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / resultdb:examples/include

DEPS: context, resultdb


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / resultdb:examples/query

DEPS: buildbucket, resultdb, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / resultdb:examples/query_test_result_statistics

DEPS: context, resultdb


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / resultdb:examples/result_history

DEPS: resultdb


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / resultdb:examples/resultsink

DEPS: context, resultdb, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / resultdb:examples/test_presentation

DEPS: resultdb


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / resultdb:examples/test_presentation_default

DEPS: resultdb


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / resultdb:examples/upload_invocation_artifacts

DEPS: resultdb


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / runtime:tests/full

DEPS: runtime, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / scheduler:examples/emit_triggers

DEPS: buildbucket, json, runtime, scheduler, time


This file is a recipe demonstrating emitting triggers to LUCI Scheduler.

def RunSteps(api):

recipes / scheduler:examples/host

DEPS: scheduler, step


This file is a recipe demonstrating reading/mocking scheduler host.

def RunSteps(api):

recipes / scheduler:examples/triggers

DEPS: json, scheduler, step


This file is a recipe demonstrating reading triggers of the current build.

def RunSteps(api):

recipes / service_account:examples/full

DEPS: path, platform, properties, raw_io, service_account


def RunSteps(api, key_path, scopes):

recipes / step:examples/full

DEPS: context, json, path, properties, step


def RunSteps(api, bad_return, access_invalid_data, access_deep_invalid_data, assign_extra_junk, timeout):

recipes / step:tests/active_result

DEPS: step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / step:tests/defer

DEPS: step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / step:tests/empty

DEPS: step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / step:tests/inject_paths

DEPS: context, path, properties, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / step:tests/nested

DEPS: context, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / step:tests/raise_on_failure

DEPS: properties, step


def RunSteps(api, infra_step, set_status_to_exception):

recipes / step:tests/stdio

DEPS: raw_io, step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / step:tests/step_call_args

DEPS: step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / step:tests/step_cost

DEPS: step


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / step:tests/sub_build

DEPS: assertions, context, json, path, properties, step


def RunSteps(api, props):

recipes / step:tests/timeout

DEPS: properties, step


def RunSteps(api, timeout):

recipes / swarming:examples/full

DEPS: cipd, json, path, properties, step, swarming


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / swarming:examples/this_task

DEPS: step, swarming


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / swarming:tests/copy

DEPS: assertions, swarming


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / swarming:tests/realms

DEPS: assertions, buildbucket, context, step, swarming


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / time:examples/full

DEPS: step, time


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / tricium:examples/add_comment

DEPS: properties, tricium


def RunSteps(api, trigger_type_error):

recipes / tricium:examples/wrapper

DEPS: file, path, tricium


An example of a recipe wrapping legacy analyzers.

def RunSteps(api):

recipes / tricium:tests/add_comment_validation

DEPS: properties, tricium


def RunSteps(api, case):

recipes / tricium:tests/enforce_comments_num_limit

DEPS: assertions, properties, proto, tricium


def RunSteps(api, props):

recipes / url:examples/full

DEPS: context, path, step, url


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / url:tests/join

DEPS: step, url


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / url:tests/validate_url

DEPS: properties, step, url


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / uuid:examples/full

DEPS: step, uuid


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / version:examples/full

DEPS: version


def RunSteps(api):

recipes / warning:tests/fakes


This is a fake recipe to trick the simulation and make it believes that this module has tests. The actual test for this module is done via unit test because the issue method can only be used from recipe_modules, not recipes.

def RunSteps(api):