blob: 1baac1d524040f189f290a5ce8c8dea82b3e77aa [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import collections
import functools
import logging
import os
import sys
import time
from ..fetch import GitBackend
from .commit_list import CommitList
from .roll_candidate import RollCandidate
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class _Config(
"""An immutable mapping type storing the revisions to pin repos to.
Instances are hashable and in contrast to FrozenDict, the equality
comparison ignores iteration order.
Instances do not necessarily represent a complete config.
def __init__(self, revisions_by_repo):
self._revisions_by_repo = dict(revisions_by_repo)
# Calculate the hash immediately so that we know all the items are
# hashable too.
self._hash = hash(tuple(sorted(self._revisions_by_repo.items())))
def __hash__(self):
return self._hash
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self._revisions_by_repo[key]
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._revisions_by_repo)
def __len__(self):
return len(self._revisions_by_repo)
def __str__(self):
return '{}({})'.format(type(self).__name__, self._revisions_by_repo)
def memoize(f):
"""Decorator that can be applied to a method to memoize the results.
f - The function to decorate with memoization. The first argument of
the function should be self - the instance of the class. The
function can take an arbitrary amount of additional positional
arguments. All arguments must be hashable.
A function wrapping `f`. `f` will be executed only once for a given
set of input arguments.
cache = {}
def cached(self, *args):
if args in cache:
return cache[args]
ret = f(self, *args)
cache[args] = ret
return ret
return cached
class _ConfigFinder:
def __init__(self, commit_lists_by_repo, new_repo_commit_list_getter):
self._commit_lists_by_repo = commit_lists_by_repo
self._new_repo_commit_list_getter = new_repo_commit_list_getter
def find_configs(self, repo, revision, repos_to_pin):
"""Find configs for candidate commits.
repo (str) - The repo to perform the starting pin on.
revision (str) - The commit hash value to use for the starting pin.
repos_to_pin (set(str)) - The repos that need to be pinned by the
resulting configs. Additional repos may be pinned if a commit
adds new dependencies.
A set of configs where each config is a mapping from the repo name
to the revision to be used for the repo. The config will contain
entries for all of the provided top level repos and all of their
dependencies, which may contain new repos. The configs are
guaranteed to be consistent but may roll some repos backwards.
commit = self._commit_lists_by_repo[repo].lookup(revision)
config = {}
repos_to_pin = set(repos_to_pin)
configs = set()
if self._pin(config, repo, commit, repos_to_pin):
self._find_configs_impl(_Config(config), frozenset(repos_to_pin)))
else:'No consistent configs could be created by pinning %s to %s',
repo, revision)
return configs
# This is cached so that if there are multiple top level repos, when a config
# is chosen that only moves one of them, the configs that were computed for
# moving the other pin don't need to be recomputed (assuming no repo becomes a
# top level repo due to a dependency edge being removed). This requires that
# the arguments are hashable (_Config and frozenset). This also requires that
# the implementation not use cursors into the commit lists as that would
# invalidate results when the cursors are advanced.
def _find_configs_impl(self, config, repos_to_pin):
if not repos_to_pin:
return [config]
repo = next(iter(repos_to_pin))
configs = set()
for commit in self._commit_lists_by_repo[repo].compatible_commits(config):
pinned = dict(config)
to_pin = set(repos_to_pin)
if self._pin(pinned, repo, commit, to_pin):
self._find_configs_impl(_Config(pinned), frozenset(to_pin)))
return configs
def _pin(self, config, repo, commit, repos_to_pin):
config[repo] = commit.revision
new_pins_by_repo = {}
for dep_repo, dep in commit.spec.deps.items():
if dep_repo not in repos_to_pin and dep_repo not in config:
new_pins_by_repo[dep_repo] = dep
config[dep_repo] = dep.revision
for dep_repo, dep in new_pins_by_repo.items():
clist = self._new_repo_commit_list_getter(dep_repo, dep)
if not clist.is_compatible(dep.revision, config):
return False
dep_commit = clist.lookup(dep.revision)
if not self._pin(config, dep_repo, dep_commit, repos_to_pin):
return False
return True
def _score(commit_lists_by_repo, config, current_config, top_level_repos):
backwards_rolls = 0
new_deps = 0
movement = 0
timestamp = 0
for repo, revision in config.items():
clist = commit_lists_by_repo[repo]
if repo not in current_config:
new_deps += 1
movement += clist.dist(revision)
dist = clist.dist(current_config[repo], revision)
# If it's moving backwards, it doesn't matter how far, just increment the
# count of backwards rolls, which are compared before the movement
if dist is None:
backwards_rolls += 1
movement += dist
timestamp = max(commit_lists_by_repo[repo].lookup(revision).commit_timestamp
for repo, revision in config.items()
if repo in top_level_repos)
return backwards_rolls, new_deps, movement, timestamp
class _CandidateCallback:
def __init__(self):
self._accepted = False
def accepted(self):
return self._accepted
def accept(self):
self._accepted = True
def _get_roll_candidates_impl(recipe_deps, commit_lists_by_repo):
"""Generator for configs to try rolling.
All yielded configs will be consistent; configs are produced by
creating partial configs based on varying a single top-level pin and
successively updating the config with the commits for each other
top-level pin that are consistent with the partial config.
If the incoming config is consistent, all yielded configs will involve
at least one "interesting" commit being rolled, where "interesting"
means "the commit modifies one or more recipe related files", and is
defined by CommitMetadata.roll_candidate. If the incoming config is
not consistent, then some configs may be initially yielded that do not
roll any "interesting" commits.
Configs are yielded in increasing order of the commit movement across
all repos, with new deps and backwards rolls being considered larger
movement than advancing an existing pin any amount.
As a tiebreaker, the commit with the lowest commit timestamp will be
picked. So if two repos cause the same amount of global commit
movement, the "older" of the two commits will roll first. Clearly this
is best-effort as there's no meaningful enforcement of timestamps
between different repos, but it's usually close enough to reality to
be helpful. This is done to reflect a realistic commit ordering; it
doesn't make sense for two independent dependencies to move such that
a very large time gap develops between them (assuming the timestamps
are sensible). All that said, the precise timestamp value is not
necessary for the correctness of the algorithm, since it's only
involvement is a tiebreaker between otherwise valid choices.
recipe_deps (RecipeDeps) - The recipe deps object.
commit_lists_by_repo (dict(str, CommitList)) - Mapping from repo
name to the commits for the repo. This will be updated as new
repos are added.
A generator that yields pairs of config objects. The config objects
are mappings from repo name to the revision for the repo. The
configs will include all repos that should be set in recipes.cfg,
not just those that have changed. The first element is the currently
accepted config and the second is the candidate config. The caller
should send a boolean value to the generator indicating whether the
config was accpted or not, which will affect how subsequent configs
are generated. Any value sent before the first yield will be
# Cache of backends for new repos, the backend caches resolved refspecs, so
# this will prevent repeated network traffic for the same repo
new_backends_by_repo = {}
# Local function so that it can use the value of current_config
def get_new_repo_commit_list(repo, dep):
# Once a repo is incorporated into the current config, we will no
# longer re-fetch it
assert repo not in current_config, '{} is in current config: {}'.format(
repo, current_config)
if repo in commit_lists_by_repo:
clist = commit_lists_by_repo[repo]
return clist
backend = new_backends_by_repo.get(repo)
if backend is None:
# We check it out in the `.recipe_deps` folder. This is a slight
# abstraction leak, but adding this to RecipeDeps just for autoroller
# seemed like a worse alternative.
dep_path = os.path.join(recipe_deps.recipe_deps_path, repo)
backend = GitBackend(dep_path, dep.url)
backend.checkout(dep.branch, dep.revision)
clist = CommitList.from_backend(dep, backend)
commit_lists_by_repo[repo] = clist
return clist
config_finder = _ConfigFinder(commit_lists_by_repo, get_new_repo_commit_list)
# Tracks the commits we make candidates from
cursors_by_repo = {
repo: clist.cursor() for repo, clist in commit_lists_by_repo.items()
# Tracks the currently accepted config for the purposes of comparison/scoring,
# determining which repos are top level (and therefore do not have their
# revisions explicitly set by other repos) and determining which repos must be
# pinned by new configs
current_config = _Config({
repo: cursor.current.revision
for repo, cursor in cursors_by_repo.items()
top_level_repos = None
yielded_configs = set([current_config])
while True:
if top_level_repos is None:
top_level_repos = set(current_config)
for repo, revision in current_config.items():
commit = commit_lists_by_repo[repo].lookup(revision)
top_level_repos = frozenset(top_level_repos)
candidate_configs = set()
for repo, cursor in cursors_by_repo.items():
if repo not in top_level_repos:
commit = cursor.current
config_finder.find_configs(repo, commit.revision, current_config))
# Because all yielded configs have been removed, at this point, one of the
# following conditions is true for each of the candidate configs:
# 1. The config has never been produced by the config finder before; the
# score must be computed for the first time
# 2. The config has been produced by the config finder in a previous round
# but a lower-scoring config in the round was accepted; the score must be
# re-computed because the current config has changed
# So there's no opportunity for caching the scores.
key_fn = (lambda c: _score(commit_lists_by_repo, c, current_config,
candidate_configs = sorted(candidate_configs, key=key_fn)
for candidate_config in candidate_configs:
accepted = yield current_config, candidate_config
if accepted:
new_revisions = candidate_config
current_config = candidate_config
# Setting top_level_repos to None will cause it to be recomputed at the
# start of the next round in case a change removed a dependency edge
# creating a new top level repo
top_level_repos = None
new_revisions = {}
# Only advance the top level repos, the revisions of the top level repos
# determine the revisions of other repos. The cursors for the other repos
# will be updated when configs are accepted.
for repo in top_level_repos:
next_candidate = cursors_by_repo[repo].next_roll_candidate
if next_candidate:
new_revisions[repo] = next_candidate.revision
# There are no more candidates
if not new_revisions:
for repo, revision in new_revisions.items():
cursor = cursors_by_repo.get(repo)
if cursor is None:
cursor = commit_lists_by_repo[repo].cursor()
cursors_by_repo[repo] = cursor
def _report_commit_counts(commit_lists_by_repo):
commits_to_consider = {
r: len(commits) - 1
for r, commits in commit_lists_by_repo.items()
if len(commits) > 1
for repo, commits in commits_to_consider.items():
print(' %s: %d commits' % (repo, commits), file=sys.stderr)
if LOGGER.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO):
count = sum(commits_to_consider.values())'analyzing %d commits across %d repos', count,
def _describe_candidate_config(current_config, candidate_config,
config_description = []
for repo, revision in candidate_config.items():
if repo not in current_config:
prev_revision = '*not set*'
dist_description = 'new'
prev_revision = current_config[repo]
dist = commit_lists_by_repo[repo].dist(prev_revision, revision)
if dist == 0:
if dist is None:
dist_description = 'backwards'
dist_description = '{} commits'.format(dist)
config_description.append(' {}: {} -> {} ({})'.format(
repo, prev_revision, revision, dist_description))
return '\n'.join(config_description)
def get_roll_candidates(recipe_deps):
"""Returns a list of RollCandidate objects.
Prints diagnostic information to stderr.
* recipe_deps (RecipeDeps)
good_candidates (list(RollCandidate)) - The list of valid roll candidates in
least-changed to most-changed order.
bad_candidates (list(RollCandidate)) - The list of invalid (but considered)
roll candidates.
repos (dict(repo_name, CommitList)) - A repos dictionary suitable for
invoking RollCandidate.changelist().
if not all(repo.backend for repo in recipe_deps.repos.values()):
raise ValueError('get_roll_candidates does not work with -O overrides.')
start = time.time()
print('finding roll candidates... ', file=sys.stderr)
commit_lists_by_repo = {
for repo_name, repo in recipe_deps.repos.items()
if repo_name != recipe_deps.main_repo_id
current_pb = recipe_deps.main_repo.recipes_cfg_pb2
good_candidates = []
bad_candidates = []
candidates_generator = _get_roll_candidates_impl(recipe_deps,
# The initial value of accepted does not matter, the generator only
# uses the sent value after yielding
accepted = None
i = 0
while True:
current_config, candidate_config = candidates_generator.send(accepted)
except StopIteration:
i += 1
accepted = False
if LOGGER.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO):
config_description = _describe_candidate_config(current_config,
commit_lists_by_repo)"Checking config #%s\n%s", i, config_description)
# TODO(iannucci): rationalize what happens if there's a conflict in e.g.
# branch/url.
for repo, revision in candidate_config.items():
if repo not in current_pb.deps:
clist = commit_lists_by_repo[repo]
current_pb.deps[repo].url = clist.url
current_pb.deps[repo].branch = clist.branch
current_pb.deps[repo].revision = revision
backwards_roll = False
for repo, revision in current_config.items():
clist = commit_lists_by_repo[repo]
if clist.dist(revision, candidate_config[repo]) is None:
backwards_roll = True
if backwards_roll:'rejecting config #%s due to backwards roll', i)
else:'config #%s accepted', i)
# Signal that the config is accepted so that the _impl function will start
# a new round using this config as the current config
accepted = True"terminating: no more candidates")
'found %d/%d good/bad candidates in %0.2f seconds' %
(len(good_candidates), len(bad_candidates), time.time() - start),
return good_candidates, bad_candidates, commit_lists_by_repo