blob: b9500ef0ecea72284287ba218f7e468869c58215 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# that can be found in the LICENSE file.
"""Step is the primary API for running steps (external programs, scripts,
import contextlib
import sys
import types
import attr
from recipe_engine import recipe_api
from recipe_engine.config_types import Path
from recipe_engine.types import StepPresentation
from recipe_engine.util import Placeholder
# Inherit from RecipeApiPlain because the only thing which is a step is
# run_from_dict()
class StepApi(recipe_api.RecipeApiPlain):
step_client = recipe_api.RequireClient('step')
def __init__(self, step_properties, **kwargs):
super(StepApi, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self._prefix_path = step_properties.get('prefix_path', [])
def StepFailure(self):
"""This is the base Exception class for all step failures.
It can be manually raised from recipe code to cause the build to turn red.
* `raise api.StepFailure("some reason")`
* `except api.StepFailure:`
return recipe_api.StepFailure
def StepWarning(self):
"""StepWarning is a subclass of StepFailure, and will translate to a yellow
return recipe_api.StepWarning
def InfraFailure(self):
"""InfraFailure is a subclass of StepFailure, and will translate to a purple
This exception is raised from steps which are marked as `infra_step`s when
they fail.
return recipe_api.InfraFailure
def active_result(self):
"""The currently active (open) result from the last step that was run. This
is a `step_data.StepData` object.
Allows you to do things like:
api.step('run test', [..., api.json.output()])
result = api.step.active_result
if result.json.output:
new_step_text = result.json.output['step_text']
api.step.active_result.presentation.step_text = new_step_text
This will update the step_text of the test, even if the test fails. Without
this api, the above code would look like:
result = api.step('run test', [..., api.json.output()])
except api.StepFailure as f:
result = f.result
if result.json.output:
new_step_text = result.json.output['step_text']
api.step.active_result.presentation.step_text = new_step_text
return self.step_client.previous_step_result()
# TODO(iannucci): Historically `nest` returned a StepData; there's tons of
# code which does:
# with api.step.nest(...) as nest:
# nest.presentation....
# But we want this code to be:
# with api.step.nest(...) as presentation:
# presentation....
# To make migration smoother, we yield a hacky object which passes through
# everything to the real presentation, except for `.presentation` which
# returns the StepPresentation directly. Ick.
class _StepPresentationProxy(object):
def __init__(self, presentation):
object.__setattr__(self, 'presentation', presentation)
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self.presentation, name)
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
setattr(self.presentation, name, value)
def nest(self, name, status='worst'):
"""Nest allows you to nest steps hierarchically on the build UI.
This generates a dummy step with the provided name in the current namespace.
All other steps run within this `with` statement will be nested inside of
this dummy step. Nested steps can also nest within each other.
The presentation for the dummy step can be updated (e.g. to add step_text,
step_links, etc.) or set the step's status. If you do not set the status,
it will be calculated from the status' of all the steps run within this one
according to the `status` algorithm selected.
1. If there's an active exception when leaving the `with` statement, the
status will be one of FAILUR, WARNING or EXCEPTION (depending on the
type of exception).
2. Otherwise:
1. If the status algorithm is 'worst', it will assume the status of the
worst child step. This is useful for when your nest step runs e.g.
a bunch of test shards. If any shard fails, you want the nest step
to fail as well.
2. If the status algorithm is 'last', it will assume the status of the
last child step. This is useful for when you're using the nest step
to encapsulate a sequence operation where only the last step's
status really matters.
# status='worst'
with api.step.nest('run test'):
with api.step.defer_results():
for shard in xrange(4):
run_shard('test', shard)
# status='last'
with api.step.nest('do upload'):
for attempt in xrange(4):
do_upload() # first one fails, but second succeeds.
except api.step.StepFailure:
# manually adjust status
with api.step.nest('custom thing') as presentation:
# stuff!
presentation.status = 'FAILURE' # or whatever
NOTE/DEPRECATION: The object yielded also has a '.presentation' field to be
compatible with code that treats the yielded object as a StepData object. If
you see such code, please updaet it to treat the yielded object directly as
StepPresentation instead.
* name (str) - The name of this step.
* status ('worst'|'last') - The algorithm to use to pick a
`presentation.status` if the recipe doesn't set one explicitly.
Yields a StepPresentation for this dummy step, which you may update as you
assert status in ('worst', 'last'), 'Got bad status: %r' % (status,)
dedup_name_tokens = self.m.context.record_step_name(name)
# We use a raw step runner here because we need the same deduplicated name
# for the step as well as the context namespace, and using `self` is tricky.
with self.step_client.parent_step(dedup_name_tokens) as (pres, children):
with self.m.context(namespace=dedup_name_tokens[-1]):
caught_exc = None
yield self._StepPresentationProxy(pres)
caught_exc = sys.exc_info()[0]
# If they didn't set a presentation.status, calculate one.
if pres.status is None:
if caught_exc:
pres.status = {
recipe_api.StepFailure: self.FAILURE,
recipe_api.StepWarning: self.WARNING,
}.get(caught_exc, self.EXCEPTION)
elif children:
if status == 'worst':
worst = self.SUCCESS
for child in children:
worst = StepPresentation.status_worst(
worst, child.presentation.status)
pres.status = worst
pres.status = children[-1].presentation.status
pres.status = self.SUCCESS
def defer_results(self):
""" See for docs. """
return recipe_api.defer_results
def __call__(self, name, cmd, ok_ret=(0,), infra_step=False, wrapper=(),
timeout=None, allow_subannotations=None,
trigger_specs=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, stdin=None,
"""Returns a step dictionary which is compatible with
* name (string): The name of this step.
* cmd (list of strings): in the style of subprocess.Popen or None to
create a no-op fake step.
* ok_ret (tuple or set of ints, 'any', 'all'): allowed return codes. Any
unexpected return codes will cause an exception to be thrown. If you
pass in the value 'any' or 'all', the engine will allow any return code
to be returned. Defaults to {0}.
* infra_step: Whether or not this is an infrastructure step.
Infrastructure steps will place the step in an EXCEPTION state and raise
* wrapper: If supplied, a command to prepend to the executed step as a
command wrapper.
* timeout: If supplied, the recipe engine will kill the step after the
specified number of seconds.
* allow_subannotations (bool): if True, lets the step emit its own
annotations. NOTE: Enabling this can cause some buggy behavior. Please
strongly consider using step_result.presentation instead. If you have
questions, please contact
* trigger_specs: a list of trigger specifications
* stdout: Placeholder to put step stdout into. If used, stdout won't
appear in annotator's stdout (and |allow_subannotations| is ignored).
* stderr: Placeholder to put step stderr into. If used, stderr won't
appear in annotator's stderr.
* stdin: Placeholder to read step stdin from.
* step_test_data (func -> recipe_test_api.StepTestData): A factory which
returns a StepTestData object that will be used as the default test
data for this step. The recipe author can override/augment this object
in the GenTests function.
Returns a `step_data.StepData` for the running step.
if '|' in name:
raise ValueError('Reserved character "|" in name')
name_tokens = self.m.context.record_step_name(name)
assert isinstance(cmd, (types.NoneType, list))
if cmd is not None:
cmd = list(wrapper) + cmd
for x in cmd:
if not isinstance(x, (int, long, basestring, Path, Placeholder)):
raise AssertionError('Type %s is not permitted. '
'cmd is %r' % (type(x), cmd))
cwd = self.m.context.cwd
if cwd and cwd == self.m.path['start_dir']:
cwd = None
elif cwd is not None:
cwd = str(cwd)
with self.m.context(env_prefixes={'PATH': self._prefix_path}):
env_prefixes = self.m.context.env_prefixes
if ok_ret in ('any', 'all'):
ok_ret = self.step_client.StepConfig.ALL_OK
return self.step_client.run_step(self.step_client.StepConfig(
cmd=cmd or (),
k: map(str, vs)
for k, vs in env_prefixes.iteritems()
k: map(str, vs)
for k, vs in self.m.context.env_suffixes.iteritems()
for trig in (trigger_specs or ())],
infra_step=self.m.context.infra_step or bool(infra_step),
def _make_trigger_spec(self, trig):
critical = trig.get('critical')
return self.step_client.TriggerSpec(
bucket=trig.get('bucket', ''),
properties=trig.get('properties', {}),
buildbot_changes=trig.get('buildbot_changes', []),
tags=trig.get('tags', ()),
critical=bool(critical) if critical is not None else (True),