blob: e58b8ee485a40298f7ecfbb50a4a3817b0055572 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import base64
import contextlib
import copy
from collections import namedtuple
from state import TaskState
from recipe_engine import recipe_api
DEFAULT_CIPD_VERSION = 'git_revision:fd7d55c05dac7486ba163c0d08827a0901afaa7b'
# TODO(iannucci): Investigate whether slices can be made invisible to clients
# who only wish to specify a request with a single slice.
class TaskRequest(object):
"""Describes a single Swarming request for a new task.
A TaskRequest object is immutable and building it up follows the 'constructor'
pattern. The with_* and add_* methods set the associated value on a copy of
the object, and return that updated copy.
A new request has a single empty TaskSlice (see below).
request = (api.swarming.task_request().
with_slice(0, (request[0].
# ...
# Building up of a TaskSlice, following the same pattern; see below.
For more details on what goes into a Swarming task, see the user guide:
def __init__(self, api):
self._name = ''
self._priority = 200
self._service_account = ''
self._api = api
self._slices = [self.TaskSlice(api)]
def _copy(self):
return copy.copy(self)
def __getitem__(self, idx):
"""Returns task slice of the given index."""
return self._slices[idx]
def __len__(self):
"""Returns the number of task slices comprising the request."""
return len(self._slices)
def add_slice(self, slice_obj):
"""Returns the request with the given slice appendedd.
* slice (TaskSlice) - The slice to append.
ret = self._copy()
return ret
def with_slice(self, idx, slice_obj):
"""Returns the request with the given slice set at the given index.
* idx (int) - The index at which to set the slice.
* slice (TaskRequest) - The slice to set.
assert isinstance(slice_obj, self.TaskSlice)
assert 0 <= idx < len(self._slices)
ret = self._copy()
ret._slices[idx] = slice_obj
return ret
def name(self):
"""Returns the name of the task."""
return self._name
def with_name(self, name):
"""Returns the request with the given name set.
* name (str) - The name of the task.
assert isinstance(name, str)
ret = self._copy()
ret._name = name
return ret
def priority(self):
"""Returns the priority of the task.
Priority is a numerical priority between 0 and 255 where a higher number
corresponds to a lower priority. Tasks are scheduled by swarming in order
of their priority (e.g. if both a task of priority 1 and a task of
priority 2 are waiting for resources to free up for execution, the task
with priority 1 will take precedence).
return self._priority
def with_priority(self, priority):
"""Returns the request with the given priority set.
* priority (int) - The priority of the task.
assert isinstance(priority, int)
ret = self._copy()
ret._priority = priority
return ret
def service_account(self):
"""Returns the service account with which the task will run."""
return self._service_account
def with_service_account(self, account):
"""Returns the request with the given service account attached.
* service_account (str) - The service account to attach to the task.
assert isinstance(account, str)
ret = self._copy()
ret._service_account = account
return ret
def to_jsonish(self):
"""Renders the task request as a JSON-serializable dict.
The format follows the schema given by the NewTaskRequest class found here:
return {
'priority': str(self.priority),
'service_account': self.service_account,
'task_slices': [task_slice.to_jsonish() for task_slice in self._slices],
class TaskSlice(object):
"""Describes a specification of a Swarming task slice.
A TaskSlice object is immutable and building it up follows the 'constructor'
slice = (request[-1].
with_command(['echo', 'hello']).
with_dimensions({'pool': 'my.pool', 'os': 'Debian'}).
def __init__(self, api):
self._command = []
self._isolated = ''
self._dimensions = {}
self._cipd_ensure_file = api.cipd.EnsureFile()
self._outputs = []
self._env_vars = {}
self._env_prefixes = {}
self._expiration_secs = 300
self._io_timeout_secs = 60
self._execution_timeout_secs = 1200
self._grace_period_secs = 30
self._idempotent = False
self._secret_bytes = ''
# Containment
self._lower_priority = False
self._containment_type = 'NONE'
self._limit_processes = 0
self._limit_total_committed_memory = 0
self._api = api
def _copy(self):
# Warning: the copy may have its member mutated.
return copy.copy(self)
def command(self):
"""Returns the command (list(str)) the task will run."""
return self._command[:]
def with_command(self, cmd):
"""Returns the slice with the given command set.
cmd (str) - The command the task will run.
assert isinstance(cmd, list) and all(isinstance(s, str) for s in cmd)
ret = self._copy()
ret._command = cmd
return ret
def isolated(self):
"""Returns the hash of an isolated on the default isolated server.
The default isolated server is the one set in IsolatedApi.
return self._isolated
def with_isolated(self, isolated):
"""Returns the slice with the given isolated hash set.
isolated (str) - The hash of an isolated on the default isolated server.
assert isinstance(isolated, str)
ret = self._copy()
ret._isolated = isolated
return ret
def dimensions(self):
"""Returns the dimensions (dict[str]str) on which to filter swarming
return copy.deepcopy(self._dimensions)
def with_dimensions(self, **kwargs):
"""Returns the slice with the given dimensions set.
A key with a value of None will be interpreted as a directive to unset the
associated dimension.
slice = request[-1].with_dimensions(
SOME_DIM='stuff', OTHER_DIM='other stuff')
# ...
if condition:
slice = slice.with_dimensions(SOME_DIM=None)
ret = self._copy()
# Make a copy.
ret._dimensions = self.dimensions
for k, v in kwargs.iteritems():
assert isinstance(k, str) and (isinstance(v, str) or v == None)
if v is None:
ret._dimensions.pop(k, None)
ret._dimensions[k] = v
return ret
def cipd_ensure_file(self):
"""Returns the CIPD ensure file (api.cipd.EnsureFile) of packages to
return copy.deepcopy(self._cipd_ensure_file)
def with_cipd_ensure_file(self, ensure_file):
"""Returns the slice with the given CIPD packages set.
ensure_file (api.cipd.EnsureFile) - The CIPD ensure file of the packages
to install.
assert isinstance(ensure_file, self._api.cipd.EnsureFile)
ret = self._copy()
ret._cipd_ensure_file = ensure_file
return ret
def outputs(self):
"""Returns the list of files to be isolated on task exit."""
return copy.copy(self._outputs)
def with_outputs(self, outputs):
"""Returns the slice with given outputs set.
outputs (list(str)) - Files relative to the swarming task's root
directory; they are symlinked into $ISOLATED_OUTDIR and isolated upon
exit of the task.
assert isinstance(outputs, list)
assert all(isinstance(output, basestring) for output in outputs)
ret = self._copy()
ret._outputs = outputs
return ret
def env_vars(self):
"""Returns the mapping (dict) of an environment variable to its value."""
return copy.deepcopy(self._env_vars)
def with_env_vars(self, **kwargs):
"""Returns the slice with the given environment variables set.
A key with a value of None will be interpreted as a directive to unset the
associated environment variable.
slice = request[-1].with_env_vars(
SOME_VARNAME='stuff', OTHER_VAR='more stuff', UNSET_ME=None,
ret = self._copy()
# Make a copy.
ret._env_vars = self.env_vars
for k, v in kwargs.iteritems():
assert (
isinstance(k, basestring) and
(isinstance(v, basestring) or v is None))
if v is None:
ret._env_vars.pop(k, None)
ret._env_vars[k] = v
return ret
def env_prefixes(self):
"""Returns a mapping (dict) of an environment variable to the list of
paths to be prepended."""
return copy.deepcopy(self._env_prefixes)
def with_env_prefixes(self, **kwargs):
"""Returns the slice with the given environment prefixes set.
The given paths are interpeted as relative to the Swarming root directory.
Successive calls to this method is additive with respect to prefixes: a
call that sets FOO=[a,...] chained with a call with FOO=[b,...] is
equivalent to a single call that sets FOO=[a,...,b,...].
A key with a value of None will be interpreted as a directive to unset the
associated environment variable.
slice = request[-1].with_env_prefixes(
PATH=['path/to/bin/dir', 'path/to/other/bin/dir'], UNSET_ME=None,
ret = self._copy()
# Make a copy.
ret._env_prefixes = self.env_prefixes
for k, v in kwargs.iteritems():
assert (
isinstance(k, basestring) and (isinstance(v, list) or v is None)), (
'%r must be a string and %r None or a list of strings' % (k, v))
if v is None:
ret._env_prefixes.pop(k, None)
assert all(isinstance(prefix, basestring) for prefix in v)
ret._env_prefixes.setdefault(k, []).extend(v)
return ret
def expiration_secs(self):
"""Returns the seconds before this task expires."""
return self._expiration_secs
def with_expiration_secs(self, secs):
"""Returns the slice with the given expiration timeout set.
secs (int) - The seconds before the task expires.
assert isinstance(secs, int) and secs >= 0
ret = self._copy()
ret._expiration_secs = secs
return ret
def io_timeout_secs(self):
"""Returns the seconds for which the task may be silent (no i/o)."""
return self._io_timeout_secs
def with_io_timeout_secs(self, secs):
"""Returns the slice with the given i/o timeout set.
secs (int) - The seconds for which the task the may be silent (no i/o).
assert isinstance(secs, int) and secs >= 0
ret = self._copy()
ret._io_timeout_secs = secs
return ret
def execution_timeout_secs(self):
"""Returns the seconds before Swarming should kill the task."""
return self._execution_timeout_secs
def with_execution_timeout_secs(self, secs):
"""Returns the slice with the given hard timeout set.
secs (int) - The seconds before which Swarming should kill the task.
assert isinstance(secs, int) and secs >= 0
ret = self._copy()
ret._execution_timeout_secs = secs
return ret
def grace_period_secs(self):
"""Returns the grace period for the slice.
When a Swarming task is killed, the grace period is the amount of time
to wait before a SIGKILL is issued to the process, allowing it to
perform any clean-up operations.
return self._grace_period_secs
def with_grace_period_secs(self, secs):
"""Returns the slice with the given grace period set.
secs (int) - The seconds giving the grace period.
assert isinstance(secs, int) and secs >= 0
ret = self._copy()
ret._grace_period_secs = secs
return ret
def idempotent(self):
"""Returns whether the task is idempotent.
A task is idempotent if for another task is executed with identical
properties, we can short-circuit execution and just return the other
latter's results.
return self._idempotent
def with_idempotent(self, idempotent):
"""Returns the slice with the given idempotency set.
idempotent (bool) - Whether the task is idempotent.
assert isinstance(idempotent, bool)
ret = self._copy()
ret._idempotent = idempotent
return ret
def secret_bytes(self):
"""Returns the data to be passed as secret bytes.
Secret bytes are base64-encoded data that may be securely passed to the
task. This returns the raw, unencoded data initially passed.
return self._secret_bytes
def with_secret_bytes(self, data):
"""Returns the slice with the given data set as secret bytes.
data (str) - The data to be written to secret bytes.
assert isinstance(data, str)
ret = self._copy()
ret._secret_bytes = data
return ret
def lower_priority(self):
"""Returns whether the task process is run with a low priority."""
return self._lower_priority
def with_lower_priority(self, lower_priority):
"""Returns the slice with the given lower_priority boolean set.
lower_priority (bool) - Whether the task is run with low process
assert isinstance(lower_priority, bool)
ret = self._copy()
ret._lower_priority = lower_priority
return ret
def containment_type(self):
"""Returns whether the task process is contained."""
return self._containment_type
def with_containment_type(self, containment_type):
"""Returns the slice with the given containment_type set.
containment_type (str) - One of the supported containment types.
assert containment_type in ('NONE', 'AUTO', 'JOB_OJBECT')
ret = self._copy()
ret._containment_type = containment_type
return ret
def limit_processes(self):
"""Returns the maximum number of concurrent processes a task can run."""
return self._limit_processes
def with_limit_processes(self, limit_processes):
"""Returns the slice with the maximum number of concurrent processes a
task can run set.
limit_processes (int) - 0 or the maximum number of concurrent processes
assert isinstance(limit_processes, int)
ret = self._copy()
ret._limit_processes = limit_processes
return ret
def limit_total_committed_memory(self):
"""Returns the maximum amount of committed memory the processes in this
task can use.
return self._limit_total_committed_memory
def with_limit_total_committed_memory(self, limit_total_committed_memory):
"""Returns the slice with the maximum amount of RAM all processes can
commit set.
limit_total_committed_memory (int) - 0 or the maximum amount of RAM
assert isinstance(limit_total_committed_memory, int)
ret = self._copy()
ret._limit_total_committed_memory = limit_total_committed_memory
return ret
def to_jsonish(self):
"""Renders the task request as a JSON-serializable dict.
The format follows the schema given by the TaskSlice class found here:\(
dims = self.dimensions
assert len(dims) >= 1 and dims['pool']
properties = {
'command': self.command,
'dimensions': [{'key': k, 'value': v} for k, v in dims.iteritems()],
'outputs' : self.outputs,
'env' : [{'key': k , 'value': v} for k, v in self.env_vars.iteritems()],
'env_prefixes' : [
{'key': k , 'value' : v} for k, v in self.env_prefixes.iteritems()
'execution_timeout_secs': str(self.execution_timeout_secs),
'io_timeout_secs': str(self.io_timeout_secs),
'grace_period_secs': str(self.grace_period_secs),
'idempotent': self.idempotent,
'containment': {
'lower_priority': self.lower_priority,
'containment_type': self.containment_type,
'limit_processes': str(self.limit_processes),
'limit_total_committed_memory': str(self.limit_total_committed_memory),
if self.isolated:
properties['inputs_ref'] = {
'isolated': self.isolated,
'namespace': self._api.isolated.namespace,
'isolatedserver': self._api.isolated.isolate_server,
if self.secret_bytes:
properties['secret_bytes'] = base64.b64encode(self.secret_bytes)
if len(self.cipd_ensure_file.packages) > 0:
properties['cipd_input'] = {
'packages': [
'path': path or '.',
'version': pkg.version,
for path in sorted(self.cipd_ensure_file.packages)
for pkg in self.cipd_ensure_file.packages[path]
return {
'expiration_secs': str(self.expiration_secs),
'properties': properties,
class TaskRequestMetadata(object):
"""Metadata of a requested task."""
def __init__(self, swarming_server, task_json):
self._task_json = task_json
self._swarming_server = swarming_server
def name(self):
"""Returns the name of the associated task."""
return self._task_json['request']['name']
def id(self):
"""Returns the id of the associated task."""
return self._task_json['task_id']
def task_ui_link(self):
"""Returns the URL of the associated task in the Swarming UI."""
return '%s/task?id=%s' % (self._swarming_server,
class TaskResult(object):
"""Result of a Swarming task."""
# A tuple giving the isolated output refs of a task.
IsolatedOutputs = namedtuple(
'IsolatedOutputs', ['hash', 'server', 'namespace'])
def __init__(self, api, id, raw_results, output_dir):
api (recipe_api.RecipeApi): a recipe API.
id (str): The task's id.
raw_results (dict): The jsonish summary output from a `collect` call.
output_dir (Path|None): Where the task's outputs were downloaded to.
self._api = api
self._id = id
self._outputs = {}
self._isolated_outputs = None
if 'error' in raw_results:
self._output = raw_results['error']
self._name = None
self._state = None
self._success = None
self._duration = None
results = raw_results['results']
self._name = results['name']
self._state = TaskState[results['state']]
assert self._state not in [
TaskState.INVALID, TaskState.PENDING, TaskState.RUNNING,
], 'state %s is either invalid or non-final' %
self._success = False
if self._state == TaskState.COMPLETED:
# If 0, a default value, exit_code may be omitted by the cloud
# endpoint's response.
self._success = results.get('exit_code', 0) == 0
self._duration = results.get('duration', 0)
outputs_ref = results.get('outputs_ref')
if outputs_ref:
self._isolated_outputs = self.IsolatedOutputs(
self._output = raw_results['output']
if output_dir and raw_results.get('outputs'):
self._outputs = {
output: api.path.join(output_dir, output)
for output in raw_results['outputs']
def name(self):
"""The name (str) of the task."""
return self._name
def id(self):
"""The ID (str) of the task."""
return self._id
def state(self):
"""The final state (TaskState|None) of the task.
Returns None if there was a client-side, RPC-level error in determining the
result, in which case the task is in an unknown state.
return self._state
def success(self):
"""Returns whether the task completed successfully (bool|None).
If None, then the task is in an unknown state due to a client-side,
RPC-level failure.
return self._success
def output(self):
"""The output (str) streamed from the task."""
return self._output
def outputs(self):
"""A map (dict[str]Path) of the files, relative to absolute paths, output
from the task.
This dictionary is comprised of the files found in $ISOLATED_OUTDIR upon
exiting the task, mapping to the paths on disk to where they were
There will be no outputs fetched unless api.swarming.collect() was called
with output_dir set.
return self._outputs
def isolated_outputs(self):
"""Returns the isolated output refs (IsolatedOutputs|None) of the task."""
return self._isolated_outputs
def analyze(self):
"""Raises a step failure if the task was unsuccessful."""
if self.state == None:
raise self._api.step.InfraFailure('Failed to collect: %s' % self.output)
elif self.state == TaskState.EXPIRED:
raise self._api.step.InfraFailure('Timed out waiting for a bot to run on')
elif self.state == TaskState.TIMED_OUT:
output_lines = self.output.rsplit('\n', 11)
timeout = int(self._duration)
failure_lines = [
'Timed out after %s seconds. Last 10 lines of output:' % timeout,
] + output_lines[-10:]
raise self._api.step.StepFailure('\n'.join(failure_lines))
elif self.state == TaskState.BOT_DIED:
raise self._api.step.InfraFailure('The bot running this task died')
elif self.state == TaskState.CANCELED:
raise self._api.step.InfraFailure(
'The task was canceled before it could run')
elif self.state == TaskState.COMPLETED:
if not self.success:
raise self._api.step.InfraFailure(
'Swarming task failed:\n%s' % self.output)
elif self.state == TaskState.KILLED:
raise self._api.step.InfraFailure('The task was killed mid-execution')
elif self.state == TaskState.NO_RESOURCE:
raise self._api.step.InfraFailure('Found no bots to run this task')
assert False, 'unknown state %s; a case needs to be added above' % ( # pragma: no cover
class SwarmingApi(recipe_api.RecipeApi):
"""API for interacting with swarming.
The tool's source lives at
This module will deploy the client to [CACHE]/swarming_client/; users should
add this path to the named cache for their builder.
TaskState = TaskState
def __init__(self, swarming_properties, *args, **kwargs):
super(SwarmingApi, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._server = swarming_properties.get('server', None)
self._version = swarming_properties.get('version', DEFAULT_CIPD_VERSION)
self._client_dir = None
self._client = None
def initialize(self):
if self._test_data.enabled:
self._server = ''
if self.m.runtime.is_experimental:
self._version = 'latest'
self._client_dir = self.m.path['cache'].join('swarming_client')
def _ensure_swarming(self):
"""Ensures that swarming client is installed."""
if not self._client:
with self.m.step.nest('ensure swarming'):
with self.m.context(infra_steps=True):
pkgs = self.m.cipd.EnsureFile()
self.m.cipd.ensure(self._client_dir, pkgs)
self._client = self._client_dir.join('swarming')
def _run(self, name, cmd, step_test_data=None):
"""Return an swarming command step.
name: (str): name of the step.
cmd (list(str|Path)): swarming client subcommand to run.
return self.m.step(name,
[self._client] + list(cmd),
def on_path(self):
"""This context manager ensures the go swarming client is available on
with api.swarming.on_path():
# do your steps which require the swarming binary on path
with self.m.context(env_prefixes={'PATH': [self._client_dir]}):
def with_server(self, server):
"""This context sets the server for Swarming calls.
with api.swarming.server(''):
# perform swarming calls
server (str): The swarming server to call within context.
old_server = self._server
self._server = server
self._server = old_server
def task_request(self):
"""Creates a new TaskRequest object.
See documentation for TaskRequest/TaskSlice to see how to build this up into
a full task.
Once your TaskRequest is complete, you can pass it to `trigger` in order to
have it start running on the swarming server.
return TaskRequest(self.m)
def trigger(self, step_name, requests):
"""Triggers a set of Swarming tasks.
step_name (str): The name of the step.
tasks (seq[TaskRequest]): A sequence of task request objects representing
the tasks we want to trigger.
A list of TaskRequestMetadata objects.
assert len(requests) > 0
assert self._server
trigger_resp = self._run(
'-server', self._server,
'-json-input', self.m.json.input({
'requests': [ req.to_jsonish() for req in requests ]
'-json-output', self.m.json.output(),
step_test_data=lambda: self.test_api.trigger(
task_names=tuple(map(lambda req:, requests)),
metadata_objs = []
presented_links = self.m.step.active_result.presentation.links
for task_json in trigger_resp['tasks']:
metadata_obj = TaskRequestMetadata(self._server, task_json)
presented_links['Swarming task UI: %s' %] = (
return metadata_objs
def collect(self, name, tasks, output_dir=None, timeout=None):
"""Waits on a set of Swarming tasks.
name (str): The name of the step.
tasks ((list(str|TaskRequestMetadata)): A list of ids or metadata objects
corresponding to tasks to wait
output_dir (Path|None): Where to download the tasks' isolated outputs. If
set to None, they will not be downloades; else, a given task's outputs
will be downloaded to output_dir/<task id>/.
timeout (str|None): The duration for which to wait on the tasks to finish.
If set to None, there will be no timeout; else, timeout follows the
format described by
A list of TaskResult objects.
assert self._server
assert isinstance(tasks, list)
cmd = [
'-server', self._server,
'-task-summary-json', self.m.json.output(),
'-task-output-stdout', 'json',
if output_dir:
cmd.extend(['-output-dir', output_dir])
if timeout:
cmd.extend(['-timeout', timeout])
test_data = []
for idx, task in enumerate(tasks):
if isinstance(task, str):
self.test_api.task_result(id=task, name='my_task_%d' % idx))
elif isinstance(task, TaskRequestMetadata):
raise ValueError("%s must be a string or TaskRequestMetadata object" %
task.__repr__()) # pragma: no cover
step_result = self._run(
step_test_data=lambda: self.test_api.collect(test_data),
parsed_results = [
self.m.path.join(output_dir, id) if output_dir else None)
for id, task in step_result.json.output.iteritems()
# Update presentation on collect to reflect bot results.
for result in parsed_results:
if result.output:
log_name = 'Swarming task output: %s' %
step_result.presentation.logs[log_name] = result.output.splitlines()
return parsed_results