blob: 8e4a8ebcf1949c3485d99cb38fe03a9171e4088a [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2017 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# that can be found in the LICENSE file.
from builtins import object, range, str
from PB.recipe_engine import doc
GITHUB, GITILES = range(2)
def markdown_flavor_for_url(url):
"""Returns either GITHUB or GITILES for the given URL to indicate which flavor
of markdown is hosted at the URL."""
if 'github' in url:
return GITHUB
return GITILES
class Printer:
def __init__(self, outf):
self._outf = outf
self._url = None
self._current_repo = None
self._known_objects = None
self._specs = None
# name -> url:
# <repo_name/recipe_modules/modname>
# <repo_name>/wkt/<type_name>
self._links = {}
def specs(self):
return self._specs
def specs(self, v):
self._specs = v
def url(self):
return self._specs[self._current_repo].canonical_repo_url
def markdown_flavor(self):
return markdown_flavor_for_url(self.url)
def current_repo(self):
return self._current_repo
def current_repo(self, v):
self._current_repo = v
def known_objects(self):
return self._known_objects
def known_objects(self, v):
self._known_objects = v
def __call__(self, *args):
"""Prints some text to the document. Behaves exactly like the builtin print
print(*args, file=self._outf)
def docstring(self, node):
"""Prints the docstring on the node (if any).
In the future this will adjust the docstring to better fit in the overall
document structure.
# TODO(iannucci): adjust section headers inside docstring to nest correctly.
# Maybe fix up links too?
if node.docstring:
lines = node.docstring.splitlines()
deprecation_blocks = [] # [('note'|'aside'|'promo', start_idx, end_idx)]
cur_block_start = None
cur_block_kind = None
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
if cur_block_start is None:
if line.startswith('DEPRECATED'):
cur_block_start = i
cur_block_kind = 'note'
if line.startswith('NOTE'):
cur_block_start = i
cur_block_kind = 'promo'
if line.startswith('FYI'):
cur_block_start = i
cur_block_kind = 'aside'
if not line:
deprecation_blocks.append((cur_block_kind, cur_block_start, i))
cur_block_start = None
cur_block_kind = None
if cur_block_start is not None:
deprecation_blocks.append((cur_block_kind, cur_block_start, len(lines)))
for kind, start, end in reversed(deprecation_blocks):
lines.insert(end, '***')
if kind == 'note':
lines[start] = lines[start].replace('DEPRECATED', '**DEPRECATED**', 1)
lines.insert(start, '*** '+kind)
for line in lines:
def generic_link(name, url, ref=False):
"""Returns a markdown link for the name,url pair."""
name = name.replace('_', r'\_')
if ref:
return "[%s][%s]" % (name, url)
return "[%s](%s)" % (name, url)
def munge_url(self, url, flavor, node, name=None, relpath=None, lineno=None):
if name is None:
name = getattr(node, 'name')
if relpath is None:
relpath = getattr(node, 'relpath')
if lineno is None:
lineno = getattr(node, 'lineno', None)
if relpath:
url += '/'+relpath
if lineno:
if flavor == GITHUB:
url += '#L%d' % lineno
url += '#%d' % lineno
url += '/'
return name, url
def srclink(self, node, name=None, relpath=None, lineno=None):
"""Links to the source for a given documentation node.
Node is duck-typed, and will be probed for:
name (str) - the name of the link
relpath (str) - the relative path from the repo root to this node's file.
lineno (int, optional) - the line number in the source
All of these values may be provided/overridden in the kwargs, in which case
node will not be probed for that particular value.
This understands how to link to either github or gitiles, regardless of the
flavor of markdown we're targeting (since the source links depend solely on
on the canonical_repo_url).
url, flavor = "", self.markdown_flavor
name, url = self.munge_url(url, flavor, node, name, relpath, lineno)
return self.generic_link(name, url)
def anchor(flavor, name, prefix=None):
anchor = name
if flavor == GITILES:
if prefix is not None:
anchor = '%s-%s' % (prefix, anchor)
replacement = '_'
if prefix is not None:
anchor = '%s--%s' % (prefix, anchor)
replacement = ''
anchor = anchor.replace(' ', '-')
for c in '/:':
anchor = anchor.replace(c, replacement)
if flavor == GITHUB:
anchor = anchor.lower()
return anchor
def anchorlink(self, name, prefix=None):
anchor = self.anchor(self.markdown_flavor, name, prefix)
return "[%s](#%s)" % (name, anchor)
def baseurl(self, pkgname):
if pkgname == self.current_repo:
return '', self.specs[pkgname].recipes_path, self.markdown_flavor
s = self.specs[pkgname]
r = self.specs[self.current_repo].deps[pkgname].revision
url = s.canonical_repo_url
flavor = markdown_flavor_for_url(url)
if flavor == GITHUB:
url += '/blob/%s' % r
url += '/+/%s' % r
return url, s.recipes_path, flavor
def readmeurl(self, pkgname):
if pkgname == self.current_repo:
return '', self.markdown_flavor
url, recipes_path, flavor = self.baseurl(pkgname)
if recipes_path:
url += '/%s' % recipes_path
url += '/'
return url, flavor
def modlink(self, pkgname, name):
"""Returns a link to the generated markdown for a recipe module."""
displayname = name
url, flavor = self.readmeurl(pkgname)
url += '#' + self.anchor(flavor, name, 'recipe_modules')
if pkgname == self.current_repo:
return self.generic_link(displayname, url)
displayname = '%s/%s' % (pkgname, name)
link_name = "%s/recipe_modules/%s" % (pkgname, name)
if link_name not in self._links:
self._links[link_name] = url
return self.generic_link(displayname, link_name, ref=True)
def objlink(self, obj):
"""Returns a markdown link to a well-known object `obj`"""
if obj.generic:
return str(obj.generic)
# TODO(iannucci): link to a generated markdown doc, not directly to
# source.
obj = self.known_objects[obj.known]
node = getattr(obj, obj.WhichOneof('kind'))
url, _, flavor = self.baseurl('recipe_engine')
_, url = self.munge_url(url, flavor, node)
if self.current_repo == 'recipe_engine':
return self.generic_link(, url)
link_name = "recipe_engine/wkt/%s" %
if link_name not in self._links:
self._links[link_name] = url
return self.generic_link(, link_name, ref=True)
def toc(self, section_name, section_map):
if section_map:
self('**%s**' % (self.anchorlink(section_name),))
for name, mod in sorted(section_map.items()):
link = self.anchorlink(name,
section_name.replace(' ', '_').lower())
if mod.docstring:
first_line = mod.docstring.split('.', 1)[0].replace('\n', ' ')+'.'
self(' * %s &mdash; %s' % (link, first_line))
self(' * %s' % (link,))
def dump_links(self):
for name, url in sorted(self._links.items()):
self('[%s]: %s' % (name, url))
def emit_funcs(p, func_map):
for _, func in sorted(func_map.items()):
name =
if name.startswith('__') and name.endswith('__') and not func.docstring:
# If it's a magic function without a docstring, skip it.
Emit(p, func)
def Emit(p, node):
assert isinstance(p, Printer)
if isinstance(node, doc.Doc.Recipe):
p("### *recipes* /", p.srclink(node))
Emit(p, node.deps)
# TODO(iannucci): PARAMETERS
emit_funcs(p, node.funcs)
elif isinstance(node, doc.Doc.Repo):
p.current_repo = node.repo_name
p.specs = node.specs
p.known_objects = node.known_objects
p('<!--- AUTOGENERATED BY `./ test train` -->')
p('# Repo documentation for', p.generic_link(
node.repo_name, p.url))
p('## Table of Contents')
p.toc('Recipe Modules', node.recipe_modules)
if node.recipe_modules:
p("## Recipe Modules")
for _, mod in sorted(node.recipe_modules.items()):
Emit(p, mod)
p("## Recipes")
for _, mod in sorted(
Emit(p, mod)
elif isinstance(node, doc.Doc.Module):
p("### *recipe_modules* /", p.srclink(node))
Emit(p, node.deps)
# TODO(iannucci): PARAMETERS
Emit(p, node.api_class)
# TODO(iannucci): classes
# TODO(iannucci): funcs
elif isinstance(node, doc.Doc.Deps):
if node.module_links:
links = [p.modlink(pkg, name) for pkg, name in
sorted((n.repo_name, for n in node.module_links)]
p(p.srclink(node, name="DEPS")+":", ', '.join(links))
elif isinstance(node, doc.Doc.Class):
bases = [p.objlink(b) for b in node.bases]
p('#### **class %s(%s):**' % (
p.srclink(node), ', '.join(bases)))
# TODO(iannucci): inner classes
emit_funcs(p, node.funcs)
elif isinstance(node, doc.Doc.Func):
decos = '<br>'.join([
"&emsp; **@%s**" % p.objlink(d)
for d in node.decorators
if decos:
decos += '<br>'
p("%s&mdash; **def %s(%s):**" % (
decos, p.srclink(node), node.signature.replace('*', r'\*')))
raise TypeError("don't know how to render markdown for %r"
% type(node).__name__)